making a knife start to finish

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how's it going everybody I've been making knives for three four years this past year I've had a lot more time I've built a lot more knives and I really have enjoyed it today I want to show you how to build a knife from start to finish and this is the knife that I'm going to take you through the process on this is 01 tool steel and it's spotted Maple handle starting to rain I'll get to the knife hope you guys enjoy this video this knife so far is my favorite I love this knife I love the way it feels in my hand it's got a great handle but I wouldn't mind honestly if it had just slightly more blade to it so I drew this kind of an in-between Model A simple handle and a decent sized blade not as big as this not as small as that next thing I like to do is I put it on this quarter inch plywood that way if I like the knife I've got a good solid template that I can use over and over [Music] takes a little patience cutting stuff out on the portaband if you twist it too much you can pop the blade right off or even break it at times just okay right there right there the one thing I noticed after holding this in my hand is the handle feels a little short so I'm going to Contour this a little bit more first and if that doesn't make it feel right to me I'm going to bring this line forward a little bit and just have a little bit shorter blade thank you [Applause] this handle has a really small curve right by the blade that spot I pretty much have to use a Dremel to get into the wheels are just too big on my grinder these are the skills I want to use and they're barely big enough for this knife but I think they're going to work the wood that I'm using for these handles is spalted maple I actually found it on a friend of mine's wood pile they let me have a piece I took it home I cut it up dried it stabilized and dyed it looks awesome I like to cut as much off with the band saw as I can having this wood infused with epoxy makes the dust pretty bad so I like to grind as little as possible the blade end of the handle would be extremely hard to sand if it was on the knife so you want to get that where you want it before you put it on the knife while my quenching oil warms up I'm going to skeletonize the handle after that I should be ready to heat treat I'm just gonna take those ridges off [Music] got my toaster oven heating up looking for 400 degrees I know I'm only showing you the process of building one knife but I don't like to drag all this stuff out to heat treat one blade so I'm going to do several so that I've got something to work on later [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it's been an hour I let everything cool off naturally now I need to clean all this scale up and get ready to grind some bevels [Music] now I want to Mark where my bevel is going to start and then I will scribe a center line on the knife so that I can keep it pretty even [Music] foreign foreign just about ready to put my knife scales on I need to use the Corby bit to step it down for the corbys and then I'll be ready to glue them on corby's are basically a screw together pin for the handle looks just like a pin but actually holds side to side as well these for my lanyard tube and I'm just going to use this other one as a guide it's good to Bevel The Edge a little bit thank you I like to get a little on the threads too I want to get that too tight before I put this Landing tube in now that I've got everything glued and assembled I'm going to clamp it and I'm going to let it sit overnight give that epoxy plenty of time to set up I want to get this epoxy off the blade before it sets up I'm going to use acetone the box is all hardened up now it's time to shape the handle tape the blade off one so I don't Nick it too so I don't stab myself foreign I think shaping the handle is probably my favorite part of making a knife once you get to this point you really start to see what your knife is going to look like and I think that's honestly the cool part about making anything yourself is you're taking materials that by themselves don't have a ton of use to you and you're tearing them into something very cool and very useful yeah I'm gonna hand sand the belly of this knife handle you can do most of this on the machine but I kind of enjoy doing the finishing touches hand sanding starting with 320 grit get the scratches out and I'm just going to go down see it's getting better already here it is without the tape see I need to clean that lanyard tube out it's got a little bit of epoxy in it I'm going to treat this handle with tongue oil some people like oil linseed oil I think it stinks I don't really like it mainly because of the smell this stuff makes pretty nice finish though I gave it about six minutes I'm gonna buff this excess tongue oil off of here so it doesn't get sticky look at the beautiful character in that spalded Maple stuff looks awesome hope you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see more of the knives I'm making I'm gonna post them on my Instagram account which is Ryan underscore Whipple one I may sell some there I'll probably try to post a knife every week or so so until next time I hope to see you on Instagram and I hope to see you here again real soon thanks for watching
Channel: black spruce
Views: 41,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knife making, knife works, forge, bushcraft
Id: CMYvbdSyGZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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