Make Ai Influencer 10x Faster | New Free Method To Create Ai Influencer

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making the consistent characters is equal to making the influencers because many of you guys have used this technique to make the virtual influencers as in my previous videos I have also shared a technique how you guys can make your a influencer how you guys can change the pose of your a influencer but in all of these videos that you are watching around the internet there's a one thing common that everybody is using stable diffusions web UI called Focus that is a really good tool but problem is everybody is facing the error while using this on a Google collab so in this video I'm going to share an other free AA tool that allows you to make consistent characters with just a single input image so without any further Ado let's dive into the video so there are two ways to access this a tool first one is using their Google collab notebook so this one is from the camand Duro which is awesome Google collab notebooks but uh the problem with the Google collab you have to be a pro member of a Google collab but we're going to look at the free version and uh for the free option you can use the hugging face so here is the URL and this a tool is called The Photo Maker that is designed by a 10 tent art uh so first of all let's see how does it work so here's the quick guide so first of all you have to upload image of someone you want to customize one image is okay but the more is better although we don't perform a face detection the face in the uploaded image should be occupy the majority of the image so it mean it should be a closer portrait of someone and the next step is a really important because this is about the prompting and the prompting is different here uh these are some triggered words like image man image woman image girl image so don't get confused by that I'm going to explain this later in the video so first of all we have to upload the image of our main character so this is the image so make sure that it should be a closer portate of your character well you can also upload the multiple images but we're going to start with the single image so once your image is uploaded then in the prompt section you have to type a prompt like this a photo of a image so make sure to type the image in a bracket so why we typed image instead of lady or a woman because this is the triggered word because this AI is trained and designed like this this well you can also use the words like the woman image or a girl image but according to my observation just typing an image works best in most of the cases then you have to type the location like with the pink hairs sitting in a coffee shop now the next step is to selecting the models so if we click on that here we have the different styles we have the Cinematic style Disney character digital art photographic fantasy neon so these are almost 8 to 10 styles that you can select but in most of the cases I think the photographic style works best and next if we click on the advanc options here we have the negative prompt so this is the default negative prompt so if you want to make any changes to it you can also make it then we have the control to select the number of steps so by default This Is 50 and then we have the style strength so you can also Define how much style you want to apply on your image then you can also select the number of images that is maximum four guidance skill and if you want to play around with the seed numbers it all depends on you then simply hit submit okay so these are the output images and look at that how realistic these are and look look at that it's 90% matching our input character but in few cases it doesn't match the face 100% but don't worry about that we also have the solution for that so these are the results from a single input image now let's try uploading a multiple images so these are some images of one of my friends and one of my client so I'm going to upload all of these images with the different angles where you can see with different poses I'm going to upload all of them okay so once all of the images are uploaded we're going to play around with the prompt so the first part of the prompt will be same a photo file image but I'm going to delete rest of this and will be replaced like for of a image wearing black sunglasses and black suit and this time I'm going to go with the no sty and hit submit okay so these are the output results and now look at that this is 100% matching and staying on the safer side I would say this is 90% matching and this is the input image and look at the output images because we uploaded multiple images this time that's why we have a much much better results than our previous image well this this is not just limited to the human characters you can also try this thing with the cartoon characters you can do this thing with the a influencer so it all depends on you but I know most of you guys will do this for creating the a INF fences so this method is much much easy and fast than using the focus on a Google collab but sometimes you may get error because of the high traffic so you can try again and again for the multiple times and this will work for you so that's how you guys can make consistent characters without paying anything without going into all of the technicalities so I hope you guys enjoy this video and if you guys did give it a thumbs up and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Planet Ai
Views: 31,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planet Ai, How to create ai influencer, free ai video generator, ai influencer, ai influencer tutorial, how to create ai influencer, how to make ai influencer, ai influencer instagram, how to make an ai influencer, make ai influencer, fireship ai influencer, How to make ai influencer planet ai, planetai
Id: f4797BGFDe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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