Making Puff sleeve Selkie dress | Finding my perfect Spring dress - Episode 1

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[Music] hi guys it's me jessie and welcome and welcome back to my channel it's spring here now and it's very close to lunar new year it's the vietnamese new year that's content and a lot of you might know it's a chinese new year they quite a similar because they're gonna be on the same day but we will celebrate in a different way because we have a different culture but anyway because of that i'm having so excited for this season and i decided to make a theory on finding my perfect spring dress it's gonna be a series of fun purpley dress but i will make it in a different style and today's video is the first episode of this series i'm going to share with you how i make a purpley silky dress this dress is one of the most requested dress that a lot of you have been asking me to make but i will make it in a little vintage or cut this way which is less purpley than the original one i hope you guys will like it and don't forget to subscribe to my channel to knock me out my upcoming episode of this series and let's get started the fabric i use for this diy is the mix between chief front and polyester so it's a little floating for the puffy design i cut a rectangle with 50 centimeter length and 100 centimeter width to make the sleeve for the dress if you want more puffy for the sleeve make the width bigger after that i fold the rectangle at the wood line at the end of the sleeve i mark at 13 centimeter from the right to inside making another mark at 6 centimeter upper after that then connecting two marks together i use the elastic pan with one centimeter width for the shoulder band i measure the width of the fabric i need to fold in to create a fabric hole for the elastic pan foot then i draw a line at four centimeter inside the outside line later [Music] i fold the end of the fabric inside around a half centimeter to hide the cutting like foot then keep folding it to the line i drilled before that and sewing [Music] after that i sew two lines under the armpit together at the end of the sleeve i fold the edge fabric two times to finish the end then sewing [Music] from the end of the sleeve i draw a line at 5 centimeters inside it it will be the area for another elastic band to create perfectly there [Music] i cut along the tangle with four centimeter width and 100 centimeter length then connecting two ends of this rectangle together to have a circle fabric i connect the circle fabric to the sleeve and the line i just drilled before that and sewing but keep a small unsolved spade at one seam to put the elastic pan inside later [Music] now it's time for the elastic band the length of the elastic pen at the shoulder is around 34 centimeter which is two times the width from the shoulder to a butter breath the length of the elastic band at the end of the sleeve is around 26 centimeters which is the width of your arm blood to centimeter [Music] and here are my sleeves moving to the borders of the dress i cut a rectangle with 15 centimeter length which is the width of the breath and centimeter width which is a half of the burst size blood 13 centimeters i drill a straight line at the middle of the rectangle foot [Music] from that line i draw another straight line at two sides 12 centimeter which is a half the width between two breaths blood two centimeter at the top of this slide i mark it two centimeters at one side at the bottom of this slide i mark at three centimeter at the same size with the top mark then i draw a curved line to connect two marks together this will be the burst area of the pattern so if you have a big breast make this slide more curve at the top of the left i move down six centimeter and more there then i connect that mark to the mark and the width line i make before that to make the end of the bodice fix my waist side i mark at 2 sides 3 centimeter inside just make sure the total width at the end of the bodice in the end is a half of your under breast side plug two centimeter [Music] after cutting i fold two straight lines at the front buttocks foot then sewing by the curved fly later remember to make two pieces like that for the front parts [Music] for the back patters i cut two rectangles with 15 centimeter length which is the same length with the front padded and 46 centimeter width which is a half of the burst size blood five centimeters from the top i move down and mark at six centimeter on the land line then i make another mark at 13 centimeter on the width line after that i draw the other line from the mark on the land line to the width light at 3 centimeters inside so this part will be the same with the front panels i draw a straight line at the middle of the rectangle to divide into two parts at the end of the straight line i mark it two centimeter at two sides then connecting this mark to the top of the straight line so the final width at the end of the back palace will be 36 centimeter which is a half of the under burst style blood for centimeters for seam allowance [Music] after cutting i connect two parts of the back products to different products then sewing [Music] [Music] now i'm connecting the sleeve to the padded i connect the sleeve to one piece of the powder's foot then i connect them to the other piece of the powders later make sure the sleeve has to be in the middle between two parts then sewing to connect them on together [Music] [Music] [Music] after the first seam i make the second seam outside together on the fabric to one side and here the top of the dress moving to the bottom of the dress i cut two rectangles with 50 centimeter length which is the width from the underbust to the knee and 140 centimeter width which is a half of the width of the bottom dress that i want if you want perfect for your dress make it longer i connect two rectangles together to have a long rectangle after that i cut two other rectangles with 25 centimeter length and 200 centimeter width to create a layer at the end of the bottom dress i connect two rectangles together at two sides to create a long rectangle [Music] at one end of the rectangle i fold the end fabric inside two times to finish it [Music] on the other end and make a loose in foot then i put the straps to create a ruffle there make sure the width in the end has to be the same with the width of the first long rectangle we create before that [Music] now i'm connecting the ruffle layer to the end of the first long rectangle and sewing [Music] moving to the top of the bottom dress i'm making a loose seam foot then i create a ruffle later make sure the final width of the ruffle have to be the same with the width of the end borders now i'm connecting the top and the bottom of the dress together then sewing [Music] the last step is putting the invisible zipper at the back of the dress [Music] [Music] and i finished this diy let's see my final result it's not super puffy like the silky dress but i still feel like a princess in this dress i hope you like this one and try it out see you in the next one
Channel: Jess Dang
Views: 66,358
Rating: 4.989017 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, vintage dress, cottage dress, Selkie dress, puff sleeve dress, spring dress
Id: jiEgV7fvduE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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