Make Kick-Ass Black and White Conversions Using Calculations in Photoshop

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This video tutorial is extremely well made and thought out.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mocmocmoc81 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/r_Retouching 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Pause to comment: thats the first time I've seen a unibrow work on someone. He's a handsome man.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/absolutedesignz 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
today we can learn how to create really amazing black-and-white conversions using calculations and guess what all this is 30 seconds in the first part of the way I'll show you how to do that in 30 seconds because I know some of you guys including me are a little impatient if the second part of the video we'll learn how it actually works the explanation part this is really essential guys do not miss it because if you understand it you'll never forget it in the third part of the video doing some awesome tips and tricks to finish it off so without any further ado let's get started so here we are in photo 7 by the way you already know that if you want to download the photo check the link at the description below so the first thing once you have imported the four let me show you how to do this in 30 seconds once you have imported the first the time starts now all you have to do go to image then calculations once you click on calculations now you just have to make a couple of choices make sure the source 1 and source 2 are the same which is the same document this is old man portrait PSD so the source 1 and source 2 should be able to mount or a dot PSD and the layer should be the background layer because that's just one layer doesn't really matter ok now first choose the blending mode if you wanted to have more contrast use overlays little contrast soft light a lot contrast hard light light into lightly darken to darken multiply to darken screen to lighten and you know the rest you can cycle through every blend mode if you want I will choose say hard light and then I have an option to go ahead and decrease the opacity of the blending so I don't want it to be that harsh so I would keep it at 80% and then choose channel 4 source 1 any channel that you like red green or blue I like blue and 4 channel look how beautiful this looks man 4 channel 2 red green maybe I like the green here maybe I'll go with blue here and green here how it look how it looks no this doesn't look right I would go with say green here and blue there now it looks pretty good now once you're satisfied with everything so result in the result choose new document and click OK now once you do that a new document is created with the settings that you chose now here you have those in the color version here you have the black and white version and it's done now let's understand how this activity works let's go ahead and close this and we'll start over okay now we have this image and I would say that again I've set that already and I will say that again every image is composed of what red green and blue every mr. to see on the screen now you can literally break an image into red green and blue if you go to channels so if we go to channels as you can see this is the combined RGB right this is the red this is the green and this is the blue now some of you might ask if these are red green and blue why are they black and white good question let me show you why these are just a representation of red green and blue let me show you how if you zoom in and if you choose the red channel like I have chosen here see this area this area is very bright which means that this area has a lot more red than this because this area is relatively darker but if you go to the blue channel have a look this area is brighter and this area is relatively darker which means that this area has a lot more blue than this okay now if we go back to the RGB look this area had more red this area had more blue and that's how it works the brighter the area the more that color will be there in that particular area and the darker the area the lesser the color would be so if you go to blue as you can see this area is dark which means this area doesn't have any of blue if we go to red as you can see this area is dark this area doesn't have any effect also the same area doesn't have any effect because this area is black I hope that clears the confusion now what calculations allow you to do is that they allow you to blend two images now these two images can be the same a copy of together then you can blend it in any way you want using a blend mode and you can even blend two different channels of the same image let me show you how this actually works so if we go to it and I'm in the channels panel and if we go to image calculations I have my source selected which is the same as source one source two we can also combine two different images which will be another tutorial not for this one and this one will be combining just one so source one and source two are the same layer is just one you don't have to worry about it just the background layer this one's the background layer that fun now the channels choose a channel that you like for example red and if we choose say blue here now what it's actually doing is that it's keeping whatever is there in source one which is the red channel above okay and whatever is there in source 2 which is the blue channel which is right here this one below okay red channel above blue channel below and then it blends both of them using a blend mode that you choose for example if I choose overlay what it will actually do and the opacity hundred what that will actually do is that change the blend mode of the layer which is above in this case which is the red channel the red channel is of us the blue channel is below so it will change the blend mode of the red Channel to overlay and decrease its opacity to whatever opacity you choose for example the opacity say 80 okay I just hit enter I shouldn't have hit enter okay if the opacity is Arial again go to image calculations say the opacity is 80 this is red source one is red source two is blue what it will actually do it will take the red Channel put it above take the blue channel put it below change the blend mode of this one to overlay change the opacity of this one to whatever pass the TA chose 80 and that's what it is now the long process would be if you pick out a channel put that in layers and do the same it will have the same result okay but it does it fast that's what it does now you can choose the result to be an E your channel what that will do in the same document it will add another alpha channel or you can choose to have a new document like we did previously and selection is it makes the selection based on luminosity based on brightness the brighter area will be selected and the darker area will not be selected that's not important for this one let's try new channel this time okay so if we choose new Channel you always have to choose new document and new channel will also do it's the same thing click OK now this creates a new channel alpha one now once you can do you can select this channel press ctrl or command a ctrl or command C and then come back to RGB come back to layers create a new layer and press ctrl or command V so this brings that into this new layer so that's a pretty simple right hope you understood it now let me show you a couple of tips and tricks to really really bring the best out of your photo so let me do that really quickly again go to image calculations I promise I won't make any delay so I would choose channel green that's okay blue hard light 80% that's perfectly fine but this time if you want to go further with this you always have to create a new channel ok if you want to further edit please create a new channel now click OK this creates a new channel there in the channels all you have to do controller command a controller command C come back to the RGB come back to layers create a new layer controller command we now that you have this in your own channels now let's add some more dimension to the eyes by the way I already have a complete playlist about editing eyes retouching eyes you want to go ahead and check it out check it out right here so all you have to do let's zoom in quite a bit and create a new layer and look at the direction of light so the light is coming from this direction so you have to first go ahead create an elliptical marquee tool with elliptical marquee tool selected create a circle and to move the circle press the spacebar hold the spacebar and then move make it just a little smaller than the eyeball just like that and place it in the center just like this ok now select the polygonal lasso tool this one and the direction of light is this coming from this direction just perpendicular to this direction create a line and subtract that area okay just halfway through just like this press and hold alt or option this changes this tool into negative polygon lasso tool and then create something like this maybe I think I should delete a little more just like that now it looks fine also again go to the elliptical marquee tool press and hold the Alt + option to make it - and create a circle and delete this area just like you ate just like a slice of a fruit now fill this with white alt backspace make sure the foreground color is white if it's not white press D to reset the swatches and then press X something strange happen okay now fill this with white how to fill this with white alt backspace if you're using Mac it would be option delete controller command D now let's add a Gaussian blur to it filter blur then Gaussian blur let's have a pretty nice blur maybe oops a not too much thirteen point nine is fine click OK and change the blend mode of this one to overlay now it looks really good so let's go ahead and erase some extra area so we'll take an eraser and erase this area this is extra the top area and it's looking pretty fine now it's not so bright so what do we do make a copy of it press ctrl or command J now look how beautiful this looks now all you have to do now is make a group of both of these so press ctrl or command and hold that and select the other one press ctrl or command G now make a copy of this group and move this to the right eye there we go just like that now look how interesting this looks now if i zoom out so look and and you can create a group of both of these groups so press control/command hold that select these groups ctrl - come on G again so for after now if you want to lower the intensity of it opacity as always your best friend so I would choose somewhere around this 60 it's fine and that looks pretty nice also for these kind of portraits if you on a black bag you can easily do that so go ahead and select this one and create a mask first and below this layer create a solid color adjustment layer okay so click on this gray white icon and choose solid color and choose black so in the background we have the black then we have the layer so if we delete the background areas of the layer we'll see one black so select the mask of this layer and then take the brush and simply paint it out because it's the edges are already dark so you just paint it out with black make sure the foreground color is black and just paint it out slowly there we go just like that you can be super careful with this but I'm just gonna pick it out show you how this actually looks just like that and you gotta be a little careful here here's coat just like that and it's pretty much and be a little careful and done there you go let's just fill it be a little careful here and you can take your time you get the idea okay let's fill this carefully and there we go it's done have a look how beautiful this looks now and if I change the background to say white this looks much more beautiful now this is where we started and this is the heavy aah so that's one of the dozen ways of making a beautiful black and white conversion in Photoshop just remember this image calculation what does calculation do well it blends two images and both of the images can be the same you can even blend channels of separate images okay and you can blend them using a blend mode you can also control the intensity of the blend mode and that's pretty much it and a couple of tips and tricks to really bring the best out of it I hope to see your health pls it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe during the well so that in my fren missing I'll see you at my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 554,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black and white photoshop, black and white conversion photoshop, calculations photoshop, dramatic black and white photoshop, high contrast black and white photoshop, black and white portrait, portrait retouching, advanced black and white, photoshop tutorial, image calculations, blend mode, kicker light, eye retouching
Id: BLpAzo8yPdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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