Making HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY, there was an attempt…

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Mehdi 2016: and that's why we have fuses, to avoid exciting fires

Mehdi 2020: why is there a fuse in there?!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GoabNZ 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mehdi may have better luck if he can find an old magnetic ballast as those had 60Hz output. Nowadays most places only sell high frequency electronic ballasts.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dalvikcachemoney 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

o/ making high voltaaaage, out of nothing at aaaaalll o/~(Which should both/either get you raging on me, or snerk if you're older than 15 and know what I refer to.)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ruffywuff 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi I received a few messages from you guys about this videos that somebody made high voltage generators and I thought to myself I do need a high voltage power supply because I have my own reasons now I have made a bunch of super high voltage circuits like my homemade taser that makes tens of kilovolts or my Tesla coil or Van Der graph machine that make hundreds of kilovolts but I want something that's the circuit doesn't break down so easily and is more efficient should be easy to do the concept is quite simple in all voltage inverters no matter what type of input you have DC or AC first you have to convert it to AC then using some type of circuit like typically a Transformer you convert the AC level to whatever is suitable for you and use it as is or send it through a rectifier and use it as DC and using my knowledge it should be quite easy to design a very good and efficient circuit how to make super high voltage hey look my friend Jay from plasma Channel made a 10 000 volt AC Supply back in 2017 I'm late well better late than never let's see how it does it he's pulling his high voltage Transformer out of an air purifier device and he's gonna drive it with a fluorescent light ballast interesting 15 000 volts he promised 10 000 volts he's over delivering look at those arcs damn let's do it oh wait I need a Transformer and a ballast oh wait I have a ballast who the hell is ballast Transformer I guess I could use my ignition coil Transformer I like those Transformers though oh wait I have them no there we go like two three years ago one of you shipped me three of these Transformers that due to poor packaging their cores were broken but I should be able to glue them back so thanks now I get to use them one of them is good actually we just have to figure out how the hell this work well on the ballasts they show the wiring well basically the way the ballast works is that first you tie its input wow dummy always wire up before powering your circuit or maybe even think a little bit beforehand well if you haven't watched my fluorescent light video yet here's how fluorescent lights work basically there is a small voltage across filaments that run some current through them so they warm up and vaporize Mercury inside the lamp and makes it easier for the electrons to jump around then there is a much larger voltage between the filaments that results in plasma flow going into the lamp and glow and light up so we just have to figure out which wire does what I'm not sure how high the output voltage of the ballast is so I'm going to use my differential probe that can take up to 700 volts hopefully that's enough and I was thinking I haven't done a key side scope giveaway in a long time so let's do that my sponsor key site is not only the provider of Fantastic Tools they put a ton of effort to raise people's knowledge they just started a great free keysight University online program where you learn tons on not to shove your probe in the wrong spot with their help I'll give away one beautiful power supply which I don't have and two of these fantastic Scopes to enter the draw you just sign up for free for keysight University at page slash Electro boom and you can learn how to use these and the supply I don't have because these deserve a good home long wires make me nervous so according to the diagram it can turn on two lamps yellow goes to one side of the lamps and red and blue to the other side and this is just the AC input so we should be able to turn it on and electric tape is your friend just cover all the exposed wires okay well we can't cover all the wires we need to measure them foreign oh my god I'm an idiot well first wire then power I don't see any proper voltage between anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how does this Palace work tons of different Transformers as you can see and I also noticed the views there hopefully who is the fuse broken to shorted now okay I shorted the fuse now if the circuit is working we'll see something on the scope makes you wonder why the fuse went to start with oh [ __ ] ow come on ballast is gone well what do I do now hey I just realized these CFL lights work the same way there's a tiny ballast in them that turns on the light but I don't know if it's strong enough to run my high voltage Supply but we can try it's a terrible idea though it exposes all the high voltages so never try this at home quite dangerous look at these tiny tiny transistors running the Transformer I don't know if they are strong enough well let's measure the voltage before disconnecting the light ready let's plug it in hey it turned on ah there you go well you can't see it but it's 150 volt Peak Which is less than the city power which is like 170 volt Peak what's the point of this then maybe if I remove the light the voltage Rises there you go like the big fluorescence the tiny CFL has two wires for each filament and then this is the ballast circuit we shall plug it in and measure the voltage unloaded oh what happened I think the unloaded voltage is too high and the circuit blows up I have to cut another light damn it why isn't life just as easy as everyone else shows in their videos to plug it in and it works okay so my Transformer primary is around 5.3 Milli Henry and I noticed that my voltage frequency was around 60 kilohertz which makes the primary impedance around 2000 ohms so it should be safe enough to connect my Transformer directly to that circuit well I don't really know if my Transformer can work well with 60 kilohertz and not only that if my Transformer arcs at the output it shorts all the energy so it might blow the circuit well at least let's see a tad bit of arcing action before the whole thing blows up nothing did it blow up already no do we even have output voltage the hell is that is it overloaded such a video nothing's working fine let's see if using one of these Transformers makes any difference so many pins and I don't know which one is which I'll just go with the one winding with the largest inductance to make sure I won't break my puny ballast and I know this thick wire at the top is my high voltage output and the other side of the secondary would be one of these pins which we will figure out let's hope this Palace is still not broken and we might see some arcing action ready and nothing why am I always stuck it's such a horrible situation oh look at that there is a very tiny Arc to some of the pins maybe I picked the wrong primary maybe I should go with a smaller inductances well I accidentally disconnected the load and blew up my second ballast too so down to the third one at this point I think this video is just too painful to watch okay here we are again this time I'm gonna pick up a small inductance for my primary which means the highest turn ratio between primary and secondary and it may kill my balance but at least maybe I get some Arc here we go again if there's anything we shall see together and nothing again even worse now I'm gonna try every single primary and see which one creates an arc oh [ __ ] [Applause] disconnected the load again and killed my Palace left with no ballasts no high voltage power supply nothing [Music] doesn't matter I'm gonna go buy a new improved ballast I mean maybe I shouldn't have been lazy and designed my own fabulous circuit but for now let's just find a ballast ballast now I guess it's okay for this puny CFL ballasts to die when there is no load because the load and the ballast should always be together but for these ones there's no guarantee there's a load so it must not die that easily okay so I'm just measuring between yellow and red and hopefully we'll see something hey hey look at this at no load it outputs a very noisy 70 kilohertz AC with peaks of plus and minus 700 volts 70 kilohertz according to my pain versus frequency graph 70 kilohertz is well above the level that would mess with your nerves and should just burn your skin but 700 volt is not too high to burn very quickly should I touch it fine just for science I'm going to touch it with one finger so let's plug it in there you go but you never try this at home it's 700 volts very high we touch it just a quick tap scary 70 kilohertz I shouldn't feel it could burn my skin though it won't even Arc what am I worried about just a quick tap hey I was right I can barely feel it but it's funny I can see smoke rising from my finger so it just burns just burns you may see these lines where the wire touched my skin it burns their skin but I can only touch it very momentarily if you touch it for any longer not only it sets your skin on fire but also it will get to the lower resistance tissue under your dead skin and everything will burn much faster but I guess it's much less little than if it was lower frequency so I'm thinking you should be safe enough to connect it across the primary of my ignition coil I just electrical tape all the unused wires although I'm still not sure if my ignition coil can work at 70 kilohertz well let's just hope for the best all momentarily plug it in while looking at the output voltage and hopefully nothing bad will happen there was no voltage let's disconnect and see if the ballast is dead still there I connected the ignition coil primary to Scopes function generator and checking the output at 70 kilohertz there is nothing when I reduce the frequency only around 3 kilohertz I see a peak output voltage so the ignition coil doesn't work at 70 kilohertz you know the way Transformers work you can't put too low of a frequency on them because the input impedance is so low it will short your supply so they work in a specific frequency range and at some frequency they resonate and above that the output just drops to zero okay no more connecting it to my ignition coil clearly it's not good for 70 kilohertz where's my other Transformer I connected the output to the largest inductance I could find on this Transformer but still it might overload the ballast I'll check the voltage too let's see still nothing damn it this video is full of a whole lot of nothing none of my Transformers work with this ballast one thing I don't understand about these stupid Transformers is that see when I'm applying an ac voltage to the primary it is creating a DC voltage output which is like 400 volts now and if I touch the output it can sustain that voltage and quickly drops that's why it doesn't shock me what why DC does it have a rectifier at the output what's going on in this thing hey maybe there is some sort of rectifier at the output after all it was used to drive a tube TV and if I'm not wrong in those TVs you need a DC to shoot an electron beam to your screen to make the pixels glow DC output really wow look at all those diodes at the output I tried my high voltage ballast on every single winding I could imagine and the best Arc I got from my output to this pin was this which is disappointing as maybe Jay's ballast is stronger this is warm maybe his Transformer is better I don't know I hate dealing with random unknown components I have to design my own [Music] for my last act I just connected my powerful ballast to my puny CFL bulb and hopefully it will blow up magnificently make my heart a little bit happier let's see it just turned on [Music] it just burns giveaway time so two four Channel Scopes slash function generators and one power supply that I don't have to three winners who register for free from my link learn page slash Electro boom where you'll get access to free online classes taught by Engineers each class is under an hour long covering things like electronic Essentials a boot camp series and master class on important topics across the test and measurement space I mean you don't do electronics if you can't measure at the end of each class you take a quiz and if you pass you'll receive an official certificate of completion you can add your LinkedIn profile or share with your manager and maybe ask for the promotion you deserve this is what I love about keysight they understand when you help raise everyone everyone will go up together they keep launching new professional classes every week and they're just getting started so make sure to use my link getting the draw and start learning and thanks for watching like
Channel: ElectroBOOM
Views: 3,671,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: educational, electrical, ElectroBOOM, science, electronics, engineering, entertainment, equipment, measurement, experiment, mehdi, mehdi sadaghdar, arc, mishap, physics, Sadaghdar, test, tools, circuit, funny, learn, shock, spark, discharge, high voltage, power supply, transformer, ballast, DIY
Id: yeadK4cs_Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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