Making a paper shredder that looks like a brain

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Really enjoyed this one. I couldn't see it when she began, but the end product looked great! I want one!

Also, needed a better angle on that happy dance she did at the end... hehe.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Yurilovescats 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
a portion of this video was sponsored by LastPass if there's one thing I can confidently say about myself then it's that I have a lot of ideas I didn't say there were good ideas yeah my notebooks are just like filled with projects that never happened I want it to be like a one-woman band but like a one-woman workshop and just have all these like tools strapped to my body the hammer shoes are kind of nice here's a lamp that looks like a tampon and I think I was mostly in it for the name lamp on here is the CEO bouncy chair I wanted it to kind of be like a kid's bouncy chair but like a grown-up version for it and it would have like a really fancy mahogany desk around it like a Rolodex and I don't know maybe market it as like an exercise thing so I originally had the idea for this project in like June 2018 it was right after I'd had my surgery and had this idea that I wanted to make a paper shredder that looked like a brain so you would just put the paper in between the brain halves and then the shredded paper would come out the bottom just so I could like put my hopes and dreams into it and shred them but then I kind of forgot about it and I thought it would just be permanently in the sketchbook graveyard until last week when I was going through the storage here at the workshop and this like broken paper shredder kind of just like manifested itself and I was like it's time so I found this broken shredder motor and I was gonna take it to the recycling but then I kind of just stumbled with a screwdriver and started picking it apart instead so these are the rotors it shred the paper and pull it through and here's the motor that runs them there's some sort of like gearbox here in the back paper shredders are terrifying they kind of look like hair rollers of doom so I weld it together a new motor mount because a motor used to be on the side and now it's gonna be on the bottom because that will just like anatomically work better with a brain okay here's the plan so I need to make some sort of amount for it and I'm thinking of getting like an old lamp or something like that and repurposing the base for it then I need to rewire the electronics make a brain shred I'm running all of these safety protocols with myself to not get my hair stuck in it I for some reason my hair is the thing that like eats most fortunately it's like one of few body parts that grows back so well I call it a pony tail when it's like a lizard tail because if it falls off it grows back [Music] so I didn't find a lamp base but I found this pretty great fan look at that it's my fan base [Music] I feel like there's this thing about welding where being an amazing welder is really hard but being like a good enough welder it's really not that difficult so I just made this like little bass reinforcement and I'm thinking that this is what it's gonna take most of the weight of the brain this is mostly just going to go on top it's like this little flaring it's catching I was kind of hoping I could just force it or maybe I just chop it off and pretend like it was never there no don't be lazy do the thing do it properly [Music] [Music] I have just finished the wiring so I made a little clip here so I could easily plug it on pulling the motor I've just pulled the cable in through the base it comes out here and it connects to the switch still haven't plugged it in I'm genuinely nervous to do so but there's only one way to find out if you up that's great this is exactly what we want to happen because you'll be off but then it should be on in one direction ah okay that doesn't work but what about on in the other direction does the outlet work I feel like when I was a kid and always if I got something wrong in math I would always be like I found a mistake in the book and me being like maybe the outlet doesn't work [Music] [Music] instead of watching paint dry let's talk about passwords so this portion of the video is sponsored by LastPass LastPass fills in your username your password so you don't have to keep track of them all or use the same password across multiple sites mine always used to be some version of like I love cheese Louise truck look is great LastPass lets you store and limited passwords and share them when you need to it also syncs across devices so if you're an iOS or Android it will fill in your credentials on apps and sites and it's honestly one of those things that once you start using it you realize you're never going to be able to go back to the system you had before so thanks to LastPass for sponsoring that portion of the video and let's get back to the brains and brain shredders that you can use to shred those post-it notes you use to write your passwords on I think the stand is as finished as its ever gonna be I've kind of been using it as an excuse to put off making the actual brain because I am very good at productive procrastination so one of very few perks of going through brain surgery is that you get a bunch of MRI scans and I have all my MRI scans on CD it's kind of like the souvenirs you get from amusement parks I even put mine on t-shirt I've been converting my MRI scans and the vector files and the plan is to build the brain up labor layer so in each one of these slots it would be one slice of bread pretty yeah it'll be like a loaf of bread but instead of bread it's brief so I made a ton of prototypes yeah this is how long it took for me to figure out how to do this I've been using my laser cutter to cut these but I want the final bearing to be made out of brass which I can't use the laser cutter for and I thought for a hot second that I could use the shaper origin for it but I gave up very quickly [Music] person who can pull up organized but I doubt it too much I just don't want it to be Coachella or cowboy but I think it's kind of both the waterjet brain Huff's I still haven't seen them oh this shock all real sharp you should wear gloves sharp version control has been a real with this project this is my final version oh yeah I should really just clean these up and then maybe put a layer of epoxy on them [Music] [Applause] [Music] last step three look I have all the brain house prepared now we're just gonna put them on the shredder I also laser cut these little standoffs so these will go in between the layers just to keep them stable [Music] off you piece of [Music] this is like an unintentionally SMR video cuz it's just me whispering to myself I don't watch yes amar I do have a weird thing like if I watch any agility video I cry and I don't just cry a little bit like I cry like my husband left me for my sister amounts and I have no idea why it gets me so much but there's just something about like how excited the dog is just hits me rid of the feeling and I cry so that's what I watched on YouTube also my brain is still pretty lopsided after surgery and I might have just taken it down a notch because I made a draft of this using paper and the asymmetry of it bothered me okay I didn't even pick my brain because I wanted to pick my brain it was the only one I had access to okay it was necessity rather than narcissism almost there do you like it should we turn it on shred [Music] wiser smoke ah where is their smoke coming from oh my god I just saw the most subtle tendrils of smoke it doesn't smell burnt no a little try to run it again I say we just ignore it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Simone Giertz
Views: 2,535,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lastpass, lastpass login, password, password generator, lastpass chrome, lastpass download, lastpass premium, random password generator, generate password, password manager, recover, lastpas, laspass, lastpass premium features, delete account mobogram,, how secure is my password, last password, brain, paper shredder, mri
Id: AjEDvKFs_78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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