Soda Can Segmented Maple Pen

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hello again and welcome back to the shop today I thought I'd try something I've never done before I took a can just like this one and I cut it into strips and I took a maple blank and I segmented that blank and I glued the strips of that can between the segments and it made a very interesting looking pen so I thought I would share that process with you [Music] today [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] oh [Music] reason why I marked out the first one I got a little too close to the edges I want to stay more toward the center with my design um so I went ahead and blanked this one out we're not going to use that one we'll use this [Applause] [Music] one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just using a little CA glue epoxy might be better but I don't have any epoxy right now and get any dust off here that there is nice clean cut on the scroll saw happy about that I'm just going to really really hit it with the glue and then we'll lay a piece of our aluminum can on here little bit of dust on that one and let's get this side really good okay and let's flip this over okay there we go now what I want to do is get some clamps on here there you go now we're just going to let her dry here's the blank the CA glue has dried I did shoot it with some accelerator to help speed that process uh happy with how that turned out I'm going to take it to my belt sander and uh just basically you know sand the rough edges down I'll trim the these off first and then I'm going to go back and make a cut probably on this side uh something very similar to what I did there just to give it kind of a unique design and uh we'll see how it looks when we turn it I went ahead and repeated the cuts on the blank and gluing the aluminum can in three more times on this blank and came up with sort of a chain link pattern like I said I didn't get real critical with making sure I cut perfectly on the lines or anything like that I just had fun with it and and uh made what I think is a cool looking blank I'm going to go ahead and get this uh cut get some tubes drilled in it and turn it and we'll see what it looks like got the blank mounted up uh didn't show all of the process to doing that but really it's it's straightforward I I cut the blank to length drilled a hole 7 mm uh in diameter down the center glued a couple of brass tubes in each half and then Barrel trim the ends uh I showed this process in so many of my other videos I thought I'd leave it out uh in the essence of saving a little bit of time so I've got the lathe turned up to full speed and I'm going to go ahead and turn these down and see how they how they [Music] [Applause] [Music] look I really like the way this is turning out I mean it's cool you got a lot of the red from the Coke can in there here um what I'm going to do is uh shut the camera off and I'm going to sand this uh blank down uh and then I'll come back uh when I finish and I'll put a little finish on it and show you guys how it looks but I'm just absolutely Blown Away with uh with how this is turning out I had no idea it would look like this um I can honestly say I'll do some more of these I had no no I could not tell that that aluminum was in there it turned just like U Maple and uh you had no idea that that was in there so real happy about that I didn't notice my tool getting dull it stayed sharp so let me uh shut the camera off get this sanded down and we'll come back and finish I am really happy with how this blank is turning out I mean I don't know I just was something I decided to try I didn't invent this uh other people have done it I'm sure but I had never tried it I thought I'd give it a shot and I'm really happy I'm going to go ahead and put some CA I've got it sanded down to 400 uh and I've cleaned it off with some denatured alcohol I'm going to go ahead and apply some CA I'll start off with uh couple of coats of medium and I'll hit it with some accelerator uh I don't feel any gaps but that way if there are any gaps this will sort of fill them in and uh once I you know get maybe three coats of the medium on there I'll sand it with some micromesh and then we'll go back uh and put several coats of uh a thin CA so let's get started it's really shined it up I'm going to go ahead and break out the micr mesh pads uh just do a very light sanding just a scuff sanding really to take any uh rough points off high points uh then we'll come back and put uh some Thin CA on it with these micr mesh pads I don't like to leave them on there for a long period of time I just like to get them wet and then lightly buff the surface the idea is just to level things out so that I get a nice smooth finish with uh the next couple of coats of CA that I I put on the blank I am dipping them in water each time before I apply them to the to the surface of the pen it does dull the surface just a tiny bit but it makes it glass smooth and that's what we're looking for so now we're going to come back and apply uh four to six coats of a thin CA glue uh just to put a top coat on it I did the first coat by drooling the ca on and now I'm just going to apply several coats by just applying it to a towel and then rubbing it on this will give a really nice beautiful surface appearance doing it this way the CA glue dries very fast so I can apply the coats almost immediately I don't know that's about three maybe four we'll go uh two more coats takes me longer to prepare the towel to apply the ca than it does to actually apply it all right now just for good measure I'm going to go ahead and shoot this with a little bit of accelerator just to make sure everything dries and let's have a look at it wow it looks amazing I'm going to go ahead and polish it I use a little bit of this Hut ultr gloss to polish it uh this is a plastic polish but the CA glue forms a plastic shell on the blanks so it does a really nice job of really making the blank pop so let me uh get a paper towel and we'll apply some of this this stuff's real runny so you got to watch out when you pour it you see I spilled it all over my lathe doesn't hurt anything because it's a Polish but you just don't want to waste too much of it I just put it on like a regular friction polish apply a little bit of pressure and then I get a clean paper towel and buff it off and it looks amazing I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put one more coat of Polish uh on the pin and then we're going to get it off the lathe and get it assembled here's my finished pin very happy with how it turned out I took a plain Maple blank did not have a lot of figure and segmented it put this strips of aluminum from a Coke can in there and made a pin that really Pops I absolutely love how this pin turned out hope you guys enjoyed this video um if you don't subscribe to my channel I'd like to invite you to hit the Subscribe button that way any future videos that I do will be sent directly to your YouTube feed if you like the video give me a thumbs up if you really like the video share it with your friends or leave a comment for me I appreciate you guys taking your valuable time to watch my video and as always please remember you are always welcome in my shop have a great evening guys
Channel: RJBWoodTurner
Views: 122,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert blanford, blanford, rjbwoodturner, lathe, pen, pen turning, maple, maple pen, segmented pen, segmenting, soda, soda can, soda can pen
Id: ZMd5p-sLn68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2015
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