Make Your Streamlit Apps Look Amazing with Shadcn

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One big plus of using Streamlit is how simple it  is. Yet, that simplicity comes with a downside   - there aren't many styling options available.  All the UI elements, like sliders, date pickers,   and select boxes, they all look the same. So, I  was looking around and found a cool package that   lets you use Shadcn components in Streamlit. What  that is and how to use it is what I will show you   in this video. But to give you an idea of how it  looks, I've created this sample dashboard for you.   So, you'll notice that the elements look different  from the typical Streamlit style. And in my   opinion, it looks pretty clean and professional.  So, if you want to implement the same style   in your Streamlit app, then stick around. First off, let me quickly explain what Shadcn   is. In a nutshell, Shadcn is a collection of  beautifully designed, accessible, and customizable   React components that you can use to build modern  web applications with Next.js. So, it is mainly   used by front-end developers. And on the official  shadcn page, you can see some examples. You will   notice that his dashboard looks pretty similar to  the one I created. That's because there's actually   a package that lets you use those components in  your Streamlit app. I will, of course, link the   GitHub repo of the package in the description  below. To get started, you just need to copy   this command and run it in your command prompt or  terminal. Once installed, let me grab this sample   code. On my desktop, I have already prepared an  empty Python file. So, let me open it up and paste   the code in here. With that in place, we can now  spin up our app. Alright, so now we have a button,   and when I click on it, we get this cool Alert  dialog. Of course, there are many other elements   available. Here on the following page, you can  see all examples and how to implement them. Once   again, you can find the link in the description  below. I will not go through all the examples   here, but let me scroll through the page so that  you get an idea of what the different elements   look like. Here, on top, you can see the tabs  element, which I also used in my dashboard; below   that, we have a beautiful date picker, a nice  data table, a button, a slider, text input boxes,   and a couple more elements. On the left, you will  find the documentation on how to implement those   elements. Let's say you are interested in the  Metric card. To get started, just copy the sample   and paste it into your text editor. You will  notice the syntax is pretty straightforward.   You just need to import the streamlit_shadcn_ui  package, and then you can use the different   elements within your app. So, when I go back to my  page and refresh it, we can see our metric cards. Now, to give you a more real-life example, I've  put together the following dashboard for you,   which I showed you in the intro. It's  actually fully functional. On top,   you can see the total sales by city and also  a comparison to the previous year. Below that,   we have the tab element to group sales either  by month or product category. Then, you can also   select the city and decide if you want to switch  to the previous year's sales view. Now, I might   actually make a separate video to give you a full  walkthrough of the code and explain everything in   more detail. However, in this video, I will keep  my explanation brief. After the imports, I've   created a small section for some configurations  and also the URL to the dataset. By the way,   feel free to use this dataset to play around with  it. It's just some dummy sales data chatGPT and   I put together. It's hosted on GitHub. And you  guessed it already, but you can find the link   to it in the description box as well. So, after  the configurations, I wrote a function to read in   that data and add a month and a year column to it.  Also, I am using here a caching decorator, so that   my app is more responsive when filtering the data  later on. Then, I am calculating the total yearly   revenue for each city and year. And like we have  seen earlier, I am using the metric card here.   Below the metrics, I am using the tab element  to switch between the monthly view and sales   by product category. Afterwards, I used the select  component to choose a city, and after that, I also   included a toggle switch to switch to the previous  year's view. Alright, and then in the last part,   I am just filtering my data based on the selection  I have made above. As a result, I will now have   my filtered data, which I now need to plot. You  can use a standard Streamlit bar chart for that,   however, I wanted to have rounded corners for  the bars, so that's why I am using a Vega-Lite   chart here. This block of code just defines  how the chart should look. To actually plot it,   I am embedding the chart in a card container. And  that's basically it. As I said, I might actually   make a separate video to go into more details  of the actual code. Okay, and before you go,   let me also point out some current limitations  of the package. My initial idea was actually to   create a dashboard in dark mode. However, I  noticed that the dark theme is not yet fully   supported. For example, the toggle here is pretty  hard to see. And if you open the select box,   you will notice the white space around the  selection items. So, for now, it seems to me that   it only works with the light theme of Streamlit.  So, keep that in mind when you are using that   package. Okay, and with that said, thanks for  watching, and I will see you in the next video.
Channel: Coding Is Fun
Views: 7,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Streamlit UI upgrade, Shadcn components guide, improve Streamlit design, Streamlit customization, modern UI for Streamlit, enhance Streamlit apps, Streamlit visual enhancement, Shadcn for Streamlit, creating stunning Streamlit interfaces, Streamlit design tips, Streamlit UI components, stylish Streamlit applications, advanced Streamlit design techniques, Streamlit app aesthetics, Streamlit interface makeover, professional Streamlit design, Streamlit UI improvement
Id: a8KFaqsq6oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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