MAKING MONEY: Recycling – Turning Waste into valuable raw materials | WELT Documentary

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our waste a source of raw materials and motor of the economy an entire republic caught up in recycling fever there's money to be made from the waste of an affluent society even old tvs are a treasure trove of riches gold fever among the recyclers there are a lot of precious metals most notably copper trash heaps are the minds of tomorrow four thousand tons of electronic scrap yield 25 kilograms of gold packaging waste is a gold mine for recycling professionals too sorting at breakneck speed for new raw materials and products tetra packs are turned into paper plastic bottles into car parts and yogurt cups into shopping baskets building rubble becomes new materials for house and road construction what remains of the trash is then used to generate electricity district heat and even fuel that can replace coal instead of just burning the garbage we do a little more beforehand [Music] germany's biggest recycling center in the north of hamburg on a site the size of one and a half football fields customers can dispose of anything they no longer have use for and won't fit in the trash can saturday morning and already long lines have formed on the approaching road the 15 workers have their hands full coping with the stampede they have to process up to 1 500 customers a day on the weekend in my thumb keep driving through please drive through drive through there are 49 debris container boxes available for wood for example this will later go to specialist companies to be processed into particle board supervisor jens younger makes sure that everyone sticks to the rules he doesn't want anyone getting injured at his yard can you get down from there please you can't throw it in from the vehicle if you fall down from there you'll break something if i don't keep an arm things they just do what they want and could get hurt which i don't want many want to dispose of old electronic equipment each household has on average 50 such devices what used to be cutting edge is suddenly obsolete or broken the result is around 1.8 million tons of electronic scrap a year in germany alone it builds up and you need the space for new stuff it's not really worth repairing them not even rare items so they too end up here am i in the right place for this here it's a coffee grinder right no a grain mill grain cool you ever seen anything like that before no hardly anyone wants old electronic devices although they often keep working for decades and even outlive their owners we found it in the mother-in-law's cellar she's passed away now it isn't just crt sets either even flat screen tvs are being thrown out an average of around 40 tvs are collected each day sometimes you have a little muscle ache at the end of the day but what most people consider worthless is the raw material for an entire industry lunan in northrend westphalia the 230 hectare site is home to the lipa plant europe's biggest industrial recycling facility it generates a million tons of new raw materials from 1.6 million tons of waste each year the rest is used to generate energy part of the vast plant is dedicated to dismantling electronic devices old electronic appliances still contain a lot of valuable resources the aim is to recover as many of them as possible for example from crt monitors and televisions to get at them the workers first remove the plastic casings these two are collected and recycled but the most valuable parts lie inside the old devices like the so-called cathode ray tube that generates the image in all tvs it contains precious metals and glass the technicians are interested in the printed circuit boards too they contain things like gold copper and platinum metal processing companies can recover these precious metals by melting them down 4 000 tons of electronic scrap yield 25 kilograms of gold among other things [Music] each dismantled component will later go to a specialist company there are a lot of precious metals most notably copper in the deflection yokes there's a lot of glass as everyone who's ever lifted a tv will know almost 70 percent of the weight is glass alone and that gets recycled into glass building materials there are valuable materials in refrigerators as well before the workers can get started on them the environmentally hazardous fluids must be removed the refrigerant and compressor oil for instance these fluids have to be taken out of circulation they'll be sent to a chemical plant for reprocessing older appliances still contain chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants because so-called cfcs damaged the earth's ozone layer they've been banned since the mid-1990s [Music] the drained appliances now enter an automated shredding plant here they pass through two different shredders in succession the plant is airtight in order to prevent any residual refrigerant from escaping there's a two-stage shredding process first rotary shears and then a cross-flow shredder you can think of it like a kitchen blender with a blade unit underneath that spins very rapidly and chops the fridge into its individual components besides ferrous and non-ferrous metals there's also the insulating material which gets the gas too metals are sent to specialist companies where they get melted down and reused small electronic devices are treasure troves too computers household appliances and lawn mowers besides plastic and iron they also contain valuable precious metals an excavator first sorts out the large items from the mountain of electronic scrap which aren't suitable for the automated shredding process they'll have to be dismantled by hand later on fitted to the bottom of this container is a kind of metal shredding device the pre-shredder it tears the material up into large fragments [Music] then they move on to this container the feed hopper [Music] from here a feed roller automatically loads them onto a conveyor belt the material stream then enters another shredder inside it are rotary shears [Music] the rotary shears shred the electronic scrap once more the blades cut against this edge and reduce the size of the material to an edge length of about 10 centimeters the more finely the appliances are shredded the easier it is to separate out the individual material groups the same applies to impurities foreign objects and contaminants they're removed by hand things like capacitors and batteries the batteries are put into these acid resistant hazmat containers specialist companies recover iron manganese and zinc from them valuable supplies for the metals industry even water meters are disassembled but this has to be done by hand they contain valuable brass among other things it's made from copper and zinc which can be recovered by melting it down the small appliance waste has in the meantime gone through a third shredder after this final shredding step the scrap is separated into individual material groups magnets and vibrating screens separate light plastics from heavy metals the ferrous metal will later be sent to steel mills the material stream also contains pcb fragments they're especially valuable as they contain several precious metals such as platinum gold and copper this machine has a sensor if it detects fragments of the green printed circuit board it triggers a jet of air that ejects the parts they will later be heated to melt and separate the metals mossborg in bavaria one of the most involved and difficult tasks in the recycling process is sorting packaging waste here the citizens dispose of packaging in yellow trash bags a private collection service picks them up on a regular basis in other places packaging waste is collected in recycling bins or dumpsters packaging waste consists of many different materials a variety of plastics laminated materials paper and metal [Music] collection is free for citizens which is why some people stuff everything in the bags they can fit into them some people just throw them half ripped open onto the street sometimes there are things inside that don't belong there heavy cans or full paint buckets i've seen everything the men still take torn bags with them but non-recyclable or bulky waste they leave behind following collection the trash is taken to a sorting facility at the munich airport it works for private recycling associations that do the recycling on behalf of the food and packaging industry this industry is obliged to take back the packaging it brings into circulation and recycle a certain proportion of it the bunker holds 200 000 bags the contents will now be separated by material so that specialist companies can make new products from them plastic packaging will later become pellets they are the raw material for making new plastic products beverage cartons so-called tetra packs will be turned into cardboard boxes [Music] and used p t bottles will be turned into flakes the basis for textile fibers or plastic films the plant can process 160 tons of packaging waste per day in order to sort the individual recyclable materials the bag contents have to be repeatedly separated into large and small as well as heavy and light fractions the process begins with this machine the bag opener a chain conveyor forces the stream of garbage through these serrated shears which slice open the bags the contents fall onto a metering rocker smaller trash falls onto the lower conveyor while larger items remain above and get sorted into heavy and light items the sorting process is largely automated the entire plant layout is represented on the monitors in the control room should any units get clogged causing the sorting process to stop a warning is immediately displayed here the yellow bags contain many items that don't belong in them without sorters continually checking the conveyors for foreign materials the automated process wouldn't run smoothly the yellow bags contain 20 to 25 trash that doesn't belong there everything from electronic waste to frying pans bricks clothing all kinds of things that have nothing to do with packaging waste paper and metal are sent to recycling companies everything else gets incinerated back to the beginning of the sorting process the metering rocker now transports the larger items from the yellow bags upward there light films are pulled from the material stream by this double separating roller the material is sucked onto the rollers fans generate the required low pressure [Music] light materials remain attached things that are too heavy for the suction fall onto the conveyor below with the smaller packaging waste the light films are now fed from the separating rollers to the conveyor and from there to a sorting cabin here the workers check for contaminants light film plastics are the first collection group the rest of the packaging waste continues on to a giant rotary screen the 10 meter long and 3 meter wide drum weighs 35 tons it further separates the material according to size the fragments continue to move through the rotating drum until they fall through an opening [Music] what falls through the smallest holes is the sorting residue comprising contaminants and foreign bodies this remnant will be incinerated at the end the largest fragments now head via conveyor belts to the so-called airstream separator it works like a big vacuum cleaner and extracts the light plastics such as films from the material stream they can later be used to manufacture light and flexible plastic products like bags or films [Music] the mainstream now consists of equally sized pieces that rarely overlap in order to separate them further optical sorters now come into play this near-infrared device illuminates the material if the system identifies a particular material based on the light it reflects a jet of air ejects the material in this way any material category can be sorted out [Music] in this case it's beverage cartons so-called tetra packs they are sent as a separate collection category to specialist companies that use them to make paper the material stream now passes through two magnetic separators iron and sheet steel stick to the electromagnets they will later be sent to a metal recycling plant non-ferrous metals are separated out by the eddy current separator it induces a temporary magnetic field around the metal the aluminum is then repelled by an identically pulled magnet what remains consists mainly of similarly sized plastic fragments the pieces now enter the so-called ballistic separator this vibrating screen separates the hard from the soft plastics the hard ones bounce the soft ones float upwards the hard material is the most valuable it's dimensionally stable and is suitable for the manufacture of rigid products at the end the workers separate the last of the contaminants and pet bottles mostly disposable beverage bottles all of the fractions whether film hard plastic or pet land in a separate bunker depending on requirement they may fall onto a conveyor belt to be pressed into bales after sorting almost 70 percent of the contents of the yellow bags can be recycled [Music] what remains is the so-called sorting residue it ends up in the waste incineration plant but even the best sorting technology reaches its limits with some types of packaging [Music] there's also composite packaging that we can't separate further at the moment like pet trays for example a yogurt cup with an aluminum lid if the consumer doesn't remove the lid the aluminum goes to the plastic recycler as well it may get separated out again there but we can't separate it mechanically here but what happens with the recovered materials from the yellow bag kreutzal in north rhine westphalia beverage containers from all over germany end up at this facility pressed into bales they first land on a feed conveyor and are then automatically de-wired the metal wires are later recycled the bales then head to the shredder here rotating rolls shred the tetrapacks into palm-sized pieces they then continue their journey on a covered conveyor belt beverage cartons are made from paper plastic and aluminum because the metal has been cut water can now penetrate the gaps this is what happens in these two drums in the first drum the materials separate from each other the second works like a washing machine here the softened paper fiber portion is washed out the fibers collect in an underground tank what remains is a mixture of plastic and aluminum it goes to companies that can recover both materials the water with the paper fiber slurry now flows into a 180 meter long paper making machine it binds layers of white and brown fibers to make a cardboard like paper board first white fibers are fed onto a sieve like conveyor belt the brown fibers from the tetra packs are fed onto another belt then the two sheets are bonded together via straining pressing and drying the water is removed from the fiber mat and the screen removed the end result is a card-like paper around 300 000 tons of paper board for corrugated fiberboard are manufactured here each year it's used to make packaging boxes for the retail and wholesale industries and these may in turn be filled with tetra packs for instance but what happens to plastic packaging waste berenberg and saxony anhalt is home to one of germany's largest recycling facilities it processes pet bottles as well pet is a member of the polyester family of polymers the bottles are first inspected for contaminants and then ground and washed over the course of several separation processes and automated sorting steps the pet is freed from foreign materials after drying flakes of different colors and qualities are the result the plant processes several thousand tons of pet bottles each day the pellets are used to produce things such as textile fibers for the automotive industry [Music] other plastics separated out from the yellow bags are recycled at the bandberg site too first impurities are removed then the material is shredded washed several times and dried after that it's formed under high pressure and temperature into various pellets these can then be injection molded to make new plastic products like shopping baskets made from 100 recycled plastic this recycling center in munsterland germany shows what could be made from our plastic waste in the future the site is home to a pilot plant at its heart is a kind of giant distillery it turns plastic and biomass back into oil the material is transported via conveyor belt to a converter there it's subjected to a 360 degree celsius oil bath a refinery process is then initiated using catalysts the distillate accumulates in this tank in the form of heating oil the process replicates the geological oil formation process nowadays however we have high performance catalysts and work at different temperatures and of course the process is automated and controlled the advantage oil can be stored and doesn't decompose it can later be used to either make new plastics or as fuel as oil prices rise so do its chances of market success [Music] we're committed to this technology because we're convinced it's the future we're almost ready for serious production and are confident we can rapidly bring this technology to market as soon as all prices or the supply situation make it viable back at germany's largest recycling center in the north of hamburg by late morning the line is so long that supervisor jens junge has to open a second lane i'm a doorphone drive through to my colleague keep driving he has to have something to do keep following them many customers have already been lining up for 30 minutes in order to reduce the backlog two workers are now assigned to processing them customers not only have to find their way around the facility they have to familiarize themselves with the various disposal fees and regulations too hi there a leather armchair want to buy it a leather armchair yeah sure that's bulky waste yes what i need to know is if it's from you privately so not commercial waste no can you show me some proof that you're resident in hamburg the disposal of small volumes is mostly free of charge for private customers that live in the area thanks driving here to the left and put it in the bulky waste compactor non-residents and business customers on the other hand have to pay a hefty fee 35 euros 50 for two cubic meters of garden waste for example private customers from hamburg pay nothing for the first cubic meter and just a euro for each additional one such price discrepancies make it tempting to cheat the system [Music] it hurts the wallet and some people try to pull a fast one of course but this is what we do for a living we're well trained and see through them most of the time their stress every now and then but there are certain rules and we stick to them if there's any doubt customers have to sign a declaration that they are disposing of private waste the wood and bulky waste compactors run almost continuously until the containers are full and have to be changed this is done by a special vehicle the so-called hook lift truck but maneuvering trucks need space and customers are continually getting in the way with their cars and blocking the access ways you're still here so no other cars can get through here a lot of people don't notice they're obstructing others you can park next to it vehicles still have to get through here it's not my fault others don't want to follow the rules if you haven't done a thing i told you since you got here you've blocked everything here with your giant trailer unbelievable traffic is backing up not least due to the many cars obstructing the access ways only with difficulty do they manage to get the situation under control everyone wants to get rid of their stuff quickly that's fine but not if you cause an obstruction while doing so the hook lift driver has to swap the containers out and can only work in the yard when it's clear there's a separate collection point for problem waste this includes all types of chemicals such as those in fluorescent tubes and batteries they're sent to specialist companies that process them in an environmentally responsible way this room is off limits to customers the chemical storeroom contains things like corrosive acids and flammable liquids including some extremely hazardous substances some of the things handed in here turned out to be highly explosive and could detonate at the slightest knock i'm saying we always found out in time thank god called the police and the bomb squad then made them safe household and packaging waste is a drop in the ocean compared to the waste material produced during renovation and demolition work around 200 million tons of building rubble and excavated earth are amassed each year making it by far the largest fraction of total waste produced the majority is recycled however cologne situated in an industrial park close to the airport is this building materials recycling facility here building rubble is transformed back into building material rubble arrives by truck and wheel loader throughout the day from demolished buildings and dug up road surfaces to sometimes whole sections of wall the material is collected in a feed hopper before being mechanically reprocessed the largest lumps are crushed by an excavator fitted with concrete cutter jaws the jaws work with a crushing force of 80 tons crushing the rubble also helps to release foreign materials like plastic and steel these are then removed by the excavator operator the building debris now drops from the feet hopper into the pre-screening unit the vibrating screen filters out sand and small stones the mixture is transported away via conveyor belt and is the first recycling product the coarse sand will later be reused on building sites the main stream continues on to the so-called primary crusher the jaw crusher consists of a fixed plate and an oscillating plate a flywheel drives the oscillating plate the 46 ton crusher is powered by an electric motor the plates which weigh over a ton of piece crush and grind the stones like enormous jaws sometimes they even devour gravestones because the plant also works for the cologne cemeteries the crushed material now passes beneath a magnetic conveyor it attracts all the iron-containing parts and separates them a worker then performs a further inspection the sorter removes any remaining foreign material residual garbage metals or occasionally relics from the second world war like a mortar shell yeah i thought it was a bottle at first and wanted to pick it out then i noticed it was actually a rifle grenade from the second world war so i left it alone reported it calls were made it was picked up and they detonated it somewhere the material stream is now sorted by grit size via a series of vibrating screens anything too large ends up in the so-called post crusher after this crushing step the material travels over more vibrating screens and under more magnetic conveyors anything that doesn't fit through the screen at the end has to run through the process another time and lands in the crusher and under the magnets once again at the end of the process the plant produces four different grit sizes the recovered resources save on landfill space and natural resources most recycled building materials end up as the base course in roads and building construction back in hamburg the bulky waste compactors at germany's largest recycling center are running at full capacity mostly for furniture this is a friend's he's downsized and doesn't have as much space anymore so needs to get rid of things this armchair is now also destined for the compactor and it's gone furniture mattresses toys and electrical appliances many people use their day off to finally get rid of all their junk alice it took half an hour of concerted effort just made a spontaneous decision to do it now i've been planning it for a while of course after the first time i moved house i said i never wanted a full seller again the compactors tirelessly devour the discarded articles of an affluent society each item representing a chapter in someone's life and many memories everything is crushed with a force of 36 tons to be later used as fuel in a combined heat and power plant it runs the whole day depending on what turns up such bulky things take a while but things like this just get dropped in where trash is constantly being unloaded some things inevitably miss their target supervisor yes young does the tidying up yeah this is my pride and joy it's better than sweeping you just drive over it and it gets sucked up best of all it's fast the bell would be good yeah as i'm sure someone has trodden on a nail before the workers tried to save anything that's still serviceable from the compactors the items are first brought to this warehouse a mishmash of objects for which the recycling center isn't necessarily the end of the road yet [Music] eventually they end up here the department store is a subsidiary company of the city sanitation department a 2 000 square meter discount store selling salvage junk you can find clothing televisions sound systems even entire living room sets these customers have found a wardrobe it's really cheap it's more expensive on ebay the two-piece item costs 20 euros most of the furniture can be had for 10 to 100 euros for antiques customers may pay 500. we get all kinds of people here students pensioners people on social security many who can't afford new living room furniture they're of course pleased they can grab a bargain here what is and isn't a bargain is decided by the employees and there's a discount if there are signs of wear look up here there's a stain but you can clean it up with upholstery foam right let's say 59 because of the stain here a bit of money will have to be spent getting it out some of the furniture comes from house clearances or is donated not everything that's in good condition is accepted pine furniture dressers and other small furniture rarely stays here for longer than two weeks and this sofa ought to soon find a new owner the best garbage is the type that never occurs we want to save as much of the furniture as possible of course i'm in favor of giving things a second look anything that still hasn't sold after a few months will end up in the compactors after all and from there go to the incineration plant together with the household garbage munich six o'clock in the morning each workday 170 garbage trucks head out on their collection routes every vehicle works a different district [Music] today this collection crew is working near the terresian visa in munich the men collect household garbage here once a week in this neighborhood they mainly use dumpsters rather than garbage bins each can hold between 770 and 1100 liters [Music] household garbage is everything that doesn't contain any reusable materials and cannot be recycled every household pays a fee for its collection and disposal many residents chuck everything in the bin they want to get rid of we find a lot of used toys that are still in a really good condition which people really shouldn't be throwing away last year we had a load of urine bags in a bin that's disgusting of course if one bursts you don't know what the person had and if you could get infected with something it gives you an uneasy feeling because you never know what to expect around 120 dumpsters fit in the truck that corresponds to roughly 10 tons of garbage on other days the men collect waste paper and organic waste but because these are recyclable resources their collection is free of charge the household garbage is transported to an incineration plant in the north of munich each day around 300 trucks deposit the waste of 2.5 million people in the greater munich area here this is added to by commercial waste and bulky waste from recycling centers this amounts to up to 700 000 tons of waste each day [Music] it lands in one of these two bunkers the larger one can hold seven thousand cubic meters of garbage here the garbage doesn't get sorted further but goes straight to the incinerator the claw arms can lift five tons at a time here the household garbage includes a noticeably large amount of plastic packaging the reason the consumers in munich don't have yellow bags for collecting it in instead of recycling the packaging the majority is incinerated along with the household garbage before it enters the combustion chamber the garbage is continually mixed this helps ensure it burns more evenly later the two cranes are controlled from this cabin the garbage is first loaded into this hopper from here it slides down into the combustion chamber the crane operators can only tell how full the hoppers are via monitors this camera here shows you how full it is the garbage moves slowly into the combustion chamber and you have to keep topping it up the combustion chambers lie behind steel walls that are lined with a fireproof concrete layer hydraulic rams and cylinders ensure that garbage continually slides into the combustion chamber so that everything burns uniformly the combustion chambers are 70 square meters in size the temperature inside is 850 degrees celsius after burning on the giant grid 10 percent of the garbage remains in the form of ash the ash is collected and then drops into a water bath here it cools down before finally being deposited in a bunker it too contains valuable resources [Music] there's very promising research being conducted into how precious metals can be recovered from the fine fraction that is from zero to two millimeters the content of certain metals exceeds that in ore mining areas things like gold silver platinum you name it you can find the whole periodic table here at the moment however the ash is still being used exclusively as a filler in the road construction sector the scrap metal left following incineration goes to the steel mill to be melted down again the control center this is where all the incineration and flue gas cleaning processes are monitored to ensure that the pollutant emission limits are adhered to the workers use sensors to keep an eye on all the key parameters they're all there to monitor and control the process and prevent things getting completely out of hand because someone threw something prohibited into the trash the operators can then directly intervene by for example increasing the airflow or igniting the afterburner to combust the flue gas again the smoke scene escaping is actually steam which forms when the water vapor cools and condenses the actual exhaust gas is invisible and still contains traces of pollutants such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides the heat released by the incineration process is used though behind the combustion chamber is a network of pipes filled with water that's forced through the water circuit by these pumps during incineration the water heats up generating high pressure steam this is used to drive two turbines which produce electricity via a generator together the two turbines can generate 49 megawatts of power the electricity is fed into the munich grid via substation it covers two percent of the city's energy needs the steam is also used for district heating after passing through the turbines it's then fed through heat exchangers to generate hot water these pumps bring it to the customers the district heat can be transported in the form of steam over pipes like this too 126 000 munich households receive remote heat from incinerated trash corresponding to a 19 share of the district heating network in this way the elimination of garbage has a beneficial side effect about one percent of germany's electricity demand is satisfied by incinerating waste nearly all waste incineration plants nowadays use combined heat and power technology to produce energy [Music] even more energy can be extracted from garbage if it's processed prior to incineration as here in enegalo in the munsterland region of germany at the recycling center the waste is first sorted before undergoing extensive treatment the goal of the mechanical biological processing is to extract additional resources from the garbage and then turn it into a high quality industrial fuel around 130 000 tons of garbage end up here each year roughly two-thirds are household waste the centerpieces of the tipping floor are two shredders one for domestic garbage the other for commercial waste both units house a so-called primary crusher it cuts and tears the garbage into 30 centimeter pieces this makes it easier to sort the goal is to be able to use a large proportion of the garbage as a replacement for fossil fuels like brown and bituminous coal instead of just burning the garbage we do a little more beforehand roughly half the garbage will later leave the plant as fuel but first it goes through several magnetic separators metals stick to the magnetic belt they will later go to the metal recycling plant metals make up six percent of the waste stream this equates to approximately six thousand tons a year the garbage now enters another hall to be further processed all the processes are monitored and controlled from this control room the operator frequently has to stop the plant the reason is plastic or metal bands that get caught up in the machines those things even during the shredding process it can happen that the machine has problems and once it's in the machine it gets wrapped around the rollers or caught in the bearings and then we've got our work cut out for us the shredded garbage now passes through a so-called course treatment process here household and commercial waste streams travel over several vibrating screens they shake off biological matter attached to the trash above all feces anything smaller than three centimeters drops down these are primarily organic constituents that don't make for good fuel they end up at the biological waste treatment plant here the rubbish is distributed via conveyor belts in so-called composting tunnels chambers in which the garbage decomposes losing humidity in the process this causes it to shrink too the smaller volume saves on disposal costs after 10 days the material is screened several times heavy materials like stones and fragments of glass end up in a landfill at the end of the treatment a little more than a third of the original volume of garbage is left over for the incineration plant back to the mainstream it contains valuable plastic constituents that will now be turned into high quality fuel it now enters the so-called airflow separator here a stream of air sorts the waste into heavy and light fractions the light components are blown away they're the most valuable as they supply the most energy the heavy components have too high a water content and are destined for the incinerator the waste stream then heads into the fine classification unit this machine can also separate specific materials using compressed air the system uses the wavelength of reflected light to identify the desired material and trigger a jet of air [Music] in this case it's looking for pvc pvc contains chlorine which makes it unsuitable for use as a substitute fuel this is followed by a shredder it shreds the material to a final size of around three centimeters the material stream now enters a drum dryer where it gets heated to 270 degrees celsius this reduces the moisture content to under 15 thereby increasing the calorific value of the material this is what the fuel looks like at the end a coal substitute with similar combustion and heating characteristics the warehouse can hold up to 700 tons the automatic gantry crane uses sensors to detect when new material arrives and loads the shipping crates autonomously before being dispatched a press compacts the material and loads it into the truck a fuel for power stations and the cement industry of the recycling nation germany [Music] you
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 1,601,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, germany, recycling, industry, gold rush, waste, mone, rwa material, insides, boom, economic engine, sales, regulations, waste separation, germans, households, paper, plastic, enviroment protection, enviroment, garbage
Id: uxtvgkhgwQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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