Make an Easy Glue Press for Wood Turning and More

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you're looking at a small pile of the clamps that i have i have lots more some are a lot smaller some are a lot bigger and i use them for all types of things and i find them very handy but i also have a glue press and there's been a lot of interest in my glue press so i'll be showing you that today and at the end of this video i'll show you two applications where i use the glue press where it really helps the process a lot so let's go ahead and get going this is my glue press i've been asked a number of times if i have a video on making this i don't have a video on this but what i can do is take it completely apart and show you each piece as if i was building it and then we'll put it together and it doesn't have to be just like this i can show you maybe something to make it easier if you don't want to make it quite like i did everything that this is made out of i had laying around the shop including this screw that is something i picked up many years ago at a garage sale thinking that someday i could use that well fortunately i knew where it was and that's what i used and that's a few years ago when i made this so let's get going i'll get this apart and meet you right back here at the bench all right i've got it all taken apart this is a piece of plywood it's 17 by 14. it's a piece of one inch made with multiple layers like both of birch it's very strong and it stays flat these are the upright pieces that's made from a two by four i cut this slot on the table saw making multiple cuts use the forstner bit to cut the ends off and also to allow my piece to slide down farther and that piece right there is what i'm talking about that's also made from two by fours i originally started with just a skinny piece here and i found that it looked like it was flexing so i glued these on and put screws in it these fit in here and i have multiple options on where to put it and i have a series of holes i've got a hole in here and what i did was i drilled a hole big enough to put a 3 8 nut in there and that bolt goes in and lines up with it once i had it lined up i sealed in i poured epoxy on to lock that nut in place i've got one on both ends this is the clamping screw there's a couple parts for it if you get one of these they're real easy to figure out this needs a hole in here i'm not going to tell you the hole because you might get one that's different but basically that goes in like so there's a couple screws just to kind of hold it in place it's not going to go anywhere [Applause] [Music] okay then you screw this part in this part goes over there and it it moves all directions so when you go down on your board the board's not flat it will find its own level this screw just keeps it from falling off and still allows it to float so that's now ready [Applause] i did wrap at the ends of these so that it fits in here like that and sits on top of there you could just put it on the side you could put it on the top that's how i did it okay let's see if we can get it back the way i had it put this clamp on here for balance same one came off here [Applause] so shouldn't need that clamp anymore so [Applause] [Music] okay we got that now i have this so you can see it but i think you can let me flip this up so you can see a little better off i'll do it like this and i think i'll use that hole there and one more back in business right there now [Music] okay that's it up and down so let me find some wood and i'll glue it together so you can see exactly how it works well let's go ahead and glue something together so you can see how the press works i've got a couple pieces of wood that i want to glue together for an upcoming turning and it'll also be a video in a few weeks i wax this up in case blue drips on it and when it's glue dries it'll chip right off and i use the johnson's paste wax that's just a piece of melamine here's part of the glue up that's maple it's a 16th inch thick this i believe it's pronounced urine i'm going to put that on there i'll sandwich it again so i can distribute the pressure so i'll get the glue on there and you'll see the other things i'm going to put on so that should be fine we'll put that on here get that on and i'll put this on now all that pressure should transfer out down onto there and we should get a nice tight joint find out probably later today or tomorrow all right next time you see this piece it'll be when i'm making the turning from it there's another example of why i like the glue press i've got two leftover rings from different projects that i've done over the years and i just seem to keep rings around in case i ever want to use them well this is a perfect place to use them to show you why i like the glue press it looks like i could just clamp it like that and be done except for this that's got a taper on it if i put the clamp here it's just gonna slide down and i know i can use a flat board right here and then clamp it and it's not gonna slide away but i have a flat board here in the glue press and that should work quite well let me go ahead and show you how i do that and then i'll talk about the other option on making this where it'll be a little bit easier okay i think that looks pretty good so i do need something on here in this piece of plywood will work and i'll use my little spacer so i don't have to tighten it all the way down okay that's it i'll let that sit a while and i'll get it out i'll show you the two pieces and i'll have something to show you up here where you can make a fixed press and not have to do all this notching but just have a lot of spacers well here's the pieces that i used the glue press on and this one turned out real nice and it was an easy way to do it because of the angled wall on here where i couldn't get a clamp on it so that was a good use for the glue press and this one is a piece that had the 16th inch maple and if you don't get that real flat you could have a wavy surface that's nice and flat so hopefully pretty soon i'll turn this into something interesting let me go ahead and get the glue press over here and i'll show you the optional way of doing it that'll make it just a little bit easier so this is what i was going to show you that would be even easier to make than what i did what it does is it eliminates needing to make this adjustable piece which eliminates drilling the holes in the ends and casting nuts in there so when the bolts go through here we can move it up and down you would also not have to make the channel in these you could use solid two by fours on each side and a solid two by four here with the clamp screw located in the middle so what i would do myself if i was doing like that i would block in up here i'd screw that in and then i would put blocks in there for extra strength because when you're clamping on it it's trying to push it up i have heavy bolts on there so i'm not too worried about it for adjustability you can either use layers of plywood or if you have a big block but you can also buy this screw i think as long as 18 inches this one's only nine so if you bought a longer screw you probably don't need to put anything there so that's pretty simple and uh hope you got something out of this video and i hope you enjoyed it if you did like this video you can let me know by leaving a thumbs up and also leave a comment i love reading all of them so i'll be using this glue press in an upcoming video and if it all works out it's going to be pretty cool looking so stay tuned for that and thanks to all my subscribers and if you're not subscribed please consider doing so well thanks again until the next time see you later
Channel: ThePapa1947
Views: 29,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, bowl, bowls, live edge, natural edge, bark, segment, segments, segmented, multi axis, multiaxis, droop bowl, star bowl, tumbling bowl, shellac, lacquer, square bowl, bowl in a bowl, emerging bowl, emerging goblet, sphere, dodecahedron, lathe, revo, laguna revo 1836, tricky wood turnings, Acks Abrasive Paste, best wood finish, best wood polish, best way to finish wood, unique wood turning, unusual wood turning, Maple Burl, Band Saw Bowl, Economy Bowl, Bowl in a board
Id: F4d-5E2E86k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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