Making a Harpoon point Bowie with an Elk antler handle
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Channel: Mystic Mountain Forge
Views: 131,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making a bowie knife, pattern weld, Challenge, Build off, San-mai, Damascus, forging, forged, bladesmith, bladesmithing, making a knife from an old file, junkyard katana, forging a dagger, knifemaking 101, how to, diy, making a railroad spike knife, through tang knife, frame handle, hidden tang, making a sword from scrap, perfect guard fit up, grinding bevels, moose antler, off grid, homestead, Alaska, classic bowie
Id: O_ybrnECrXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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