Make Christmas and festive gifts for free on your CNC router

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ready to start making some gifts and products then stick around because that's what we're doing in this episode [Music] hey everyone and welcome to another episode of james dean designs if you're new to the channel and love cnc then make sure you hit that subscribe button in the corner to get all the latest videos now earlier in the year i said we would move on to making products and gifts that we're able to sell that's exactly where we're going to start today we're going to be focusing on the cnc races in this episode i'll do a future episode where we're doing the same with lasers and then hopefully a third episode where we combine both the cnc rotors and the lasers to get some really cool gifts now i'm not necessarily an expert on selling gifts but there are a few key things i do know seasons make a big difference and when you're going to get most of your sales christmas thanksgiving halloween easter those type of times of the year is when people want to buy these handmade products the other thing is personalization if you can add a name a location a date it just makes it more unique to the people buying them and ultimately more unique for the people they're about to give them to the third thing is animals and pets people love their pets people love their pets more than their own families sometimes so do remember that if you're trying to make or think of products then try and encompass one or all of those things i've just mentioned and you're probably going to have winners on your hand so what are we actually doing in today's episode well we're going to make a series of products that you can hopefully sell on the cnc routers everything we're doing today is within the parameters of a 3018 machine if you have bigger machines you can still do exactly the same either scale it off or just do it on the same scale we're working two today not to mislead you some things are cut out on my 3018 some things i do cut out on the bigger machines just to save time let's say it's all within the parameters of what a 3018 can do now we're going to be doing it all within free easel so nothing we're going to be doing today costs any money we're going to be using the free tools and features within easel and free files that are available on the internet itself anything i use in today's episode will be available in the description area below do check it out where i put all the useful information related to the video now the last thing that to mention before we start is that doing this on the basis that you already have some knowledge of easel itself if you if you don't check out the beginner's guide in the corner because the bits were about to go through today i do go through to slightly quicker pace than normal just to say repeating all the information we've covered in previous videos also if you don't use easel you can still do everything that we're doing today in all all the other popular software such as kafka maker or vectric so yeah definitely stick with the tutorial and let's see what we can make and dive in now so now we're in easel the first thing i've done is simply create a new file and called its christmas designs i've set the size of the material to the size of my work area which is 300 millimeters by 180 and the material i'm going to be using today is a piece of pine that's 18 and a half millimeters thick so i've set mine to 18.7 just because i like to go that extra little step when we're cutting through to make sure it goes all the way through the material now that what we're going to do today is create a sweet tray or a catch all tray in the shape of a christmas tree now you've got a couple of options in order to generate your christmas tree you can draw one out by hand using the various shapes and pen tool you can come over to google and just search something like sbg christmas tree for free and you'll have a variety of options that come up for ease though i'm just going to use the library within easel for today so i'm going to click on the library icon it'll open up at this library we're going to search for tree and we've got one straight away obviously we've got the free options and we've got the pro options but for today the free option is perfectly fine so we're going to click that and it should import it now on this stage we always have the option of how we want it to display within easel for ease we're just going to click the fill option for now because we're going to modify it shortly i'm just going to enlarge this slightly by dragging one of the anchor points and bringing it up now whilst it kind of does look like a christmas tree i want to make this a little bit more festive for the the sake of creating this little train so i'm going to come up here add a star in and first thing i want to do is bring it up and roughly get to the size that i want using those anchor points so i want it to sit on top i don't want it to be too big but i still want it to be able to be seen on top of the tree now the next thing i need to do is select both items and make sure they are aligned in the center so i've selected both and we'll select the center alignment tool as we can see that just shifted slightly and there they are perfectly aligned the next thing we want to do is create a replica of this so we have basically an area that we can machine out as the middle piece for the fill and then an area on the outside for cutting it out of the material itself so we'll select this and select the star and i'm going to right click and click combined and this basically merges both shapes into one so this is all one shape now as opposed to a separate tree and a separate star i'm just going to scale this down slightly so it's not too close to the edge of our material and bring this up a little bit now we're going to come over to the apps library and we're going to look for the tool called offset there it is and once we click it it should give us a few options now this is fairly self-explanatory the distance is the what the distance away from your original shape that the new offset line is being created so if we take that up you'll see it gets further away and bring it down and it will get closer to the original shape to the point where it's actually overlapping the original shape i'm going to put that to 0.25 as i was happy with that original measurement iterations is the amount of offset lines it will create so again if we take this up you'll see it just starts to add extra lines to the outside again i'm going to keep that as one inwards basically is the opposite to what we have now so as opposed to the offset being on the outside of the original shape inwards will make it on the inside of the original shape again i'm happy with it being on the outside for now so we'll leave that as it is and as for keep original i'm just going to turn that off from there because i just want the outline as opposed to keeping the original shape on the inside so go ahead and click import and now we'll see we have our two shapes now what i'm going to do is select both of them and align them in both directions on the horizontal and the vertical just so it brings them all back into one shape and i'm going to shift this up slightly so it's not too close to the edge of the material now straight away on the visualizer you can already start to see what's going on is we've got the tray area in the middle and the outline which will be cut out so let's set some depths on this now to actually make it a proper cut out train so the first thing we're going to do is set the outline cut we're going to click on the outline shape come up to the cut tab we're going to make this full depth now as i say my material is 18.5 millimeters so this is 18.7 millimeters just to guarantee it cuts all the way through you'll see the tabs have been generated automatically now this is personal preference as to whether you have tabs on or not i use blue tape and ci glue to hold more material down so i don't need tabs if you're using something like cla clamps these can be quite useful to have turned on but i'm going to turn them off for now just because i don't need them next thing i'm going to do is come over and select the inner shape and i want to make this a little bit deeper i don't want to go too deep but if the material is 18 millimeters thick i think i'm going to take this down to about 12 millimeters thick so we've got a good bit of depth going on within that tray itself and you can start to see the outcome on the visualization and so again nice deep try and it's cut out all the way around the outside i've noticed that's at 12.4 so i'm going to correct that to be precisely 12 and then we'll take a quick look at our cut settings now as i've said in previous videos i'm always conservative with my settings so i'm going to take this down to 500 millimeters per minute the plunge rate is fine and i'm going to do it at depths of 0.5 millimeters per pass the spindle speed i'm just going to it's a 20 000 spindle so i'm going to take this up to 20 000 as well make sure it's running at maximum speed and we're going to leave this as the offset cook because the other features are all part of the pro package so with those set as i say this is a very simple project now if you want to make this a bigger sweet tray or bigger catch all tray you can select it rotate it 90 degrees and then obviously scale it up to fit your area that you're working with and see we just get a slightly bigger variation i'm just going to leave it as the small one for now partly because it keeps the cutting time down to a minimum so i'm going to undo that few steps there we are now i did say this would be a simple project and it really is so this one is now good to go so what we're going to do is export the g code we're going to come up to machine now this panel has changed a few times in recent months what we need to do is go to general settings and then we come down to the download gcode option for the most part you should be able to leave all these settings exactly the same make sure spindle control is set to automatic default rpm should be 20 000 in relation to the spindle that i've got obviously you adjust yours to your own spindle and then once we're done we can click generate g-code and it'll give us the files to get going and we can see it's already downloaded is an nc file so i'm now going to move over to the cnc machine and get this routed out and with a bit of light sand in this is the outcome now i'm really pleased with this i was a bit worried the walls may have been too thin given that it's soft wood but they're actually more than strong enough to hold whatever this needs to we've also still got quite sharp corners on here obviously not sharp enough to hurt yourself but sharp enough to give the shape a nice edge now i normally try and avoid knots when i'm machining through material but this one has actually added a nice texture to the material so i'm pretty happy i left that one in and the outcome is actually really good now obviously we've still got to apply some sort of finish to this now given that these may be filled with something like nuts or sweets with eight wrappers give consideration to using food safe finishes you can get clear ones you can get stains so yeah you've got a few different options stick around to the end of the video to see how i finish this particular one also remember this is all about your creativity you can do lots of options lots of variations so for example you can stick to just using some of the basic shapes within easel i've done a nice start here i've gone deeper with the depth as well so the actual finishing base of this is only four millimeters thick so uh yeah it's giving a bit more depth but it's still nice and strong and solid and what about a bit more creativity on top of that we've gone for a reindeer face i've left the eyes and the nose in so whenever you fill this up with something obviously it's going to make the features of the face pop through whatever you feel inside of it as i say stick around to the end of the video to see how i finish all of these off so for this one we're going to create a window ornament or a table ornament a christmas tree that can stand up on its own the way we're going to do this is machine two pieces out that will essentially slot together in a cross format so that it can stand up on its own in a similar way we've created a new project christmas designs too the material for this is slightly different to say we're using a plywood the plywood i'll be machining today is 6.5 millimeters thick so i've set the thickness to 6.7 for that same reason i've already mentioned to guarantee that it cuts through all of the way i'm also going to use basically the same design that we did earlier with the christmas tree so i'm going to come up and find the tree again for the purpose of the video i'll just skip ahead slightly until this design is created so there we have basically the same shape that we created earlier except i've added a base this time to give it more stability when we assemble it later and stand it up so i'm going to come over to the apps area now actually i'm going to select the shape first come over to the apps area we're going to scroll down to find the interlock feature now as always we're presented with a series of options and what we can see on the illustration on the right hand side is it creates a duplicate of the original graphic and it also puts a channel down the middle obviously these two channels interlock allowing it to then stand up or become one singular piece now the slot position is where you expect it to sit on the graphic itself so 0.5 is in the center and obviously if you slide it left or right the slot itself will also move in relation to the graphic i'm going to leave that 0.5 because i need it to be in the center now the notch size itself this is the basically the thickness of your material 6.5 millimeter in inches is just under 0.256 so i'm going to put 0.256 in because i do want to allow a fraction a little bit of room to make sure it slots together okay hopefully it doesn't leave too much room because then you get a fairly loose um loose connection a loose slot between them but i'm going to do this for the first test and see how i get on for the bit size we're using a 1 8 bit so in decimal place numbers that is 0.125 and then there will click import and it creates a duplicate of our graphic we can now delete the original one and select both of these and drag them over into view if i rotate the visualization we can see basically what's going on it's cutting an outline profile of those shapes and then as i say we can slot them together a little bit later you may also see on the slots as well if i zoom in slightly we have these little rounded corners now these are called dog bones what this is when you're creating interlocking pieces because some edges will have square corners and some will have rounded it allows them to slide together nice and easy and make sure they butt up as well as they actually should do now that's kind of okay to basically it's going to stand up it's got a star on top but let's make it a little bit more festive so what we're going to do is come up and we're going to add click the circle icon we're going to create some ball balls on the tree i've shrunk these down quite small we're going to make the depth the full cut as well and then we're just going to position a few of them around on the trees so all i'm simply doing is pressing ctrl c and ctrl v to create duplicates and we'll just scatter these about all over the two different trees [Music] i also want to add a little bit of tinsel to this so i want to come up to the line tool i'm just going to draw a slight diagonal line going across here and then hit escape after we've done one line now what i'm going to do is come to the edit point so i want to select one of the points and then click curved and it gives us the this option to make the line with a curve by adjusting the handles now we can rotate these around and say just stop it starts to allow that line to be slightly curved so let's put some tinsel on this tree i'm going to put one there again i'm going to make sure it cuts all the way through now as we can see as i've just done that the tabs icon has come off as mentioned before because i'll be using a blue tape to hold all this down i'm not going to be using the tab so i'll turn those off then we're going to press ctrl c ctrl v create a duplicate and we'll try and get another piece of tinsel up here and let's shrink that down a little bit and maybe put that one about there i'm just going to move that ball ball there above it slightly so that everything nothing's too close then i'm going to put some on the other side as well so we'll press ctrl v now even though we've got this slot in the middle we can still have the actual cut going across the two of them and let's put another one a little bit higher than that and i'm going to shrink that one down as well and there we have it now we start to go to get a fully decorated tree now because we're using a 1 8 bit for this project today we can't go into too much detail with the design on the tree but if you wanted to use a smaller bit for example you could insert lots of stars on the tree if i shrink this down we will see basically what's going to happen now as i zoom in on the visualization even though this is a five-pointed star as you can see the star itself starts to come out pretty roundy because we're using a 1 8 bit if i punch that all the way through it's not going to look quite as sharp as it would do if it was a normal star so that's one thing to bear in mind if you want to use a smaller bit you can get some better decorations on these trees but i'm just going to delete that out for now the other thing i just want to check at this point is that because we have some decoration in the middle i want the outline cut for both pieces to be the last thing that is cut so i wanted to do the um the tinsel or the flocking and the ball balls first and then do the outline cut last so i'm just going to simulate this quickly and wind it back and we'll see the order that it does it in and that's fine it's doing the flock in the tinsel the outline then it moves over and does exactly the same on the other side now in terms of your material what we can see is we've got a lot of white space here that's not being used so to get the most out of your material at this point what we can do is select one of the designs rotate it around 180 degrees it's going to come back to shape and make sure that is 180 degrees exactly and then we can bunch these up a little bit closer to each other you don't want to get them too close purely because you don't want the wood splitting as it's cutting through but what we can see from this example here is straight away we've now just freed up a lot of space if you're doing these in a production environment for example means you can get at least another one on here show you another half and then continue this on for the rest or you can even add other designs using this spare space in the material so it's one thing to consider when you're machining these out is about getting the most out of your material now we'll just go and check the cut settings to see what we've got it's remembered our settings from the last project so with that done i think we're good to get this machined and let's see how it comes out as soon as i started cutting these bits out i realized i'd made a mistake did any of you spot it well i use an up cut bit on plywood and if i flip these over you won't hopefully the camera can just about pick up some of the tear out along the edges with the grain now i didn't follow my own advice here using an up cut bit with plywood usually ends in these tear out edges i should have used a down cut bit to got better results but with a little bit of light sanding it's not come out too bad and we can continue with this now the other thing i was concerned about was the gap in between them because i kind of estimated what it needed to be but actually it slides together really well and there's not mu any movement in it at all so we can stand our little tree up now and take a look at it from different angles now if i went back and did this again i'd probably take a bit more time to align the slots up in this tinsel just so it actually looked a bit more uniform and the gaps came together because i think that would look a little bit more effective but ultimately the tree is finished it's actually come out not too bad again we'll probably apply some sort of finish to this so stick around to the end of the video to see how i'll finish it off so for this one we're going to keep it nice and simple i want to create some sort of a big ornament that can sit on the windowsill basically we can wrap fairy lights around it to make it look nice and festive so what we're going to do is cut out a big star out of our material also with the inside of it cut as well so basically we're just going to get the outline of the star now we can come up and use the star tool that is already in the shapes palette i just want to show you something about this if i stretch the star up to be bigger now on the surface it looks like a normal uniform star but if i start to rotate it round we can see it kind of looks a little bit unusual now the reason for this is it's actually distorted in one direction over the other so i've taken it back to vertical and basically the star is narrow on the width than it is on the height basically it's a bit distorted so what we can do is use the star generator so we're going to come over to the apps menu scroll down and find the star generator there we are now number of points is fairly obvious it controls the amount of points in the star you take it up you get more points take it down you get less the inner radius is these inner points in the center how close you want them to the center or further away from the center now i want it to be not quite a chunky style so i think i'm going to get it about 60 something like that yeah that will do nicely i'm going to click import and we're going to drag this up to be nice and big again now because we want to cut this out basically as a standalone shape with the inner cut as well we could use the offset tool to do something similar to what we did before but if we come down and take a look at the offset tool and as we start to use this see how it creates radius is around the outside it starts to bend the shape even if we switch it to the inward version and then drag the distance up slightly you'll see how you get some that are points and then some are very radius i want to keep all of the um basically all the points on the line as points so i'm going to cancel this for now what we're going to do first is make the cut line to an outline shape and that is now cutting on the outside of the pattern we're also going to take the depth up to full while we're messing about with this and turn the tabs off now what we're going to do is press ctrl c ctrl v to create a copy of this i'm going to bring it over and shrink it down a little bit and then we're going to select both objects together center them on vertical and center them on the horizontal now this isn't quite thick enough so the first thing we need to do is switch the cutting method to the inner star the outside one is on the outside but want the inside star to cut on the inside so we'll come down and change the cutting path to the inside of it and as we're seeing there that gives us a little bit more room all around the outside now even though these are both centered together obviously the diff there is a slight offset between them if we look closely for example if we look at the gap between these two lines here versus the two just above it we can see that it is slightly offset and this is just due to the nature of the um of the star shape the dimensions of it are not perfectly square so when you center align them they will be slightly off but what we can simply do is click onto the inner star and just jog that about slightly until we feel it's a little bit more even all the way around like that is actually i do want the star to be slightly thicker than where it is so i'm going to shrink this down a little bit more i will undo that lock the proportion so it all shrinks together re-center them again just do this very quickly and again just adjust that slight offset because of the star being slightly different proportions now if we look at the visualization that's looking pretty good basically we're going to get this five point star we just won the outside of it and as i say we can then wrap some fairy lights around it at the end to make it look nice and festive and now we can get this exported and get the new job done and so we've got the finished star yes it's quite a simplest it could but that is the whole point this simplistic designs that are easy to sell and that can look quite effective as i wrap this in some cheap fairy lights and it's going to look really nice and it can be stood up as i say as well as lent against something also remember when you're doing shapes like this the inners can be quite effective as part of the setup as well so for example these two could be stood up on a windowsill next to each other and you know just create a bit of a set and say makes it more sellable now going back to what we've already covered your creativity is key here so here's another design that i've done it's a jumping reindeer kind of in almost a full circle but with a flat bottom this allows it to stand up and again can just be quite effective as a nice little christmas gift you can replace the reindeer you could put bells in there or something else so it's really all up to your creativity another design that i like and i've produced is this christmas tree or just a tray and then with an inner cut out of it inside we've also put this little hook in place and this means that when it is stood up you can actually put something like a ball ball or maybe a photograph of a loved one or a relative hanging from that and it just makes it more customizable now just as a reminder all the files and designs i use in my tutorials are given away for free unlike some other youtube channels but it does cost money to keep the channel going to buy the products and the tools to make everything possible for the tutorials now patreon is a great way to support the channel bro now that can be too big of a commitment for some people if you enjoy the channels and everything that i provide then do consider buying me a digital cup of coffee to keep the channel going by using the links in the description below so for this one we're going to make a we wish you a merry christmas sign now we're using the same layer to go for the 30 18 the same measurements except i've changed the thickness of the material to 5.5 because we're going to machine this out to some thinner plywood first thing we're going to do is come to the text tool and we're going to use the demo font now this is a nice bold font but i want it to be slightly narrower on the width so i'm going to shrink it down a little bit we're going to bring it up and let's click into type and we're going to put it all in capitals we wish i'm going to come off click back on it ctrl c ctrl v to make a copy of it bring it down below we want to leave a little slight gap between them but not too much and then we're going to type u i merry and then we're gonna press ctrl v again to do another copy of it and again bring it down slightly below and put christmas do we want these to be joined up so what we're going to do is draw a thin rectangle in between each layer to connect all the different words so we put the square tool i'm going to shrink this down to be nice and thin and then drag it out to be the full width and then we condense that down a little bit more so we want this to be relatively thin now the key here is to make sure that he's touching all the letters so if we bring that in a little bit and same on the other edge and then we're going to press ctrl c ctrl v again make a copy of this and do exactly the same just below it and rest it then we're just going to bring the christmas up slightly just to touch the bottom of that line let's say just so it connects all of the letters now what we're going to do at this point is select them all and press the center button so it brings them in and makes it into a nice little sign now i think we can do something extra with this as well like maybe put a star on top or a couple of stars to try and make it look a bit better i'm also going to put one of these lines on the bottom as well just so it's almost got something to stand up on so if you place that there bring the width in a little bit on both sides there we are it's about right shift that over just a fraction and again we're going to put one of those on the top and just let's add a couple of stars to it so when you get roughly in position say just bring the width in you don't want too much overhang because it can look a little bit scruffy but that's looking pretty good now if we bring the start all in and let's use let's put three stars let's have quite a big one so we want again that just twitching the rectangle that we put in we press ctrl c ctrl v and let's make some smaller ones either side of it control c control there and move that over to the other side maybe doing this roughly biopsy you can take a little bit more time to get them better aligned if you're doing this yourself now let's select everything now let's make it try and fill as much of the space as we can without going too big and there we start to have our we wish you a merry christmas on now we can see on the visualization obviously that this is looking quite rounded because we're using a 1 8 bit we're going to switch that to a 1 16 bit in a second what we want to do first is make this all into an outline cut so we're going to select everything and we're going to call it to the cut option and instead of a pocket cut we're going to say cut on the outside now straight away obviously you can see that kind of looks a bit messy because all the shapes are overlapping each other it is a good opportunity at this point you can start to level things out and space them a little bit better where we've got a bit too much overlap between the different items but ultimately what we want to do is combine all these into one outline cut so with everything selected we'll right click go to combine now as you can start to see that start becomes a little bit clearer on the visualization if we go back and select this again and what we want to do is make sure this is a full depth cut we'll turn off the tab and what i can actually see is that when we merge it all together it's going to cut on path i want this to remain as cut outside path so i'm going to select that again we can see the visualization actually now looks terrible because so we're using quite a big bit to try and do lettering and wording so we're going to come up and swap the bit out for a 1 16 bit and there we can see it starts to bring all the detail back into the sign so we've got clear cut letters that will have some shape and definition to them now when using a 1 16 bit again you want to slow down your speeds and depth of cut obviously they can be quite fragile and you don't want to break them but ultimately that is the sign done so we can get this one exported again get over to the machine and get it cut out so let's take a look at the various finishes i've applied here we'll start with the we wish you a merry christmas now bear in mind that this can be stood up it can also have some string primer to be able to hung from a door or something similar so it can be quite versatile in terms of finishing it now getting into all of these nooks and crannies with something like a paintbrush it might be a bit difficult so simply what i've done here is applied a clear coat to the front and the back just to give it some protection and durability if you do want to paint it obviously you can do maybe something like spraying it might be easier to get into all of those awkward areas it's just an option but yeah i've just gone with the clear coat on this to be safe now let's take a look at the trays i want to start with the one on the left i really liked the way this grain came out so i wanted to do everything to emphasize it as a result the product that i've used on this is by a company called osmo it's called polyx it's a mix it's kind of a waxy oil that you apply to it it leaves a really nice durable finish and it just makes all the grain pop out in the wood so that came out really nice the next one i'm a little bit less impressed with this was a dark oak stain that i applied to it now one thing you have to remember when applying stains to something like this even when you've sanded the inside of it it will really emphasize any marks that are remaining from where the bit is cut so that's just something to remember is that if you are doing these it may be better and safer to just use clear coats because that doesn't highlight it as much whereas the stain really leaves the marks from where you've got slightly rougher edges even though this feels flat the stain has just made those marks stand out a bit more i also tried to add a bit of colour on the nose basically just to make this a little bit more interesting the star ball this was a smoked walnut finish i applied to this again a stain a bit like that one i don't the camera can pick it up even though this is fairly flat you can't still see some of the emphasis on the marks from where it is finished so i think my advice with these would definitely be lean towards the clear coat finishes as it may look a bit better alternatively perhaps painting as a poster staying in might give you better results because to say some of these marks they almost make it look a little bit untidy now let's move on to the snowman and the christmas tree so what i've done with these two is used a stain again but it's from a company called chestnut they're called chestnut spirit stains and i'm really impressed with the colors from them these have had just one coat and as you can see it's nice and vibrant the coverage on it is excellent so it's definitely an option to consider if you want to start applying vibrant colors to your wood and material now let's take a look at the reindeer and the tree again i've used the same coating on these two as i did on the first tray we've used the osmo polyex oil again just to give it some durability to make the grain pop because i think the design of these work on their own you don't need anything to to add to them to try and make them more impressive and finally we'll take a closer look at the stars now what i've done here is basically given them a quick blast with a blow torch something like this you don't need to go too much but it just really emphasizes the grain it gives you a darker texture i've then applied the same dark oak stain that i did on the reindeer head to this one as well it just gives it this really nice rustic feel now you can you have to be careful when doing stuff like this you don't want to go overboard with the burning because you can ruin it just a light charring on the wood makes the ground pop and ultimately just gives it that nice rustic finish [Music] do [Music] so those are just some ideas to get you started but it's all about your creativity any shape that relates to that season you can probably make into one of these style of gifts whether it's angel wings a set of christmas bells a santa hat for example could make a great example of one of the trays that we've done today it's just about finding the shapes to work with or drawing them out and google is always a good option when you're looking for those silhouettes and vectors to use now obviously i haven't personalized any of the gifs i've done today but what's stopping you from engraving a name for example in the bottom of one of those trays or even on the base of one of the ornaments you can really do a lot with them just with a little bit of creativity hopefully this is enough to get you started and thank you all for watching if you've enjoyed the video as always please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't done so already it helps the channel out a lot final thanks as always to my patreon supporters you really help the channel out i will see everyone on the next episode
Channel: James Dean Designs
Views: 8,454
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Keywords: 3018PRO, 3018 pro, 3018 pro CNC, 3018, 3018 pro assembly, small cnc, desktop cnc, laser cnc, CNC software, Using 3018, 3018 beginner, 3018pro beginner, cnc tips tricks, cnc help, cnc laser, Laser engraving, cnc beginner, cnc review, 3018 review, 3018 pro review, 3018 prover review, Sainsmart, Sainsmart Genmitsu, FoxAlien, Vevor, CNC problems, 3018 tips, cnc projects, cnc gifts, making gifts, christmas gifts cnc, festive gifts, gifts for free
Id: Gb9CIlCnWsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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