Making the Scarlet Witch Costume in ZBrush Timelapse

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hey guys morgan from fluke normals here and in this tutorial i'm going to show you in 10 minutes how to create superhero armor like we see on scarlet witch so the first thing we want to do is mask out on your base mesh or your character the type of pattern that you're looking for for this i'm just going off with some reference that i found masking out a shape it doesn't need to be on a high-res mesh or anything after that you want to extract it click the little circle button to turn off surface smoothness this helps with smoothing out any unevenness in your mesh and you want to go in with the move brush and move everything into place and try to really create some more sharp points this is more easily achievable in a low risk mesh to begin with to really get some nice and and crisp edges and add some subdivision this helps with the shape and you can go in and clean it up a little bit after you've subdivided it after it's been subdivided as well go back in with the move brush and again tighten up the corners to really get some sharp edges it can be tricky sometimes with hard surface so this is a good technique for doing this you want to delete the inside delete the lower subdivision levels and delete the hidden mesh and then c remesh it to get some more workable topology and add some subdivision a few times after you've added some thickness remove the creasing that extraction adds and then subdivide it once again just to get some more smooth edges in there using the damian standard brush we can start creating details remember to turn on lazy mouse with a big lazy radius and consider turning on lacy snap as well this helps us just snap to the previous place where the damien standard brush sort of left off now we want to go in with poly paint to create some other details this is just a different way of adding details it's a way to outline what we want to create i'm just using the standard brush with dynamic sizing on for consistency go in with the damien standard brush afterwards and just start cutting in to sort of the pattern that you've laid down before it just helps you to visualize what the final thing is going to look like [Music] now important thing for masking because we're going to do a lot of that is to go up on the brush and tablet pressure and under size and rgb intensity you want to turn these all the way up so do this while holding down the control button to only affect the masking brush and then we go in start masking and we do this slowly lazy mouse enabled large lacy radius to keep it consistent and to get a really nice smooth mask [Music] we're doing a lot of masking when we create costumes like this so it's important to save your wrists and the masking settings there just really help you be able to do this for hours and hours on end now afterwards hit the comma key go to brush find the smooth brushes and then the smooth stronger brush not a lot of people know about this one but it's really helpful for certain cases like this the smooth stronger brush here can help us push in the the part of the mesh that's been masked out then we go over it with the clay brush just to add a little more i guess organic feel to it now after everything's been sculpted out we want to go on the inside with damian standard brush just to clean the edges up a little bit you can lose this when you use the smooth stronger brush and then we just continue masking sometimes you're lucky that areas like this require you to just use one brush size and you can just do it in one fill sweep and you're all good go back in with the smooth stronger clay brush to flatten it back in with a damien standard just to clean up the edges a little bit and then just do that for all the other parts as well now a really cool trick with a damien standard brush is that you can hold down alt to pull out the geometry and that way you can go on the outside edges or i guess the contrasting edges and pull up some of the geometry all this just helps a little bit with the realism now sometimes you only want to use the clay brush after you've masked it's not always a great idea to use the smooth stronger brush because we do lose some edge lose some edge details now in this case i'm just using the clay brush just going slowly up and down and that helps us preserve the edges and next to the other part of the pattern now just rinse and repeat and then another trick for adding more detail is going over with the standard brush just a regular standard brush and the outside edges now this helps raise the leather just a little bit and i tend to do this on the thicker parts of the mesh so some parts i will use the damian standard brush just to add a little bit of extra detail and sometimes it's going to be the standard brush now for bigger surfaces again the clay brush is very useful because it adds a little bit of texture so for big long surface surfaces like this one i think the clay brush is is definitely the best option now clean up the details with the damien standard so again not everything needs to be the standard not everything needs to be damien standard it kind of just depends on the detail level and kind of the thickness of the leather you're going for and another really cool tool when you've masked everything out is use the gizmo tool so alt click on the surface and simply push it back in again this is a nice tool to just create a little bit of differential detail instead of using just the smooth stronger now let's move on to coloring so there are a couple different ways to do this type standard way would be the standard brush with only rgb enabled and lazy mouse and then just go around and start pinning everything out but you can also do this with masking it's kind of the same process right you just mask something out get a really nice pattern work on it until you're satisfied sometimes you need to tweak the masking more than you think but just keep working on this until you're satisfied then hit ctrl w to create a polygroup this allows us to just mask out this area then go into color fill object and fill it in or you could just use it would do with a standard brush as well so just rinse and repeat these techniques fill in the tiny little gaps between the the armor plates or whatever you want to call them to create some some more details and more contrast another way to paint as well is similar to what we've done with the masking before is we do it in small parts on the outer edges first this is to sort of outline the inside shape that we want to colorize and afterwards you can go in with a bigger brush and then start filling in the rest of the paint it's kind of like you know coloring inside the lines it just helps us stay inside the lines more easily i think now once you have some poly paint down you can go to masking mask by color and poly paint and drag in on the little toggle here and then you're masking based on the poly paint that you laid down this allows you to create a lot of different kinds of masks just colorize it or turn off colorize so we can see what we're doing and this is a perfect technique for when we're doing something like patterns with noise for example now we want something that's maybe a little bit of a combination of the two types of masks we had before one for the red and one for the black so we can use the mask by poly paint as sort of a starting point for a unique type of mask and again you just want to go and clean this up be as meticulous as you like the more time you spend on it the better it looks after that ctrl w to create a polygroup based on your masking one thing you got to be careful of though if you go up and down the subdivision level when you have high subdivision levels it will screw up your your mask now on to our surface detail so for this i've just found an alpha online so i'm going to go into the surface noise and turn off the noise scale color blend as well then go into my browser find my alpha and then remember to turn on relative when you're using 3d it can help sometimes with the scale and also turn off basic noise otherwise you're going to get noise in there you can see the projection is a little bit weird that's because zbrush projects it based on our initial camera angle so let's mask out the sides because we don't need those we want to project only from the front for now otherwise it's going to get distorted go back in find the angle so we're lining it from the front click the alpha on and off button and click it again to find your alpha and now it's being projected only from the front adjust the details just the size strength after that apply the mesh see if it works yeah that's a good amount of detail and then we just do that for the sides as well remember align the camera to where you want to project from click alpha on and off find your new alpha again project click ok apply the mesh and you're good to go and now we want to apply leather details to everything but the pattern that we just applied so it's just the inverse mask so we'll turn off the alpha this just leaves us with the default procedural c burst noise all right so we adjust the curve a little bit to get the kind of range we want we try to apply it to the mesh it's not quite strong enough so we undo go back into edit and then tweak our our strength and the pattern a little bit more apply to the mesh until we're happy and that is essentially it that is how i create superhero costumes for characters like scarlet witch or whether it be thanos or whoever it might be any kind of leather and even hard surface armor can be created with exactly these same steps just takes a little bit of time and a little bit of patience so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial leave a comment down below like and subscribe and i will see you in the next one
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 33,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, tutorial, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, art, art school, art tutorials, learning 3d, cube brush, blender guru, cgi, b3d, marvel, wandavision, wanda, wanda maximoff, scarlet witch, superhero costumes, marvel superhero, marvel avengers
Id: mAtQCFrJi-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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