Making Game Art When You Don't Know How

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I am not an artist I'm a programmer but people don't really get attached to programs and algorithms okay some people do but most people don't get attached to programs and algorithms they get attached to characters places scenery architecture stories music Etc they get attached to Art I don't know how to make art but I want to learn for the past little while I've been developing a firstperson sword combat game and I've been trying to rework my character controller to work better over the network and I'm currently stalled on this so while we wait why don't we address what is arguably the biggest pain point of this entire project the art I'm Frank I'm a game developer and I'm not an artist I'm a programmer this project thus far has been devoid of art games need good art to sell to potential players that this game is worth playing art is what grabs people games don't need to be realistic but they need to look good so far in my game there's a couple of containers and barrels in the training ground there's some nice Sky boxes and some models I threw together just to get something in there but none of this is coherent there's no defined style seriously the players are just capsules that look like Among Us characters I need to start making art and I'm going to need a lot of it I'm not an artist I'm becoming one I want to make art but I don't really know how this is the first video in a series of making game art as a non- artist or at least someone who doesn't quite identify with that term just yet this all started cuz I looked up how to make programmer art because I've heard the term thrown around a lot I found this Reddit post which linked to this wonderful article on games from detailing how to make art as programmers there's a link in the description if you want to check it out I'm going to try some of these resources and use some of their techniques as well as try some techniques that I have found that way we can see what works for you and we can see what works for me so I can start making some art so far I've decided to make episodes on foxal procedural generation stylizing assets asset flips low poly art programmer art and games with no art if any of that interests you get subscri subcribed I'm sure there's going to be more episodes along the way those are just what I have ideas for right now with each video I'm going to make a little scene or game or demo of each of these techniques I haven't quite decided where I'm going to put those but they're going to be available in the descriptions of their respective videos some things in this series are going to be shortcuts which might be hacky but they will prevent us from having to learn extensive modeling or texturing they're just going to be things that'll get us going quickly last note on the series as a whole I'm effectively broke I don't want to spend money to make the game I just want to make the game because of this I want to set a precedent I am not going to sell you anything if a technique requires a tool I'm only going to suggest free ones you shouldn't need to break the bank to make good art and often times embracing those constraints will help you make better art I am not an artist but I will be now that phrase is kind of I'd argue that just by wanting to be an artist you are one I'm not an artist but I will be is kind of a paradox but whatever an example so I play guitar am I not a guitarist until I can flawlessly play eruption or Sweet Child Of mine or some other specific song I can always learn another song technique Theory Etc but there's there's no point where you know everything so I don't really want to lock in this idea that I need to know what I'm doing in order to do it there's no threshold in which I am a guitarist in the same way that there is no threshold in which you become an artist you learn how to do something by just doing it I probably won't be the best at any of this but I just want to rid one person of the idea that they have to figure it out first like being embarrassed is the cost of Entry make bad who cares you need to make bad in order to learn how to make not bad and you're never going to learn how to make good it's fine I am not an artist and this is a series on how to make art as a programmer we are not going to be using a lick of AI I think AI is a very good tool but in its current form all art generated by it has been developed on the backs of who knows how many people who unknowingly had AI models trained on their art their photos their words their everything stealing makes you a good programmer but it does not make you a good artist inspiration though besides most if not all of the AI art I have seen thus far it's just been kind of cringe and the people who post AI art of themselves are kind of just people I sto following on Instagram so I don't really want to touch AI right now all right this is going to be fun I'll see you all in the next video but if you can't wait that long here's a video on my game if you just want to check it out peace
Channel: Weekie
Views: 23,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game devlog unity, game development, unity game dev, fps, first, person, tutorial, update, castle wars, devlog, indie devlog, indie game unity, game art, programmer art, making game art, how to make games, art for programmers, game dev, indie game, make game art, pixel art, voxels, games with no art, game art for programmers, how to
Id: Zk6txRGLomw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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