Making an Epic Rubiks Cube Stop Motion

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you know what I've never done on this channel stop motion now that's not to say I've never tried it uh look at this thing I [Music] made uh I made that as a kid but hopefully I've improved since then so I'm going to make a little stop motion short film with no real plans except involving Rubik's Cubes I'm The Man Without a plan so uh come along for the ride after pondering what I was going to do and how I was going to do it I figured out this setup the next day since I want consistent lighting it's best to shoot with the curtains closed and preferably at night I cleared my desk and use the small light shining directly on it which is just the light I use for my normal filming the time-lapse camera was a bit tricky I was using my newer camera for taking the photos as well as my only tripod so I plunked my camcorder on this hoodie draped over my desk chair which is only a little precarious here's the setup and here are some of my props but what am I actually making well if you're looking for PL you've come to the wrong place we're starting with a 3X3 Rubik's Cube walking into frame you may notice I'm doing it backwards and that's because it's easier to start where you want to end up then walk it in and hope you land nicely in the center that said I forgot to mark where it was and had to guess when I put it back for the next part it turned out okay now I'm making it do a little spin I'm misaligning the layers as I go to make it more chaotic then I bring in a 4x4 in roughly the same position I left off and continuing the spin so it'll look like it transforms I played around with the 4x4 a bit and then and then had to transform it into a 5x5 you may see a trend here now I wanted it to jump and since I can't levitate things I came up with a different plan there needed to be something underneath the cube that props it up while being invisible to the camera so I used this folded up piece of paper and a camera lens to lift the cube to different heights once the 4x4 reaches the top I replace it with a 5x5 to hopefully get a seamless transition then I made it do a couple of moves before rotating to its front next up was making a piece pop out I took a photo of an edge piece detached from the Cube but barely hanging on then right on the table but resting against the cube still I had it slide back and then charge at the cube which is where the switch to a six B6 comes in there's a red line that moves back which helps s the transition and impact After Rolling The Edge piece away I wanted to do something more interesting with the cube so I had a yellow dot come in and form a square it's a it's a bit tedious doing all these moves to change one piece at a time but nothing crazy for the next transformation I made the same pattern on a 7x7 spoiler that is the biggest cube in this video but I did some things with that before turning it into 100 3x3 yes 100 3x3 which is just something I have don't question it phase one is putting all of them on the disc with white facing up except I need four red ones in the middle for the transition then I'll have that dot kind of shoed out into the corners I also made a little blue line move inside the cubes with some camera movements the next thing on the list was a stickman animation which needed a bit of prep so I've got this walk sequence coming up uh but first I have to animate it on paper I don't know how long it's been since I've tried something like that but I think I'll be fine let's get started I first sketched out each frame of a work cycle with a pin it was only four drawings because I'm using a low frame rate for the most part once that was done I went over them with a red marker I initially double-sided and only used two pieces of paper for the four frames but I realized the red shows through so it had to be four now the goal was to have a stick man appear and walk from the paper to the cubes and through the other side it's a sequence that's much harder than it looks I made a 10x10 grid of 3x3 squares in Adobe anime and planned out the animation in there using pixel art with everything set up I just needed to make the paper appear before filming the walk this was another thing done in Reverse I put the paper in place then cromed it up slowly and used some smaller torup paper to make it look like it materialized from nothing then I placed each drawing on the desk one by one moving closer to the cubes and eventually underneath them next I had 10 of the most timec consuming frames I've ever created I had to solve each Cube into a specific red white pattern going back and forth between my laptop and a CA of 3x3 you might think I could just move part of it along by shifting a pack of Cubes but that's not possible because it's not moving a full cube at a time like the right of the head for example here it's partially on the bottom right of one Cube and top right of the one under it then it's fully on one Cube on the next frame and then something different on the next I was able to save some time though by subbing in different cubes and reusing patterns because I actually have 50 spares anyway I was eventually done with that after 2 2 hours and there was one sequence left I placed a cube roughly in the Middle with blue facing up and had my hand squash it in to reveal a bomb it's going to countd down from three and explode then I'll move all the cubes out bit by bit to leave a clear desk which means the whole thing can potentially Loop okay I just finished uh shooting photos for the Stop Motion which is a relief uh but now I have to edit it add sound effects and things then I have to edit this video postproduction involved some speed changes cutting and Mild effects but in essence it's just a big sequence of photos so after adding in all the sound effects here's my silly stop motion Cube Chronicle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I think I did reasonably well it's quite choppy and disjointed in places and the exposure went crazy for a frame or two but it works I've learned a lot about what to do and what not to do just by making this and how long certain things take I'll probably try stop motion again at some point anyway I hope you enjoyed the video have a nice week and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: CyanSandwich
Views: 11,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3XqY7UuWwzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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