Make Mascarpone Cheese at home with 2 Ingredients! So creamy!!

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hi everyone Yas to another episode of dimitra's dishes today I'm going to teach you how to make masarone cheese at home it's creamy it's similar to cream cheese except not as Tangy it's much milder and creamier and it's used to make popular desserts like theam Su but it's also delicious to serve with scones and it's just two ingredients so it's so easy to make let's get started okay so we're going to take 2 cups or 16 oz of heavy whipping cream make sure you get the highest quality whipping cream that you can get and we're going to put it in a little saucepan and cook it over very low heat it's important that you use a thermometer for this a candy thermometer works but this instant read thermometer also works I usually use it to test the temperature of meat but it works for this as well once the temperature goes up to 185° fah or 85° C you can take the cream off of the Heat and mix it up using a spatula or a whisk so the temperature can drop back down to around 140 or 160 then you're going to use the juice of half a lemon or a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and you're going to add it to the cream mixture then we're going to return it back to the heat until it reaches 185° Fahrenheit again you want this to happen really nice and slow it takes about 3 minutes both times actually the second time takes a little bit longer but I might even bring it up a little bit higher than 185 F just so that way it has a chance to thick thicken a little bit again do this over very low heat once you add the lemon juice you're going to see that it immediately begins to thicken much more than it was before and then you're going to take it off of the heat mix it up one more time with the spatula and set it aside until it cools to room temperature then I have a strainer sitting above a little bowl over here I'm going to line it with some cheesecloth I like to use this reusable one just that way we're not wasting anything and you can use it over and over again I also like to double or triple it like fold it up this is a big sheet of cheesecloth so that way we can save as much of that cream as possible it won't strain through the strainer or the cloth if you do one layer you'll lose some of that cream go ahead and transfer all of that cooled cream into the cheesecloth cover it up so that way it doesn't form a skin and that way it doesn't absorb any odors from the refrigerator so you can put this in the fridge overnight or for 8 hours if you're making it in the morning you can take it out in the evening you want it to give it a chance to drain the liquid that's in there so it's nice and thick and creamy and then it's going to be ready to transfer to the bowl that you're going to be either serving it in or the bowl that you're going to store it in it's up to you you'll see that it's thickened beautifully once it cools you can just take it out and serve it straight away or you can put it in an airtight container and it will keep fresh in the refrigerator for about a week it tastes so good now a homemade mascar Pony cheese the way I like to make it is a little bit creamier and not as thick and like I don't know there are different kinds in the grocery store depending on the brand some Brands make it creamy and smooth like I'm making it and some Brands make it a little bit thicker so if you want the thicker mascar poni cheese you can make it at home that way too just by adding half a tablespoon of lemon juice more to the mixture while it's cooking that'll make it thicker and also cooking it just a few minutes longer will also help make it thicker but this is the consistency that I love it's just so good again like I said you can use this to make thei Su you can make so many desserts out of it I love to serve it with scones I love to munch on this with my coffee I just sprinkle some cocoa powder onto it and some maybe finely chopped chocolate or chocolate chips and it's just such a nice treat to have without too much sugar in it time for the taste test oh my goodness so good to me this is better than even store bought because it is a little more Tangier than the store store bought mascar Pony cheese I think the store bought cheeses use citric acid maybe it's not as Tangy as when you use lemon juice I feel like the lemon juice adds more flavor to it I know that some of you can't find this in the supermarkets you've instagrammed me and send me messages requesting this so that's why I'm bringing you this recipe it's just so simple to make you can make it at home it's less expensive than buying it at the supermarket I think one little tub of it about the same amount probably less than this is almost $7 here in Houston I don't know how much it is where you live but it's much cheaper to make because all you need is two cups of heavy whipping cream whatever the cost of that is I hope you guys give this recipe a try you can print this recipe out on the website demitras and also let me know what you love to make with mascar pony cheese in the comment section down below thank you so much for spending time with me today I'll see you all next time yes s
Channel: Dimitra's Dishes
Views: 55,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking show, greek food, greek recipes, Dimitra Khan, euro bakery and cafe, easy recipes
Id: 0dV4PpD5ki4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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