How To Change The Pose Of Your Ai Influencer like Aitana Lopez

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how to change the pose of your a influencer many of you guys have asked this question in the comment section of my previous a influencer video so today I'm going to answer those questions and I'm going to show you how you guys can get your desired POS for your a influencer so without any further Ado let's dive into the video so for those who haven't watched my previous video on the a influencer we're going to use this Google collab notebook that is based on the stab diffusions web UI called focus and we are using its Google collab notebook and the Google collab notebook is the cloud Bas service that means you don't need any GPU for that you can even do this thing on your mobile phone so I will leave the link in the description below you can click on that and then you will have this interface in front of you now before getting into it I'm going to show you a new way of monetizing your copyright the platform is called trips and their app is now live for the sign up hey how it works first we are going to me the copyright of our videos protect our ownership on unmut ler then we can sell the partial interest and copyright it to investors allowing us to get the cash for the content today it's amazing and quite simple to get started all you have to do connect to the Google the safest way possible once connected you can select the videos you want to Mint click confirm and then tole onto the monetized partial interest in your copyright and use The Upfront cash to invest in your content grow your business whatever you want to do click the link below to get started today now let's get back to our video so first of all you guys have to click on this connect button so if you're using the Google collab notebook for the first time you might don't see this connect button so for that you just have to go to this runtime and now select change run time and from here select the T4 GPU and now hit the save button and again click on this connect button and this will be connected to your GPU again you don't need any GPU for that this is all cloud-based okay so once it's connected you just have to click on this play button and now this will start executing this code and this process can take some time and for those who already watched my previous video on the air influencer you guys can skip this part okay so after all of these process ing you will have this gradio link here so you can simply click on that and now you will be redirected to its web interface so here we have the web interface you have the space to enter the prompt then we have the input image option and we also have the advanc options so in the advanc options you can control the aspect ratio you can control the quality of your image and then we can also select the number of images you have the space to enter the negative prompt in it and in the style section you can select uh all of these Styles but if you want to get the realistic result I would prefer you to use the default settings now in the prompt section simply describe the appearance of your AA model so I'm going to type like a beautiful Spanish woman short hairs red and black faded hairs Instagram model waist up short no makeup so I just use this prompt you guys can go as descriptive as you want so I'm going to click on this generate button and now you guys can see it's generating the images in a real time just like mid Journey okay so here we have two images you can select any one of them uh both of these are realistic so let's say I'm going to go with this one now Simply Save the image that you like so I'm going to save this to my computer now the next step is to click on this input image box and you will have this uh options Here and Now simply select the image prompt and simply go down and click on this Advance options now you have to upload the image that we have recently generated so simply select your image and now select the face app option right and now just move the slider all the way to maximum and in the second box you have to upload the image that you want the a influenced POS like so for example I'm going to upload this image and now switch it to the canny option right and in the prompt section I will keep this part of the prompt and I will add few more details in it wearing a sum address and now hit generate and now you can see it already started to match the pose of that lady and now we we have two images in front of us so this is the first image you can see she's now matching the pose of that lady but there are few things going on with the eyes that we can easily fix later on uh and this is the second image that I think is really really good so this is our a influencer that we have finalized and now she is matching the pose of this lady I hope you get the idea now let's try this thing with different environments and different poses so this time I'm going to upload any other image so let's say I want her to pose like this lady right she's holding a cup of coffee and in the prompt section I'm going to type wearing a jacket and holding a cup of coffee and hit generate okay so these are the output images and now you can see she's exactly posing like her she was she's even holding a cup of coffee here and in the second image it even copied the dress of that lady you can see she's wearing a scarf she's wearing that long coach is wearing that shoulder back so this was the initial image and this is the a influencer image now let's try the last image of our famous a influencer AA Lopez I don't know if I'm pronouncing it correct or not so I'm going to use this image as a reference pose and hit generate so these are the output images and now she's exactly posing like our favorite a influencer AA Lopez and you can see this one is a really good image but you can see uh there is something going on with the right eye so you can simply save this image and to fix this issue you can go to the upscale and variations and now upload the image so I'm going to upload this image and now select the upscaling version so I'm going to select the upscale 2X and now hit generate and now this will start upscaling the image okay so this is the upscale version of that image and now look at that the qu quality is improved and even the eye is looking much much better right now so you guys can also fix the facial features if something is messed up so that's how you guys can create your AA influencer and even change the pose of your AA influencer and this Google collab notebook is totally free to use you don't need any GPU for that the link is in the description below go ahead and play around with it so that's it from this video I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you guys find something helpful do give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Planet Ai
Views: 11,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planet Ai, ai influencer, ai models, ai model girl, planetai, ai instagram model, ai influencer on instagram, aitana lopez
Id: emHRKozp-XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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