Making a Lemon Stun Gun

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a hundred episodes is a lot man a lot of adventures along the way it is about fifty more than I thought we were gonna is about 47 more hand injuries than I thought I was gonna have it I thought we would be dead by now but we're sitting pretty man a year and a half into this experiment we are now at five hundred thousand subscribers we're halfway to that golden play button hundred videos five hundred thousand subscribers thanks to you yeah man tell your friends and if you want to take your pledge to the next level join us over at slash modern rogue forming a whole community right behind the scenes thanks guys thanks again helped us get to the next hundred you can probably just cut that part off that was dumb leave all this or you leave all this hey you want to have a lemon party what I don't is that bad it's fine alright party for me alright Murphy we got lemons we got a bunch of a sort of garbage and we have the Taser that we made years ago on the show what are we doing we are going to charge that taser with lemons okay now our goal is to create electricity using nothing but household garbage and create enough electricity to channel it into something extremely dangerous and stupid when life gives you lemons you make a taser okay all right so we've got the lemons I know that it's possible to create a battery with any acidic solution and as long as there's an anode and a cathode usually it's zinc and copper right I have a vague understanding of it but you have to have two different types of metals to be your positive post and your negative post you can have like paperclips or nails and then like copper wiring or wiring you harvest from things around you talk about this you can't harvest wiring from the most astonishing of places yeah you just want to conduct electricity you can actually just twist it out of tin foil yeah you could take the tin foil twist it up make yourself some wiring there right think about this you go to Arby's and you get a sandwich that's wrapped in the foil take that earlier examples you could use the the oil on foil wrappers for gum most of them don't use that anymore most of them are paper as a matter of fact you can take the backing off of insulation this foil will conduct electricity yeah that would probably work and then as your insulator you could put it in a straw you can even use like the twist ties from like bread for our purposes we're actually gonna use copper wiring a quick search on line shows that anything galvanized is usually covered in zinc so that the zinc takes longer to rust before the steel would so zinc is one of our two metals here and then you just grabbed copper but you could get copper out of anything from a pair of headphones do you name it that penny or whatever yeah exactly and I just got this off the internet is 20 gauge copper wire 50 feet super cheap all right I guess you just stick this guy in and and then you want to clip that one let's clip a little bit of copper wiring now you want to get them close together but not where they're an actually close that's where they're touching yeah I like the aesthetics of this you just kind of yeah oh look at that I got yeah look at that I don't know if we have them close together enough or not I don't know let's find out yeah well here we got a voltmeter these are not making any sense no they're really not maybe it's just a garbage voltmeter sure that's probably what it is but a good craftsman always blames his tools okay I will run over and grab a voltmeter okay the lemon should be giving off around 1/4 to 1/3 of a volt okay let's test this multimeter just a little triple-a battery the battery should be 1.5 volts right yeah yeah 1 by 5 volts 1.5 this guy this guy here should be 1.5 should be 1.5 watch battery right 1.5 1.5 perfect and what do you okay so the nail is going to be the negative post okay so theoretically that's negative there and that's positive and oh it's half a double-a okay so now all right let's do it again same thing yeah okay cuz we just gotta we just kind of make them attach to each other that's exciting all right we'll do the same deal would you wrap that around there I was like good that's not worked so how the force works I don't know anything about it but I know you're all that's okay so in theory this should give us how much it was 0.8 it was 0.8 1.6 oh my god if this actually I'm so excited dude dude dude oh dude science okay all right all right and then now now give me something to light up something that runs on yes this runs on 1.8 ways so we have 1.72 voll maybe maybe maybe we can get it this is a little LED light okay that requires 1.8 to 2 volts we might might be able to make this work right all right all right all right okay maybe it's just not enough do I add another battery to a third cuz the voltage is cumulative right there that's not the more batteries we have yeah the more okay starting to feel a little mad sciency here I love it that we're getting super excited about what is essentially something you learn in fifth grade you're supposed to learn it in fifth grade some of us had grown full-grown men ya know we're gonna probably have to have like a number of them to power the Taser right I don't think so because that taser powers off of a single triple-a battery okay so that's that's 1.5 volts right there okay so we've got three three lemons and wait for it to point 5 volts you okay six so so in theory this should be more than enough yeah I don't get what's going on here all right let's test this with a regular battery okay and then do one on each side okay see that works whoa look it's lighting up the okay right yeah yeah yeah so here let me see does it work both ways no no only one way 1.5 you would need to batter right yeah here give me another all right yeah yeah yeah yeah that's 3 volts yeah we're just shy this is a 3 volt and we're not quite to 3 volts on here is it no but see the green is 1.8 to 2 well it works at 3 and I know we're not to 3 so let's try adding one more one more lemon lemon better more lemon ha ha ha so in theory this should be over 3 volts now right I don't I don't know man I don't know either yeah we got nothing huh do you want to try a different light yeah yeah it could be I mean we're not it at all I mean we're definitely getting this this output right getting power from the lemons this is 3 to 3 point 2 and so and we are at where are three points no over 3 3 2 come home baby it's dim but that is working right ok so it's got the right voltage as 3 volts yeah yeah I'll bet little things like the position how much of the anode and cathode is is how close they are yeah I bet we could get this close ok so what we want is one triple-a battery to charge the Taser right because normally given enough time you can hear it charging this thing eventually gets to red yeah which means it's fully charged the triple-a battery is feeding electricity to the capacitor and it's storing it up we want to use the lemons to feed the electricity to the right and then so at some point you get to that will never not be scary for me okay so hold this okay and then plug in this side on the other side say you know on the other side of the line yeah yeah okay yeah and then I'm gonna do the negative the positive for to triple-a batteries okay which should be 3 volts which should that should light it up okay very bright too yeah oh yeah super bright okay super bright so this is the difference between current and voltage is that right camps camps average okay so it's just gonna take a really long time to charge all four of these lit up that blue one right yeah so let's see what happens if we get four more no oh and then look both of them up if the blue goes twice as much then that tells me that we're closer to the actual battery and to the amperage that we need right in fact actually what just watch just watch just watch this okay so four lemons equals three volts so now I'm gonna attach these and it should look like yeah that's that should little guy should should work ya know so on the multimeter look at that way less ha way less wonder why let's do you know what here let's let's do shoddy tinfoil and then I can't imagine that being a very effective so it does ok you can't have the zinc and the copper touching otherwise it stops okay but even just putting a piece of aluminum in between them is enough and it's variable but but but that's a market improvement yeah right what we're gonna do is try to put them in parallel and see if they cumulatively add to the brightness of that blue one alright and then one more time great great okay great fantastic alright so now we could take two of these where do the blue and go here connect them okay these first two yeah oh okay alright so we're at one point byte this is a triple-a this is as close to regular battery as I think we're gonna get so we attach this to the positive note and this to the negative note it's gonna take a long time to charge yeah not real confident feed the capacitor and let's just let it sit for a while okay maybe a long while how long like five minutes maybe well in plus also by this point the charging light should have been glimmering yeah a little super-bright to show that it's charged nothing oh that was proof of concept okay yes it definitely sparked leave it leave it for let's look make sure let's make sure that that wasn't anything that was laitanan though okay let's give it another five minutes or so alright and see if we can get it exactly to charge if we can get it again yeah that's gonna be a full-on cup Wow there was we are at five minutes of trickle charging okay on the Taser and if you want we can double check let's just make sure we're still outputting what we think we are okay so here grab those nodes that's that's a single triple-a right 1.5 volts you never take 1.5 1.6 now and obviously the throughput was a little bit different but it's at they're charging for five minutes now normally this thing to get a full charge is maybe 10 seconds yeah I'm hoping that five minutes was enough if we see any see Barney spark it's proof of concept it's enough for a strong good okay yeah nothing resonate left area that's not what I wanted to hear yeah that changes things that's in a bad spot okay well hold on let's talk about our double battery idea if we do them in series we know that the voltage multum in a row the greater the voltage yeah this is 1.5 these are each 1.5 together they made three mm-hmm I wonder why this and these other two are so much more powerful oh you know what I bet it is is it the placement I think it's the placement here I'll squeeze these you squeeze those other two these right here yeah we can almost get it to three it's like 2.6 yeah okay so you know what it is is we just need more alligator clips if we had all alligator clips for this do you want to get some more alligator clips and come back and do it again so used to cheat code called a friend of mine who is an electrical engineer of Zions DSP chips for Motorola and he explained to me the fundamentals that were getting totally wrong the good news is our instincts were right okay we actually we understood that putting it in series was only upping the voltage but what we needed was more current right well I have more amps right so we were correct about our theory about being able to do them in parallel and getting more current that way but what I did not know is that we can put multiple codes and anodes in the same battery so in other words we were trying to figure out a way to keep you know make a bunch of individual lemon batteries but it turns out we can make multiple in one lemon okay we can use the same wire all the way down OH okay so we got anodes they're positive they're going in cathodes are negative that's the current coming out that's correct that's correct so in this case look we'll take all of these zinc galvanized nails and we'll do four per thing right now we could use the same wire that we were using before sure but but I feel like the limiting factor was our surface area so I ran over and I got some scrap that we're gonna be able to make basically copper nails out of so you strip that of someone's air can you and I will neither confirm nor deny that at this time officer okay her nails and zinc nails right right in here there you go yeah okay second thing is we were nervous about using the copper as the both the wire and the cathode it doesn't matter once it's outside of the acidic alkaline solution there we go and one more perfect okay so now we're gonna set all these up and we're just gonna run them all in parallel now here's the thing each individual one should have that 1.5 volts give or take really and the distance does matter and it's so if we need to adjust it as long as the average comes out to 1.5 over all of them some could be a little over some could be a little under okay then we're totally good and we could just run a wire straight down wrapping around each of these so here you go ahead and plug all these in so if we do our job right we'll be able to instantly tell be we'll be able to light the exact same bulb but much brighter it's pretty big if pretty big if it's really just look like an AED she thought we looked like Mad Science before oh you know what actually let's see let's use this stuff for that that would have been much easier that's why I should have done yeah I was wondering why no I don't know I'm sorry I was excited with the knowledge that I finally was on the right track and I just freaked out and I don't need you dot judging me I'm not judging you I'm just saying okay here you hold this be careful Brian you're dealing with forces that we clearly do not understand I mean well granted but that's that's kind of par for the course in theory all of this should be that same 1.5 volts because they're just all in parallel yeah all the way down but with more amps but wait correct correct with with more current I guess we should use the proper word okay and I just forgot about what's altogether Watts amps and volts all have like this weird three-way thing where if one of them gets big enough Andy the other two shrivel and get mad okay yeah we're at point point eight great so let's just do another one of these another array of lemons yes okay basically the idea is add and subtract lemons move stuff farther and closer apart so that you get to the right voltage and then the current will come from the increased amount of total exposed you know cathodes and anodes okay I love that we literally had to take three trips to the hardware store today I mean nobody ever accused us of being the most efficiently run operation on the Internet the first one was what 0.8 volts is 0.8 yeah this guy is also point eight point eight nine right okay so now now oh my goodness tell me we're gonna get close okay this one - that one this becomes the positive terminal this becomes a negative moment of truth come on please please please everybody baby babe 1.7 that's close enough for 1.7 so we have three milliamps let's see what a regular battery does six amps six amps so might take a little while okay but I feel like we should give it one more go this guy's positive this guy's negative well we can let it sit for a while and then just do the test and see oh make sure you've discharged the capacitor oh well I mean it certainly hasn't been charged again since I heard a little little crackle I'm just gonna bet that there's a lot more wires and stuff here now and I assume it's got a yeah I mean it seems like it should in the words of Nikola Tesla I mean it's just gotta see you like it's show there's more wires and flip it yeah to turn the capacitor on okay did you hear anything no I didn't hear it's not it's wet but again it's like we're talking about less than one thousandth of the power so if it takes if it takes ten seconds to fully charge with the triple-a what's a thousand times ten seconds ten thousand thousand seconds it's a hundred and sixty seven minutes okay so that's almost three hours but we don't need a full charge for fruits that's true so I just need a spark just a spark say just a spark I'm gonna say let's leave this thing charging and check back on it one day later all right dude this thing is charged overnight I'm not optimistic when we tested it yesterday it was measuring at 1.5 volts the same as a triple-a battery yeah so it had the voltage but it didn't have the the amperes then the current was was not sufficient so we left it all night theoretically the capacitors should be taken on charge the entire time but when we did this before it barely made enough light to illuminate an LED here's what I'm worried about our homemade stun gun which by the way nobody should make at home the whole way it works is that the buttons held down and then it charges up and you know it's charged when the light gets really really bright and we don't see any light on here so the question is has it been quietly charging the capacitor this entire time or not or has it been leaking all that energy that electricity out through the LED light I'm gonna say the latter I don't think we're gonna get any sort of sap off of this whatsoever also what I've learned is that I'm going to take a community college course in electricity so I know this much I know that that turning this off when the triple-a is in there you can remove the battery and it doesn't matter because the capacitor is either charged or not charged at this moment right but let's do one more test on the voltage just so we know that it worked all night long okay so the voltage is less which we would expect because as this dries up the electrolyte killers realize yeah it's a voltaic cell yeah correct so so the voltage dropped overnight which we would expect it's not gonna work you don't think no you ready or do you want me to do it no here I'm gonna in fact if there's anything to feel I want to feel it right or if it's truly fully charged this will be the worst it's ever been it's not charged at all yeah you think I think you're right - but all of the episodes should end with you getting zapped ready don't show nothing nothing see all right okay and to put it in perspective like even a second here do we have a triple-a battery to put it in perspective like listen to how fast this charges yeah oh just put it in wrong I might have put the battery in backwards no it didn't work at all oh it did it did watch it did one two three four five you know went cuz you got the battery in backwards then that means I saw a charge what are you talking about just then I saw a little bit of discharge you can hear it just after like five seconds I didn't get any red light though there it is you didn't get any red lights no there was no red light now I'll tell you this much I did see the smallest little flicker of something happen like it didn't shock me on the arm but it did go just a little bit which tells me that something was in their charge I mean obviously it was no nothing like that yeah yeah at this point we have to turn it over to the fans who are all smarter than us put together yeah I feel like we're on the right track we got 1.5 volts which is the triple-a which was and again nobody make a homemade stun gun this can actually kill you a bunch of people have sent over like hey man you shouldn't mess with this and could stop a heart if it went across the chest so yes agree do all of it but if it was gonna work could it work on lemons I assume all we'd have to do is more lemons we have a grid of like 2050 lemons at some point we're gonna have enough juice to actually make this happen I think one of the problems that we might be running into is that while the capacitor is storing the electricity it's taking so long that the capacitor might be experiencing some bleed and plus also this is a leaky system in that some of the energy goes into the LED light that shows that it's Jordan this is having a hard enough time lighting the LED light house but I feel like I feel like we're on to something here listen to us pretending like we know what we're talking in the you want to eat these lemons no I've got those those miracle fruit and lumen no no did that already stick with my beer still solve this problem still go on okay
Channel: The Modern Rogue
Views: 699,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the modern rogue, brian brushwood, jason murphy, stun gun, lemon battery, science experiment, test, electricity, diy, homemade, shock, discharge, capacitor, galvonized nails, copper wire, anode, cathode, electrolyte
Id: a2Whkq4rClY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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