Making Camembert at Home

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so today we're making camembert it's a pretty simple recipe and thanks for dropping by and having a look so first sit all your equipment up and there's my double boiler and the very next thing you do is make sure that your camembert molds are ready to go sterilized and that you've got at least four mats and the mats are used as you'll see later on for making the treat the cheese shrink so put your thermometer in and then pour the milk out they were using 7.6 liters of milk or two gallons of full cream milk in this and because it takes a bit of a while I've turned it up sorry sped it up a bit so now once the pouring is done there we go we're all the way to the top now and you can see the temperature on Thamud on the temperature gauge is probably only about 12 degrees first thing we need to do is add some calcium chloride that's about a three mils of calcium chloride to 60 mils of of rainwater and you're stirring that through at least a little while then we reported up the temperature the temperature target temperature is 32 degrees Celsius or 90 degrees Fahrenheit and what I'm doing there is adding the Penicillium Candida which is the white mold coating so that's just floating on top of a moment and now I'm adding the mesophilic mother culture I use a direct set culture and it's about one thirty to thirty second over of a year of a teaspoon and then give that a good stir and we've got to maintain the target temperatures throughout the process so I give it a good stir make sure it's well mixed in go it I need that the home alone at the moment we know it's going to stay that temperature is going to cover it up so enough there you've got to make sure that the mold cultures and the starter is well mixed so and we're talking about I mean a good minute good minutes during there okay nearly finished candy we've got to let it sit now for an hour and a half so Aaron half or 90 minutes it sits there to Ryden now once the milks ripened as you can see we still the target temperature of 32 degrees we add in the rennet so we've added the rennet and we stir for about I usually stir for about a minute maybe a minute and a half they give it a really good stir so top to bottom oh sorry bottom the top give it a stir all the way through so that the rennet is completely mixed up you don't want to be chunky pieces and uneven spreading at the rennet so like I said it would stir insert the thermometer out again cause I'm going to cover that up and we're going to leave it for 60 minutes okay 60 minutes is up now we're going to check for what's known as a clean break simply do that by putting your finger in and pulling your finger up I'll show you again there you can see it splits underneath your finger and how much sticks to it so we're going to do a we're going to cut the curds now the curd should be about a centimeter and that's what I'm trying to achieve here or for those imperial lovers it's a half an inch so I'll spit it up here because it takes about good 5-10 minutes to cut the curd properly so I cut it while my now I'm cutting the other way and then at a diagonal 45 degrees that cuts it all evenly so one way and then the other one and here we go last few cuts so now we stir for 15 minutes and you can see they're quite large chunks at the moment and as I steer for the 15 minutes you'll see that they get smaller so I near the end of the process now and as you can see it kinda looks like cottage cheese a rewarder in cottage cheese kind of the curds of shrunken which is the old whole idea of the stirring process so that's that's finished now we finished the hearing and what we're going to do is we're going to let that sit for another 15 minutes and you can see that's it and the Kurds are all drop to the bottom or most of them anyway and then I can move that over to the sink now so you going to pour off the way down to the level of the Kurds you don't need to strain it through anything there's no hassle ooh so as I'm pouring them you can hear all the your way again and the drain I didn't keep at these times I made record enough so long ago and we didn't need any at the time and the dogs have already had their dinner so now we're going to make sure that's all fine and we're going to start filling the come of ear molds so you just simply pour you don't need to strain it as you do normal hard cheeses and the way actually does drain out so I'm going to show you that the filling up the first one and then we'll fast-forward through all the rest now this takes a while this will take you about ten minutes easy because as the the way drains away the the level shrinks down and if still got a fair bit in the pot so then you sped that up so it drains pretty quickly as you can see the first one I filled ups come down at least a couple of centimeters so you just top those up again any keep doing that until there's none left basically so when you do it make sure you tilt over the sink we love why your way with your kitchen bench can just keep topping them up as they drain down too glad I sped this up this takes a while and I drawing down small as I said this tax oil now I actually had to pour some curd away because just they just wouldn't take anymore and I'd spend enough time doing it so they're shrinking a little bit more now not too much more there's only so much a constricting up to as you can see I don't have much in the bottom so slide that back down nearly at the end so we're going to leave them now for an hour and these drains and you can't put a cheese board over the top but I chose not so as you can see it shrunk down a fair bit and all we have to do is put the cheese boards on top I'll show you the year the mats on top and then what I'm using there is a sushi mat and they're very cheap those are for about a dollar something and you grab both and you flip it over what you're trying to do is make sure that the camembert is actually detach themselves from the side and their roll over and the bottom it's the man now the good thing about these mats so these molds is that they're only open at one end so there's not so much of a hassle so you actually have to do this for time so so once every hour for four for five hours so not four for five hours and you can see here that they shrunk a fair bit so I'm just putting down the mat on top and give it another flip that looks good okay let me go away for another hour all right back again we'll give another flip we'll see how much it's actually shrunk oh look another centimeter again which is good what we're after well after all the way to expel naturally without any pressure and that's how you get an ice cream can be so I flipped that one over and then we'll check that exponent yep that's unstuck that's good and not shrunk so let's flip that over as well okay that's good we'll go away for another hour shrunk even more so you give another flip and you can see they're sliding down very easily now within the mold itself so that's very good yep so we'll come back at another hour okay flip over this should be the final time okay so we just take the cheese mat of the mats off the top and we remove them from the mold you can see they stay in the same um state the right shape a bolt slip off very easily because they've shrunk away swords so what we're going to do next is we're going to salt the cheese you basically just sprinkle salt all over the entire surface of them and I just use non-iodized soap from local supermarket so you to sprinkle that all over now this takes a while as well probably a good five six minutes so you just rub the over make sure your hands are clean obviously rather may overreach each wheel now this takes a bit of time so I'll spread this part up as well you can see I've just done it all around so salt all sides just put a bit of salt in your hand and rub around and make sure you do everything you can't have too much because it will weep out in the process anyway as it as it matures so he doesn't kill any that year the molds and culture so that's all done a little bit on the foot on the what was the bottom on each one and just make sure it's all smooth off so we wait ten minutes for the salt to dissolve and then we take the whole lot and put it into our into our storage container and that test stops mold going through your fridge now I'm going to put it into the normal fridge at four degrees because I cannot get my cheese rich down cold enough that sits at about 13 so last time in Potidaea a really strong flavor into the cheese so this time I'm going to err on the side of caution and take it slower so we basically do we we have a look at two about two days and and then we turn them over and then we leave them for a seven to nine days at about ten days we should have mold all over the top of the cheese and then we wrap them up with the cheese wrap and store them for about four to six weeks and we'll taste them at four weeks but I'll do another video on that so thanks for watching and look forward to making the video on how the Calavera coming along over the next few weeks see ya later you
Channel: Gavin Webber
Views: 630,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camembert cheese making, Camembert, how to make camembert cheese, camembert cheese, camembert, Cheese Making, Little Green Cheese, Food (TV Genre), food
Id: Qk03ja6vS58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2011
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