Making a CSGO Map - Part 1 Layout

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hello guys I'm Jacob and while I'm in isolation and now entering the holidays of uni I thought I'd try something new and create my own csgo map Oh sir I quickly mentioned that you could have to ignore everything in the bottom-left of my whiteboard that's just a list of the like 20 hours of lectures I'm behind watching and now that I think about it I think this is a way of me procrastinating now I've made a csgo map before which turned out ok but I'm hoping this one will work out way better now because I'll have the hindsight of like a finished map and what to expect I'm still gonna be learning a lot along the way and I think it'd be really cool if you'd join me so the first thing I'm gonna do is create a really basic layout idea for my map and the thing most maps follow for this is like a four quadrant style because it's pretty much it assures that it's gonna be functional but because it's so like good a lot of maps use it like dust too Inferno Mirage and overpass so I wanted to mix it up a little bit or at least try and make something original so my first idea to mix it up a little bit was to have the sites next to each other like with something in the middle but make it so you'd still have to travel a fair bit to get from one to the other alternatively I could have one bomb site right above the other but this is like it's like like like nuke doesn't but the idea I do end up doing in the end was a combination of these where I had them next to each other but with like a height difference between the two which allowed me to have a one-way drop my second idea to mix it up was to give the terrorist team a bomb site that was easier to take but somehow still find a way to balance it I thought of this for a while but this is finally me putting into action I end up doing this as well and I make it so you really have to commit to this bomb site as a terrorist by dropping down a one-way as well and I also made the retake really quick from the other side and I was pretty happy with what I got in the end so this is me drawing out the really basic like topology of the map really just so I could ask my friends what they thought something I really wanted to make sure I do this time which I haven't done before was make sure I take note of where the trick points were or where they're going to be and put them in like really important places of the map something I'm trying to make unique on this map is that one of the bomb sites is is it is a trick point in particular the one that the terrorists would have to commit to get early so if they beat that initial fight it should be really easy to plant the bomb after this I brushed off my tablet and got ready to get to work and then realize I actually had to go to work because Scott Morrison considers fast food an essential service when I got back from work I pretty much copied what I had on the white board but from a top-down view and labeled the true points and then I'm kind of like changed moves change just change things around move them a bit to make sure it's a bit more functional after that I added the times that each team should get to the different parts of the map obviously the choke points would have the same time for both teams so that you know it's kind of the idea and based on those I made the times that should take to go through certain parts of the map kind of like the lengths and if you have any sort of working eyesight you might notice that these aren't to scale at all but that's really the point of this because like based on this I was able to make a basis for the map that was to scale and based on the fact that the player runs 260 units per second with a knife out I was able to determine how many units lengths of the map should be after this I took a break and played a comp with my friends and I really am only mentioning this because of the sick-ass history the next morning I started on actually building the map on SDK first I just built the floor out of no draw brushes and I kept referring to the Photoshop image I drew as a reference optimization isn't really a big deal at this stage of the map but I've just found out that using no draw every time you want to draw a brush is a good habit and then changing the textures on it later after that I placed some wolves around the floors and some details around the trick points of the map and then I added some terrorists and counter-terrorists pawns and by zones next undid a big Hollow Sky box brush around the map and placed a light underscore environment just to make sure my map was pretty good I hope in the game something went wrong and the skybox was all funky for some reason my first guess was that I didn't give the light environment a valid direction to pointer but that didn't fix anything my second guess was that I needed to compile the map using different settings but that didn't really fix anything either it actually turned out that the skybox I was using in the map properties didn't actually exist so yeah I changed it to the Vertigo skybox I believe and thank God that worked I've never missed blue skies that much and that took me like an hour and something to work out I hoped on discord and I got my friend to help me and we test out the timings of all the trick points we also ended up playing a couple rounds and it turned out to be pretty fun which was promising already the timings ended up being perfect so going back into SDK I added some more details to the map and finally started applying some theme to it I'm gonna base my map on the favela in Rio which will allow me to use a lot of verticality in my map I ended up making one of the routes from T spawn like along the roofs of some buildings and I think I might do that for some other parts of my map as well I also really heighten the CT side of the map as that's gonna be like further up the hill I really chose this theme because growing up I played a lot of call of duty modern warfare 2 and I'd say about two or three of the missions took place in like this area and though my favorite they was so good yeah so I hope it turns out good after that I downloaded some custom dev textures to make my map a little prettier and compiled my map again I was really happy with what I got and I thought that was plenty of progress for the first episode and all and all this ended up being about three and a half to four hours of work time so this has gone pretty good so far I believe in the next part I reckon I'm gonna detail the map affair book fair bit more and add cover and props to places to make the map a lot more functional and I'll probably get some friends together to play test the progress and hopefully they'll enjoy it I'd actually like to say a big thank you to all my friends that helped me by playing on my last map and giving me constant feedback and I also like to say thank you to the math core and source engine discards for helping me out so much when it came to learning SDK like so many times even on this map already so many times I can just like ping a message to the to the like health chats and stuff and I pretty much immediately get a reply by someone and they've proven to be so so helpful I also like to say thank you to everyone for watching this whole video for some reason it really means a lot and I hope you have really good night see
Channel: Chavvy
Views: 14,460
Rating: 4.970696 out of 5
Keywords: Counter-strike global offensive, Hammer SDK, Source Engine, how to make a csgo map, beginners guide, tips and tricks, tutorial, steam
Id: gYL20grF89M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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