Making 10 GAME PROTOTYPES in 1 DAY !

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welcome back to black thorn prod I'm Noah I've been working for almost six months on a game called the dreadful whispers recently I'd be making amazing progress expanding on the worlds polishing levels making lots of arts and small cutscenes never have I worked in a single project for such a long time it's such a great and challenging game making experience but of course creating a larger game isn't always fun there are times where you need to spend entire days going through all your games scenes fixing UI minor bugs are pumping out sound effects for random things in the worlds plus if you work on something for too long you might get tunnel vision and lose perspective falling madly in love with your buggy messy game or quite a country turning completely blind to your game's awesomeness and only focusing on the nitpick negative quirks so the other day I felt like taking a mini break from the dreadful whispers to avoid burning out on it and instead that have lots of fun prototyping tiny games there's something very relaxing about just coming up with a random silly or interesting idea and making it in a super short period of time so I decided to challenge myself and have fun making 10 tiny game prototypes in one day yeah I figured it would also make for an interesting video again these are not polished beautiful games some aren't even playable but just many demos of tools or ideas I wanted to try out so the main goal of this challenge was to have fun try new things and take a break from working on a larger more serious game project so on Wednesday at 8 a.m. I began my game prototyping journey armed with the Unity game engine and Photoshop to warm up I decided to make a mini drawing application so I made several paintbrushes and each one would give you a different stroke pattern I also made it so you could change color and the size of your brush and of course you can also erase these splotches of paints I also realized that this could easily be turned into a fun little coloring game for kids knowing I had 10 games to make I tried my to work on each prototype for no longer than an hour I finished this one at 9:00 a.m. sharp ready to tackle my next idea the chains for a long time I've been wanting to learn how to make a believable cool-looking simulated chain or rope in unity but I've been procrastinating to take the time to figure it out so turns out doing so is a piece of cake thanks to the 2d hinge joints component so I've populated a small scene with chains and had fun jumping around colliding with them there are so many levels in the dreadful whispers filled with chains for now they are static but soon I'll have them moving about in a stylish way thanks to this prototype still curious about 2d physics I decided to try and make a ragdoll sort of character for my third prototype book I love the wobbly look of the characters in off the sticks of a game being made by a cool youtuber called Danny and stick fight the game looks epic with its frantic excited stickman so I tried and failed but eventually got something to work using again the awesome hinge joint component it looked a bit stiff though mainly because my stickman character didn't have enough joints so I made a new one with a lot of joints and got this cool wobbly result so it's just extremely satisfying seeing the limp character of fallen crash around I spent a good 15 minutes making him fall from various Heights and with different obstacles in his path then I decided to make dozens of ragdoll men fall and that was also satisfying I definitely want to add some creepy ragdoll characters to the dreadful whispers now next up I made a silly but surprisingly fun two-player game one player controls this little squishy character with his eyes closed and the other player must guide his blind friend through the level telling him in which direction he should move and how fast he should go on me my brother had a blast I think I sounded slightly mad yelling at him to move a tiny bit down then left and and right no more right stop such a silly game made in barely 45 minutes but it's full potential I think for the fifth game prototype I decided to tackle something else I've been procrastinating on for quite some time and that's controller inputs I've never made a game that can be played with a controller and I've made a lot of games so after watching some tutorials and checking out some easy unit C documentation I figured this out and soon has two angry looking clear characters moving about the scene wielding massive hammers played with controllers the most challenging part was figuring out how to get the weapons rotating in the direction of the right analog stick but me my brother figured it out with this piece of alien-looking code it was a lot of fun and again has opened up lots of interesting possibilities it's so much easier making a great local multiplayer game with several controllers instead of a single keyboard and mouse and I'll probably add controller support to the dreadful whispers too with this new knowledge after a nice lunch it was time for a game prototype number 6 a physics based football game not the most interesting prototype but we had a really fun time play testing it hey guys and again it was just made in an hour making something crappy or boring is without consequence because it was made in such a short amount of time anyway I always recommends game developers even absolute beginners to take part in game jams or make a game in a single day or just a week and beginners often reply that they aren't good enough yet that they need more time that it's too hard I think they say that because they are scares to fail ironically feeling is exactly what they need no one cares if what you've made is a buddy mess keep failing and improving make crap fast learn from your mistakes and just keep going making games fast is also the key to flushing out from your system bad ideas so many people myself included have jumped into a game projects and started making great art and clean code without even knowing of the core gameplay and ideas interesting fun or engaging we only realize it wasn't any good several days or even weeks later huge chunks of time spent making beautiful arts for a game that was broken to begin with so prototype test things out and don't be afraid to fail so yeah where was I yet the football game it was a weird mess look at this funny bug you for number seven we have a puzzle game I basically tries to merge platformers and top-down games so this is the same character just from a different angle when this character moves forwards this one also moves forwards however when this one moves up this one doesn't at all because it's from a top-down view you can't really tell in a top-down review game whether or not the character is standing on the grounds or not and when he moves left and right this one doesn't move at all because this is a side view and inside the view games the character rarely moves between backgrounds and foregrounds hopefully that makes some sense so I made a couple levels didn't feel really inspires though so I definitely won't expand on this concept in the future after dinner my brother wanted to join me and give me a helping hand making the eighth game prototype so together we came up with a cool multiplayer racing game again the art is very crude but the core gameplay though not incredibly original was such fun we learned how to make a split screen with a different camera following each player you simply had to try and be the first to reach the golden and Grandpa if you hit the side of the road or a quirky car on the way you would go back to the beginning this was probably the most entertaining prototype of the day or maker we're making a racing game but granny's biscuits biscuits it was past 10 p.m. at this point and I was really running out of creative energy but there was still two game prototypes to make it's a completely challenge so me and my brother made a buggy two-player shooter game he used my joint tablet to draw this sponge man and this prototype is played with the controllers again but yeah we were a bit drained so this minigame didn't go very far and finally just wanting to draw and listen to some music while doing so I made a weird or random fantasy village simulator just hit the space key to generate a new squishy village like the ragdoll characters watching these little villages generate themselves was very relaxing and satisfying I even drew some cartoony characters and then randomly Jenner as tiny armies instead of towns so though they cool mini projects to work on before going to bed and falling into a deep slumber and down by the end of this video thanks so much for watching and seriously working on these ten game prototypes was a huge amount of fun and taught me a lot try it yourself maybe not ten but five during a single day yeah if you're in a creative block this can be a great way to blast out of it often we get stuck because we're trying to think of the perfect game idea or story or a gameplay mechanic putting yourself the pressure to dream up something amazing won't always get you very far you'll more than likely feel for streets is and more stuck than ever so just run with that random silly idea you have and by working on it's very interesting things might come to your minds and if nothing does just move on the fear of failure doesn't exist here because you're only spending a tiny chunk of your precious time per prototype failure is the default so if you succeed in making something really cool or coming up with a great idea then that's a massive plus alright thank you to my amazing patrons for their financial supports I'll see you all very soon for a new dev vlog video in the meantime keep creating and have fun Cheers [Music] you
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 132,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, gameDev, unity, tutorial, noaCalice, c#, programming, art, animation, 10 games in 1 day, Making 10 GAME PROTOTYPES in 1 DAY !, game dev challenge, indie game dev, game making, game jams, making a game in 1 day, behind the scenes, making of
Id: 7FRazU5Xf0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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