Make your VOCALS sound like Post Malone (if you can't sing) - Vocal FX Tutorial

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The sawtooth pitch modulation and 8 gallons of reverb makes it sound like someone's killing a goat in a cathedral

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/SPACE-BEES 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Would be great if you had put a demo of what the result sounds like at the beginning of the video...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pantan 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love you arcade ❤

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kokokokokoko1996 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nice vid!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Creed22222 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Awesome. Didn’t know about the simulated vibrato effect!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prout_ 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

What are the chords for the song?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Eli_Fox 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I liked the part about the signature vibrato thing that post Malone uses. I also liked how you automated the reverb to fill more space at the end of every vocal. Cool vid!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cruncha 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys is arcade and I'm back with another video and in this one I'm gonna show you how to sing like post Malone in circles but of course the twist is that I cannot really sing so I'm gonna turn my bad vocals put a bunch of effects on them and turn them into vocals that actually sounds pretty good in the whole mix also make sure to check out my big fat Christmas bundle which is the biggest sale I'm doing ever you can get 23 sample packs for the price of one so $20 for 20 free sample packs and you'll get like three thousand and eight hundred sounds including gloops samples presets FL Studio project files and more so yeah check that out link will be below in the description now let's get to the video I'm sure you are excited for this I think I need a pretty good job replicating some of post Malone's like signature vocal stuff so I'm gonna talk about that right now so of course like in every video I wanna want to play the world cool with no effects drywall cool just like I recorded it and as I said before I cannot really sing so it's always kind of funny and cringy to listen to so be prepared for that so yeah let me remove the effects from the vocals and let's play it and of course I kind of went with a parody lyrics a parody of my own channel because it's dying let's hear it with no effects and of course after that we're gonna put a lot of effects on it make it sound good but here is the drywall cool but then I got lazy get what was coming a channel that's dying if I get less I'm gonna be flying in beauty's video cuz my chinos died and my chill my channel I want you to do something click that subscribe button okay beautiful I know I know it's great I should be a singer anyway so as you can hear it's pretty bad and especially like here I couldn't my voice couldn't handle anymore that was too high for me and also this last vocal I was unable to sing it in that octave so I had to like record it freaky slower so the way you do that you play the chords and you know I would sing the vocal you know but since I cannot sing this high I would need to record it I would need to lower this like freaky slower and then sing it and then once I recorded that I pitched it up by 300 so the original sounded like this so that's how I recorded it then I pitched it up by 300 and we have this and of course the mode needs to be free mono otherwise you're gonna get this chipmunk pink going on so yeah go with Ephrem oh no if you do this so that's how you can kind of cheat when you cannot really sing high enough but you want a part in your song that will be that high you can record it lower and then pitch it up that's one of the things you can do but now let me show you the effects that we're gonna put on these vocals to make them sound good because right now they are awful [Music] okay let's get to it I got two locals as you can see both are the same but both have different effects so let's start with the first layer which is the main layer I'm gonna show you all the effects one after another so first we have two gates that's basically to remove any white noise or any background noise in the vocal recording so everything that is really quiet in the recording will be totally muted then we have picture which is one of the most important things here so we got the picture which is the outta tune pretty much which will fix all the false notes and there is a lot of them so it's set to minor a which is the key of the song if you want to figure out the key of your song if you don't know what key you are singing in I usually just go through a bunch of them and see which one sounds like the one I meant it's the sound so this one for example wouldn't you can see it's trying to find a note that's not in the key that's how I usually figure it out to go and try few of these see which one sounds the closest to what I was trying to think [Music] but then I got lazy and altitude speed is between fast and medium that's basically how fast it will switch to the other note if you go fast it will be too unnatural and if you go slow it might not fixed all the notes properly so I went with medium and it works pretty well now next we have the reverb and actually automated the reverb a little bit to start off with less reverb and at the end of the notes have a little bit more so whenever there is this break in the vocal we have more reverb in that break then we have the EQ where I deleted some of the low frequencies and boosted the high frequencies and that makes a big difference that kind of changes the color of your voice and here's how that sounds but after you do that you tend to have a lot of the SS too loud so that's why I have a de-esser by fabfilter and every time there is an S sound it will try to lower the volume of that s sound so you can see that's dying it's trying to lower that s then we get a compressor with this preset aggressive BM what this does it just kind of takes the whole vocal and makes it more balanced like the volume of the of the vocal is more or less the same throughout the whole recording it doesn't deviate as much as it would we found a compress try to upload daily but then I got lazy and then we have another EQ where I lower some of the high frequencies actually I realized I boosted them too much I could do it in this EQ but I usually just prefer to put another EQ in there and lower it then and then we have another EQ where I played with the frequencies even more because I heard some harsh frequencies and when you hear like there is something tearing up your ears just try to find it by lowering some of the frequencies and seeing what could cause this so it's gonna be different for everyone that's why it doesn't make sense to copy this but that's what I did for my voice so yeah that's the first vocal and right off the bat it sounds way better so yeah before after and even better here and then we have before but I did add one more effect which is totally like signature for post Malone which is the vibrato in his voice like when he has these long notes his voice is almost like shaking a lot and I'm pretty sure that's done in post-production I mean there can be some vibrato in your voice but you can make this more obvious with this effect which is automating the fine tune of the picture which you can see right here this is like the fine-tuned automation all you do is click on the point and do wave and then you can you will have this way if you can make it faster or slower by dragging this up or down we will have this effect so we've we found it and with it it's pretty strong but that's how post Malone does it as well and I think it's a pretty cool effect so yeah that's one effect that's like signature or post Malone so that's it for the first main vocal and then we get like background vocal which is also pretty important because it adds more to the whole vocal recording so it's pretty much the same vocal but it has different effects on it partially so we got picture again but the outta tune is faster changing the speed of the outer tuned for the second vocal will make a little bit of a difference for the whole vocal so it will almost sound like those were two different recordings because the page will be a slightly different in this vocal than it is in the original so that's why I made this one faster then we have the gate again which just mused quiet parts so it sounds like this right now we also got the same vibrato effect and then we got EQ where I boost the high frequencies lower the low frequencies and then another plugin which is like a new trick I learned is vocal sense without the vocal send it like it's like this way if it is like this it takes it from a regular vocal to a really like background vocal and let me show you the effects I put on it in there but let me just enable the rest so you can hear it better so we got reverb of course it's just reverb then we got stereo shaper which makes the wall cool like wider in the mix which is good for a backing vocal not great for the main vocal and then we got the compression the same one as before and somewhere EQ Inc just adjusting my voice to fit the mix but now let me show you the well cosines effects because we thought well cosines it's almost like the original vocal but with it is like really in the back right and that's kind of what I wanted because this is not supposed to be the main vocal so here is the vocal sent by isotope and the effect I'm using is poly box to make it slightly different than the original even though it's the same recording then we have this distortion which doesn't add too much but makes the vocal a bit more saturated and then the chorus which really makes it like a background vocal it almost sounds like more people are singing it so yeah that's what I used the wall cosign for this plug-in overall is incredible for vocals I can definitely recommend it and you can do so much more with it you can do like vocoder stuff and a lot of different stuff but but this time I only used it slightly to make this effect for a nice background vocal so yeah that's all the effects we got and together both vocals with the effects sound like this I want you to do click that subscribe that's it with the effects I mean we found them it was like this once again and with them it's like this but of course it will sound a lot better with the whole beat and all the music so let's go and play the whole thing also check out my big fat Christmas bundle where you can get three thousand and eight hundred samples from ten different genres and 23 different sample packs only for $20 these are all the sample pics I ever made and I'm pretty much giving them away so yeah check it out link below now let's play the whole thing with the vocals enjoy [Music] [Music] try to upload daily but then I cry lazy [Music] cat what was crime in a channel die [Music] Oh I do I want you to do [Music] [Music] anyway guys that is pretty much it for this video I hope you enjoyed it it was a lot of fun to make these vocals and I'm always having fun making these vocals of course I want everyone to know that I'm not pretending to be a great singer or nothing like that but I think with all these effects and stuff like that we can actually make it work pretty well and let me know what you think about this remake I think I I think it's pretty close to the original and as I said the link for a big fast Christmas bundle is below in the description which contains all of these packs check it out you won't regret it and thank you for watching and good bye [Music]
Channel: Arcade
Views: 274,217
Rating: 4.9058328 out of 5
Keywords: how to sound like post malone, make vocals like post malone, how to sing like post malone, post malone vocal tutorial, vocal fx tutorial, autotune tutorial, turn bad vocals to good, how to make your vocals sound better, tutorial, fl studio, pitcher, post malone, how to sing, vocal editing, vocal processing, rap vocals, how to edit vocals, how to mix vocals, singing, bad singing
Id: rQ2sgnv-Pys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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