Making Ricotta Salata at Home

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we'll get a kurd nerds today we're going to be making ricotta salata which is basically a pressed ricotta so here's a ricotta I made earlier and if you want to see how to make whole milk ricotta then check out the card there above but anyway so we've drained the ricotta out and we're going to be adding in 1 teaspoon of sea salt so this is non-iodized sheet salt i mean it's gonna stir that through it just mix that through thoroughly and I'm gonna get a small cheese basket and we're going to line that just with some tight weave cheesecloth find it works better if you use tight weed cheesecloth because otherwise with the loose weave cheesecloth if you line it with that then you're actually going to lose a fair bit of the curd at the sides of the basket so using a tight weave cheesecloth and then we just gonna fold that over once we've got the curds in there and we'll put our follower on top and then we'll press it so we jet we press this fairly gently to start with because we don't want to expel too much of the the curd that you press it too much and you can see that the way is too creamy so we're just going to press that lightly I'm going to do that for about 30 minutes so this is about your 10 kilos not even 10 kilos it's about 5 kilos so after the 30 minutes I just pull that out of the press so we're just gonna undress the cheese it's it's a fairly delicate at this stage it's only been pressed for 30 minutes you can see there there's a bit of a an edge there for where the follower they crept up the size of the follower was fairly moist when I put it into the cheese basket so just push those little bits in there and then flip that over make sure all those little bits stay at the bottom nobody's gonna sprinkle some more salt over the top so this is about half a teaspoon of cheese salt now this instance I used table salt so this is non-iodized just table salt that's fine for this there's no it there's no cultures within the ricotta so we'll just pop that back into the cheese basket and we know press it again so we're gonna press it out about a medium pressure so this is about 10 kilos or about about 20 pounds 22 pounds of pressure and we leave that for 6 hours and then we turn it over again so 6 hours later we take it out of the the cheese basket again apply a little bit more salt on the the surface after we've turned it over since it's still fairly moist just wring the cheesecloth out there try get as much moisture as it out as I could let me just apply some more salt so it's about another half a teaspoon just rub that all over the surface apply a little bit more on the backside so this the cheese what the salt is doing its hacked actually helping to expel the way any extra way that's in there and help salt the cheese ricotta salata is traditionally a fairly salty cheese so we're going to redress that and then press it again and this time we're gonna press it overnight so for about 12 hours so this is about a medium pressure again which is about 10 kilos or 22 pounds okay so the next morning we pull it out of the cheese brace and no more holding that's all done we're gonna pop that onto a a drawing board now and we're gonna air dry that for a few days so until it's a touch dry so this one talked and we're in the middle of winter on in winter now it took two or three days so this is after it's air dried you can see it's formed a little bit of a yellow rind there that's lovely that's exactly what you're after now I put this in a maturation box for two weeks and this is what it looked like after two weeks you can see that it's got a nice firm rind a little bit of mold was starting to grow on the outside so I wiped that off with brine and you can see there the paste is lovely and creamy nice and smooth it's a lovely delicious quite slightly salty cheese but it is nice if you've got to excess ricotta then give it a go it's quite nice anyway you can pick up supplies over at the shop little green workshops combo you will check out some of our other videos we've got Wensley Dale with sage delicious cheddar type cheese and the whole milk ricotta recipe thanks for watching everybody and we'll see you next time
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 85,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ricotta Salata, cheese making, cheese, Ricotta, salata
Id: OmIWCevCs-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2016
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