Making A Start In Australia

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[Music] the first European settlers in Australia came from Britain now they arrived from every country in Europe adventurous people seeking a new future it's a big step for young and old but there was always plenty of help available along the way and on arrival [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] formality is on arrival concern health quarantine and customs and are strict and simple before leaving it is necessary to have a health check and obtain an international vaccination certificate every traveler must also have a valid passport these and any other essential entry documents should be kept in a safe place handy for checking when required all luggage has to be examined by customs so it's important for everyone to know about Australian customs regulations before departure there are some things you cannot bring into the country goods such as cheese sausages vegetables seeds and plants are not permitted and regulations are very strict these quarantine restrictions prevent some crop and animal diseases that do not exist in Australia being introduced leaflets are available at immigration centers to tell newcomers what products cannot be brought into the country but don't worry most national foods can be bought in Australian shops [Music] many new settlers meet relatives or friends when they arrive and have accommodation ready for them other new arrivals are welcomed by migration officers good afternoon I was ready Papa's with the immigration Batman wait have you do you never know a strip yes very nice and would you not like to come with me we have a best way the Australian government assists some migrants with their passages and those who have not been sponsored by relatives friends or employers may be entitled to stay for a while in government accommodation arranged before leaving their homeland most of these people move into a government migrant hostel and quickly settle into comfortable quarters in most instances you do not pay for food and accommodation until the head of the family has started work these arrangements are explained before departure and discussed again after arrival some of the older type hostel buildings are still in service though these are being replaced by modern units as quickly as possible government hostels for migrants provide more than just accommodation and food they also have services to help newcomers settle into the community for instance at all hostels there are classes where they may learn or improve their English [Music] [Applause] he's an electrician he's an electrician he's an electrician he's an electrician what's your job what's your job hi my computer operator there are employment officers to advise and assist new settlers to find suitable work I have already a job for you at McKenzie intolerant at ten o'clock next Monday for some jobs a good knowledge of English is not essential though of course it always helps [Applause] the type of work available to women varies from one area to another some mothers have no problems finding work if they have children over five years of age the children must attend a school those youngsters between the ages of 2 and 5 may be left at the hostels childminding center for a fee as well as providing supervision and interesting and instructive activities for the children the center gives them a chance to begin their life in Australia among friends of their own age for the older children when they're not at school there are well-equipped recreation centres to offer relaxation sport or just plain fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] many people who come to Australia are willing to work hard and go into business for themselves the international flavor they bring is appreciated by Australians and new settlers alike in many of these businesses there is plenty of work for the whole family to do and soon the youngsters are old enough to lend a hand themselves when not at school in all states except Tasmania children must attend school until they are 15 in Tasmania they must stay at school until they are sixty classes for teaching English are open to people of all ages and are free to all who come to Australia whether they come under a government assisted passage scheme or not many continue to attend classes after they have left their hostel these classes are held in various regional centres Mary today did you know Mary sick today well she must have been eating too many chocolates very good what's this it's a school I want you to write an adverb for each one of these phrase its players right you may now begin [Applause] [Music] right stop work close your books Mario damia and Tony you can go to your special English lesson with mrs. Thomas now the rest of you we're going to have a look at these little equations and write some problems for them normally children attending school are quick to learn English for those who have a little difficulty following lessons many schools hold special language classes 1928 Mario in what year was the red car 1928 Tommy what can you tell me about the two car look at the sign the yellow car is as old as the red car Thank You Danny now that the lemon juice catch the vinegar does it taste like the case Sarah what one of the first things you should do on arrival is join a medical insurance fund for a moderate weekly charge these funds ensure you and your family against most of the costs of medical and hospital treatment the funds provide free insurance for the first two months in Australia but you must first join a fund to qualify for this concession [Music] poems are important to everyone and government migrant hostels have experienced housing officers who are ready to assist anyone wishing to rent or buy a home this service is free housing officers can advise you on such things as finding a place to rent or buy house bemuse negotiating mortgage loans signing contracts and all other details about real estate owning your own home is very much part of the Australian Way of life and every encouragement is given to newcomers to settle in [Music] away from the big cities life can have many advantages in housing for example sometimes homes like these in the coastal port of why Ella in South Australia are cheaper and easier to obtain than similar ones in big cities [Music] wire is a shipbuilding and iron and steel center other small cities have light industries but wherever you go there are organizations like the good neighbor Council to help newcomers settle into the community [Music] the small cities also offer varied opportunities for the young with good schools and technical training facilities for apprentices if children in Australian schools share ability they will be given every opportunity to obtain a higher education Australian needs qualified tradesman in all fields and the number of students taught in these schools is increasing each year [Music] this business center is typical of those in the main provincial cities and towns shopping facilities are provided under ideal conditions in well-stocked air-conditioned supermarkets or in privately owned shops both large and small oh this initially I purchases him [Music] Australian banks can help too they know that both advice and money are important like this Bank some have advisory officers who will once newcomers to Australia and speak several languages [Music] many nationalities different cultures but you need not be out of touch with your homeland in cosmopolitan Australia you'll find your friends at the sports ground relaxing in one of the numerous restaurants where national dishes are served or at one of the national clubs which have been formed throughout the country [Music] for many people the clubs and cafes are links between their old life and the new and today these European influences are helping to enrich life that everyone can enjoy in Australia [Music] you
Channel: NFSA Films
Views: 65,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: immigration, migrants, Australia, History, Film, Documentary, National Film & Sound Archive, Sydney
Id: jFtj4AiQuuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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