Making Bacteria that are Part JELLYFISH!
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Channel: The Thought Emporium
Views: 234,969
Rating: 4.957921 out of 5
Id: F0_q-fD_lyU
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Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Bacterial transformation isn't really modification, its more just accelerated gene sharing that occurs via otherwise natural means. There is no direct manipulation of the genome to speak of. Which you know, OP, based on your account history.
If you want to do this at home here is a kit you can order:
This is pretty easy to do but it isn't really genetic modification. Its more exploiting the fact that bacteria share genetic information through a process called conjugation.
Genetic modification (or gene editing) is changing the chromosomal information (i.e. what gets passed down during reproduction) and is a lot more difficult (currently) in eukaryotes.
Now how do we scale this up, to say the size of my labradoodle?
Just asking for research purposes of course.
Not sure why you would want to teach/encourage people to do this at home, specially as you seem self taught. Things can get potentially dangerous fast.... How are you disposing of your bacteria after using them?
That was amazing! I had no idea this was even possible not to mention that it was that easy. Super detailed thanks!