Making A On-The-Go Storage For Paints And Wood Treatments - MDF Projects

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hey guys welcome back to we chopped judges today I'm going to try and continue making the most of my small shop by adding a storage unit for things like spray paint cans and other wood treatments and chemicals I have cans and bottles standing all over my shop and if I really want to get the most of my space organization is key so I want to add a unit to my friend Keith wall to organize and store these items a simple shelf isn't really an option for me because considering my small space I'm likely going to end up bumping into it resulting in the cancer whatever is on top of it dropping onto the floor at rain would solve this problem but it's not ideal either because it requires space above it to add and remove items and space is very precious to my operation so I figured I would make a box pipe enclosure but instead of having cabinet doors that require space to open and close I would add the items on a trade that can talk slightly forward to add and remove them this would have the added functionality of being able to remove from the wall and be used on the go for when I'm working around the house or on site so as always I'm going to get started by sizing up my components [Music] now I'm building this project out of MDF which is a little out of the ordinary for my noodles shop both but I'm actually planning a project that requires in VF and because I don't have a lot of experience working with it I figured this was a great opportunity to test some of my ideas the cabinet is going to consist out of two main parts the housing and the tray the tray will fall out of the housing giving me access to whatever is inside now the housing is fairly straightforward so I'm going to assemble it first [Music] and that's pretty much the housing I still need to add these signs however but before I can do that I need to add holes into which I'm going to insert a pipe this pipe is going to allow the trade to rotate so I can open and close it [Music] and that's the housing assembled with the sight and behold called for the pipe that's going to allow the trade to open and close I also added these angle cuts at the backyard but I'm going to be explaining a bit more about that later on in the video but with all of that done I can jump on getting the tray assembled right so for the tray I'm going to get started with the lid which is going to form the front of the enclosure with the box you're going to pull it open like this to get access and close it like that now because it's going to be an enclosure I'm not going to be able to see what's inside so to overcome this I'm going to make cutouts in the lid and install perspex or plexiglass into those cutouts [Applause] [Music] to make my cutouts are first rolled holes on the corners of where each cutout is going to be then like I did in the past with my bench top I'm going to use my jig saw to remove the largest segments of each cut out by cutting slightly towards the inside of the guidelines then using a flush trim bit on my router I can trim the edges for a nice clean cut [Music] right sir that's all the hold cut with the jigsaw and now I'm simply going to clamp a piece on to the guide lines I drew earlier and then using the flush trim bit or the trim bit on the router just clean up the edges [Applause] [Music] so that's all the cutouts made and I also added the shampooer on the outside edge just to tidy it up a bit next step is to cut the step or the recess at the back into which I'm going to be installing the perspex to do this I'm going to use the step cutter bit with Murata [Music] that's all the cap hats made for the perspex and one lost piece of preparation I need to do on the door is to cut in a handle that would allow me to grab it we're not open and close it after that I can start finishing up the assembly [Music] [Applause] okay that's all the cutouts and inserts made but I'm not gonna install them into their places just yet because I still want to paint the entire assembly so for now I'm gonna finish up assembling the tray paint everything and hopefully I can start finishing up the project [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so that's most of the adding a symbol that I am still going to add a backing over here but I'm going to do that after I've installed the inserts then also as you can see I'm nest rolled over here but it shouldn't be too much of a problem because I'm going to be closing all the screws with wood filler before I paint then this board I attached at the bottom you might seem a bit out of place but it will make more sense when the entire unit is a symbol so that's everything prepped and send it and now I can give it a coat of paint before doing the final assembly okay guys so at the moment I find myself in a bit of a situation I wanted to make the housing gray and the tray white but unfortunately I have run out of white paint and considering the fact that the country is on lockdown there's no way I'm going to be able to get more so I'm going to have to paint this another color and the only other color I have is blue so I'm going to have to painted blue and hope for the best [Music] so earlier I mentioned these angled cuts at the bottom yeah and the reason for them is said that the unit can open like this when it is not mounted to the wall well the plates are added at the bottom you will be plank are added at the bottom is acting as a stopper preventing the door from opening further than this okay guys so that's pretty much it at this stage you're probably wondering why I use the complicated pipe system instead of a set of hinges well the reason for this is if I put hinges or used hinges instead of the pipe it would still open like this but when I take it off the wall and I place it somewhere else this option is not going to work because all this weight is going to pull the unit over so with the pipe this pot opens to the other side and the weight of the cans and this area yeah so keeps the unit upright and that's pretty much it for this video not entirely what I wanted with the blue paint but you know it is what it is the two kinds of white paint inside of the unit or emptied hell they're pretty much just for display purposes and because the country is on lockdown I find myself with a lot of time on my hands so I'll probably be back in just a few days with a new video then I don't think there's a person in the world not somehow affected by this virus so to everybody watching please stay safe as I said I'll be back real soon with a new video but for now thank you so much for watching till next time just
Channel: Woodshop Junkies
Views: 132,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paint storage, paint storage cabinet, paint storage rack, paint storage diy, french cleat storage, paint cabinet, swing tray, swing rack, small shop storage
Id: 7dH2RYgTbtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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