Making not so Provolone Piccante - 1 Year Old with Taste Test

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well get a Kurd nerds today we're making provolone again hang on a minute that video was recorded a year ago so why am i showing it now well that's because in my cheese cave I did a bit of a muster to check how many cheese's I had in there and I found this cheese right at the back of the cheese cave so provolone pecan tea so I'm going to show the video today the steps seem to work okay you'll get to see the cheese and what it looks like at the end of the show so bear with me it's a bit of a long one because I narrated throughout the whole video so if you want to go and skip to the end to see the taste test then feel free to do that anyway on with the show [Music] well after the last well semi disaster of provolone I thought I'd give it another shot I'm using a different recipe this time this time I'm actually using yogurt and the yogurt video that I made last time and if you want to see that it's up here and it's a fast acidifying yogurt thermophilic culture in it and it should acidify the milk very quickly I'm also using a mesophilic like I did last time and we're going to also use some lipase to added some give it that pecan flavor that provolone is known for so bear with me hopefully it'll be a quicker video than last time because I'm going to go through just the basics this time and hopefully we won't have any of that issues that we had last time anyway let's get on with the video the ingredients you're going to need is 12 liters or three gallons of whole cow's milk 1/8 of a teaspoon of mesophilic starter culture six ounces or 170 grams of tangy yogurt as the mesophilic culture half a teaspoon or 2.5 milliliters of single strength rennet diluted in quarter of a cup of non-chlorinated water a quarter of a teaspoon of lipase diluted in quarter of a cup of non-chlorinated water and a saturated brine solution notice that I have not got any calcium chloride for this cheese because we're actually needed to be stretched so it an egg calcium chloride to this recipe so pour your milk into your sanitized pot and then clip the thermometer on to the edge and turn on the heat oh yeah we're at temperature I think let's just have a look 32 celsius or 90 Fahrenheit just confirm that with the therm epen it's a bit more accurate than this Dairy thermometer 31.7 my Cheers close enough so before I add the starter cultures I'm just going to check the pH of the milk so I'm going to do that it's going to take a teaspoon of milk out of out of a pot grab a piece of my pH paper dunk it in and check my little Jewish strip and it's ph 6.5 before we add the cultures and anything so that's good to know it's always good to know what the starting ph of your milk is and you know that's what the water was for okay so we're gonna have to start a culture now so first of all let's add the yogurt so this is a thermophilic culture oh look at that go in there all nice and slimy so this is a high acidifier there's a tangy yogurt culture and should get us to what I'm hoping of about where's my spoon my spoon I'll stir that through I should get us to the desired pH for this so we can stretch it a lot quicker than happen in the last throttling session now just to make sure that's all stirred through I'm just going to use my balloon whisk so the lot the yogurt that I made yesterday the live cultures are still like I've never put it in the fridge so it didn't slow it down at all so we should have a nice big 170 grams with a live culture that I've just thrown in there and they should start to breed multiply which is fantastic all right so that's well mixed in so now I'm going to add the mesophilic yeah I'm struggling I live in little packets today I just sprinkle that all over the top so this is this'll acidify first this likes its temperature about 35 degrees Celsius 32 to 35 so this will start acidifying first but we're going to let that rehydrate first for five minutes so let me just grab the lid just pop that on set time up for five minutes set timer for five minutes it's hard to get good help anyway back in five minutes so five minutes is up settle it off and we're going to give it a quick stir and make sure there's no you it's flat and just make sure that starter culture is mixed fruit [Applause] [Applause] okay get to work you little bacteria and we'll just check the temperature before a pop the lid back on this should stay at the right temperature I don't what are we at we're at 32 okay it's all good spot on so I'll pop the lid back on and we're not better certify now and I let that ripen for 30 minutes so let's see if Siri can help us this time set timer for 30 minutes okay oh good thanks okay 30 minutes is up so now is the time to add the rennet before I do that I'm not too adlai pace so I better do that now so as much there's no fluff in my life I see it's been out here okay okay that's an easy let's give that a good quick stir real quick check the temperature not much over 32 here's quite cold out here just had a range small and it is about 11 degrees outside here so I got my cardigan on yep 32 spot on 90 degrees Fahrenheit right and you can see I'm using my pot on a pot method this has got hot water so steam is still coming up keeping this nice and warm right now it's time to add our rennet this is our two point five mils I'm using a MCU 200 rennet so pour that in very good stir top to bottom anymore was a couple of drops a couple of drops makes all the difference oh yeah that'll do alright I'll put the lid back on now we're gonna let that rest and hopefully set for 45 minutes so I'll see you back then okay well 45 minutes is elapsed we'll just check for a clean break now we can see a little bit away on the side that's good you feel that's gelling so does pop my finger in a nice clean split there that's good excellent I'll just check with the knife anyway just to prove yeah absolutely perfect so with a curd cutter Rock G then we smack yourself in the face with it hopefully just around once not moving the ker too much oh she started to move stop hit there we go alright so that's the vertical start sorry horizontals done now I'll just do the so I'm cutting this into half inch cubes there's a lot of milk and these pots and menorahs just managing to get through it modern engines on the bigger knife but alright and the other way [Music] let's just notice a little bit of fluffy get rid of him there we go now as always I'm just gonna let those cubes heal for five minutes set timer for five minutes okay Tom start steering so initially it's still at 32 degrees Celsius and 90 degrees Fahrenheit we're just going to stir it gently for 10 minutes to set ten minutes on the timer set timer for ten minutes and then we're gonna heat the milk up with gonna slowly heat it up over about 45 minutes I'm gonna bring it up to 44 Celsius which is a hundred and twelve Fahrenheit but we'll do that later okay I've been staring for ten minutes and the curd size is about corn kernel property nut size I would think do roughly some a bit bigger but I been cutting them as I've been going along just with the spoon edge of the spoon which is okay so that's what I've been trying to get it down to now we're going to raise the temperature up slowly and when to do that over 45 minutes so what we're going to do with cooking the curds making them shrink more making them expel more way making them a bit drier so I'll turn the gas on now now just turn that down it's a low and they should boil away click the thermometer on the side so I'm going to be going up to as I said 44 Celsius which is 112 Fahrenheit so I'll see you in 45 minutes so 45 minutes has elapsed and the curd is quite small a lot of white has been expelled so I'll just turn the heat off you go poof and I'll just do a check clean hands now there's resistance as I press down on the curd it doesn't squish doesn't split sorry so it's fairly well done now if I get a little bit squeezed into a ball and then press it it still breaks apart so as far as I'm done that's cooked so in let that settle back to the bottom I'll just take a little bit more ku there I want to test the pH I'm gonna let the rest down on the bottom and put that in there get all this off my hands mmm righty-o so this is what the fun begins so hopefully it should be down to a pH of about six so which is good because it's actually about 5.9 so that yogurt culture or the yogurt that I put in has been working exceptionally well so this is at the right acidity as it should be for about now as per the recipe that I'm using okay so just let this sit here for about five minutes and then I'm going to dry in the way off set timer for five minutes right i we're gonna drain the core drain off some of the way first and then we'll drain the curds off let's see how good there's a lot of way in here so i don't make a mess everywhere I'll just move my iPad up the way look at they covered and I phoned get all the tech out the way get all me Joe test strips at the light all right you guys nothing [Applause] so I'm just going to pull this down to the level of the way us are the Kurds right as I thought the bucket might be full lucky I have another sanitized bucket I know I do this a hard way every time don't I write one full bucket away all right now that all that excess way I'll be able to plant the curds straight in here [Applause] we got it's actually running all that sauce I put that in there so that won't catch them up now still fair bit away there and that's quite warm so I'll just let that sit there it does say sit it over warm way for an hour well that consolidates into a big blob now that's gonna just drip all over there's like until we don't know big deal I'll tip that out into the smaller colander in a minute once it drains down a bit so we'll see how that goes and you won't to the matter bit of a mess just clean that up either fingers crossed everything's going well so far okay my slabs been sitting on top of the warm way for an hour now I moved her from the bucket that you saw before back on the pot that Y is just below the colander I moved it over the smaller colander and it's been dripping there its consolidated into one big mass now which is really good I'm pleased with the progress so for the way temperature has dropped down to 36 songs to bring that back up to 40 again so I'll do that now while that's happening what I'm supposed to do now is to cut the curd into slab into just like you do when you do chattering just releases a bit more way it's all happening at once here there we go so your nice big slabs of the curd and it's fairly warm inside quite know how I'm supposed to do this but plonk it there on top I'm supposed to knit back down on top of each other again we go put the lid back on I found a lid that fits perfectly on top of this colander which is a really good thing so that will just sit for gonna keep doing this for about two hours until the pH comes right down and that should consolidate back down now into a slab over the period of about an hour over this hot way I'll just wait until this comes back up to 40 again 40 Celsius which is 104 Fahrenheit just so I'm happy with that and then I'll come back in about an hour and we'll check it again then I'll start checking the PHS as we move through and the acid starts dropping the year the way is still fairly warm doesn't take long for this to to heat up by the way and if you're wondering yes it is very cold out here I think temperatures drop down to about nine degrees I'm filming there's actually steam coming off way at forty degrees Celsius okay I'll see in about an hour's time well it's been about an hour and a half and just come to consolidate the cheese just turn it over so we'll just turn the slab over it has consolidated be though is those what no wonder they call those cherry bits so just take a little bit of the curd off so I can test it just check the pH keep that aside there that's coming well the temperature of the ways is that it dropped down to 36 again so I'll just brought that back up to 40 again so where's me piece of pH paper now it's only 6:30 at night even though it's dark has anything here the winter is getting pretty close okay so a quick look just be down to about five point three so I'll let it go for about I want to get to end all about five point one so we're pretty close I'll let it go for another hour and then I'll come out and it should be right for bringing the milk up to tip 3 the way up to 75 Celsius or what's that 177 Fahrenheit or 175 Fahrenheit and we'll be able to stretch the stretch the curd and mobile go so there's been a lot easier this time around provolone take two anyway I won't count my chickens before they hatch let's just whoops keep going shall we all righty okay another air is passed let's check the curds the temperatures that sat down to 38 which is okay which is about 95 Fahrenheit so the curd mass is fairly well consolidate and I'll just check the pH let's take a bit of curd off the corner and fall in the corner yeah well let's get any pretty close to Tim between five point three and five point zero so we can do a stretch test I'll heat up the curds and we'll see what happens yeah we'll see it we go from here certainly the Kurds of acidified since last time okay right yeah we're gonna try out the stretch test again put this up to 85 Celsius which is a hundred and eighty five Fahrenheit put my rubber glove so don't burn the heck out of myself Oh so got my piece occurred here let's pop this in the hot way there's a tendency to flow it off now this passes that'll be good and I'll be able to start cutting the curd into little strips and putting them in the tub here getting ready to stretch [Applause] Wow I also feel a good stretch so far I think that's ready that's ready for slicing and putting into the mama little tests just to make sure so I'll have to say that this is actually ready four hours before it was last time I started at exactly the same time as I did before so just goes to show you that that addition of that yogurt has this thermophilic starter culture to get this going really did make a big difference if I made a massive difference yeah it's got a nice shiny surface a little bit of working that'll work fine yep that's all good all right put that in there the rest of them I'll keep this on the heat so stays at 85 it's quite cold out here so it's dropping down staying about the same temperature with the lid off let's not get you gettin much hotter so by the time I've cut the slab into slices [Applause] so I'm cutting these into like half-inch fingers or something I was watching a video on YouTube the Italians did it nothing fancy just makes the hot water make them blend a lot of a hot way in this case makes it all blend together a lot easier I must say I'm enjoying this process a lot more than I did the last one because the last one was a lot more frustrating well I suppose it was a was the first time you know it's a good thing about cheese making is that you can have another guy there's no reason why you can't make the same cheese over and over until you get it right as one of my instructors in the Navy used to say perfect practice makes perfect so you just keep trying until you get it right last piece I managed to do that without cutting my fingers off so that's good oh it's a bonus okay so we've got occurs there oh sorry yeah all that curds or in little bits so I'll just check the temperature of the way if I get in the therm upender startup it's a bit cold for a link Oh doesn't want to start at all come on baby and we got so we're at 83 no 84 Fahrenheit which is 108 and bed 184 sorry 84 Celsius about a hundred and eighty four Fahrenheit so turn the flame off there so I'm going to pour put my gloves on Paul some of the just enough to cover there we go let's keep that there and then put the lid back on keep that warm and I'm just going to gently move this around this will consolidate into one big lump now that it's at the correct pH which I can feel it's starting to now now I've got some cold water over here certainly don't dealing you I stand on it so it's certainly cold enough [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all I'm doing is basically kneading and under that's for me into one big very stretchy ball this is fun [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so that is my big ball of provolone just trying to get away from me it's like a jellyfish tell you what okay shiny it's stretchy it is just amazing if you tell that I'm a static ecstatic then that's an understatement [Applause] never thought it'll be wrestling with a Provo line stretch it and certainly hot enough but due to lack of experience I can't make it into anything get out of mine [Applause] let it go in every way so I'll be back in a sec just leave it in the water I'll get a mold that it'll fit into alright so back again I'm gonna mold here that this will fit into easy enough that a trekking anymore so it was gonna make sure the shapes right when I take it out and hang it okay that's not gonna split open here's what I'm trying to achieve so I'm get it stay warm enough in the mold just so fuels all the nooks and crannies and it looks like a nice shiny cheese it looks like that at the moment that's good so it's got a nice shiny shiny surface and if I haven't left any gaps cool and surface so what I'll do now I'm going to flunk that into the ice the cold water maybe go perfect so that's just what that looks like there so when that cools down a bit I'll just flip that over in the mole so when that cools down a bit I'm just going to flip that over the mold I just didn't want to stretch here anymore it was getting hard to handle so it seems begun all right it's gonna stay in its shape it's gonna be like a cylinder shape which I've seen some provolone but like formed as so I think that'll be quite good so just that's in in the mold there so it'll be cylindrical anyway see what happens after its had it's cold water bath so after about 10 minutes in the cold water I placed it into a saturated brine for 12 hours so it's been well salted they did turn it over at once and it felt quite firm and I allowed that to air dry now to put in a basket that was just silliness I tried to allow it to air dry for two to three days until it was touched dry and then found that there was no whales gonna hang it anywhere so I decided to vac pack it right so you're probably wondering what happened next so what I did next with the problem iron after I air dried it I put it into a vacuum pack bag and as you'll see in a minute in a close-up it's actually full of way for some reason and I don't know why the cheese decided to shrink and expel always wine and this has been like this for nearly a year so I wanted to make sure that the cheese stayed in there it hasn't got any leaks there's nothing like that but what I'm gonna do next is pull it out of the bag dry it off and give it a taste test and see what it tastes like who knows maybe I should have emptied the bag first as soon as I saw all the way coming out and Rebeck packed it but it was at the back of the cheese fridge and I didn't notice it until last week when I decided to put the video back together again so let's see what happens when I open it up what taste profile it's got and all that sort of stuff so as you can see there the bag is full of way the cheese did shrink down it feels quite hard in the bag but you can see there it was made on the second in June 2017 so it's about twelve months old I caught it bean not so proper loan because I didn't really get the shape I was after and I didn't do a natural rind on it now as I'm cutting the bag open there you can see that the way is starting to run out it's fairly liquidy it's runny Ronny's the word not liquidy and it didn't smell it there was no bad aroma or anything like that so I thought well what we're pretty safe here and basically just took it out of the bag and then put it down on my sanitized workbench there and I padded it over with paper towel just to get the moisture off it before I gave it a taste test so a little bit of paper towel certainly doesn't hurt your cheese and made it all dry [Music] so that's what it looked like and when I patted it down no more waves come out of it it's quite dry now which is no okay so let's take a little bit of cheese off this is very hard I won't use my recently gifted cheese cutting board this is a very hard cheese so what I might do is find a big knife no that'll do that's a knife look at that and we'll just cut into it so what's it taste like well let's have a try shall we I've cut it in half previously or let's take a bit off the edge with a very sharp knife very crumbly reminds me of whelps a vintage cheddar I think it's got some great really well it smells Parmesan ish if that makes sense so it smells a bit like aged parmigiano-reggiano hmm it takes a pecan flavor I don't think that was the added lipase that I added to the cheese Oh a little bit of its creamy it's not crumbly like chalk tastes a bit like a vintage cheddar that's been aged for over a year obviously what it has been aged for every year so that's probably why it tastes like that and some subtle acidic notes at the back of the tongue which is fine because lingers lingers like a parmesan so really really nice cheese been aged for the the whole year so I think that's why it came up to scratch being sitting in that way didn't affect that what whatsoever is still aged perfectly well for that one year period so fantastic outcome for that cheese really liked it and I've given a piece to Kim and she likes it as well so that's cool now if you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribe I'd already please subscribe to the channel because you'll get notified of a new and interesting cheese content every week if you're not a patron already please think about subscribing to our patron page every little bit helps going towards keeping the channel running thanks for watching Kurd nerds and I'll see you next time
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 53,907
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: Provolone, How to make Provolone, Homemade Provolone, cheese making, cheese, how to make cheese, cheese making at home, cheesemaking, provolone piccante, provolone piccante cheese, homemade provolone, taste test
Id: bH-9zoWblhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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