Makeup en Español con Kimberly Loaiza!
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Channel: James Charles
Views: 15,965,063
Rating: 4.9281244 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, beauty, sister, morphe, james charles x morphe, makeup routines, makeup 2020, prom makeup, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, kimberly loaiza, james charles kimberly loazia, makeup tutorial in spanish, james charles spanish, makeup tutorial en espanol, kimberlyxjamescharles, james charles speaking spanish, makeup tutorial en español, spanish, mexico, kimxjamescharles
Id: WTm8etN-aUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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Post keeps getting removed for being reported a lot. It's not us!
It’s so frustrating that these influences are using “I got tested” as an excuse to break social distancing rules. My dad started having symptoms (fatigue, headaches) and got tested but came back negative. Then he developed more symptoms and got tested again, which came back positive. He ended up being hospitalized for a week. False negatives happen and it’s so dangerous and selfish to be constantly around different groups of people in the middle of a pandemic. This virus isn’t a joke.
Of course he doesn’t care about social distancing. Him and Tuna Mayonnaise were at Paris Hilton’s documentary party and keep using the same damn excuse of “I cOnStAntLy keep getting tested!” Way to show off your privilege...
It must be so nice that he can afford to get tested and get the results back in such a quick manner (for reference in Riverside, CA it is upwards of 250 dollars to get a rapid test). Many many people cannot afford to get tested. People like his barista, or his door dash driver who have to work to be able to afford their rent. It’s so selfish. But he will never ever learn until he gets Corona and is too sick to make videos profiting off of it.
I also find super shady that he is wearing the controversial hoodie from the H3H3 scandal lmao
It's great if he is really being tested but that doesn't make him immune and the privilege of these rich people / celebs is getting to me.
I've been mostly home for months. I can count the number of stores I've been to on ONE hand since March. I'm high risk and have seen my best friend once (outside social distancing) and my parents ONCE.
I'm so lonely and I'm really screwed money wise. And even though I am staying inside both my mom and partner are essential workers, so I still RISK getting covid even though I've done everything right.. At some point it just becomes unbearable to see people partying and traveling when I'm stuck inside my room.
Sorry to rant. But jeez. Edit: words
I think it’s just one more way of showing how out of touch he is.
Not defending his brattiness, but if he really REALLY wants to collab while in a pandemic he should be doing what some smaller film, music video, etc sets are doing. They do tests (both the regular one and daily temp checks), a two week quarantine prior to filming, masks mandatory for crew members (and talent when not filming), and having an covid-compliance officer. They're all rich they can afford it. Or ya know, just not collab at all now that the death toll in the US is over 200,000.
Just... fuck you man
Why is it that the people who have the best resources to isolate properly (and also the property to have people isolate together) find it the hardest to do.