Making a Deer Antler Knife Handle
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Channel: WildinWiwithWes
Views: 33,389
Rating: 4.2964168 out of 5
Keywords: Making an Deer Antler Handle, trying out a gopro session 5, making a knife handle, making a homemade knife, bladesmithing, antler handle, gopro, session 5, working in the shop, making art, buiding a knife out of a rasp, using a ferriers rasp to make a knife, epoxying a knife handle, 6 inch homemade bowie, knifemaking in wisconsin, big beautiful knife, making a knife in the cold
Id: 3KpvfkgUbJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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