Making Homemade HOT COCOA !!!

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- Who wants to help me make Crock-Pot hot cocoa? Dump 'em in. Woo! (upbeat music) (milk splashes into crock-pot) - Who wants to help me make Crock-Pot hot cocoa? - Me! - Me! Me! Me! - Both of you? Okay. Come over here! Today is a chilly January day. So we're going to make a Crock-Pot hot cocoa. I've never made it before, but I got a recipe from a friend that sounds delicious. I already added seven cups of milk to our Crock-Pot. Now we're going to add two cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips. Want to add those Colin? Dump them in here. Hold the whole thing. Oh one at a time will take a while. Dump them in. Woo! Next, we're going to add a can of sweetened condensed milk. Want to do that one Maya? Got to get that all out of there. Next we have one cup of heavy whipping cream which you're going to add. And, the last thing we have to add is just two teaspoons of vanilla extract. - [Maya] Vanilla extract is the best, is something that smells is the best smelling thing ever. - Maya loves the smell of vanilla. She does. So two teaspoons... there's one. The next step is to whisk all of our ingredients together and then we're going to cover it and cook it on low for two hours. And whisk is really good. Is it thick, Maya? - [Maya] Yeah. Something's stuck, Oh - I think you got some on your nose! (giggles) - There's chocolate chips at the bottom still so whisk it really well. - [Maya] Yeah there's a lot. - It's your turn Colin! - [Colin] A little broke a little bit. - It's okay just stir, stir, stir. This hot cocoa is going to come in handy because we're about to venture out in the chilly crisp January day and go for a hike together with some of our neighborhood friends. I think you whisked it well. Why don't you put the lid on now - [Maya] Yes - Put it on Colin and then you gotta plug it in and turn it. Here you go, to low setting. And we're not just making hot cocoa in our Crock-Pot. We're also going to have a whole hot cocoa bar set up for when we get home from our hike and it's going to taste so good. We're going to have lots of candy canes and marshmallows, chocolate chips, sprinkles, all the fun fixings you can think of to at your hot chocolate. We're going to have them. - [Maya] Oh, it smells like vanilla. - It takes about two hours for it to be ready. So it should be perfect. timing by the time we get back. - [Maya] Yep. - Not ready yet is it? It still pretty white for hot chocolate? - [Maya] Yeah. (upbeat music) - Did you see what this owl's name is? - [Kids] Shakespeare. - It's Shakespeare. That's a cute name for an owl. - [Maya] Yeah. - And there's more owl's over here. We're at Owl's Hill nature sanctuary and we're checking out the owl's they have on display. And they're going to go for a little hike which is gonna be about a mile hike. So something pretty easy, but enough to get a little bit of exercise and to be excited to go home to our hot chocolates. Owl trivia time. What do you call a group of owl? So like you have a pack of wolves. What is a group of owls called? Do you know at home? - [Gray sweatshirt] We studied owls in science class, I don't know if we studied this. - You don't remember? - [Gray sweatshirt] I don't remember if we did. - A group of owls is called a parliament, a parliament of owls. - [Gray sweatshirt] Never heard of it. - [Red-Haired girl] Oh I remember this. - Have you heard of that? - [Red-Haired girl] I remember that. - Should we look at the trails now Colin? - [Colin] Uh-huh - Let's go! (upbeat music) - We are staying on the yellow route Sharp Creek trail. You guys have to help me make sure we stay on yellow route. I probably shouldn't tell the kids this but I have a tendency to get lost when I'm out hiking. I'm not going to get lost today because it's easy quick trail, but it helps everybody know us that we're seeing on the yellow route. We're looking for a yellow route markers everywhere. - Are you girl's nervous? - [Red-Haired girl] I want to get lost. - You want to get lost? - [Red-Haired girl] Yeah. - I also forgot we never introduced all of our neighbors to you, so, you don't know who's here with us. Let's do that real quickly. You know Addy, think you know Maya, think you know, Collin. Who do we have here? Anna Belle. And then we have Caroline and Emerson. We've got a whole crew of neighbors. All right, let's keep going. Yellow trail. (upbeat music) - [Colin] I'm gonna look at the creek. - You want to look at the creek? It's beautiful. Isn't it? It sure is! - [Colin] Should we go this way or that way? - The red and the yellow, which way do we go? If we want to stay on the yellow trail? We go that way. That way, let's go! We last walked this trail during the fall. And I think we've done it in the spring. It's our first time in the winter. And it is so different in the winter. It is so brown and a little dreary looking in the spring and the fall it was absolutely gorgeous. It's gorgeous now, but a different gorgeous. Do you like it Anna Belle? - [Anna Belle] Yeah. - It is a different type of pretty isn't it? - [Anna Belle] Yeah. - [Colin] Another bridge you can walk over. - It look's like a bridge, doesn't it? - [Colin] We can walk over it. - Wow. I don't know. - [Caroline] Whoa, It's a bridge. - [Addy] What if you're supposed to cross it? (upbeat music) - [Addy] Emerson get off, get off. I think that part of the tree is like rotted. - Are we on the right trail, guys? - [Kids] Uh yeah. - How do we know? - [Kids] Yellow marker. - Yellow marker. Time for our next owl trivia. Owls like to stay up all night and they hunt all night. What do you call the animal that's up during the night time? - [Addy] Nocturnal. - [Emerson] Nocturnal. - Nocturnal, you guys are smart. - [Addy] We learned it. - [Emerson] It's like the first thing you learn, when you learn about owls. - Its that they are nocturnal? - [Kids] Yeah. - I couldn't stump you guys. (upbeat music) Quick break time, time for another owl question. How many different species of owls do you think there are? - [Maya] 90 - Maya guessed 90 - [Addy] A 100. - A 100 - [Emerson] A 110. - Caroline any guesses? - [Caroline] Maybe somewhere around 200 - [Colin] 100 yes. - [Maya] Oh, I actually think 230. 230 - There are over 200 species of owls. I think Caroline is our trivia winner. I don't have a prize for you though, sorry, Caroline. It's a tad bit chilly today, about 48 degrees. So it's not too bad. But I have to say, even on the coldest days, when it's snowing here, we try to get outside every single day. Even if for just a little bit, that fresh air, the sunshine is just so, so good for you. (music) (leaves rustling) We'd wrapped up our hike and built up an appetite. So we're passing along some Girl Scout cookies to share. These are your favorite types of Girl Scout cookies, right? Addy, these shortbread one. - [Addy] Yes. Oh no! Colin no! Those are your three. Here you go Emerson. - My favorites are Tagalongs and Thin Mints. I could just eat those nonstop all day long. They are so good. What are your favorite types of Girl Scout cookies? - [Caroline] Tagalongs. - You like Tagalongs, Caroline? Do you have a favorite Anna Belle? - [Anna Belle] Tagalongs. - Tagalongs, two, Emerson what about you? - [Emerson] Mint. - The Thin Mint's? Those are good too. - [Maya] I like Thin Mint's. - Yep. Those are good. (upbeat music) (kids playing) - Well, I thought the hiking wore them out, but apparently they have a ton more energy to play sharks and minnows and freeze tag and tons of other outdoor games. (upbeat music) (happy music) Who's ready for the hot cocoa bar? - [Kids] Me. Me. - Come on over! All right, hot cocoa cups over here, pick out a cup first. And we have lots of toppings for your hot cocoa. - [Caroline] Oh my gosh. (children laughing) - We have chocolate chip chunks in here, so that looks good. We have chocolate chips, salted caramel crumbles, chocolate sprinkles, rainbow sprinkles, white chocolate, peppermint sticks, marshmallow cubes and baby marshmallows. What do you think of it Addy? - [Addy] Awesome. - What do you about you Maya? - [Maya] Good. - What'd you put inside yours? - [Anna Belle] Everything. - Everything? That's my girl. Emerson, what's going inside yours? - [Emerson] A peppermint stick, whatever these are called. - What ones? - White chocolate chips, those are good. And chocolate sprinkles. I have to say probably the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted. So I encourage you to try that recipe at home Crock-Pot hot chocolate, absolutely delicious. (happy music) - Wow. The toppings were definitely a hit. It looks like the marshmallows, the white chocolate chips, and the salted caramel crumbs were the favorite because they were about out. - More toppings? Maya you didn't get enough? - [Maya] No, you can't have enough toppings. - I totally forgot the most important ingredient of hot chocolate. Whipped cream, how did I forget this? (kids cheering) - I know! - [Emerson] Why did you miss this? - I know, I can't believe it. (kids laughing) - You want the most whipped cream Colin? - [Colin] Uh-huh. - More than anybody else? Okay, okay. (kids laughing) Open up. Today has been a pretty fun day, but there is something else super exciting happening downstairs right now. I'm going to go check it out before I let the kids in on this surprise. (enchanting music) (laughing) - What's over there? - [Maya] That's a huge - Is it a huge hot tub? - [Anna Belle] That's huge. - Who wants to go swimming? - [Maya] Me. - Come here. There is a surprise down here. Come look over here, Colin. I want to see if you know what this is. What is that? - [Colin] Hot tub. - Is it a hot tub? (nods) Are you excited for it? - [Colin] Mhm. - You don't seem super excited. What about your big smile? - [Colin] I want my hot tub. - There is a surprise over here. - [Addy] There is? Where? - Over here. - [Addy] Oh my gosh. - The hot tub is here. - [Addy] That is huge. - Is it bigger than you thought it would be? I was hoping we could end this video with all of us getting our swim suits and jumping in a nice, warm, hot tub, but it's gonna take a while for the water to get in, the water to warm up. So it's going to have to come another day. XOXO. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 1,999,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary, hot cocoa, hot cocoa bar, crock pot hot cocoa, hot cocoa recipe, hiking, nature hike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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