Make a WORKING 3D Printed mini Macintosh!

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[Music] hey mikey i'm actually printing out a tiny macintosh sc30 it's a project i found on a tiny se30 that's so cool can i play games on it you can mackie using the power for raspberry pi zero and a 2.8 inch lcd display you're able to play all the games and applications that you want and it's in color so uh if i you know wanted to make one too how would i do that you know for games and stuff let's hop back in the lab and show you and you how to make one yourself a few weeks ago when i was in the mac yak chat room someone posted a link to a one-third scale macintosh plus model by c genco i really wanted to combine my crafting 3d printing and my mac nerd skills together for this one awesome project huh you said the instructions are for macintosh plus but you're burning an sc30 right were those instructions on the website too well i modified the original model which was a macintosh plus into an se30 because i wanted to make a mini version of you a mini computer that's awesome i can go around town with you now see all the movies go to the park [Music] all right mackie i think that's enough singing for today let's go ahead and start showing everyone how to make a mini se30 for themselves first let's see what materials we need we'll need a raspberry pi zero w or raspberry pi zero i'm using a w since it has built-in wireless and built-in bluetooth also a key part of this build is this tiny 2.8 inch display which is meant for raspberry pi's this is built by a company called iunicker the 3d model stl file is sized specifically for this screen so make sure you get this one which is linked in the description or linked on the thingiverse website we will also need a set of m3 bolts and nuts to keep the case together and the short female to female ide cable that will allow us to connect the screen to the raspberry pi also i use my cr-10 3d printer but any old 3d printer should do if you don't have a 3d printer you can probably use the shapeways service to have them print one for you for a small fee i'll be using some off-white pla to try and replicate the color of the se30 okay so the first thing i did was start modifying the 3d model and make it look like an sc30 it kind of looks like me but in 3d you know more 3d luckily the creator of this instructables project c jenko posted the sketchup file to the page as well anyone who wants to modify the stl can easily do this by downloading the file while i am no expert at sketchup i was able to nudge this amazingly designed model into something that more resembled an se30 i added fins to the bottom and to the side of the back case i moved the disk drive down since ac30 has a lower set disk drive than macintosh plus and i added the five horizontal slots that go along front faceplate of the se30 neato toledo it's all coming together once i got it looking the way i wanted i exported the model and sent it over to my slicer software called cura the process of slicing is when software translates the 3d model into a format called gcode this file tells everything that the 3d printer needs to know from how hot to heat up the nozzle to where to move along any dimension and how fast to squeeze out the filament wow this is a lot of learning for the weekend but i'm risking it the base model was designed to be printed in several pieces the front face the back shell the fake floppy disk and the toggle which acts as a rotatable clip to hold down the raspberry pi i know i said this before but see jjenko made a very well designed model since this model is relatively complex i'm using the tree support option on cura to automatically build a breakaway sacrificial scaffolding so now that we have all the parameters set in kira let's go ahead and send it to the printer [Music] miss fox i think the bread is done but uh he doesn't look so good i think i think he's sick oh yeah it's done don't worry mackie it's not sick these are just the tree supports even though it kind of does look like it got sick right here out of the disc drive these will easily break away and it'll leave us with a nice clean faceplate for a 3d model i was worried for a second let's put them together next i used some 150 grit sandpaper to sand away the small ridges and imperfections that you can see on the layer lines of the final 3d print we're going to make this mini mac perfect so once you're finished sanding go ahead and rinse your pieces in the sink and make sure you get all the dust off that you can oh time for a bath next we'll need three m3 hex nuts we're going to be placing them inside these holes on the shell of the case right here and also right here on the bottom this will be used for the retaining clip for the raspberry pi these two here will be used to hold on the front face plate maybe it was just my printer settings but i could not fit the hex nuts into the shell at least not without damaging the model to make life a little easier i used a wide tip on my soldering iron and heated it up to about 350 degrees celsius i warmed up the hex nuts until i melted the pla around it as i pressed the nuts into the shell if your printer is more accurate than mine you should be able to snap the nuts in place by tightening the bolt from the opposite side you should try that before you resort to melting things just like that old sewing goes measure twice melt once okay so now that the shell is basically complete let's go ahead and start working on the software portion of this project oh yeah my time i'm using the standard raspberry pi os on a 16 gigabyte micro sd card to get this head over to and use the raspberry pi download tool using the tool you can install the raspberry pi os directly to your sd card once you flash your card go ahead and pop it into your raspberry pi you'll need to connect a keyboard a mouse and a mini hdmi cable for this initial setup connect your resume pi 0 to a micro usb power source be sure to use the port closest to the ribbon cable edge because this one is power and this one is for usb once everything boots let's do a little housekeeping to keep our raspberry pi secure to do this you'll want to change the default administrator password and enable ssh once you're in the raspberry pi desktop go to the top menu click on the little berry icon at the top then go down to preferences raspberry pi configuration here you should change your host name to something cool like baby mac or apple pie go ahead and click the big change password button at the top and create a new secure password hmm what should we do to make a good password then ideally you'd want something that's easy to remember but hard to guess and probably over 15 characters long okay make it milky is cool three bustery i don't think that's too secure mackie how about something more random like oh that's a good one too all right to set up ssh just go to the interfaces tab and enable ssh ssh or secure shell protocol allows you to connect to your raspberry pi from a remote pc this will help us transfer files and run commands remotely via the terminal on our modern mac oh that's fancy once you've enabled ssh and change your password go ahead and reboot your pi the next steps are all about setting up the mini vmac emulator mr genko provided a pre-compiled mini vmac executable that can run on the arm processor of the raspberry pi there's two executables that he provided one runs at the native resolution of the lcd screen of 640x480 and that's a little hard to read so he provided another executable that runs everything magnified at 2x so we'll also need a macintosh 2 rom image i put a link below where you can grab the rom image from macintosh garden yourself and remember only use roms and software from macintoshes you legally own don't copy that floppy also i use the disk image i found on that already has system 7.5.5 along with some other useful software download this from the link in the description and save it to your machine as disk1.dsk wow this is a lot easier than i thought it would be to transfer all your files to your pi you can use the cyberduck program on mac os to create a ssh file transfer connection in cyberduck go ahead and click on the little plus button to add a connection in the connection type drop down menu click sftp and enter the ip or hostname of your raspberry pi this is where i'll use the hostname of my machine which is babymac.local next go over to the folder slash home pi desktop and create a new folder in this case we'll call it mini vmac go ahead and copy your mini vmac arm executables your disk 1.dsk image and your macintosh 2 rom file at this point you would want to rename the rom file to mac 2 rom okay i'm transferring the rom over right now good job cyberduck so at this point we can double click on the minivamic arm executable and run it it's working that's awesome thankfully the original pre-compiled binaries provided to us on the instructables page give us a ready to go macintosh emulator configured to act like a macintosh 2. one last thing we need to do before putting the pi inside of our case is to install the drivers for the lcd display to do this we type the following commands in your terminal on the raspberry pi these commands can also be found on the instructables page okay so now that we have all the software running can we put it in the case now we sure can mackie let's get it all set up [Music] okay first let's do a test fit of the screen into the 3d printed phase in my case things were a little tight when i tried to slide the screen into the case but this is easily fixed a little bit of 150 grit sandpaper once things were sanded down we can easily slide the screen in make sure the pin sides are on the top though it's all coming together what's next let's go ahead and install the pi zero into the mac case first install the retaining clip by running an m3 bolt through the top of the clip and through the case to the bottom you may have to use some force to get things in there but afterwards it should tighten up well the instructions recommended using an allen wrench but i found using this bendy tool worked pretty well once the retaining clip is in place go ahead and slide in your pi zero board make sure you take out the sd card in this step or else things won't fit properly make sure all the ports are properly aligned and twist the bolt to turn the retaining clip and hold the pie in place i realized that my retaining clip wasn't sitting tight enough to hold the pie in place when i inserted the usb cables so i went ahead and used a small drop of craft glue on the clip now we should be ready to close up the model hold on a sec you forgot the ribbon cable you're gonna need that if you want to scream that's right thanks for reminding me i almost forgot the most important part we need to connect the female to female 40 pin ribbon cable from the back of the display to the header on the raspberry pi one small issue i ran into was that the cable was too tall to close the screen all the way this was simply fixed by using a screwdriver to pry up on the plastic tension bracket that holds down the ribbon so before we tighten down the faceplate i added a small piece of black gaffers tape right here to cover up the hole where the floppy disk would go and i didn't print out a fake floppy disk that was provided in the original instructables model just because i like the clean look of having no disk inserted so i just added this little piece of black tape here you can probably use electrical tape and it'll show through as like an empty disk drive so now let's go ahead and get some m3 bolts and tighten down the face to the body be sure to fold the ribbon cable down so that it doesn't get pinched when you're closing the face and all right we should be done now he doesn't seem to be missing something there i put a little sc30 label on there now it's even more realistic oh it's perfect now we have a perfect one-third scale model mini se30 sure the screen is tiny but it's mainly a desk toy it's not really meant to be a productive full-fledged machine so let's go ahead and show you what some games look like here's prince of persia and oh no more lemmings they're so tiny [Music] and pear arena by john c calhoun like i said this makes a great desk toy and it makes for a great portable me mackie how did you get over there so fast well that's it for today's video i hope you enjoyed our little build of our mini macintosh sc30 check out the original instructables link in the description for more detailed information on how to make your own mini macintosh i hope you try and build them for yourself bye everybody see you next time bye [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Macintosh Librarian
Views: 44,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macintosh, rasberry pi, 3d print, mac se 30, macintosh se30, macintosh se/30, se/30, 3d printed projects, DYI, raspberry pi, rasbperry pi zero, raspberry pi zero w, cute computer, nerd girl, 3d print project, raspberry pi project, touchscreen pi, system 7, macintosh se, mac os, 90s computer, 1990s computer, 1990s school, computers in school, glasses girl, apple computer, apple mac, apple se/30, 3d printed computer, cute
Id: dP-2JRLjxUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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