Make your own Non Stick Pen Bushings

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hello again everybody and welcome back to my shop um lately I've been turning a lot of in pins and I have been using a CA glue finish on those pins and I've been showing some non-stick bushings that I've been using um I decided to try to make some of those non-stick bushings for myself so I purchased this this is an hdp Rod highdensity polyethylene Rod I bought it off it was a little over $10 let's say $11 it had a free shipping deal and I was purchasing some other items so I didn't pay any shipping so for $10 I got a 2T Rod of HDPE what I'd like to do today is I'd like to turn some non-stick bushings uh out of this Rod before I get started I want to take one second and I want to give a shout out to a fellow woodworker gentleman's name is Larry Larry is over at the tiny trailer Workshop now I will put a link to Larry's YouTube site down in the comments I'd like you guys to take a moment go over and check Larry out he's got some real cool stuff going on over there and give Larry a like And subscribe to him and uh follow him I think he's going to have a great channel so let's get right to it let's go make some bushings the diameter on the rod that I purchased was 3/4 of an inch the reason I went with a 3/4 in Rod is because in case I don't drill perfectly down the center I still have plenty of meat to be able to tr the bushing up I've also decided that I want to cut a 3/4 of an inch thick segment or section off of the rod to make my bushing my thought behind this this is my bushing will be a little on the long side but as it gets chewed up by the inside of my tubes I can always grab one of my tools and trim the chewed up SE section off and uh get a little more life out of this set of bushings so let's go ahead and cut a couple of bushings I went ahead and cut four pieces and the reason why I did that is because a standard pin has a front and a back half and I want to be able to put a finish or apply a CA glue finish to both halves at the same time so I need four bushings let's head over to the drill press and get these drilled out I selected a 7 mm drill bit because that is the diameter of my pin mandrel and I'm basically just going to drill a hole right down through the center of each of these four bushings makes a little bit of a mess but I think it'll be worth it in the end all right let's get the other three drilled out all right now we have four pushings cut out let's get these over to the lathe get them on the pin mandrel and let's turn them down into some non-stick bushings what I want to do now is I just want to take my skew uh and I'm going to try to just true these up you can see there's a little bit of difference between the two of them because I didn't drill perfectly straight but I got a lot of meat to play with so I'm not really worried about that now you might be looking at how I have these positioned on the mandrel my goal is to turn this one down to this bushing obviously turn this one down to that bushing and then do the same thing on this side so I'm just going to be turning toward the center bushing in an effort to uh make these conical or cone shaped I've never turned hdp before so I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work out I'm hoping it's a lot like acrylic uh I've got my lath turned up uh I think I'm going to take it up a little more than halfway but not quite wide open the HTP is uh leaving these nice little threads uh wound around my mandrel they don't really hurt anything but they kind of get in the way of seeing what you're doing so I'm going to pull them off I've just about this one here feels perfectly round this one feels perfectly round these two feel like they're just a little bit off center so I'm going to turn a little more away or true them up just a little bit more uh before I can continue on and start turning them into cones all right I'm happy that they're treed up fairly well what I'm going to do is turn the camera off clean all this uh stringy stuff up get it all cleaned off my lathe come back and we'll turn these into uh the conical shapes that we need to help them self-c Center on any size uh brass tube all right I got everything cleaned up um I'm basically just going to turn these down okay bottomed out on that one it's hard to see in the video but I'm right next to the the um bushing you also know I I bumped a couple times and kind of scarred it up but you know what that's not going to hurt a thing I got plenty of meat back here as these get chewed up I can go ahead and just trim down and uh take the chewed up area off and I'll get a lot of use out of these so I'm going to clean this up so you can see the bushing a little better on this side and then I'll start working on some of the others I like the way this stuff is turning uh it it actually turns much easier than acrylic it's just extremely soft um the worst part is obviously um all these little strings getting caught around your mandrel just going to use a razor knife obviously nothing fancy there cut these they cut very easy and uh get them out of my way and there you can see I'm right down to the bushing so this is going to work out great let me go ahead and get the the next one turned well they may not be beautiful but I guarantee you they are highly functional uh I'm going to go ahead and clean this one up a little bit where I got a couple of gouges in it just kind of kind of uh true it up a little bit and uh then I'm going to go ahead and toss a pin on here or a pin blank and uh see how well they do centering it up with these being conical shaped they self Center on the blank and basically you can wipe your CA glue finish right on if you get any on these it doesn't stick as they get gummed up or chewed up I can take my uh my skew and just basically freshen up the edges of them and these are going to last a really long time they're not pretty but they are highly functional I'd like to offer a very sincere thank you to each and every one of you for joining me in the shop today and watching my video without you guys this wouldn't be possible uh it's amazing what has happened with Channel I absolutely love it I'm having a good time um if you like what you saw give me a thumbs up leave me a comment let me know what you thought about it if you're not a subscriber hit that subscribe button I produce a video once about every two weeks this was a really quick and really fun project I would say you could probably do this in about 20 minutes uh it's a little longer with the video because you know you're stopping setting up shots but I've got one two sets of these and I'm going to give these away to one of you if you're subscriber leave me a comment and say Bob I'd like to have those and uh I'm not going to do anything big and elaborate like I did on the pin giveaway when I do my next video in a week two weeks whenever that is um I'll take all the names of the subscribers who left a comment saying they want them and um I'll just draw a quick name at the beginning of my next video give these away and like I said they're not pretty uh but they're very functional they self-center you can use your own skew or any tool you have to clean them up when they get chewed up and uh you know these be great for you if you're if you are a uh a pin Turner the the real beauty of them is uh if you've ever used CA glue with an aluminum bushing and you basically uh wipe that glue along the bushing to the pin blank sometimes when you take the bushing off it will chip your blanks and man there's nothing worse than screwing up a blank that you put so much time and effort into so guys thank you for joining me today you are always welcome in my shop hey send those comments in and let me just give these away to somebody love hear from you leave me a comment and uh you guys have a great day
Channel: RJBWoodTurner
Views: 123,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: non-stick bushings, bushings, HDPE, lathe, turning, bob blanford, blanford, rjbwoodturner
Id: KSXlS89qmCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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