Making a Touchscreen Hackintosh... 2009 Style!

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so a while back I did a few videos on this Samsung q1 Ultra a Windows xp/ Vista handheld tablet PC from the late 2000s we did the unboxing explored the factory installed software and then got Windows Vista up and running on it but today we're going to take it up a notch by trying to put Mac OS 10 on this thing to turn it into a custom touchscreen hack andage hello everybody and welcome back to another video so despite what I just brought on camera here we're not actually going to be installing Mac OS 10 leopard on this today no no no we're going to be putting snow leopard on this thing specifically one of those custom hacking toage dros that I've done numerous videos on this channel before and this one that I'm going to be trying out today I've actually never used before it's called Hazard 10.6 and I actually found out about it through an old insanely Mac form thread where someone was able to get it installed on the q1 ultra now there's a couple more of these threads with people trying out different hackage dros on it dating all the way back to 2007 when this tablet was released so I figured if we can't get this installed for whatever reason we've got numerous other things to try so all we should have to do is pop in our install DVD to our external USB DVD drive and uh we'll get this show on the road all right that's a great sign we'll just press enter to speed that up here all right so we got a C oh waa okay well well yeah the Apple logo is is custom so that's kind of nice I guess it looks like is this a colonel Panic yeah Colonel Panic occurred we apologize for the inconvenience so yeah um that is that's not great so oh boy well so much for not running into issues because uh as it turns out both of the copies of Hazard 10.6 that I tried to get booting on this thing would not work at all they kept konel panicking even after uh going in and adding a bunch of boot Flags to it so uh yeah that definitely sucked but the Silver Lining is you see we are booted into a Mac OS 10 installer this right here is a copy of iatkos a build for Mac OS 10.6 and not only did it boot up into the installer but the touchcreen works isn't that awesome yeah we're going to go through and install this and uh I mean we'll see I'm not going to celebrate too much yet because we may still encounter some problems during the installation but this is definitely a great sign one thing that I do remember reading through those various form threads that I mentioned earlier is the touchscreen calibration was never 100% accurate and it would be off though that doesn't really seem to be the case right now it seems like uh the mouse cursor is about okay we can kind of see right there you see how like I'm tapping and the cursor is to the right of where I'm actually tapping so the calibration is a little bit off at times but still it works which is great now we are actually going to open up um the disc utility here because I do want to just wipe the the partition so we'll go to utilities disc utility I have to say it is pretty weird to use Mac OS 10 with a touchcreen I mean I know things like the mod book exist but I don't have one of those they're expensive this is far cheaper uh so we're just going to go to our Samsung drive here and we're just going to erase uh the entire Drive uh we'll just make it Mac OS extended Journal I do have a keyboard plugged in because I I mean like I mentioned earlier I was trying to add boot flags and everything to the other uh Hazard discs but we're just going to call this uh hackage HD all right that's been taken care of so we're going to select this as our installation disc and we are going to of course hit on customize down here to bring up all of the options to get the various drivers and everything and I do have the specifications of this computer pulled up to make sure that we get the right uh drivers for things like the display and everything I'm actually just going to use the uh track pad for this just to make it easier and language translations we don't need uh any of that so I think we're good um we'll hit okay and let's install and see if we are successful well well well would you look at this we have gotten nowhere over the course of the past like 3 hours uh that I've let this thing sit here on this screen yeah normally it's supposed to go to a screen where it shows you how much time you've got left it's just been sitting here the system is not frozen up though I mean we can still like go into these menus here and I don't know let's try to maybe quit the installer and yeah we'll just hit restart and I just checked there's nothing on the hard drive not surprisingly cuz it didn't finish the installation properly so uh what I'm going to do is boot back off of this disc again and I'm going to mess around with those drivers and just get like the bare minimum that we need uh and just see if maybe that changes anything all right we're back and oh boy you can see we ran into some more problems so the good news is I was able to get IAT Kos installed on this device the bad news is you see that we are getting a not really a kernel panic but it just says the system bootstrapper has crashed when we try to boot from it this originally said it was going to take 7 hours to install that ended up being about 4 hours not as long but still a pretty long time for an OS 10 installation and I traced down the hanging issue we were experiencing before to to the wrong hard drive controller being selected so I selected the right one and I also found a form thread on insanely Mac uh from somebody else who tried to install a different Hackintosh drro in this case ID denb 1.6 on this device and they actually gave a list of all the driver selections that they used and um yeah you can see I mean like I said we got it installed but it just hangs on boot up here and this is even after applying some boot Flags like I did with the hazard Dro earlier like DX to start the system in safe mode you can see this is actually verbos boot output cuz if you don't do verbos boot you just get an infinitely spinning Apple logo and since my attempts to troubleshoot this have been unsuccessful I'm going to do what that form poster recommended and try to install ID denb 1.6 which is a modified build of os 10.5.8 all right believe it or not we finally have some good news for once we've successfully installed Macos 10.5.8 on the Samsung q1 Ultra however not everything can be perfect so we do have another problem here and that is that the screen resolution is a little wonky and you can see that the uh setup dialogue here is actually a bit off the screen so we cannot see the buttons on the bottom uh now fortunately so I don't have to sit here and like try and you know tap the buttons without being able to see them with the stylus uh we can just hit tab on the keyboard and get down to uh not that um this should be okay that's that this should be next there we go okay so we'll select our keyboard uh that should be back this should be next tab again which will be back tab again for next and look at that it detected our wireless card so that's great at least we know that's working so the first thing I'm going to try and do is change the screen resolution and see if we can uh get this down to where we can see everything on the screen cuz that would be nice wouldn't it but let's go up here I'm curious what Hardware this is recognizing in about this Mac so we've got a genuine Intel processor 800 MHz and 1 GB of ddr2 RAM that sounds about right U let's go to system profiler here oh and it thinks it's a Mac Pro too look at that that's the the system name there yeah Mac Pro 2 comma 1 a rather uh miniature Mac Pro if you ask me but let's go in here to displays hm these all look like 4x3 resolutions all right after spending way too much time trying to change the screen resolution to Something in 16x9 we have been unsuccessful because yes all these resolutions listed here are in 4x3 and for whatever reason despite me I guess misremembering this Mac OS 10 does not have like a built-in terminal command where you can just type in whatever screen resolution you want and apply it that way so you have to actually use a third-party program to change your screen resolution to something that is not in the display uh system preferences panel uh and I tried two of those CC screen and switch res X and I was not able to change the resolution with either of them them uh despite the fact that uh CC screen has like a force mode where you can force it to change the resolution to apparently anything it even says use at your own risk that didn't work and switchr x uh didn't work either despite the fact that if we go into uh show all here apparently you get complete control over your monitor except uh not in this case because we can't change the resolution to a custom one so uh yeah that is unfortunate so we're going to have to be at this 800x 600 4x3 resolution for the the rest of this video but now we get to do some fun stuff at least hopefully uh so the past few times that I've messed around with OS 10 on this channel I've tried to get this copy of Halo Combat evolve for Macintosh working and so far I've been unsuccessful at that this computer certainly meets the system requirements though I'm 99.9% sure that this particular copy of Halo Combat Evolved is for power PC only however there was a power PC Intel universal binary for this game that I've got on this USB drive here so uh we're going to first try out the copy that I have and see if uh just on the off chance that it is the universal binary copy the only date that we have to go by is the one on the disc itself here which is a copyright date of 2003 but copyright dates are not necessarily the date that the product was released uh for example I actually have a thing of seasoning that still has a copyright date of $1 1999 on it uh despite the fact that it still sold in stores you know in the modern day it was just never changed for whatever reason hopefully they updated their copyright though unfortunately our disc drive is not being uh Cooperative here though we can just uh eject it this way which is kind of the way you're supposed to do it in OS 10 especially on Max that don't have a physical eject button uh so we will pop that out there we go and we'll put in our copy of Halo Combat Evolved and we'll try to run the Halo in installer this is such like a dumb video like I just I'm just spent all this time installing magos 10 on this thing just so we can run Halo which we can do on Windows anyway okay November 2003 so this is this is definitely the power PC version 800 MHz or faster power PC G4 G5 processor so yeah uh we are just not going to bother with this install successful that's great so we will close out of that okay we just have a application this time not a folder CD ROM was not found okay so this uh I wonder if we can use the CD ROM that I have all right not to worry because I went back to that internet archive listing and found that there were some additional files including a CD image so I've got that I also got the updaters on this USB drive those were separate from that original DMG that we used as well so the first thing we're going to do is uh not that we're going to eject the disc once again and I'm actually going to copy over the uh updaters so okay we're going to select those two and I guess we'll just drag them to the desktop and then copy the uh the lobby updator as well just we'll do that separately for for some reason uh and then we will'll uh eject this yeah those didn't take long to copy at all and uh we are going to pop in our universal binary copy of Halo there we go now we have to put in the product key all right all right so let's um I guess we can just start the game with the default options I guess we'll leave on Pixel and vertex shaders for now um and yeah model detail High lens flare medium fsaa off I guess that's fine we can't see the uh this is the same thing that happened the last time that I tried to run this the window here goes off the screen so luckily okay is selected so we can just hit enter and let's see if uh oh okay it looks like it's setting to a incompatible resolution I think we can just do a command Q here to quit out of it though so there we go uh let's try that again we'll just say ignore and I guess we could have hit relaunch but I don't know if that would have relaunched the game or just the settings panel here so okay play in a window let's just do that and hit enter oh my gosh holy cow West Lake interactive and we got sound working I mean that's not surprising we've had sound working this whole time but oh my gosh this is amazing like seriously I've tried for like four videos now to try to get this stupid game working on a Mac and it's this isn't even a Mac but we got it working on I'm not you know what I'm not going to say anymore cuz the game could still crash or not run properly let's let's go to settings and see if we can change the screen resolution um it apparently do just does not like 640 by 480 um new o1 oh my gosh the classic default Halo name that you would see when you would go online I just love that um I man this was the my first experience playing Halo was the PC version of Halo 1 uh so this this definitely takes me back but yeah video setup so let's bump this up to 800 by 600 if we can oh we can't even change the resolution okay all right quick jump cut here I just realized that you guys weren't going to be able to hear any of the audio because of the way I have the microphone set up so we have uh a direct audio feed coming out of the headphone jack now so um yeah what I was saying or what I was about to say is that I think we we may be able to change the resolution if this was in full screen but we can't launch the game in full screen because of default the 640x 480 which the system doesn't like as you saw uh so we're going to stick at this resolution for now I mean that's fine with me I guess I can just use the keyboard here uh 30fps is the um well we got vsync I guess we can just set it on vsync sure um and yeah we'll leave all this just at the the default settings for now because I do want to uh let's hit okay here um I wonder if I mean we are no we're not on the network let me um let me Tab out of this quickly and just connect to my home network cuz I do want to see if we can play this game online I know that the the PC version of Halo that I have you can still actually play it online at least the last time that I did it uh there was a like patch update after the uh Game Spy server shutdown which is what this used for online uh matchmaking and you know server hosting and all that uh so one of these patches in here may allow us to play online I don't know but's let just go to okay here we'll let that save and um let's just try to go into multiplayer see what happens so join game internet if I can uh select that there and we'll get the list so yeah we got nothing so uh not really surprising but we'll come back to that in a minute let's go to campaign and I guess you can't to hit enter on that you have to actually click on it okay so we'll click on campaign and we'll just let's go on normal of course we do have this whole intro video and everything so I'm just going to have to let this play out cuz I don't think oh we can skip it look at that okay thank you so oh yeah uh definitely got some we we got some lag going on that's for sure now I did turn on vsync we could set this back to uh 30 FPS and of course lower the uh graphic settings and see if that uh improves performance a little a little bit for us um but we'll just wait for us to get out of the Pod here all right we just hit e to exit out and let's uh see if we can move around here which yeah I mean that's not not bad not really bad at all um uh well we Dro some frames there okay let's just start messing around with the with the settings and um see what we can do gosh this is annoying okay change settings so we'll bump this to 30fps and we'll change texture quality to low and particles on low is there a very low or is it just low I think I think low is the lowest if I can freaking select these yeah high medium low high off okay we can turn it off let's just do that let's see how that uh changes things for us so we'll resume game yeah I mean you know it's it's it's definitely not bad that's for sure I mean we can we can walk around here certainly the best that I've gotten Halo to run on uh any Mac I mean this isn't a Mac again but any OS 10 install that I've set up over the course of the past few months so that's cool but uh yeah I am curious to try and see if we can get multiplayer working so okay we've got uh two updaters um I guess for the game itself then we have the lobby updator so the um archive page said we have to run 2.03 then 2.04 uh and then I believe the lobby updator after that so there's the fixes uh Mac universal binary builds now in sync with PC version 1.08 uh so this looks like it's from August 2008 all right that's done we will close out of that and run 2.04 or 2.0.4 and this is from October 2009 in sync with PC version 1.09 so all right we'll continue close and we'll run the lobby updator oh look at that this is to use the new multiplayer internet lobby after games spy stop supporting it in 2014 this is awesome okay so we might actually be able to uh join an online server which will be pretty cool and okay we can here change like let's set model detail to low lens flare to low and let's turn off the hardware shaders to uh see if that you know improves performance for us a little bit more oh all right so I probably should plug in a a proper Mouse you know what I'm going to try to play uh with with the uh trackpad here and these and I mean still use the keyboard for w and D but let's go to internets and get the list if this works I'm going to be oh my gosh it works this I just love that this game is still there's people still playing this game even in 2024 um so I always like to do capture the flag on either blood gch or Sidewinder but let's just see what has the most players currently okay we've got a Blood Gulch capture the flag on some server name just an exclamation point okay the flag oh my go okay well oh they got this setup where you start with a sniper too point of it is it is very laggy um so oh and someone just shot me yeah there's no way I'm going to be able to kill anybody in this like at all I'm kind of a uh I'm kind of a useless teammate at the moment woman uh can we enter the warthog all right can I let's see if I can drive this thing oh my gosh this is a this is a total oh my look at this this is a total disaster I mean the game runs so that oh he was killed by a vehicle I totally got him that is so funny at least I think that was me I'm just curious to see um how much of a difference that we set this back to pixel and vertex shaders this is going to really screw things up I'm sure but uh let's hit return all right and let's try to go back into that same server you know what I'm going to since I mentioned it already let me go ahead into system preferences and change the mouse sensitivity there's also in here the um inking options because you know it thinks we have like a drawing tablet plugged in so uh you've got this setting here you can't do anything to change the touchcreen like calibration um but you can you this is like for handwriting recognition stuff so you can change your language and gestures and all that let's go back to show all here go into keyboard and mouse go to Mouse and uh tracking speed here we go so let's maybe lower this a little bit Yeah like that's honestly that's honestly not too bad so we'll just we'll just leave it at that and we'll uh just drag this out of the way and let's let's try to go into a multiplayer game oh yeah this is this is definitely worse uh yeah just for fun here let's set this To None again and go in I'm going to go into the the game settings and make sure that all of those uh modifications we made earlier in the campaign are still in effect and just try to you know join like a a server and and just you know mess around for a little bit which I'm probably not going to do for very long because of how uh how slow that this game is going to run um yeah all that all that stayed uh you know as we said it before all right so here's a server on Sidewinder with nobody on it uh so this will be extremely easy to to win uh but I mean we're just going to I don't know let's get into the the war hog here and just try to drive around without the fear of being shot now [Music] um this is uh this this is just really funny you know it's been it's been a little while since I've played Halo 1 I still have it installed on my main Windows system I've played it uh every once in a while uh throughout like last year I mean it's fun just to fire up and you know go into the server see who is still playing this I mean of course now we've got the Master Chief collection on PC um we've had it on PC for a while obviously but uh you know it's still fun to experience the original game uh every once in a while but yeah man I I spent so much time on on Halo 1 like back you know back in what the mid late 2000s I was I was really really into it team let's just try to complete one flag capture here uh so we will uh yeah I always loved to drive like the the warthogs and stuff into the base and just try to just try to run people over I thought it was like the funniest thing so let's uh see if we can get back to our base here this is controlling controlling the warthog with a with a trackpad like this is uh is not it's not super fun all right can we do it can we do it is somebody going to join and uh be able kill me probably not at this point I mean I'm literally at the oh jeez okay well I might end up dying uh just from like getting run over by my own warthog here uh but okay here we go we've scored and apparently the score is uh 2 to three right now I guess the server's been running for a while um yeah red still leads blue 3 to2 but yeah there you have it guys I mean that is installing ID denb what ended up being ID denb on the Samsung q1 Ultra to get Mac OS 10 on here uh turn it into a bit of a touchcreen hacking toage and play Halo on it uh so yeah I call this video a success despite the uh numerous amount of obstacles we had to overcome and you know I think at this point we could have just like installed osx86 from scratch but I just like to mess around with these hack inage dros whenever we do this because I mean this was just a really easy way back then to hack inage an old Windows machine you might have had lying around and it was actually my first uh ever experience using OS 10 even before I started collecting vintage Maxs um so yeah if you guys enjoyed this video if you want to see more like it be sure to give it a thumbs up get subscrib maybe consider becoming a channel member or a patron to get early access to these videos before anybody else but either way I just want to thank you all so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Michael MJD
Views: 129,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, michaelmjd, mjd7999, game, review, overview, apple, microsoft, unboxing, tutorial, windows, how-to, mac, os, system, michael mjd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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