Makeup artist Kelly Blosser explains how to reduce under eye bags - New Day NW

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guest is going to help us look beautiful for pride and and any day beyond, really. Kelby Blosser is a makeup artisd hair stylist, and she is talking with us today about an issue I deal with and struggle with every single . The bags under my eyes and dark circles. So, Kelby, thank goodness you're all here. You're welcome. And you're not alone, so don't worry. OK, Well, that's good to know. So first of all, I know that my dark circles are. Genetic. They're hereditary. Every Italian woman in my family has those deep dark circles but under eye bags. What causes those, I'd really like to know. Well, heredity is a big thing, but you know, lack of sleep? Like too much salt in your diet? Actually not. Washing your face well enough at night. I mean, it can be a number of smoking. I mean, there's a number of thi. Alcohol. Yes, exactly. Crying. I mean crying the next morning, By the, I don't care what happens. I will not cry Sunday through Thursday because I'm on TV. Exa. But if you did, we have methods to help. All right, well, let's get star. You're going to go whoop over some of them. And I almost dropped your Jade Eye roller. I have one of these. And I alwas wonder, like, is it really working? And it feels like it does, especially when I put it in the freezer and do exactl. I think that it works best in the freezer, OK to help with the puffiness, but also if you put on a product before you do it, it also helped work it in. And that's not just for under your eyes, it can be everywhere. So if you have something that you really want to work into your skin, it's great. But from the fridge or from the freezer, it's great that morning for puffy eyes to kind of just. Come back those from the from the gig I never thought so I could use like put lotion on and absolutely OK that's kind of genius. Yeah, I love that. Yep it's gre. You also have some wonderful under eye patches which I also. Use religiously. But I've never seen this brand before. Yeah, so this is 1 size and this actually not exactly what they look like, but they're in this. And I just wanted to show people what they would look like once they took them out. And So what you want to do is put the skin your end closest to your n. Yep, skin your end closest to your nose. And then the wider end out underneath your eye. So you can get as much space as possible. And then let those sit, 1015 minutes maybe while you're doing your hair and brushing your tee. And then apply your makeup afterwards. Got it. And if you don't have time for those, it's OK. Because there's other products t will work a little bit quickly without needing to spend 15 minutes to . When I do, what I do is I wake , feed like before I feed the cat, or even make my coffee. I pop those puppies on and then go about my morning. Yep, just to make sure they're getting in there. Yep. Okay. This is something that I'd never heard of that I definitely want to try. It's called vacation eyes. What does this do? So this is something that you cn put on again in the mornings tht will help combat the puffiness. It will work a little bit againt the under eye circles, the dark bags, or the the dark circles, I gues. And it's another thing where you don't have time to wait 15 minutes but still apply it, brush your teeth and then put your makeup on. It's just a little bit more quickly working. Do you need to wait a certain amount of time before? Putting another product over this, I mean, a minute, 2 minutes, maybe Just enough for it to absorb a little bit. All right, what is this? The ordinary, right? This has caffeine in it. Yep, caffeine. Same type of thing. It's a caffeine solution. You put it on underneath your e, set it in, and what I want to recommend to whenever you. But he's putting something on ur their eyes to use your ring fin. It is the weakest finger on your hand and generally is more gentle with that soft, light, delicate skin under your eyes. Okay, I've heard that too. My mommy always used to say that to me. That's important. So sometimes I'm going to give you a real industry secret here. I actually put Preparation H unr my eyes if I'm not like this mog was a bit of a rough warning. So the Prep H went on. Yes. Now I think in theory. It helps 1 puffy place, but not necessarily every puffy place on your body. I think it's more because there are ingredients that can be dangerous if they get in your e. There are ingredients that are too harsh to be on that fine skin underneath your eyes. I'm not saying that you can't, but I would say pinch like last case scenario use it. But there are other things thatI think would give you just as mu. Coverage and and work better than that. So I am going to actually take off the makeup from under my eyes so that you can see I like just wht I'm dealing with and then she's going to try to fix it for me. But while I'm doing that tell me about best overtime fixes. Oh yes. OK. So this one is from Versed and it is an it's called advanced Retinoid Eye Balm. So the balm part makes it extrey condensed and I mean it works really well, but you do this every night. So it will help with the fine l. It'll help with the puffiness. It'll help with the dark circle. And it's something, again that you put on every night after you've cleansed your face and tn kind of before your moisturizer, you know, just tap it in, get it really, you know, good in the corners of your eye, all the way to the outside corner where those little crow's feet might t hearing, see what I see. Do you want to see what I hide from you every day? You're, you know where critic look at t. I mean, actually even looks better on TV than it does. All right, help me out, girl. OK, So what I would start with is one of these. So do a little bit of the caffee and again using my ring finger d I'm just gently tapping it in. You don't want to necessarily rub things in again because it'll pull that skin and you just want to be gentle. Exactly. Get right up under that lash li. OK. So in theory, we would waita couple minutes for that to sett, but we don't have all that time. The one thing again about doing under eye stuff is that you actually t to use as little product as possible, little product as possible exacy because it will overtime settle into all of the fine lines. That's what it does. It's all Creasy exactly. So you want to keep it as thin as possible with as much coverage as possib. So the thing about an under eye dark circle makeup in particular is that you really want to be. Targeted and where you put it. So this is just a standard concealer from tart and you can use any concealer that you want. But then what we're going to do over it is the one that's goingo really focus on the dark circle. And that is something that justs exactly where the the Purpley blue color is. And what you'll find is that anything that's targeted for dak circles is going to be a little peachier because on a color whe, orange or Peach. Neutralizes Blues and purples. So I've been using a really yellow thing. Is that the wrong? You can, but yellow neutralizes. So that would be more for pimples rosacea. I would suggest something that s a little bit more orange in it, and it's going to be intimidating because you're lik, there's no way that's going to match my skin. But I promise, right? I promise it does. So I loaded up my brush again, a little goes a long way and you're really just working it right in that specific spot. So in that corner where you can see the blue. And the brush gives you more jut control of where the color pack it in. And then why I like to ue my finger is that it'll give ita little of that fingerprint and t doesn't look so cakey, look at . So we'll do that. And then if you have to, not everybody hasn't go out far, but I'll just show you since we're here, you can take it out all the wayo that corner and you can go right up at the lash line if you have. And again, I always kind of go k in and rework it with my finger. Y'all are you seeing this even like. What I did this morning with extra care here and this, what a difference. It definitely can and you can see it's bright and that will oxidize to. So it won't feel quite as bright in the next 5 minutes. Yep. And what is this? Yep. So then I would just set set it. Set it for exactly right now that's not going to make me have more wrinkles, is it? No. But The thing is, is that when you have more advad skin you don't want to bake. So people that have the powder under there for hours and. Hours. You know, letting it set. Don't do that. You want to use a big fluffy brush? OK. And just again, tap it in and v. And let it go. OK, Kelby, we were about out of time. Tell me good how people, where they can find you so they can he more of these wonderful tips. Oh, well, thank you. I'm Kelby Blosser, hair and makeup on Instagram. All right, fabulous. And can you stick around during commercial to fix the other eye? You betcha. I'm gonna need that. I'm gonna need that. OK.
Channel: KING 5 Seattle
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Keywords: [ new-day-northwest, entertainment, programs ], television
Id: iZeP7ToRvYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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