Making a Trapper Hat From Buckskin

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This guy has got it goin' on! I need that hat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Unionlaw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

That's a nice hat!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whiskywhiskywhisky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 28 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys signal zero how you doing I hope all is well and youtube-land whatever part of the world that you are in okay we're going to we got a lot of our springtime stuff caught up so now we're going to take some of the materials that we gathered and harvested in the fall and winter hunting and trapping season and start putting them to use what we're going to be making today is a lot of folks call them the travelers style hats to a hat that goes over what step to your flight to come down but you can lift up and down and we're going to be using the pattern you can find these patterns on the internet several different places I don't remember exactly where we found this pattern but we've cut the pattern out of paper and then we transfer the pattern onto this is remember the buckskin that we made and smoked the brain 10 bucks games that we made we're going to cut the half pieces out of this the the inside part and the side part to the hats we're going to be using this quilted moving blanket they're just a couple of dollars at Harbor Freight we're going to cut the inside part out of this this will do a couple things that will keep the your head warm and since it's not a fur and it's a cloth and a cloth material it'll help absorb any kind of sweat and stuff because you're going to be sweating whatever you're out move around in these hats are really warm the ear flaps and the brim we're going to make them out of rabbit hides here you can see we've got some some rabbit hides that we that we panned and we preserved from where we raised in butcher our rabbits and we try not to waste anything and we have the patterns on the back of the rabbit hides so we can cut them off you want to keep in mind the direction of the fur how the furs Lang you want to on your ear flaps and your brim of your hat you want to make sure that you cut your pattern with the fur going down that way it's not rubbing up against you and it lays down flat on your onion gears and there you pull them down and you pulled out across the forehead everything lays down flat and it helps keep a lot warmer so once we cut out over our pieces we'll show them all together and in the final process it will do will be would cover the buckskin and the outer shell buckskin with mink oil to just give it a little bit more additional weather protection when you smoke to your Heights it does give it some weather protection but it's not by no means we're the proof and a layer of mink oil will definitely help to make it a little more water and snow and sleet resistant so the first step is is find your pattern pattern which you like the second step is transfer your pattern onto whatever materials you are going to be using to make your hat like I say we're using all natural materials here these are skins that I myself have tanned preserved and smoked and I was a little going to be using so the very next thing we're going to do now is to start cutting out our pattern on the buckskin and the leather we're just going to use a good sturdy set of kitchen shears to cut these patterns out I'm not a seamstress I'm not a ancient Indian dude or any that kind of stuff okay I'm just a regular dude that making a hat we we will sell that sort of a very limited amount of some of these hats a couple of them are already spoken for but I may have a couple extras that I can sell I don't know what the price is going to be if you're interested in something like this and let me know and we'll go from there but there's not going to be very many of them so and using scissors for the buckskin and when I go to cut the hide the rabbit with the hide on I'm going to be using these little razor knives like I don't know like exacto knives or something like that and I'll cut it from the backside like this that way you're not using scissors and cutting the fur you want to have that firm Lane if you scissors no trimming that's not gonna look nice and if there'll be something falls out so we're gonna cut it from the back with an extremely sharp knife which is these exacto knives or razor knives or whatever it is that you want to call them scalpels a really sharp uttanapada knives would work or just giving my something like that so now we're going to cut out all of our all of our pattern and when we get them all cut out then we'll show you the next process which will be sewing this stuff to this stuff before we start assembly no nap okay guys what we're gonna do now is we're going to we've got all of our pieces cut in and the lining pieces so now what we're going to do is I'm just going to use a little bit of spray adhesive to kind of stick this inner piece to the outer piece until we start sewing it together and like I said I'm not an expert and I'm quite sure there's gonna be some old hat makers and seamstresses or guys telling me I'm doing it wrong but this is just how I'm doing my stuff I'm not suggesting anybody else do it I'm not saying this is the proper way to do it I'm not saying that if you don't do it this way you are wrong I'm just saying this is how I am doing mine sticking it together and then I was going to put a big book on top of it and let it stick together for a second so that they will kind of just bind together and hold together until we start sewing it all together rather than putting extra stitches in here to show this stuff together we're just going to use this spray adhesive for the time being until we start assembling the Hat so we're going to do this to all of our inner and outer pieces and we have them all done and we start pinning stuff together then we'll get okay guys what I'm doing now is I'm taking these the pieces that are not going to be sewn on to the head itself I like the ear flat pieces and stuff and I'm sewing the the outer leather to the inner leather so that you will it'll be one piece it's not going to come apart and we're not gluten enduring that kind of stuff so that way once we have the other half of the song together and the all the outside pieces will be sewn together as well so they make a good solid reliable heads that won't come apart on you and yes I'm secure enough in my doodle eNOS to sew and if you're not well then don't give me no crap so here we go for this using this this is a 19 a 1964 Kenmore sewing machine that my grandmother gave to my mother and my mother gave it to me because she said I was the closest thing she had to a dark and I thought that's good or bad but thanks mom okay so we're just sewing this PCO this is the brand of the Hat just like that so now it is one piece and this piece here will be sewn to the base of the Hat now we just take our a little a little very doodlee purple scissors here and cut back and there we go that's the brim of the Hat and in the zone with the further on through the front of it so we're just putting these pieces together and then we'll start assembling the actual hat before too long and then so the next step is the sewing these pieces here together to make one piece so you don't got to try to deal with glue and all that kind of crap so one gear flat left to go okay guys we're starting to assemble the actual parts of the Hat now this is going to be hand sewn because this stuff is too thick now for the sewing machine to handle and I just use we just got some some artificial setting you here that's waxed yeah it's artificial send you but it's still real tough it's been wax-coated and we just got a thick needle and i just use a little bitty pair of little needle nose to push it through and stitch it all the way across and this is this is going to take a while but it's gonna be worth it on the other side because it's gonna make a really cool hat and it is going to keep somebody's head very warm this coming winter so and you know if you got a rainy day in the spring and all your springtime stuff is done and it's raining well by golly it should give you something to do anyway little project that can that can be beneficial so yeah and I don't so very good and I'm probably done buy my stuff wrong but it is not going to come apart and that's what matters this here is going to be the top piece of the hat it goes around like this and then we'll in a little bit we'll sew on our sides and we'll go for me so starting to assemble all the pieces like I say this is the poppy and then here soon we will so in the other sides of the hat to it but let me get to that we'll get to that and we'll show you so way out keep on sewing we're just finishing up here with the main body of the Hat you can see you like I'm still sewing by hand here my hands are gonna be getting tired here pretty soon so I may stop for a little while and I pick us up again tomorrow and this is gonna be this is the process you're making something from scratch so don't get in a hurry and poke your fingers I don't get in a hurry and and ruin what it is that you're trying to trying to make and like I said I'm not a I'm not a professional seamstress or sewing or any of that kind of stuff and I'm probably doing it wrong but I did it my way this is the main body of the Hat and as you see once we get through we'll fold it out like this and that'll be the outer shell of the Hat and it should be nice and warm and now what we have left is so long are these ear flaps which we were so on right like this so that way we flap it up it will cover your coming year it's actually they go on like this yeah they go on like that that way when you flap it down it all matches the inside like that so I know we're still sewing we'll keep someone to keep at it and we'll catch up with you guys maybe wherever it's all so because all this is now just a matter of selling everything together follow your pattern and whatever pattern get you using and sew it together so that there be the next piece that goes on and you go on like that and I will like I say and maybe finish the next time you see it taking a while that's all right look at you but you move it hey guys we were finishing up the last part of putting on the the brand love the Hat right now and I've switched I used to send you on the main body part of the Hat to sew it so it makes it real sturdy and on the brim here I used a just my stitch involved this is a speedy stitch stitching all I'm not sure but I got it threaded with 100-pound 100-pound spiderwire fishing line you can find it in any kind of local hillbilly store because the sinew won't work in here but these things are definitely handy to have around and I'm just putting the last stitch into the brim of the Hat now and then the main body of the Hat will be done like that slid off the tie I just tie a couple of regular square knots whatever you kind of not you want to tie in here to Disick here it will be fine just as long as the line doesn't slip and come through and start loosening up the stitch so but this hitch and all is really handy to have around maybe doing some sewing like this now we'll just trim off this excess line right here and we have the main body of the Hat and this is a good time to now to go around and check your check your stitches if you have any big gaps any big holes because sometimes whenever your hand stitch it's hard to gauge especially with fur and stuff where you can't tell you can't actually see where stitches hard to gauge where your stitches are if you find a place that's got a big gap you can just take your just take it and find it and mark it take your stitching all and put another stitch in there and tighten it back up to make it works good and solid so here is the main body of the hat it's like that now what we're going to do is I'm going to put a lining in this that I've got a we've got a flannel flannel shirt it's just a scrap flannel shirt NES it's clean mostly yeah but it doesn't fit me anymore we got it with one things we got on clearance sale and it just never fit and I've never worn it so we're going to use it now I'm going to cut out the lining or the inside of the Hat and once I get that in there then I will just stitch that in to the Hat like that and then this hat will be done so let me cut out my my area that I'm going to use for yeah for the liner seal it all the way up and make sure that if I left it like this on the inside then this would start to free real bad just quilting stuff will start to fray and eventually it would come apart you come please so we're gonna try to avoid that by putting another line around and Plus this will help if whoever's wearing the Hat is out and sweating and stuff this will help absorb some of the sweat and keep it out of so anyway we're going to do that to the next step and we'll show you that when we get them okay guys here we have it I saw it a couple of this a little leather straps these buckskin straps on here - a little weak and tight around the chin to bring everything down tight i coated a give it a light coating of mink oil I don't think that'll make it weatherproof but it'll definitely help weather resist it the smoking of the Bucks again also helps make it weather resistant but and I don't think it ever the actual waterproof but the mink oil in the smoking will definitely help the inside you can see we got the rabbit line we've got a quote liner underneath this flannel liner here and we sewed it all around and this is the end product for a long long process we hunted the animal we skinned the animal we flesh to hide we'd be here to hide the brainpan to hide then we smoked the hide we did all that on video and then we cut our pattern out and we and so our Copperhead I think they actually they call them a Yushchenko style hat and this thing is going to be really warm this one right here this hat is for our Uncle Buck buck around 11 we all love and know Uncle Buck and we traded we made a deal for some traps and this is your head on the butt so I like it all the works out and there you have it I am pretty proud of myself y'all it's nice to know that you can take what nature gives you and what you can hunt and harvest and useable functional pieces of clothing that around I'm happy that I learned how to do this and like I say I don't not sure if there's gonna be any that I'm gonna have that I'll be able to sell some of them are going to be more trade items and select that but there you have it so I like and it is definitely going to be very warm so that's what it's all about so they go guys if I can do this you guys can totally do it even if you don't live in Mary we can hunt you can buy materials off of the internet places different places you can find through the doublet and find materials and find yourself a powder on the internet and make a hat I can do it you can totally do it so you guys think you look for watching have a great evening god bless ya buzz buzz the end
Channel: jnull0
Views: 33,926
Rating: 4.9511843 out of 5
Id: Y0iBT5RKPmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2016
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