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♪ I'm vlogging ♪ ♪ It's boring ♪ ♪ I'm Colleen ♪ - Why is it slimy? Hello everybody, I'm going to make a coffee this morning. Who am I? I never make coffee, except for whipped coffee. But I'm gonna make like an actual pot of coffee. This is from yesterday. When I was at my brother's house last week, or a few days ago, or whenever that was, he made me a coffee and it was so good that I keep trying to recreate it, and I keep failing. Hi Moosey, come here. Moose is the sweetest dog has ever lived on this Earth. Hi Moosey. Hey Moosey. He's just so sweet. Anyway, so basically he made it some fancy way. He like made espresso, which I don't have any espresso pods right now, so I have to use regular coffee, I think he said he used espresso, and like a cream and he didn't use milk, he used like whipping cream or something, like heavy whipping cream. And he said he like stirred it a certain way. I don't know, but it was freaking delicious, so now everyday I crave coffee instead of my typical boba or whipped coffee, but I haven't been able to recreate it yet. So I'm gonna try again. Okay, so this is gonna kind of be a sit and chat while I eat some breakfast. I ordered breakfast. There's this place that has like yummy breakfast sandwiches and stuff and they had a salad that looked good. So I put the salad in the fridge. Now I'm gonna eat some eggs and toast. I was craving this and I've been turned onto this ever since Jessica told me to try it. My sister in law, when she was pregnant, we did like a, my sister is pregnant for 24 hours with me or whatever. So I was not pregnant, but she was, and so I pretended like I was pregnant for the day with her. And she was like, I love eating eggs on toast with Cholula. And I was like, what? And now I love it. So I'm just going to sit while my coffee is brewing and chat with you guys because Erik took Flynn really early this morning, so now he's taking a nap, Flynn's taking a nap. So I'm just gonna chat. Today I woke up sad for no reason at all. Do you guys ever do that? Do you ever just like wake up and be like, oh, I'm kind of sad today for literally, there's no reason for it. So I'm gonna try to turn the day around and just like spend a lot... I was gonna like upload a video on my main channel and I was gonna do all this writing and get all this work done today. But now I'm like, I think I want to focus on just Flynn and like enjoying time with him and with Erik and stuff and try to just like focus on my happiness because... But work makes me really happy too, but Flynn makes me more happy. So I would rather spend the day focusing on him and hanging out with him and enjoying time with him. I think maybe... This happens I feel like every time I get to see my family, like the next day, it's kind of like when you go on a vacation and then you get home and you're like, aw, like back to regular life. And I think that's what happened. Like yesterday, my whole family was here and it made me really happy, and I worked with my brother, and that made me really happy, and saw Flynn, like playing with his cousins, and I was just like, it was the best day. And then today I just woke up going like, oh, back to quarantine, the same thing every day. There's no end in sight. Like the numbers are still rising, and so I just was like kinda sad when I woke up, but I'm fine. Like obviously no reason to be sad. Like I have so many wonderful things to be grateful for and to be happy about. But I'm curious if anybody else ever has that, if you ever wake up and you're just like kinda sad. I need to take a bite? (piano music) (food splatting) Oh, I haven't had this in a long time. Oh, spicy. I put too much Cholula on. I really miss how life was before coronavirus. And I think that's why I wanted to order this place today, even though it's like breakfast food, it's really easy to make. Like eggs, and toast, and bacon, egg sandwiches, and whatever. We used to walk to this restaurant with Flynn all the time and we'd sit outside on the patio and he'd eat scrambled eggs, and we'd just sit and talk and like eat food together, like at a restaurant. So I think that's why I was like craving this today. I don't even really want it. Like, it's not even that good, but I'm just like remembering that and missing it. My Tamagotchi is alive and well, in case you were wondering. I cannot believe it's not dead. Let me get it for you, I'll show you. I need to name her, actually. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. Can you even see her? But anyway that's my Tamagotchi, still alive and she needs a name, so please leave a comment below. There was a hair on my straw. And name that little kid. I left the front door open because I'm ADD, and I do things like that often, so I need to go close the front door before my cats run away. (straw clanking) This disgusting. (piano music) I'm so disappointed. All right, so, oh my Tamagotchi pooped. I need help. I need advice. So I have been getting eaten alive by mosquitoes in the past like month. I'm not kidding. It's not like I get like a mosquito bite, I'm like, ah a mosquito bite that's annoying. I'll get like 10 at a time. So this morning at 6:00 AM or 6:30, whenever Flynn woke up, I found, I think six around my ankle. And then a couple hours later there were four on my leg. Just now I found three on my butt. That's just today. Please tell me, is there anyone out there who understands the science of mosquitoes and spider bites and whatever the heck is biting me? Can you please tell me? I think that it's all mosquitoes. What is a way to make that not happen? Cause Erik hasn't been bit once the summer, Flynn hasn't been bit once this summer, just me. Is it something about my skin? A scent? Like, is there some way I can repel these things without using a bug repellent? I've used bug repellent and it works but if freaking stinks, and I don't want to smell like bug poison all day. Like I'm want to cuddle my baby, I still breastfeed him at night and I don't want to smell like bug poison. Can anyone help me out here? Cause it's driving me crazy. I have the bug insect bug bite thing. It was like a "Shark Tank" thing and it kind of works. That's the best thing I've found that works, but it's still annoying to get so many bug bites all day, and that thing bruises me, but I have bug bites all over my legs and I don't know what to do to make that stop happening. Like I don't even really go outside. I go outside for a little bit every day just to like play with Flynn in the sandbox. But this morning I was in bed and like woke up with a bunch of bug bites all over my legs. So it's not that I'm going outside and getting them, like it's happening in my sleep. Someone please tell me what to do. It's driving crazy. Please help me. I'm not wearing pants right now, (cheerful sound effect) because I'm suctioning my bug bites. So I have this bug bite thing that I've shown you before in the vlog where you like put it on a bug bite and then you, you don't put your mouth on it. I'm just using my mouth to help me. And then you suction like that. You pull this thingy. It's supposed to suction like the venom or whatever out of your bug bite. I don't know, to help it make not itch. That wasn't English. You know what I'm saying. But I just want to show you how many bug bites I can currently find on my legs. I use this and then I use the Benadryl bug bites spray to help the itch. There's some spray from earlier that has collected like the dust from my clothes and bed sheets and stuff. So it makes it kinda dirty. But it's because the bug bite spray is really sticky. Lint and stuff sticks to it, so I've gotten nasty. My legs look gross, but I'm gonna show you that the bug bites, okay? Just some that I can find right now. So here we have one, two, that's two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. There's a 10th on my butt somewhere. Those are just from today, and only on this leg. I have 10 bug bites from today on my leg, look. - [Erik] Where's your sucker? - I've been using it right now. It's why my pants aren't on. (Colleen crying) It's so annoying. Why are they eating me? We are... (lighthearted music) Thank you. Thank you. Make you beautiful. Can you do it on your face. Like this. Oh, is that soft? (Colleen laughing) Is that soft? - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. (object in background clanking) You're so cute. We are trying to figure out dinner. We think we're gonna try... (laughs) Flynn found my makeup, clearly. We think we're gonna try buffalo wings, but baked, not fried, which I've never made before but we're gonna try it out. (baby babbling) And also everyone online has been telling me to try... (baby babbling) What are you doing? Everyone online has been telling me to try this like TikTok cloud bread. So I might try to make that today too. And that's what we're up to on this chill day. Here's a blush. Do you want to use this brush? (quiet happy music) Mmm, beautiful. Beautiful. Oh, thank you. Beautiful. - Oh no! - Oh, my nose, yeah. - Mama. - Now it's on my mouth. (baby babbling) Now it's on my eye. - Ahh. - Mhm, what about my ear? (baby babbling) - A baby. Look mom. Baby? Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. (indistinct baby babbling) - Oh Flynn, you're a crack up. We're watching like a Disney nature show about elephants. (Flynn squealing) He's loving it and talking so much. What is it? (baby babbling) An elephant. (Flynn screeching) Yeah he goes, brhhh. (Erik laughing) Brhhhhh. (baby babbling) Yeah. (Flynn screaming) Yeah! - Moo. - Yeah, for sure. (baby talking) Okay we're gonna watch the cheetahs and lions and tigers. You see the kitty? - [Erik] What does the kitty say? - Meow. - Rawr, said lion. - [Erik] It's a lion. What's the lion say? - Rawr. (baby talking) - Kitty. - Meow, meow, meow. Meow. - [Erik] Lion. - What's the lion say? (baby babbling) - Meow, meow, meow. - [Erik] This is a yoga pose called Happy Baby. - Meow. - It is? - [Erik] You like, lay on your back, and you do that. It's called Happy Baby. (baby babbling) (Colleen laughing) Are you a lion? - Rawr. - Okay, it's time to make this cloud bread. I think it's gonna taste gross. It only has a couple ingredients. It looks fun and fluffy, but there's no way it tastes good. I just don't believe it's gonna taste good. I don't think it's gonna taste anything like bread, but it doesn't really cool. So I'm gonna show you a TikTok of it. and then a lot of you keep sending it to me and asking me to make it so I'm gonna make it, let's try it out. So apparently, I wrote down, you need three egg whites and you mix it till it's foamy, then you add an eighth a cup of corn starch... (dramatic music) Then you add an eighth a cup of corn starch, and a fourth a cup of white sugar, and you mix until peaks form, and... (dramatic music) And you add food coloring and a dash of vanilla, and then you put it on a baking sheet, whatever shape you want, at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes. Lets try it out. (upbeat music) I just put in the sugar and corn starch and now it whips until it gets stiff peaks. (upbeat music) Here is the cloud bread. All right, let's bust it open. (opera singing) It stinks like eggs. Oh, it really stinks. Wanna try it? Take a bite. Is it good? (dramatic music) (Colleen spitting) That ain't good. I don't know if it's not cooked all the way. It's kind of still wet in the middle. Oop, Flynn likes it. It can't be finished. It's like kind of slimy in the middle. I don't know if it's supposed to be slimy. (baby babbling) Do you like it? (baby babbling) Well Flynn likes it. I want to try it, but it's like, I think it needs to be cooked longer. So maybe, I might throw back in the oven. It's very slimy. Is it supposed to be slimy? Okay, I cooked it for 10 more minutes. Let's try this again. (loud beeping sound effect) (opera singing) It stinks! It stinks so bad. (upbeat music) (dramatic sound effect) Y'all, that's disgusting. Why would anyone eat this? It's literally slimy. Why is it slimy? The recommended cook time was 25 minutes and I cooked it for almost 40 minutes. Now it's getting burnt on the edges, but the inside is literally slime. It looks cool, but it's nasty. It smells nasty. It does not taste good. The sprinkles taste good, but that's because they're sprinkles. ♪ This is a disgusting bust ♪ ♪ It's a bust ♪ ♪ It's a bust ♪ So make this if you want something to look cool for TikTok, but don't make it if you want to eat it or enjoy it because it's a huge waste of time. All right guys, so tonight we are trying to make buffalo wings, but baked. We hate the smell of fryer in our house. So I don't want to fry them but, I'm eating vegetables and ranch, not vegetables and mustard. Vegetables... (upbeat music) With mostly just ranch. You ready to make some baked chicken wings? - [Erik] Hurry up, yeah. (happy music) - Oh my God, look. Look, look, hurry, hurry. - [Erik] I'm running away. Cause I know I'm not gonna catch any woah's. - Lovey, come here. - [Erik] I'm not gonna catch any woah's, love. - Come here, it's not that. - [Erik] Love, I don't want to. - Come here. (sandals sliding) (couple laughing together) Okay, so basically what I did, a few hours ago took the chicken wings and I dried them off really, really well. So they're super dry. And I put them in a big Ziploc bag, full of flour, cayenne powder, garlic powder, and salt, and mixed it all together in there. And then I put it in the fridge and let the flour kind of chill on. I don't know. I don't know why I did that, but that's what it told me to do. And now I'm gonna dip it in a mixture of a half a cup of butter, and a half a cup of Buffalo Wild Wings sauce. And then you put it in the oven for like 45 minutes. And apparently it's fried buffalo wings, but baked. So I don't know if they're gonna get that crispness that you get from, when you deep fry them, but we're gonna try it out. So now I read that usually baked chicken wings, the issue with them is they get soggy because they're not put in a fryer. I read some people suggest when you dip it in, put it on an oven rack like thingy and not directly onto a pan because otherwise it like sits in its own juices. And this way the juices drip down and they don't sit in the juices and then get soggy. (cheerful music) All right, so I'm gonna put these in the oven for like 20-25 minutes and then flip them all and then cook them until they've been in the oven for about 45 minutes total. This is what they ended up looking like. I had a hard time getting them, not soggy. I don't know. They still feel kind of soft to be honest. So I broiled them for like the last five minutes. I also made some sauteed green beans. We got celery, and a biscuit, and just a regular old salad. Let's try this bad boy. They're definitely not crunchy. So the recipe I found was a liar. ♪ It was a liar ♪ (Colleen burping) Period. (Colleen chewing) The flavors are all there. - [Erik] Yeah, I think they're good. - They're just like, the breading is just soggy. They're very good. They taste like buffalo wings. It's just, I wish they had a crunch, and you can't get that crunch without frying them. So, unless one of you has a tip. Sometimes you tell me what I did wrong in the comments. So if you know how to make crunchy oven baked chicken wings, please tell me. These are not crunchy, but they are delicious. That just landed on my vaheen. ♪ Shooby, dooby, doop, doop, doop ♪ ♪ Haaa ♪ Hi guys, I need a new camera. This camera just has decided it will not focus anymore. I don't know if you guys have noticed my last few vlogs, like just, I'm not in focus, and a lot of things aren't in focus, and the lens thingy won't open up, and battery dies in two seconds. There's just a lot happening. None of you care. None of you asked. But I need a new camera. I made cookies. It is midnight. Are you surprised? I'm going to upload this footage. I'm gonna upload a YouTube video for tomorrow. So by the time you're watching this, so should be a new video up on my main channel. Go check it out. And I'm gonna go to bed. I love you guys. I'll see ya tomorrow. Why am I talking like this? Can someone fire me? I hate myself, but I love you. Goodbye! (cheerful music)
Channel: Colleen Vlogs
Views: 1,073,665
Rating: 4.9562964 out of 5
Keywords: colleen, ballinger, colleen ballinger, miranda, sings, miranda sings, no lipstick, without lipstick, baby, mom, mother, blog, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, life, lifestyle, comedy, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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