2 ½ Year Old Pecorino Romano Taste Test

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well give a curd nuts another cheese making taste test this one something special this is a very old cheese so this is pecorino romano that was made from raw used milk sheep's milk and it was made in November 2017 so it is two two and a half years old [Music] so this is a very old cheese now in the bag itself there's a little bit of moisture but the cheese underneath is very firm as it was originally in the original taste test so let me just cut off the vacuum packing and we'll get rid of that moisture let's get some detail some paper towel so daresay I'm gonna need a little bit of this to get the moisture soft up if that makes sense top up the moisture will it excess way all right now without trying to cut a string string you get it the way and I'll submit or I'll do this for those still this way it's my special sharp scissors I can't remember who sent me this is if somebody sent me the scissors all the way from the USA there are Fiskars sharp one not sponsored content but it works they work really well now if you you are the person the simplest scissors leave a comment below that would be cool all right so let's leave try to leave all the moisture in the bag yep which I've done there's a little bit in there as you can see fever has come out over the time let me just let me just get rid of that and I'm back right so let's just pack D on the outside of this very white cheese there's a bit of moisture I can actually feel see the calcium lactate or tyrosine crystals all around this cheese so pretty cool with their their mind you for a hard cheese two and a half years old I kind of expect some crystal development which is one of those things hard cheeses are renowned for now it looks white on the outside I think that's because it was in contact with the the way and stuff it's just get out the trusty T tail there's crystals off my fingers have a smell Oh smells great for real does really does let's just see if the wire will cut through it because this is a very hard break it come on come on cheese you can do it oh yes perfect it looks really good on the side too very white but as that's that's shaped nope this is just what all right so look at that cord isn't let's get rid of that let's get rid of the cutter in it very nice so you can see these two cut there it smells great right so let's let's try some of this now don't know how crumbly it's gonna be cool it's very crumbly or maybe not it's just bendy another cowboy will I can see lots of crystals in there in fact it's all crystals so we go it's one of the oldest cheese's that I've managed to keep in the cheese fridge for so long two and a half years and I thank Graham strong from Arcadia saltbush Lam for providing me with the milk for this and yeah let's try it shall we hmm my goodness this cheese is amazing [Music] oh the flavors it's just blowing my mind Oh first no that's good mmm that would be perfect grater not any pasta dish and I got the grater I'm going to check that in a minute because when your ear rate shows it tastes a little bit different but that is a brilliant heart cheese the longer agent what do you what do they say they say um old wine old cheese and old friends make good company if that I made that up I read it somewhere but it's so true this this is a still life if there's a bite to it nice perk ant bite P can't Oh Diana pronounce it in Italian singing I'm not Italian but lovely delightful hmm [Music] the after flavor in the mouth oh just coach the tongue that's right in the back this is just it's grainy and um I'm pretty sure that's how supposed to play something I'm really good so glad I keep this half I'm so glad I kept this half in the in the cheese for each for longer agent but absolutely perfect hmm look having a cheese gasm it's just so good hmm hey let's say yeah that's great so it's gonna be an anvil grater kind of bit off just like the Carnot standard store-bought chunk isn't it mean sparrow let's give these bits ly right sweet muscle rights whoa hands again I gotta get try and get rid of that flavor in my mouth it's just so good right let's have a go have a go at what this tastes like great you're not gonna believe it that actually tastes a lot better it's even more stronger there's more surface area obviously cuz of greater but my goodness that's just a flavor punch in the mouth so I think I'm gonna make some sort of pasta dish for dinner and I'm gonna have some of this on it this is delicious does it even go with just some some spaghetti with some some basil or tomato pesto and this just grated over the top and stirred through to die for this is just great but anyway lively cheese if you can get your hands on some sheep's milk used milk then do yourself a favor make yourself some pecorino romano and you can check the recipe out for that over here it's fairly old but it is a very good cheese recipe it says it is difficult to get your hands on sheep's milk but if you can get a ready supply then give this cheese ago it's not something you're gonna eat huge chunks of you know by itself it's it's more of a grating cheese and my goodness does it pack some flavor it is absolutely amazing and you can taste the crystals in the cheese because it's been aged so long but you can make a really good hard cheese yourself at home if you've got great ingredients well thanks for watching Kurd nerds don't forget to subscribe to the channel hit a little bell up so you can get notified for more cheesy content this cheese quarter of it is gonna go back into the cheese fridge and I am going to mature that for maybe another year we'll see but I'm gonna really use the other quarter now and this this big chunk on past and that'll keep us going for about three or four months for Italian cheese absolutely beautiful do yourself a favor and try it yourself anyway thanks for watching Kurt notes and I will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 56,402
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: Pecorino Romano, Old Cheese Taste Test, Taste Test, Homemade cheese, Cheesemaking at home, Gavin Webber, pecorino romano cheese, pecorino cheese, italian cheese, how to make cheese at home, cheese making at home, cheese making, how to make cheese
Id: 1_KRKalbuYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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