Making a Mini Lathe Mystery part.

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hey guys welcome to the shop this week I have some mini lathe work some small lathe work that I want to do and I'm actually going to use my mini lathe in order to do this we're going to be turning some aluminum I'm going to be making a piece that was plastic out of aluminum so it can look nice and so it can have some durability um inferior material to Superior material I guess depending on its use anyway I've got a drawing on the workbench here you could call it the back of a napkin drawing if you want CU it is and except for it's actually on a notepad so let me show you what we're going to be making we'll probably have to grind a custom tool you know a few things you'll see so thanks for watching and let me show you what we're going to make so here is our drawing I don't expect for you to really be able to make much out of what's going on there but this is the part that we're going to make not to scale and originally this is the part and it's plastic and it's in three pieces where it should be in one and I've got two of these that are broken and they broken the same way so I'm going to be making this part out of aluminium and it's not a complicated part really but it does have some features on it that will require us to uh grind a Custom Tool in order to replicate so let me get you a little closer to this part show you some of its features and we'll get started so a little closer look at the drawing got a little cross-sectional action going on here obviously this is not to scale you can see cuz if I draw this to scale and then tried to put the dimensions on there I wouldn't be able to see what's going on and I don't you know I don't need it scale you get the idea this will be easier for you to see as well we've got a pocket here with a 90° tapered bottom and it's just perfect for number four 90° center drill so that's what we're going to do for our pocket we will drill all the way through with a number 25 drill we've got a couple steps here you can see we got a diameter here we've got a step up here we've got a pocket here that's actually a spring pocket for a spring that goes here all this is held together by this one screw that goes through the through the center right there so let's go over to the lathe Let's Get Set Let's get that little dude set up cleaned up ready to rock and roll and see if we can't make two of these I got to make two I'll probably just show you me making one you get the idea 3/4 of an inch about 58 so it's colder than a you know what and you know where outside the wind's kind of blowing it was blowing really hard a little a little while ago and it's about 0° C 32° F and it's just cold when the wind blows it's cold I know there's people live in Antarctica no I don't think there is any permanent residence in Antarctica but there's people that live in cold areas I know there's colder places on the planet you know you love cold weather and I'm weak I understand that and I accept that anything below freezing I'm out not interested after a while I get used to it but you know living where I do it doesn't normally stay below freezing so I don't get used to it and when it is below freezing it's cold here's the LA that we're going to use well you guys may remember this thing I've used it I've made hundreds of Parts on this thing and I enjoy having it it's great for little things great for aluminum brass copper stuff like that works really good on not so great for harder Steels but this machine is responsible for starting a lot of people on a dangerous very dangerous path of wanting to get Machine Tools it has fed the hobby for a very long time even though they are a lot to be desired left with one of these machines they leave a lot to be desired they're still really good machines for the cost I don't care if you live in a closet you can have this thing it's that small so we've got a piece of 1 in this is 6061 I'm just going to cut me off a small chunk here because this won't go up I don't think it will in the spindle B of that machine nope so we're going to cut us off a chunk enough to where we have a enough meat to grab on to with the lathe Jaws but we don't want to waste a lot either so we'll cut off an inch and a half so our tool just a left hand standard you know quite a bit of rake in that and a lot of clearance that way I can loosen this tool post I can twist it if I need to and a good sharp tool on a lathe like this takes a lot less effort to push that tool through the work than it does some big blunt blunted nosed tool so we'll just go straight to the work well first thing I'm going to do can it just a little bit like that I'm going to come in and face it then I'm going to turn all the way down to the face of the Jaws to the major OD here which is 5/8 so that's going to be my first first moves yeah so 99 five roll my dial now I can just work work from the dial down to pretty close where I want I'll stop a couple times and do it couple checks but we're just going to run her down to 5/8 625 [Applause] all right so I am 700,000 so I am what 75,000 away [Applause] [Music] so this should be 625 626 that's good enough [Music] [Music] so we're working this the big end is going to be towards the Chuck of the lathe we're going to start on the small end and work our way this way so now I'm going to work down to this shoulder here so we need to cut down from our 5/8 diameter we got solid diameter in there right now it's 5/8 so we need to cut that down to 400 or no sorry 330,000 and it needs to be 337,000 to the shoulder so here's the way I set this up for this cut so I can cut in the appropriate amount got a dial indicator or a MAG base off the ways touched off on the end of the part zeroed it now I need to feed in 337,000 I just touched it touched the tool the outside diameter I know it's 5/8 zeroed my dial and I need to feed in 295,000 so that's the way I'm figuring out what's going on it's the way I'm getting the numbers getting the [Applause] dimensions we're 369 so we're 39,000 [Applause] away [Applause] [Applause] 330 all right so don't let a small lath like this fool you or lull you into some false sense of security because they're small stringy chips like this this thing will catch them and give you a severe face whipping I just got one actually with this ball of chips right there luckily I was wearing this safety glasses so I have changed out tooling right now I have small parting blade this Dixon tool poost is super nice it's so much more convenient and user friendly than the four-way tool poost that most of these lths come with a very worthwhile upgrade to any machine is a quick change tool poost any lathe so I have squared this tool up so The Cutting Edge sharp cutting edge of this parting blade is parallel with my machine surface with the wavs of the machine so it's Square I'm making that second ledge on that so I'm going to come in with my Leading Edge Of The Parting blade touch the face of the work and now I need to feed back 400 and 428,000 so one 2 3 four 10 25 26 27 28 so now once my Cutting Edge touches the work I need to feed in 211,000 and then that'll give us what we can make easily of that second step then we will grind a custom tool on uh probably the bench grinder to get up into that spring pocket that'll kind of be a trick we'll figure that out when we get there let's see if we can can't get this second portion of the step knocked out call that zero now Z do we need to come in man these little a are so easy to tweak and get you know like while you're trying to adjust the dials and stuff so easy to tweak and mess up your measurements so 21,000 that should be really close 415 yep we want 414 so I'm going to call that good enough cuz it is good enough little cor doesn't seem to get into much on these cold days she just she's just a sleeper she's taking a dog nap she don't like this cold weather no more than I do do you girl no she's been running up in the woods actually for a little bit I seen her running down the hillside through the window just a minute ago I don't know what she was in chasing either a ground squirrel or a deer who knows what this girl was after but she come back empty-handed so she didn't get it now she's exhausted all right so we need to make that spring pocket there and obvious obviously this is a lot bigger it'd be really easy if it the work was that big but as you can see our actual spring pocket that we need to make is only 70,000 of an inch wide so here's the piece of tool we're going to grind into a cutter it's a piece of Crucible 38 highs speeded steel never been ground before so what I'm going to do is BW this up I'm going to scrab a 70,000 wide line on there and that will be our Cutting Edge it's not going to be a Big Tool when we're done it'll be prettyy short and not very tall because it has to work inside of that radius in there I'm going do all this on on the bench grinder just like probably vast majority of folks would you could set it up in the cutter grinder if you wanted to and all that but you know most people don't have a cutter grinder so we will do this I'll show myself doing this on the bench grinder it'll work it will work all right so I am going to take advantage of the relief angle that just grounding this thing from the factory way that they cut them just opposing angles on each end so we'll use this end and the top of our Cutting Edge will be right there you it saves you a little bit of gring anyway already having a small relief in there from the from the get-go let this dry and grab in my Cutting Edge width so we're over here at the surface plate and I want my Cutting Edge to be on this side over here it needs to be 70,000 of inch thick so we'll lay that on its side 50 60 70 and this is just a reference line it's all it is so when we're over at the grinder we can have something to grind to and there we go does that show up I think so I SC grabbed another line across the tool that's the depth that I need to ground this and you can see up in the top right hand corner there that's what we're going to be left with just a little nub we're also going to be removing quite a bit from the height thickness whatever you want height I guess you'd say this tool so it can get up in that radius and not rub so it's going to be just a little nub sticking off this thing when we're done so I'm going to use the uh Dall pedestal grinder so I'm going to be going pretty pretty slow with this I don't want to bake off my blue want to BU a to see the lines so I've got a jug of water here so coffee coffee can it'll keep it cool keep me from cooking my fingers keep my lines on here I normally do the rough work on this wheel here this cuts a lot Freer than this one but this one is a harder wheel or it seems to be keeps the sharp Corners a lot better so I'll do all my rough heavy material removal here and then go over here to do my final shaping [Music] what all right probably enough over here I'm going to go see if I can't just finish this up with uh with some Stone little really fangle on this side of it so I'm getting close on this tool I need to put just a slight bit of relief on the top I'll do that with a little cut off wheel also got to remove this radius that's left in this corner from that from the bench grinder Stone want to get that cut back just a little bit and maybe shorten this tool a little more pretty not much tool left there right now but it should it should work so let's remove this corner and I want to show you how I how I fine tune tools without working all day with like a handstone and that is these non-reinforced cut off wheels I really like these things if you're careful you can you can do some pretty precise work with [Music] them he 1 I wanted 70 so I'm 10,000's off not too bad not too bad this is not a critical measurement really but if I can get it closer than that I [Music] will [Music] [Music] now that's good enough so there sure ain't much left there but I think that's that's what it's going to take in order to make it so we'll go over get set up and see if it'll make the cut all right so I need to put this tool in the holder so I relieved it a little on the edge too because this I want that side of the Cutting Edge to be the farthest out because it has to clear a little ledge there so I'm just going to lay this on top of this machine like that so the tool is flat in the holder didn't need stick out too much good set this on the surface plate if you're after you know exact this is going to be close enough for what we're doing that way the tool or at least that Cutting Edge is all the way out to the face of the holder get it on Center come up I'm just using the little Center that you can see it on the part that I'm turning there so that's all I'm using I know that's Center and I just want to be just ever so slightly below that so that tool has to feed into that face 80,000 and I'm hoping that'll do it without [Music] rubbing I just want to see the slightest bit of Chip come off of that second dier there go now 880,000 so I'm going to feed in with the [Music] compound that sounded horrible but it actually it actually done a decent job I'll take that I'm just going to cut this off in the saw and then work the face [Music] this machine needs a carriage lock something awful there's just not enough Mass here you get any chatter Carriage wants to move and I hold it just with the my hand on the wheel but it's just not enough you can't get real precised by just holding it it needs locked [Applause] so we got our center drill in here and all I'm going to do is feed this in up to a line that I drew and I use the existing part to gauge how how far I need to go in I mean it it's just a screw pocket it's all it [Music] is [Music] all right so now I'm just going to break the edges on this soften this thing up massage with a file a little bit this part should be should be done so now I'm going to drill through this this number 25 drill it's 149 150,000 and this is just a clearance hole for the screw that runs through [Music] it and there we go that part is done so check out that dust in of snow that we got out there pretty typical for our area we don't get a ton of snow usually 1 to 3 in is the maximum snow fall that we'll see at one time but we're we can get a foot of snow it's just rare this this is common I can remember as a kid just begging for a snow day please let it snow so I can get out of school for at least one day and I it didn't happen often but when it did happen believe me I was one happy kid and I took advantage of those days I played like you wouldn't believe on snow days it was just the thought of being at of school because of snow there was nothing else to do not where I grew up I live grew up in a place out in sticks like this so you just played you know went and walked in the wood Woods or whatever it's a lot of fun I love to see it snow but I also love to see it go away and summertime get here some people love winter I'm just not that person wouldn't say I hate it but I definitely wouldn't say I like it either pretty good looking little part so let's play a little game here now that's the button that I made what kind of button is it I'm covering up some letter in there with my fingers but chances are you've seen one before if You' got any age on you at all you know what this is where have you seen it before first person that gets it right I'm going to pin them up at the top of the comments and if nobody gets it right then I'll Spill the Beans in the comments but you get the idea it's a button I got to make two of these what's it for so a simple little part on a pretty simple little lathe but it did turn out really good I'm happy with it it was a fun little project something I could do pretty quick and don't forget if you've seen what that if you know what that part is make sure put it in the comments I'm very interested to see how many people just from what I shown what I showed of that part I'll know what it is I know some of you will and then I know some of you have seen it before but you just can't picture where you've seen it before and I you know when that happens to me it eats me up until I can find the answer so if no one gets it which somebody will I'm certain I'll pin a comment on top but if I see somebody who gets it the first one that I see who gets it boom pinning your comment up top and then you can just go down to the comments and see you know what the heck that little button I made was for the rest of you who don't know don't really care but you really just want to know what it is so that's it thank you all for watching viewers patrons subscribers anyone who's helped me out whatsoever it is much appreciated just to note it is 17° outside and I've got it to 46° in the shop so it's cold outside very very nice in here 40 something degrees perfect for a shop so that's it thanks for watching and I'll see see you next time
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 36,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy
Id: pjHO0djuImY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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