5 AMAZING HACKS Using Only Rubbing Alcohol!

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if you've been watching clean myspace videos for a while you know that I really enjoy using rubbing alcohol around the house for different cleaning tasks and you might be thinking rubbing alcohol you usually find this in a first-aid kit yes that's true but there are so many great cleaning applications for it so in this video I'm going to show you five ways that you can clean with inexpensive and readily available rubbing alcohol and just a quick reminder if you haven't done so already to subscribe to the clean myspace channel and give this video a thumbs up if you like inexpensive cleaning hacks rubbing alcohol is a few interesting cleaning properties first of all as many of you know it's a disinfectant so it'll kill bacteria usually on contact you want to just wipe it give it a couple of minutes to dry and then the bacteria should be gone now you can also use this if you need something to dry quickly and you want to reduce streaking so people will often mix this into cleaning recipes to help reduce streaking the other cool thing about rubbing alcohol is that it can lift up grease and dirt where otherwise you might not be able to do that so rubbing alcohol is kind of an interesting product that way the one rule is to keep it away from an open heat source or a flame because yuck it's flammable well there is good bacteria to be had in homes when cold and flu season rolls around you don't want that stuff lingering around the house and that is when a DIY disinfectant really comes in handy and you can make one with simple rubbing alcohol and water so just get yourself a clean spray bottle and to it you're going to add one cup of plain water and one cup of rubbing alcohol now if you want to up the antibacterial properties you can - in about 20 to 30 drops of a powerful essential oil like lavender or tea tree something that has some antiviral and antibacterial properties that'll really make it a powerful cleaner then just spray it on the affected surface point-of-contact a toilet a sink whatever it is that needs a little bit of cleaning up let it sit for a couple of minutes that's called dwell time very important for killing bacteria and then give it a wipe and move on you have horizontal or vertical blinds rubbing alcohol can help you clean them very quickly now over time they get dusty and a little bit dirty so here's the quick fix just put plain rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle or a little spritzer and get yourself an old sport sock flip it inside out stick your hand in so you make a little sock puppet then you're going to flip your blinds over to one side so they lay flat and give them a good spray with rubbing alcohol now I like to work section by section when I do this so I might spray the first three and then continue to move my way down I'm talking about horizontal blinds here then take that sock wrap it around the slat and gently pull it to the side the rubbing alcohol helps loosen up dirt and dust and it makes light work of cleaning if you notice that your cell phone is getting a little bit grimy and yet it happens to all of us you're putting it by your ear which produces wax it's on your face which has oils and if you're like me on a shooting day you've got makeup on which also gets all over your phone so every now and then you really do need to give it a good cleaning not only to get that grimy stuff up but also the bacteria that hangs out on this thing so mix up equal parts of water and rubbing alcohol that's just a quick electronics cleaner slash disinfectant and spray it onto a flat weave microfiber cloth and I'll put links to ours down below then you're just going to remove the case if you can and give your phone a good wipe down you can just do the S pattern from the top to the bottom flip the phone over and you can even do this for your phone case it'll help lift up any dirt or discoloration as well I mentioned earlier that rubbing alcohol dries very quickly which means that it doesn't leave streaks or marks behind and what is more frustrating than trying to get your chrome fixtures shiny and streak free I don't know there are a few things in the world that are more frustrating than that so get yourself some rubbing alcohol and put it on a soft cloth like an all-purpose microfiber cloth and start to wipe your chrome fixtures now the rubbing alcohol will help remove any light water spots but the best part is that it'll just polish it up beautifully now the other cool thing is that it will help disinfect your fixture and that's always a bonus whenever you're cleaning something rather than paying an exorbitant amount of money for glasses clear you can just make your own get yourself a little spray bottle and fill it 3/4 the way full with rubbing alcohol fill the rest up so about a quarter of the way with plain water and to that you're going to add a drop of dish soap so what I mean when I say a drop look at your pinky nail divide it in half and that's about as big as you want the drop to be now the next thing you'll do is take the bottle and just roll it gently in your hands that way you can disperse everything but you're not going to create bubbles then spray your glasses on either side of the lens with the solution and wipe it off with a flat microfiber cloth something that either came in your glasses case or one of our glass and electronics cleaning clots if you're into the idea of hand sanitizer but you're not into the idea of hand sanitizer with triclosan you might want to consider making your own and it is surprisingly easy to do so go to the drugstore and find yourself pure aloe vera gel so not the green stuff get yourself a clean squeeze bottle into it you're going to add one part rubbing alcohol two parts of that aloe vera gel a tablespoon of a nourishing oil like sweet almond oil or vitamin E oil that just helps soften things up so you don't get those crusty hands and then you're gonna add 15 drops of your favorite essential oil just to make things smell nice give it a quick shake and then you're done this can go in your purse your car your diaper bag or just about anywhere that you would normally keep your hand sanitizer hand sanitizer is a bit of a debated topic some people think it's great and other people think it's terrible some people think it's fine to use some people think it's kind of gross so I'd love to know in the comments down below what's your take on hand sanitizer do use it and do you like it or do you avoid it as much as you can obviously hen hygiene is important it can come in handy from time to time for me I will use it if I am in an absolute pinch but my preference is to always use soap and water but it really I'd love to know what you guys think down below here are a couple of other videos I think you're going to love it if you want to learn more about our cloths or cleaning in general you can visit cleanmyspace.com there's a button down there that lets me know you care so click it if you liked this video and click this button right here to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time
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Views: 1,080,637
Rating: 4.8944039 out of 5
Keywords: cleaning with rubbing alcohol, Rubbing Alcohol, diy disinfectant, surgical spirit, cleaning hacks, clean with rubbing alcohol, disinfect with rubbing alcohol, disinfect, melissa maker, clean my space, sanatize, diy cleaning products, diy cleaners, natural cleaning, cleaning, natural cleaning products, cleaning tips, isopropyl alcohol, sanitize, favorite cleaning products, disinfectant, life hacks, chemical free, amazing hacks
Id: JcJFbTmfXLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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