Make Restaurant Style Ramen in 1 Hour

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there's really nothing better than a good bowl of ramen from a quality ramen shop and once you've experienced one you will certainly be hooked on ramen for life but what if I told you that you can skip the ramen shop and make perfect ramen noodles in your very own kitchen sit back and get comfortable because over the next hour we will be unlocking all of the secrets to making amazing ramen noodles at home [Music] oh just like 20 degrees cooler and the other room I've got two things on the burner I got a the window is closed because their chainsaw and something down outside two cameras and it's like 95 degrees outside but we're gonna get through it and we're doing ramen today and not only are we doing ramen which is one of my favorite things in the world to make but we're doing it live and if you're new to this style of video it's gonna be different than the normal edited videos I like doing this sort of live version from time to time because it really gives you guys a chance to see what it's like to actually cook I don't get to edit out anything and if you do have the patience to sit through a long video like this I can guarantee you you're gonna learn much more than if you were just you know watching an edited video because you really get to see everything live and there's so much space to give you the pointers that you you really need like I love condensing videos but the truth is if you really want to learn how to cook one of the best ways are these long-form videos so we're getting after than if you've been following my Instagram life I'm like gee you know I make a lot of ramen it's one of my favorite things in the world to make I put out a video recently if I can only make one thing for the rest of my life what would it be yes it would be some type of Asian noodle soup but I just posted a picture of ramen the other day and you guys went crazy for it a lot of people wanted to see the recipe I don't know if it's just like you know the look of the ramen or what it is but I'm making it today and I'm really gonna break down all of the elements so there's plenty of time to chat let's get into the recipe and we are actually going to start with half boiling eggs and there are a ton of different elements we're going to be making the broth we're going to be making some vegetables we're going to be making a flavored oil but one of my favorite components to you know any good ramen is a is a great half boiled egg so what I have here is water that is boiling it's not like insane right now it's just you know a nice boil a little above a simmer let's see if you can just some good bubbles there and I am going to take this tool which I love and I'm just gonna pop in at these eggs and these eggs are actually room temperature so I suggest that you do that because what happens is when I pop these in there and you can always just give them a little dunk like this just don't get in just like that so you don't get any cracks because if they come right from the fridge and they go into boiling water hold on I'm just going to set the timer for I'm gonna set it for 6 minutes I think these are gonna go for about five and a half minutes but if you take eggs straight from the fridge and you put them into your water you know cold into hot not a good thing that's an explosive possibility right there so they could crack so you just got to be gentle and you can always just you know like tamper them in get them adjusted to the water just like I did so that's gonna cook for ya five and a half minutes and remember an egg boils at 12 minutes so a half boiled egg is six minutes of course but these are smaller eggs so I'm just gonna do around five and a half minutes and the only other thing I really prepared was a ice bath right here so those are ready to go in the ice bath to just cut off the actual cooking actually there is one more thing I prepared so what we're making today I should probably have explained this you know straight up in the beginning of the video but we're doing a miso based ramen okay so there's a bunch of different styles of ramen you have a soy-based you have a more milky base ramen one of my favorites and one of the easiest that I've found to you know to really perfect at home is a miso base ramen because there's so much flavor in you know a miso paste that you're really you're really getting that extra help you need you don't have to create too many extra homemade flavors because a lot of it lies here so you know one other thing you need to know is I did prepare a stock okay this is a this is a chicken there's actually a lamb bone in there so that is pre-made I made this last night if you want to learn how to make a stock like this click this video right here this is everything you need to know about making stocks and broths from home but the truth is any type of meat stock will work and honestly vegetarian stock will work great as well I did a whole video on vegetarian ramen that you can click right here that teaches you how to make a coma broth so you could do this entire recipe and cancel out the meat stock and you can put in a coma broth and it's still going to taste incredible with the miso and the the flavored oil that we are going to make so again this is a chicken stock I just cooked it overnight for about I would say eight hours and I strained it off this morning I actually roasted the bones before I had some chicken neck some chicken feet I roasted that just for a little extra flavor and this is going to be key this is completely plain but this is going to be key to impart some really tasty and just meaty flavor this helps so much with your broth and you know you can do really good vegetarian ramen broth and I've I've done it before in this video but the vegetarian video but just a good solid meat stock will help so much and my favorite to be honest is um is a pork stock but you know chicken will chicken will be fine but pork I find just really nails that that authentic ramen flavor they actually were out of pork bones I like pork neck bones for my ramen stock so I'm going with chicken and a little bit of lamb flavor in there so let's see we've got our eggs boiling there's a lot of elements we're doing here today so I got to wrap my head around it but I think the next thing would be okay will do yes the next thing would be the flavored oil so we've got these scallions here check out these beauties and we've got some ginger so actually French guy cooking one of my my favorite cooking YouTube stars so you call it style I don't know what you call it personalities he put out a video all about oils and how you know ramen is pretty much flavorless without oil and it's so true when you really get into you know good authentic ramen like when you make it at home that's probably the element you're missing that's what gives it this authentic flavor and just it's like a flavor bomb and he made a ton in this video I'll link it down below I'm just gonna do my favorite version I think this is a this is a Chinese technique I believe and it's really simple and I've been doing it for years and I absolutely love it well okay so that is that means five minutes because it beeps one minute before so I'm gonna take those out very soon because I just don't like I hate if I I would rather have it a little under I would say if that thing doesn't you know come out runny that's a big disappointment but if it's like a little you know a little too runny and it's harder to peel I would rather have that than the other way around so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring this over this is my water bath right here just take these boys out and you can kind of just slowly just give them a nice little wiggle there no it's say up see this even this cracked I'm not sure what happened but we got a crackage right there okay so that should be perfect I'm gonna turn that off and I'm just gonna slowly dip those in again you're kind of tempering the temperatures there I guess that's what temper temperature is in tempering right I don't know so you're just gonna dip those in slowly let them come to temperature so they're not shocked too much and then that's gonna stop the cooking process and we're actually gonna use this water for oh you know what we'll do right now I did want to blanch the broccoli rabe and just you know stick with me here I'm bouncing all over the place and that's gonna happen in this video because there's a lot of elements but just you know that there's gonna be a reward in the end it's just gonna be a little wacky to get there so I've got some beautiful broccoli rabe that I got at the market and you know when you are going to make a ramen this is the best part about making it at home is that you can do whatever you want that is the key to home cooking you are the boss you are in charge of your your kitchen so you can add whatever you want when it comes to veggies it's like you know whatever the hell you have in your fridge or what's fresh in the market there's no rules with this stuff no rules with cooking I mean you want to get it you know you want to get a tasting good that's like that's a rule of course you wanna you want your your food tasting good but when it comes to like oh you can't have this and you know your ROM and you can't have that don't matter there's there's no rules and actually ramen they say that's you know that's one of those Japanese dishes that doesn't really have too much like insane tradition like you gotta follow it exactly and I think that's why so many people are attracted to it because there's a lot of opportunity to to flex on it and that's what we're doing today we're flexing on this moment so what I'm doing that the broccoli rabe is just blanching that for two minutes and then I'm gonna repurpose this ice bath over here and pop that in and that will just be a really nice side veggie you know I want one of the things I don't like about getting ramen in in the stores and ramen shops and restaurants sometimes there's there's not enough balance between veggies and like meat sometimes it's just an intense broth with noodles and like a little veggie and maybe an egg I like adding a good amount of vegetables to my ramen and the only opportunity I really get to do that is if I make it at home so this is just you know blanching away and I you know prefer to blanch a lot of my vegetables but definitely those broccoli and broccoli Rob's and cabbage you get such a great retention of flavor and just texture if you just give it you know a 2 minute little bath in some some very hot water so this is almost done it's going to be begin we'll get back to this oil so we've got scallions and we've got a little bit of ginger right here so this is going to be a scallion ginger oil and actually turn up this right here okay this is pretty much ready because once this is done then we're we're in really good shape so I'm gonna take that actually I'll bring this over here again so you guys can see it and I'm just gonna give it an old dump right in there and that can go in with the eggs no problem because I can fish out those eggs easily so again we want to shock this now we are free up this pan top I'm trying to say as organized as possible because there I've said it many times but there are so many elements going on I wanted to really make this from scratch to show you you know how to make something that might feel overwhelming completely homemade and you'll be you'll be cooking for friends your family your girlfriend your boyfriend whoever it is no problemo they can insane authentic tasting ramen okay so this is good we've got our blanched broccoli rabe that's cooling and then our eggs we can now put that over here put that aside back to the oil so what I was saying was oil is really gonna be that flavor bomb and this Chinese technique that I learned is cutting up some scallions cutting up some ginger you can also add sesame I like it just these two ingredients they really nail just a beautiful flavor combination and what I have here is just some oil let's see how hot this oil is oh you know what now I can take it over to here see I am staying organized today look at that okay gotta get in a flow it's like anything cooking you just gotta you gotta feel that flow sometimes you start off a little rocky and then you know you hit your stride and boom we're getting into it right now so I've got some hot oil and I'm just gonna take a food processor you could obviously cut it up by hand that would be the authentic way to do an oil like this and you know I would definitely prefer that I find that the texture and just the the flavor of all this stuff is a little better when you do it handmade but we don't have to time the luxury of and chopping right now so I'm just gonna pop this all into a food processor and just give this a few pulses you're not trying to not trying to turn it into a pace but you want to chop it up let me just scrape down the sides that's looking pretty good I would say a little more and we are there yeah so you don't want to turn it into a paste again and I'm getting close to paste levels but the ginger is chopped up and Oh get me any eyeballs so we're gonna take a bowl why don't we do it in a nice Pyrex Bowl actually zoom in a little bit so you guys can see it so here's the technique I'm gonna turn this off the oils are at about 350 degrees so I've been heating it up on you know medium to low heat for I would say 10 minutes and we're gonna dump that out I'm pretty dumb let me just show so I'm gonna take a little bit of this first oh okay that is plenty hot maybe maybe too hot let's say because I don't want don't want it to burn yeah all right we're going for folks we are going for it so I'm gonna dump this hot oil right over this ginger scallion mixture and what happens here is just freakin incredible well okay hopefully this Pyrex can hold the heat that's like the worst is there anything worse than dumping oil and Billy glass and it just shatters I think this Pyrex is yeah okay and then the rest of the oil Wow redditor the smells here so what that's doing is obviously infusing cooking and it's just a really cool technique and I like it better than actually putting the scallions and ginger I've seen that many times you put the skeins in ginger in the oil you slow cook it all that but I like this technique of just pouring it over and it already smells oh I'm getting eyeball blasted right now uh but you see live cooking guys this is these are the trials and tribulations okay the smell the smell is insane it just smells like Chinese food instantly and I know ramen is not Chinese but you know all of these countries are borrowing come down we've got a little just don't know what's happening oil splatter all of these countries are borrowing techniques from each other and you see these flavored oils that might uh I don't know I'm guessing they started off really what are you doing all right calm down you see these flavors just merging into II you know each other's dishes and this just this is one of those things the first time I tried it it it was like a you know the this she I got unlocked this hidden gem to Chinese food these little techniques that you just wouldn't net you would taste them in restaurants you would never know how to recreate them at home these are the techniques that really make something taste authentic you know whatever it is chili oils just like little little tricks they have to infuse flavors and really you know increase the the taste of their dishes so we're just gonna let that sit you can package that up but we won't do that now because that would be a little too messy but you can keep that in the fridge and just you know let that hang out you could strain it off you could definitely strain it off if you wanted to we're just gonna keep it like that and we will use that to really flavor bomb our our ramen later on oh I just remembered I have to get this goin for noodles so I just have to get a little water Brian for noodles I think I need three burners right now holy hell okay so speaking of noodles I guess we can we're gonna chat about that right now let me just move this alright that burner and then I'm gonna have okay here's the question guys you know what not gonna do it not gonna do it this is always a bit of a um a game that I play in my head is like when it comes to flavor when it comes to say vegetables you know I have the ability to stir-fry that broccoli rabe I just I just blanched I could stir-fry that in some oil and some garlic and just you increase the flavor but I think the goal today is and I think with a lot of ramens is just make the best broth you can make the perfect tasting flavor bomb broth and then add a lot of fresh ingredients to it so we'll just add the blanched broccoli right to it because to be honest let's taste this okay good I taste it will chewy not gonna lie that uh its stem I thought it would be a little more tender and you never know yeah like I can't even shoot through that let me say because I might have to just cut it up properly see it's not so true okay the upper parts are totally fine hmm see Wow just the flavor of blanched broccoli rabe that's fantastic that's tender blanching is seriously just one of the most underrated techniques you can you can do in the kitchen it is it is one of the best ways to treat your vegetables and it just like almost locks in the flavor I freaking love it alright that is good show next then let's work on let's work on our broth so I got this little pot here um trying to think maybe I will yeah this is gonna be more important see I'm gonna slide this over to close up okay got this set up there's actually one thing I did want to do this is a technique I learned recently that I absolutely love so the first thing I'm gonna do is just take out hold on I'm gonna take out this broccoli rabe and just squeeze that out so that's you know done its thing in the water it's cooled down we don't need any of that extra water in there so just squeeze that out and I'll just put that in a bowl to reserve for later beautiful and then I'm gonna put this away again staying organized key to cooking I'm not the best at it but I'm doing so we've got our eggs here okay these are half boiled here's a technique that I learned that I just love it really helps with the actual peeling of your final product so you take the egg and you just um go around and give it a crack very gentle crack you don't want to break the actual egg just that outer shell and then you dip them back in to the water and what happens is it's like one of the most difficult goddamn things is peeling your your eggs your half boiled eggs is a very delicate process and I've screwed up many eggs and I found that this process works so well so when you dip them back into the water since we've cracked this outer shell and we've really gone around it see like we've cracked it all up on there just really cracked the whole thing the water gets under that membrane or under the shell and it just helps release the shell it creates like a little barrier it gets under there and it's just like a smooth release which I don't know where I learned that tip but it's awesome sorry for I'll bleep that out sorry I never know like curse words this is tell me you guys think you know curse words part of my life but at the same time young kids watching brothers green parents watching brothers dream with their kids so we get a lot of I can't say a curse where we get a lot of slack for my work we get a lot of for saying curse words and it's a tough balance because I want to be myself I want to be myself for you guys and yeah I do curse I don't think it's a bad thing but I also get it when it comes to you know raising kids and having kids watching content has cursed where it's in there so I don't know maybe comment in let me know what's yeah what you think so we're gonna let that sit and I think if you just let that sit for like 10 minutes by the time you know 20 minutes by the time everything's coming together those should be really easy to peel for a final product all right so let's think for a second here we've got this on okay so we're gonna start on our broth and you know this is again there's multiple ways to make ramen broth there's no perfect way to do it there's freaking millions of ways alright so just remember what we're trying to do is build a broth that is super flavorful I'm gonna use some techniques that I've seen that I love to make a miso based broth that is super tasty so at this point feel free to follow this technique you might love it try it out you can do a soy-based you can do a milk base you can do a veggie based broth whatever you want alright so a key to ramen and I didn't learn this till recently I was actually watching a chef's table on Ivan Robin who lived in Japan he opened a ramen shop and then he came over to the US and he's open one in New York but he was talking about how fat is like you know without fat you don't have ramen and I get it like that that's another great part about making ramen at home sometimes when you go out and you get ramen and a ramen shop it can be a bit heavy sometimes they really push the fat element too much and it's intense it's so much fat it's like thick and it coach your mouth and I get it that's a big part of making ramen but you I like being able to control it like I've learned the importance of having fat in there if you want that authentic flavor that texture that mouthfeel but at the same time I like a little balance so I actually have some fat here this is chicken fat so I think I got this fat from cooking down chicken skins yeah that's exactly I just I butcher two chicken which I like to do and then I you know took off all the skin cook down the the chicken skin got a bunch of fat a crispy chicken skin right I always just eat that right away cuz it's too good and then you know made stock so what the moral of story is get your own chicken butcher it up and you'll have a lot of elements for this ramen so I'm gonna pour in some of you know and that's a little too high of a heat I'm gonna pour in this fat and you know you also don't have to use fat of course you can use looks like there's a little water in here all right all right I'm just gonna turn this off not it's not having fun right now my skin is not having fun it's gonna be burned off I've got two forms of Nisa right here this is an intense two-year aged look how dark that is the darker it is usually means the longer it's aged this is brown rice aged for two years I'm gonna do a big scoop of that right in there and then I also have this was from my my friend who is Korean and yes her mom I know her grandmother makes soybean fermented soybean paste from scratch so I'm gonna use some of that use any miso you like I love how I've just been exploring more with different variations of me soz there's lighter miso there's sweet miso there's different grains of me so you can barley miso brown rice white rice so many options so what Ivan ramen did that I loved is he took this miso okay and he cooked it off in the actual fat he cooked it down and I never seen that technique and I've been using it ever since and it's incredible the results are great kind of like when you cook down a curry paste and in Thai cooking which again it really just helps cook out some of the flavors you know obviously you're gonna lose a lot of the health properties but we're gonna take we're gonna take the hitch on that to get some insane flavor of the sort caramelized miso I'm also gonna take a little bit of let's see I'm gonna take just a tiny bit of sugar at this point you know and I normally don't do this but I like a little sweetness in my ramen so just a sprinkle maybe a teaspoon to the kind of cook down and caramelize with all of those flavors and you know that can't hurt if you like a tiny bit of sweetness to balance out that saltiness right and we're just kind of cooking that down hopefully you can see that you know and I haven't used this ramen pace it's super dark so we'll see what the final product looks like but it smells amazing I like those long aged nice O's because they have so much goddamn flavor okay oh I'm an idiot I'm like this isn't doing much well I turned down the I turned off the the actual flame because it was burning me okay next up I'm just going to chop up some mushrooms I got an assortment at the farmers market yesterday we've got some shiitake shiitakes and we've got some just cremini mushroom when it comes to you know Asian noodle soups come on I mean it it really doesn't get better than a mushroom it just adds a meatiness and you know we're not actually adding any meat to this ramen which is a little unusual the way I lied we are adding meat we definitely are and I just remembered what I have to do but again I've got so many things to do I'm all over the place okay so that is cooking down so now what we'll do is we'll take this broth right here just plain there's not even salt in here and we'll just whisk that in and I think I'll do all of it yeah why not I like making a little more so I can obviously just have incredible ramen yeah that's pretty dark but I don't hate it I don't hate it that's a it's a beautiful brown amber color right there and so the only salt at all right now is from the miso so I'm interested to just taste it to see where we're at by the way when you cook it down to I find that it incorporates into the broth a lot better as well oh yeah doesn't need any extra soy any salt that is spot-on it will only get a little more intense of course but what we're gonna do is first I'm gonna heat this up because I wanted to add another element that I'll talk about in a second I'm gonna take these mushrooms you can see them over here and I'm going to slice them and throw them right in here raw which I really like I like I've been doing that a lot rather than cooking down the mushrooms beforehand just take your mushroom throw it right into your you know your soup your stew raw like this and let it cook mushrooms don't take too long to cook and when you throw them in raw you're imparted so much extra meaty flavor so much mushroom and umami flavor in there and I love it I love it so we'll let that I don't know until everything is kind of done and I think that is other than putting in the oil which I haven't decided when we're going to put that in that will be it for the actual broth and as far as how many mushrooms you know choose your own destiny there comment below if you like these types of videos I've done a lot of I used to have a 15 minute dinner series where I would do these live videos in 15 minutes this is certainly not 15 minutes because there's a lot more to it but I would love to hear your feedback on if you like the long format actually Josh like Josh invented the live cooking format on YouTube and I can say that with confidence that he invented it because he put out a video and I thought he was crazy to be honest like you're gonna put out a 45 minute video just you cooking on YouTube on a platform where everything's got to be so goddamn quick he did it and people really responded just kind of hanging out you know really learning seeing mistakes seeing just the live feel of cooking like you see what's happening it's madness I could cut all of this out but it's just nice to show you what really goes on in the kitchen so I think I'll watch that I think I'm happy with that amount of mushrooms let's see let's see we can put the miso paste back trying to stay organized okay here's the element I wanted to add so where are you there you are trying to think if we take this off switch or Rooney yeah we can pull a switch Rooney real quick let's see if I can pull this off burn this switch-a-rooney yeah what do they call that putting the the soup on the back burner alright so we have our cast iron here what I'm gonna do is take a live cooking my friends this just happened in the moment okay so I have chicken right here you see that and this was the chicken from the actual stock it was a lot of chicken necks that pretty much made made up most of this meat but I got a lot of meat on from the stock and never throw this stuff away this is incredible right here especially for soups and stews you can throw that in no problem so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take think about this I don't want too much okay I'm gonna take a little bit of just plain oil all right now I'm gonna fry up some of this chicken all right cuz I just want to get like a little crispy topping you could put that in raw no problem but this stuff like when you fry it up just your sort of scraps from your stocks it gets so crispy and it's so delicious so I'm gonna fry that up and then I'm gonna flavor bomb it with this oil and a lot of times if you see Chinese cooking they're using it for chicken Ford noodles not just like in you know soups so this is probably more traditional the way I'm cooking with it now and I just thought about it in the moment which is always exciting and why is the most beautiful art form not the most beautiful but it is an art form and it's why I love cooking because you're just flowing you're freestyling and you're making food come on nothing better than that all right our water is our water is boiling so I'm just gonna turn that down and again we'll get our soup just kind of rocking away we'll clean up a little bit here I'm trying to think I'm doing pretty good I can peel my eggs while I cook this down so let's just turn this you just want a nice medium heat and there's a little bit of fat in there so you're gonna render some of that out there's there's a tiny bit of skin it looks like and over time you know over like five seven ten minutes that's gonna get crispy and then I think I will add once I'm feeling good about that then I'll add some of the actual a press strain out just some of this scallion and ginger mixture because I don't need any of the oil and just add that in for Oh maybe some sesame seeds coz ya know Mike he loves the scallywag and sesame combo and that is gonna be incredible so feeling pretty good about this this is coming together let's talk about the the ramen noodles right now so got my ramen boom that's actually not a great view it's a better view these I got at my local grocery store and you're seeing more authentic ramen pop up you know at different stores Whole Foods now carries some noodles some noodles is a company around here that produces pretty much all their AMA noodles for the best New York ramen joints and pretty much they're so great at producing ramen noodles they do custom blends that most the ramen shops are like I'm them you know I'm not going through the house making them homemade so son noodles is actually like that New York taste of ramen I find that it has a very specific taste I've never tried these they you know these are actual ramen noodles that were frozen and I would say one portion for yeah one portions about I mean that's a lot for one person I wouldn't say it's a lot it depends on how hungry you are but that's probably one person but you could you could get I've gotten away with one portion for two on like a lighter ramen so you know ramen noodles are just wheat noodles that are have a high alkalinity which gives them that extra chew you could do it with spaghetti or you know wouldn't be the best you could do it with other different styles of Asian noodles a lot of times to be honest here a lot of times I use rice noodles because you know ramen to me I think is one of the best bras when you can really master some of the techniques but eating you know wheat noodles like that and so much of it is very heavy sometimes when I leave a ramen shop I'm like hey and it's too much so I do like replacing some of the wheat noodles with rice noodles but we're gonna do the authentic ramen noodles today right we are cooking oh that is all right so that ramen broth was a little too high I think at this point I can just boil it away I'm gonna taste it I really love the the actual color of this oh that is amazing telling you just though the fat cooked with the miso I haven't even added the actual oil and this is something I've been thinking about I want to add the oil just for that extra flavor bomb but it's like do I do I add it to the top or do I add it in now and in the past I've added in now and just let all those flavors kind of meld together but I have seen a lot of times they just add it in at the end they make sure going on up or you know put it at the bottom of the bowl okay we're getting crispy so there's two things I did want to cut up you know what I'll just use the end of these um these scallions I don't have to do anything fancy with this guy it's just a nice little slice just for a little fresh kick on top scallions are one of my favorite topping fresh scallions right on top of your ramen a lot of times I cut them up thin you see me do that in videos I cut the fat scallions up like super thin I think I learned that from Ivan ramen as well and I let them soak in ice water which is a great way to sort of take out the bite and just keep there it retains the the freshness of the scallion but we don't want to do anything fancy here I'll just do plain old Italian bottoms okay and then we do need to peel these eggs and I think that would be a good little task why while I cook this down but that's that America sure that is very crispy I got to taste that no salt so it tastes like mush and that's the thing most of the flavor is cooked out of this of this chicken because it's in the stock that's what happens when you make a stock or a bra a lot of the flavors cooked out of the actual meat the goal but doesn't mean that there's you know there's so much incredible texture that can be that can be obtained through cooking it down like this and then you add a little extra flavor like from the ginger and scallion oil and you're in business you've got something just incredible to top Your Honor okay so let's see how this worked so the key with peeling these eggs is that you've got you've got me and let's see if I can show you okay you've got the shell and then you've got this little membrane and yeah see if you get under that membrane there you go it's just peeling how do I show you this it's peeling right off no problem you can kind of see that it'll be easier with one of the brown eggs to see because the white on Brown boom look at that come on all right that might have been the quickest half boiled egg I have ever peeled in my life let's see how this one works you can see with the brown now this should happen okay so it's much harder right now because I'm not under that membrane right here this still there's like a membrane I got a kind of like poke at that without getting through the egg and just get under that it there you go once you get that membrane uncovered then it all should just peel look at that come on guys that technique just worked like a charm that's a game-changer because I love half boiled eggs but they can be a pretty big [ __ ] to peel well this one's actually me I'm being a little too cocky here oh yeah way too cocky let's say all right I lost a little bit of egg my best attempt but not bad to say the least all right last one give this mixed all right that's that's ready for a little bit of the goods I am so pumped for this just pile that right in there and see what happens the smell already Wow hi calf to taste this I think if I just let it cook a little more let even the ginger and the scallion sort of caramelize a bit we'll have something pretty special say you know I'm pretty surprised like I did a good amount of prep work here but I'm surprised how organized and clean things are decently clean oh my god oh my my hot hell that is so good just thinking of this river watch Bob mentary Bob Henry is this great Instagram commentator comedian let me close with this one video this guy gets hit by a golf club I was his son and his though me to tears that's how I feel and I eat this chicken to tears okay try it one more time Oh nut flavors on another level I'll just give that the last minute while I peel this egg this one is flying off the shell Wow look at that guy's look at that no frickin problem try that technique these feel a little these small ones feel a little firmer not sure what's going on on the inside of that but we'll save okay keep those eggs just soaked for now and what are we what do we have left oh my goodness oh my goodness I think I think we're good so what we're gonna do is we're gonna boil the ramen noodles we'll bring that over okay so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna set up real quick for the final presentation we're back and we're gonna plate it and I think what I'm gonna do is plate one at a time so I have some beauties beauties meaning like close up food shots so I'm gonna do one here live and then I'm gonna save some to do another plating cuz I gotta take a pretty thumbnail so you guys will click on the video this is how YouTube works I gotta I gotta make things look nice as well so I think I'm just gonna chop this broccoli rabe up remember this is just actually you know first let's get the Newt skis in because I got a two-minute timer to kind of do everything else so those look beautiful these are super fresh so they won't take longer than two minutes and that is key with ramen noodles is keeping them nice and chewy that's just like that's part of the experience so you don't want to over cook them so I'm just gonna take some of this chop off some of those heads and then you can take like the stem and sort of cut that on angle just for some of those pieces let's try it so good all right that will be plenty these are looking good well cooking fast cooking fast all right then the next element would be Jesus Jay yes I've got these amazing ramen bowls I forget the guy's name who made them for me but these are custom in there I couldn't be happy this is like the most perfect ramen Bowl ever I suggest trying to find some type of ceramic bowl or just some type of bowl with this shape it's gonna make your your experience feel like you're in a ramen shop okay that's one minute down so I'm just gonna take some broth with some mushrooms and pop that right in there this is looking incredible I tried it and it is very tasty okay that's what that looks like all right and then I have to drizzle in a little bit of oil of course this is some of my scallion ginger oil ooh wow I like it actually drizzle on top because you get to see like you see something's going on and then you get those a little flavor bomb oil droplets drizzled some of that all right how are these you can taste your let me turn this down you can taste your noodles look yep those are cooked I'm trying to think if there's anything else okay yeah why don't I take these out and place them right on my friendly little scooper oh yeah oh yeah ramen noodles aha Wow and then I can just place a little bit of this you know some of the green green right in there okay a little bit of a little more green right and then we have some of the meat can obviously just sprinkle that over there then you cannot forget the AG the exciting moment of how this egg came out all right a little not as runny as I'd like cuz it's a little smaller but still looking great are there any other elements other than the scallions I'm like trying to think some fresh scallions on top and one thing I actually do like - wow that is a beautiful bowl of ramen you know so it's always about impressing yourself trying to take it to the next level one thing I like doing is I'm in on that sprinkle in a little bit of this sort of sesame it's what's it called green nori seaweed you're up you're cocky it's just like some toasted sesame seeds a little bit of seaweed a little extra flavor Bob come on that is just fantastic right there all right you know what I might as well try that and then I will be able to of course make it again oh my goodness Wow Wow all right Scott's my beauty shots and it's time to taste this is the mukbang section which basically means I eat in front of you guys and tell you how it is but this thing came out definitely better than I expected the sort of variation that I created here a little unique I would say I've never quite had a ramen like this one which again that's that's why we're doing this for freestyle and we're experimenting or having fun in the kitchen but this just looks insane a nice miso creamy broth right there I tried one of the noodles and they are really great ramen noodles so let's say mmm sorry for the slurs but that's this is the only time when it's actually appropriate to be obnoxiously slurping noodles mmm Wow broth is perfect definitely suggest always upping the flavor the salt a little bit on your broth especially if you have some of the other vegetables that are a little bit plain just really focus on intensifying that that broth flavor mmm and my favorite thing about ramen is the experience of just mixing everything I think it's so cool that you know you have an entire meal in one dish right here and you're not used to I'm growing up I was not used to this like if I serve my parents a bowl of noodles they'd know you're old where's the side dishes where's the greens and the Greens it's everything you need is right here and not only that you're getting multiple courses in one sitting because I find that really good ramen really good ramen changes throughout the experience it shifts a you know the textures and the flavors they they're constantly changing as you get down into your bowl so that's why you look at this thing and you're like well that's a lot of noodles but you know this is a whole dish that is just ever-changing mmm the reason you cooked the egg half boiled because when you mix it in you get another layer of creaminess of flavor of emulsion into your soup and it just makes it that much richer Wow just the broth oh my goodness that is incredible that is just authentic tasting like you get this at a ramen shop I am happy honestly it's hard to get something like this you got to go to a really good ramen shop you can make this at home and there's actually one other wou element that lost the sandal sometimes I've seen they they offer like a chili paste or like a garlic chili paste that you can add in and sometimes I'll add this right into the broth and I'm making it but I do like adding a little bit of that in maybe you do it halfway through so your broth completely shifts flavor now you have a bit of a spicy broth and then you've got two broth experiences one of the best I've ever made excited that we shared this experience together I hope yeah maybe made it through the video you probably learned a good amount if you if you did make it through a lot of tips in there a lot of good knowledge when it comes to just making you know ramen Asian noodle soup just different techniques that you can use for you know other dishes as well it doesn't have to be ramen remember to follow life by my G I'm posting this type of stuff all the time inspirational cooking content so you guys can get in the kitchen and cook more for yourself the reason I started making ramen at home most because I like to you know I like to take control of my life and not have to go out to the restaurants every time I want something like this this to me is ramen shop quality I worked on it over time and now I can produce this for my friends my family like I make this for myself and my wife you know all the time and that's a Friday night date right sorry that is a Friday night date right there and she's happy I'm happy which is always important so hopefully you make this stuff and tag me at life by Mike G so I can see your creations get cooking you
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 964,193
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: mike greenfield, live cooking, ramen video, half boiled egg, making the perfect ramen, how to make ramen, japanese food, make ramen at home, ginger scallion oil, miso ramen broth, japanese cusine, asian cusine, enzyme tire spunk, beginners ramen, increible ramen, ramen shop style, ramen broth, asian food, diy ramen, how to flavor your ramen, ramen tutorial, proffesional ramen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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