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I know how much you love making your own cleaning products at home and I love doing it too not only is it more cost effective the products work incredibly well and of course you can make them smell however you want and that's what I want to talk to you about today I want to walk you through how to use essential oils in your DIY cleaning products so that you can really get not only the benefits from the essential oils but you can enjoy the amazing scents and of course find the scents that you love so that you can make cleaning a little bit more enjoyable I'm going to share with you seven of my current favorite recipes and walk you through some of the essential oil Basics and just a quick reminder if you haven't done so already to subscribe to the clean Myspace Channel and give this video a thumbs up if you like making your own cleaning products there are a few important things to know about essential oils before you start using them and the first one is that you want to make sure that you're using 100% pure essential oils they're not necessarily cheap they're not necessarily expensive but you want to go for Quality that way you know that you're getting all of the beneficial properties and the wonderful scents that are associated with the essential oils I have tried cheap versions of essential oils they just do not smell the same doesn't matter to me what brand you get all that matters is that it says 100% pure now when you're using essential oils to create a cleaning product let's say your average use of liquid is 2 cups so you mix up a spray bottle it's got two cups of liquid in it if you want to have just a nice pleasant scent while you're cleaning you can add five to 10 drops of your favorite essential oils or a combination and if you actually want the scent to be much stronger so when you finish cleaning you can still kind of smell it lingering around and if you also want the beneficial properties from the essential oils at that point I recommend using 20 drops of the essential oils that you choose to use in your solution I've got some of my favorites or my staple essential oils here and I'll just walk you through them briefly this little section is my Citrus collection I've got lemon grapefruit and orange and these are wonderful not only for degreasing and that property is found in the skin of the citrus fruit but they're also great antibacterial products and they smell incredible so if you want a little bit of an antibacterial punch and a good degreasing powerful punch you go for something like a citrus scent over here I kind of have the herbal selection and they're again are tons that you could pick but these are just three really basic ones and I think they smell amazing the first one is tea tree now it is a smell that you have to get a little bit used to but not only is it antibacterial it's very purifying and very cleansing it's antimicrobial and it fights germs so this is a great one to have especially if you're in an area where you have a lot of germs like a kitchen or a bathroom next up I have peppermint which is just a fabulous scent to have and who cares what it does even though it does great things it just smells so good and refreshing but peppermint is also known as an antibacterial product so if you add some drops to your cleaner it will certainly help fight bacteria and over here is lavender essential oil such a calming scent I really really love lavender and this is not only an antimicrobial which is why I love putting it in my washing machine we've talked about this several times before to help prevent any musty odors or mildew from building up but it also has antiviral and antibacterial properties as well and this is an essential oil mix that I've come across recently and I'm just obsessed with it it's got a really spicy Rich scent and it's called the thieves blend and the story with the thieves blend is that there were four famous thieves in the 15th century and they would make little combinations of different herbs and spices to help wart off disease when they were robbing the dead or the dying not the classiest thing to do however what they did give us is a really nice blend of essential oils so this has clove and cinnamon lemon eucalyptus and rosemary it is so good and it's really great at fighting off bacteria and germs which is probably why those thieves were so successful whenever I do a video talking about essential oils you guys are always asking where you can find them so I'm going to link essential oils for you down below uh I'll link the ones that I'm using and if I find any other ones that I want to share with you I'll throw them down there as well first up is my all-purpose cleaner and I use this in my kitchen it's perfect for cleaning my quartz countertops and if you have stone countertops or laminate countertops in your kitchen this is perfectly fine to use now the way that I make it up is I add two cups of water and one teaspoon of dish soap doesn't matter if it's scented or not because the thieves is just going to knock that scent out anyway so I put 20 drops of Thieves essential oil into this solution add it all to that spray bottle give it a good shake and just go nuts in the kitchen it works like a charm next up is a soap scum Buster and listen guys I don't love cleaning the shower either but it needs to be done and if you have a good powerful product you're going to power through the work so here's what I like to do I mix up equal parts of plain white vinegar and dish soap in this case I'm using half a cup of each and to that I'm going to add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil and the reason why I love tea tree for this application is because it helps break down mold and mildew which is something that's really common in the shower so by adding this not only are you getting rid of that sticky soap gum you're also going to power through some of that Nast mold and mildew cleaning glass and mirrors definitely requires a product that is designed specifically for that task so if you want to use a product that not only works well but smells great try this recipe get a spray bottle and add 1 and 1/2 cups of plain water to it and then add 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and then to that you're going to add 15 to 20 drops of peppermint essential oil and then you get this nice minty fresh window and glass cleaner it's like very on Trend it's very theme like mint fresh clean clear it's very good now some of you guys will ask me about using oil on glass and is it going to leave streaks and the answer is no because between the vinegar and the rubbing alcohol those two cut grease so it really does counter things out but if you do notice something for whatever reason just dial back the peppermint a little bit linen spray is definitely a thing and it's not only just fancy schmancy stuff that you see at five star hotels there are benefits to it having freshly scented Linens helps you sleep better especially if you're using an essential oil that's designed to calm you down and it can also just generally freshen up your Linens you know you're not changing them every day you should change them once every week or two but in the meantime linen spray is a great way to freshen them up so make your own by adding two parts water to one part vodka in a small spray bottle so I'm going to use 1/2 cup of water and 1/4 cup of vodka you're you're going to want to use unscented vodka and if you're not using vodka for whatever reason you can sub that out with rubbing alcohol and then to that I'm adding 20 drops of lavender essential oil it's quite powerful but trust me it'll make your linens smell great and you will definitely sleep better if you want to know what product you should use to clean out your fridge cuz I can read your mind I know that's what you were thinking well here is your recipe you're going to use one cup of plain hot water you're going to use a/2 cup of white vinegar a little tiny squirt of dish soap I'm talking half a teaspoon to a teaspoon and 10 drops of lemon essential oils that's not only going to help remove any of that Grimmy buildup you got going on in your fridge it's really going to freshen it up with a nice lemony Zing now make sure that when you use this you're wearing gloves because you're dealing with hot water and I would say instead of putting this in a spray bottle that you apply it to your fridge shelves and surfaces with a sponge and then when you're done cleaning rinse the sponge wipe it dry and you're good to go cleaning with vinegar is super effective but TBH it stinks and a lot of you guys will tell me this in the comments whenever I talk about cleaning with vinegar Melissa I hate the smell of vinegar I can't clean with it and I feel you it does totally wkak so I've put a video together and I did this a long time ago where you can use citrus peels to scent your vinegar now this does take a little bit of time and there is a lag period before you can actually use the vinegar it needs time to infuse but if you want to cheat and use vinegar and still have it smell pretty good you can do that by adding some vinegar to a mason jar so here I'm adding two cups of white vinegar to a mason jar and I'm just going to put 10 drops of my favorite Citrus essential oil in there you can use anyone you like I'm going to use orange today but if you don't like the smell with 10 drops of essential oils in it amp it up and use 20 no one's going to know what matters here is if you can tolerate the scent of the vinegar and of course you can use this anywhere you would use regular vinegar to do your cleaning great recipe for mopping your floors whether they are tile or laminate or even hardwood the most important thing is to make sure that you're ringing your mop out really really well so that you're not leaving any residual water behind but I've got this great recipe that you can use I use it I love it so what I do is I take one gallon or 4 L of hot water I put that in my MTH bucket and two I add a/2 cup of rubbing alcohol which is going to help the liquid dry faster which means less streaks and then to that I'm going to add 10 to 20 drops depending on how much of a mood boost I need that day of grapefruit essential oil because it is such an uplifting scent plus the Citrus does help with cutting grease and we do have greasy feet so you got to deal with that then just dip your mop in Mop as usual dump out your mop water and you'll get that nice scent coming off your floors for at least 10 or 15 minutes so those are my seven favorite cleaning products of the moment and I'd love to know in the comments down below what is your favorite DIY cleaning recipe whether it's something that's been passed down from several Generations or something that you've kind of experimented with whipped together and had great success with definitely let me know in the comments because not only do I love reading them and I certainly learn a lot from you guys but I know that other people in the clean mypace Nation go through and scour the scour those comments and learn a lot as well so definitely share the wealth here are a couple of other videos I think you're going to love and if you want to learn more about anything I talked about today be sure to check out our website there's a button down there that lets me know you care so click it if you liked this video and click this button right here to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Clean My Space
Views: 485,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean my space, essential oils, thieves essential oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil, essential oil, melissa maker, cleanmyspace, cleaning, diy cleaners, diy mirror cleaner, diy glass cleaner, diy all purpose cleaner, cleaning products, natural cleaning products, do it yourself, life hacks, essential oil recipes, cleaning hacks, how to clean with vinegar, diy natural cleaning products, tea tree oil cleaning, diy cleaning products, natural cleaners, lifehacks, diy
Id: CSmYqoT_lIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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