Apple Pie Moonshine

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hey y'all I'm red and welcome to the shine Shack the channel that's all about making quality shine all right y'all it's Christmas time I want to start off by saying Merry Christmas hope y'all all have a wonderful Christmas and an awesome New Year's stay safe guys and enjoy the holidays all right y'all we going to dig on in today's video I'm going to do apple pie moonshine I've had a lot of requests for this video and I thought now is the best time to do it you know when I think of Christmas I think of sitting around the table eating good food spending time with family and sipping on a big old glass of apple pie moonshine here in the South everyone loves it they all have their different recipes and it's wonderful it's good in the summer the spring holidays any time of the year all right guys so my recipe is a cook recipe I've tried several different re recipes over the years and this is the one that I've stuck to I've tinkered and created and this is the one I call my own it's probably got the same ingredients as a million other recipes out there CU they're all similar in some way but I like the flavor of cooking it better it takes more time cuz you have to simmer it and wait on it to cool and everything but to me it comes out with a whole lot better of a product all right guys but we're going to do what's equivalent to a 2 gallon recipe today you can cut it in half or cut it in quarters whatever curve it to your pallet that's what matters use this as a base guys if you want it sweeter add more sugar if you want more cinnamon add more cinnamon use this as a base and build on it and create your own recipe if you want to or do it the way I do it all right y'all few things y'all can do for me real quick before we get started please like And subscribe if you like my content and tell a friend it really helps the channel out guys really helps us be able to grow all right y'all so I'm going to go over the ingredients first a gallon of apple cider just fresh natural apple cider you can get at Walmart any grocery store half gallon of apple juice any kind of apple juice that works as long as it's apple juice then I get one 12 oz container of apple juice concentrate this isn't usually in the frozen section at grocery stores this came from Walmart you can get it at other grocery stores as well then two cups of light brown sugar one cup of regular granulated sugar and I'm going to be using some cinnamon sticks some whole cloves and some nutmeg there's other spices you can get I've tried several different ones I've tried adding all spice and several different things this is what I like if you would like to add different spices in it throw it on in there and try it out all right y'all I got my wife's pot she ain't home right now but if she was she would kill me so we got to hurry up and get this done before she gets on I got a burner right here just a normal electric burner all right we're going to take our apple cider the Top's bent weird we're going to go ahead and dump it in a pot oh that smells so good if y'all never tried apple pie moonshine warm it's really good warm especially on a cold evening and now guys I am putting spices in this recipe anytime you use apple cider you're always going to have sediment in the bottom of your jar just shake it up before you serve it or you drink it you can filter it out if you wanted to I don't I think it helps the only grinded seasoning that or spice that I'm putting in here is ground nutmeg that's it you can get the whole nutmeg but you get more flavor out of it ground I also don't like a lot of spices in my apple pie I like to taste that good fresh Apple taste I like just the hint of spices some people like it strong whatever suits your palette that's the best thing to do all right we're going to go and turn our burner on ultimately we want to bring this up and simmer this but we need to get it good and warm before we add in our sugar and stuff all right but next we can go and add in the rest of our juice while that's starting to heat up this is going to make by the time you add the Moonshine to it it's going to make right at a two gallon run so you'll have two total gallons and the reason I add this apple juice concentrate it adds a whole lot more of that fresh Apple flavor all right got that in now guys you can save your half gallon of apple juice for the end to dump in and cool all cool your mixture down I don't like to do that because I want all my cinnamon sticks flavoring this too because if you just get this flavored with your spices and then you dilute it down with more apple juice and then your alcohol it takes away from your spices your nutmeg your cinnamon your cloves so I add it in at the same time because you do not want to add alcohol to this mixture when it's hot you want to wait till it cools to room temperature to add your alcohol all righty guys I'm going to keep this stirred up and then I'll be back once it gets heated up and we can add our sugar to it stay tuned now y'all all righty y'all it's heated up to almost a simmer we're going to go ahead and add the sugar I don't want want this to pop in there this is two cups of light brown sugar you can use dark brown sugar I have really I I don't can't tell a difference now we're going to add one cup of white granulated sugar next we add a little nutmeg we're going to add half a te spoon but I'mma to do a heaping half a teaspoon I always scoop it in with a little bit of like a mound on it so just a heap and half of a teaspoon of nutmeg you're going to have settlement in this it's going to settle but that's in the apple cider anyway that's Apple all right this is whole cloves and I'm going to add eight whole cloves and like I said I don't like a whole lot of cinnamon so I'm going to add eight cinnamon [Music] sticks and then I'm going to put the lid on it and I'm going to let it simmer for about 15 or 20 minutes then once it gets done simmering I will cut the heat off and let it cool you want to get it down close to room temperature at least below I'd say 100° at least before we start adding our alcohol to it so I'm going to let this simmer guys and I'll be back when I take it off the heat all right guys also make sure you stir it every few minutes you just you know you've got a lot of sugar in here it's really sweet you don't want to take a chance of scorching or burning anything all righty y'all it's been 20 minutes smells wonderful that smell has changed so much like it always does from the time you first mix all the ingredients together until the time it's done simmering you can simmer it a little longer the longer you simmer it the more flavor you're going to get from your cloves and your cinnamon all right y'all I'm going cut the heat off and it's good and chilly out here in the shine Shack so this shouldn't take but 30 or 40 minutes to cool down and we'll get to adding some moonshine to it y'all hey y'all it's been sitting for an hour we're going to Stir It I'm going to pull a temperature on it it's steaming but here in the shine Shack I don't have no heat on so it's probably 40 something degrees in here right now it's pretty darn chilly I didn't fire up to heat 103° that is not bad that is fine by the time I add the liquor to it it's going to cool it right down to probably 80 something degrees all right y'all I am going to add a half a gallon it is at 102 proof I thought I had some high proof 160 170 put up but evidently I've done use it and it's done gotten drank so when it comes to adding your alcohol you can add any alcohol you have whether it be corn liquor Ry you can use whiskey you can use bourbon whatever you like in this case I have some half gallon of 102 proof Apple Brandy that I ran a while back so I'm going use it I wish it was a little higher proof but it's fine all right you can also for the math to get if there's a particular ABV that you're wanting there's a calculator that you can get off of like Google Play and iTunes and stuff called Alco calculator a calculator and you can calculate like you're going to do a water dilution but instead of water you're just using your apple pie mix we're going to go ahead and take the cinnamon sticks out and I have a bottling bucket if you have one you can use a bottling bucket to jar up I'm not I'm just going to use a ladle tonight so that's eight cloves and eight cinnamon sticks so everything is out of here all righty so we're going to go ahead and add our 102 proof Apple Brandy like I said like I've done keep tasting your product all right so we got our half gallon of liquor added I know it's steaming guys but I'll pull another temperature you do not want to add your alcohol when this is really really hot your alcohol will evaporate off it'll be gone 88.5 de see it's not that hot it's just really cold in here all righty so we going to get this Jarred up and then I will seal it up in a jar and I will let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 3 days the longer you let it sit in the refrigerator if you can let it sit in the fridge for a couple weeks oh them flavors really blend together them spices take over and it it's awesome I'mma jar it up in half gallon jars I'll be right back y'all we'll get it jarred up all right y'all so I got the ladle we're going to Stir It Up we're going to get to jarring it up you can use a bottling bucket or something but you you need to keep constantly stirring it anyway cuz you have sediment in there from the apple cider and a little bit from your spices you want that kind of evenly distributed across all the jars not just in one jar but I'mma finish jaring these up y'all and I'll be back hey y'all so I just finished up jarring apple pie got it sitting underneath the Christmas tree this stuff makes wonderful gifts to give to friends and family or drink on the holidays or after a long hard day's work you know I have never met anybody that don't like apple pie moonshine this batch was a little weaker with 30 proof normally I for personal I like around 40 to 50 but this stuff can get you in trouble guys like it tastes so good it's so sweet you know there's no alcohol kick to it so you just start turning them back and before you know it it hits you so it's kind of better at a lower proof like this I know my family's really going to enjoy it and that's what matters it'll keep the shine Shack household sane on Christmas day everybody will be laughing and having a good time instead of fighting get fresh apples on the nose like the cooked apples out of a center of an apple pie get them warm and spices in the back ah big sweetness that sweet gooey warm hot crisp apples out of the center of it apple pie them spices kick in the back and kind of warm you up just the right amount of cinnamon cloves and Nutmeg from my palette it's not too strong but you can definitely tell it's all there that's good stuff and it will taste even better after it sits in the refrigerator for at least a week is what I like but Christmas is really close I was kind of late doing this so I'm only going to be able to let it sit in the refrigerator like 3 or 4 days and that's it but that's still good enough the longer you let it sit If You Can Let It Go multiple weeks the better it is and flavors really marry together I do recommend keeping it in the refrigerator you don't have to if you don't want to that's just what I like to do but that's it guys I hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas stay safe out there have an awesome new year's don't drink too much apple pie moonshine and that's about it guys I want to thank y'all for stopping by and until next time guys Shine On
Channel: The Shine shack
Views: 3,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #applepie #moonshine #applepiemoonshine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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