Making TOXIC Player APOLOGIZE Using Voice Changer! *DAD CALLED*...(Fortnite)

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like and subscribe in the next five seconds and watch this video until the end or this will be in your garage tonight you've got to stop ice well stop doing the kids but you've got to stop doing honest what is going on guys it's symbol here with monument in this video we call the bully that's been messing with our friends and we try to set him straight we even ended up making him cry so keep watching until the end and don't forget to Like and subscribe the featured comment today is rain's ello saying I bet you won't put me in your next video smiley face well guess what you're wrong I don't know what we were betting on but we win so be sure you guys leave a comment down below and we'll pick our favorite one and put it in the next video also guys right after we were done scaring the bully we actually called his dad you won't want to miss that so make sure you watch the entire video alright gumbo I said his account a friend request on discord what did his dad respond with again okay so he so is that something quite a bit of info he was ok with letting us use turns out he was in Florida he goes to high school and his first period class is algebra with mrs. bunts key which is actually a hilarious name by the way even sits in the front row of that class according to his dad who attends the parent-teacher conferences also he lives in a blue house with a brown fence and they have two dogs he also gave me some details about the guy's room it's on the second floor of their house and the windows face the backyard he's got a spider-man poster on the wall and a black desk with the silver lamp and check this out apparently he still sleeps with a stuffed animal he calls bun bun he's hats he was four years old so what I'm thinking we do is use all this information get into a discord call with them and see if we can use one of our friends accounts that have been bullied by him before and he's a voice changer to scare the crap out of the guy enough to where he will leave people alone and hopefully learn something okay this sounds actually terrifying I cannot wait to get a reaction out of this guy for how much this kid has been going around bullying he totally deserves this but what should I start with okay so I think you should start with the big details and work to the smaller ones because he's definitely gonna be skeptical at first which is gonna be hilarious so like first he'll talk about where he lives and then slowly go more and more into detail until it gets to the point like where he actually pees okay yeah that sounds literally perfect I'm gonna set up the voice changer right now let's do it okay gumbo how does this sound hello hello you sound like a tick tock okay okay how does this one sound um not quite but almost okay okay how does this one sound dude that's perfect that's actually terrible okay this is perfect I think we're ready hey do you want to play fort night again as long as you play a little better than yesterday you're kind of garbage but you know as long as you do better we should be good see I think that's our problem then we're not playing any format today I'm sorry who is this don't worry about who this is I'm kind of worried about who is this is what is going on I'm talking you today because you need to quit bullying people what do you mean bullying people I haven't been pulling anybody when you talking about literally bullied a person on this account you bullied multiple other people you even made a mom cry who's telling you all this are people literally telling on me because I've been kind of mean to him because they're garbage at this game yes they are and people are gonna take it anymore man I'm sorry are you gonna do something about it from this fellows account that I've been playing with I mean I might do something about it you know I kind of know where you live okay yeah sure cool you were gonna live based on my what you live in Florida okay lucky guess so maybe you've got like my IP address or something I know you also go to high school okay dude that's kind of weird did you like look that up where I go did you ask somebody who I play with who is this I didn't have to look it up man do I know you no you don't know me but you're going through if you don't stop bullying people dude this is wrong you got to stop you're just getting lucky guesses what is going on how do you know who this is I also know that you have algebra is your first period with mrs. bun ski how would you possibly know that who is this who are you talking to I didn't talk with anyone there's also this information also you sit in the front row like a loser dude that's weird how would you possibly know that that's not okay what is the matter with you what's the matter with me is that you're bullying people and you need to stop just cuz I'm kind of mean to some kids on for a night doesn't mean that you can threaten me like this what is going on well what's going on is that you're gonna stop we're putting an end to this right now okay that's what I stopped I actually know where you live you got to stop this is way more serious than you think you have a blue house a brown fence and two dogs there anything else I mean you've got to leave me alone I'm serious don't call me again I am absolutely serious I will contact the police right now you've got to leave me alone Alex this is so serious I even know where your room is in your house your room is on the second floor and your way this is the backyard okay that's scary you got to leave me alone I am serious I will call the police right now how do you know all this stuff about me what are you gonna do call the police and tell them that you've been bullying some kids and now you're getting what you deserve it's even scarier than that you have a spider-man poster on your wall and a black desk with a silver lamp is that sound right Alex I'm just giving you this information honestly I swear to god I'm gonna call the police you have to leave me alone you have to leave all those other kids alone that was like two kids I maybe started bullying I wasn't even that mean to them honest to god you have to leave me alone do you guy get away from him see anything getting a little nervous there Alex you know one of the things we know though Alex what you still sleep with your bun-bun that you've had since you were four years old stop please we know everything about you you've got to stop ice well stop boring the kids but you've got to stop the honestly so stop bullying those kids I swear to God stop but you have got to leave me alone please I'm so scared you still sleep with a bun bun you've had since you were four years old okay guys I think we got him pretty good I was honestly not expecting that kind of reaction but it seems like he definitely learned something here right now I'm gonna talk to his dad over a quick discord call to let him know how it went and to see how his son is doing and if you learned his lesson oh whoa hey this is sim bow how's it going oh good simple thanks for getting back to me on this yeah definitely I just kind of wanted to let you know what happened yeah basically we scared him pretty good I think he definitely learned something here though is he doing okay yeah he's doing fine you you scared him that's for sure and that's a good thing because he's needed to be straightened out for a long time we noticed those things going on a little bit in the background but we had no idea it got to this extreme yeah yeah well I'm glad we were able to you know scare him straight and I hope that he's uh hopefully is gonna be better going in or in the future all right I hope so too we'll we'll keep an eye on it a little bit closer as well also gotta watch out for stuff like this absolutely absolutely well thanks a lot and thanks for all your help on this you betcha Tim buh-bye hey gumball how's it going hey man what's up tell me everything how'd it go dude it I are surpassed my expectations yeah like yeah overall but I I don't even know where to start then I'm gonna start I guess I'll start by telling you about how the call went basically I got him in there everything it started out with him being toxic like kind of know about it obviously yeah and as I started progressively telling him more and more about his life you could definitely like almost start to hear the PE come out of him leaving his not eating his body I swear it was the cheesy voice changer yeah I did it worked a great one oh yeah hear this I had no idea who I was he was really freaked out and dude right right afterwards I called his dad and oh nice yeah his dad was actually pretty thankful for everything good it did good yeah so I'm kind of open but so what did you tell him like did you include everything in the yeah I included I included everything I literally got down to the point I was telling him about bun bun no that's when he started biking out I may be here is a reaction holy cow yeah I can't wait to show you that okay dude and I think that I think honestly the best part is that his dad was aware of the whole thing and he'd talked to him afterwards and he said that he's doing okay honestly I hope he learned his lesson with this I think we did a really good thing here dude I honestly feel like he had to have learned his lesson yeah you don't have it encountered like this and it not leaves some sort of like lasting implication on how you should behave on the Internet yeah no kidding especially knowing that his dad's probably pretty disappointed with his behavior as well anyways man I can't wait to show you the video it's gonna be crazy I'm gonna go and start editing this now and I'm gonna talk to you later all right man sounds good I cannot wait to see what happened for real all right bye see ya okay guys there's just a couple of more things I need to tell you about this first of all I hope you liked how we handled this bully but also guys I want to know if you think we went too far so let me know down in the comments right now whether or not you think we did the right thing or if he got what he deserved also the secret word in this video is actually gonna be a phrase this time and it's please don't bully in all capital letters every time we get a bully to realize what they're doing is wrong we are one step closer to everyone being able to get along and just be friends one last thing guys make sure if you haven't yet to like this video and subscribe for more content just like this there are tons of you guys messaging us letting us know that you're being bullied or other things that you think might need to be exposed and brought to light so definitely let us know if you have any person doing something like this to you and we'll try to help the situation in any way we can that's it from us guys again hope you enjoyed this and we'll see on the next video [Music]
Channel: MonumentHD
Views: 1,964,172
Rating: 4.9443479 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, fortnitechapter2season2, ninja, tfue, bonelesstv, timthetatman, storytime, gaming, funny, voicechanger, tea, drama, nerf
Id: _ZPvxi8chw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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