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what's up everyone adjust them for make supply here and in today's build a long tutorial we will be making a mini trucker wallet this template is a free PDF download if you want to print this out at home and follow along there is a link to our blog in the description below or you can go ahead and print it out in letter size paper or in a4 paper it is also available as a here's the PDF print out it is also available as a laser ready file if you have a laser cutter and you want to cut it out of leather or make your own template that's available for purchase in our store as well as an acrylic version as always and the acrylic version comes with two already sized zippers that you would need to complete this wallet okay so we will get started with inventory all right let's do inventory for this project I feel like a broken record by now but if you have not seen any of my videos before I'll go quick run over of all the tools I use I try to use pretty basic hand tools stuff that you can easily buy online and if I have to use something more fancy I will show you where to get it okay so for now I'm going to just move the templates off to the side for a moment and we'll discuss those in a second and start with our tools just a cork back ruler number two exacto knife CS osborne scratch awl a winged divider for marking our stitching line two diamond stitching chisels saya Brent some tiger thread 0.8 millimeter in the color cigar a generic Amazon mallet get to that a second some barge cement a edge beveler some thread nippers some gum tragacanth for burnishing edges a rotary tool for punching the holes for our snaps some line 2024 I forget I'll mark it in the video some brass snaps they're gonna need two of them a wood slicker for burnishing edges some sandpaper for cleaning up edges some canvas cloth optional for burnishing edges and what was I missing oh it's hard to see on the camera here but this is a snap setting machine you can use the hand tools if you want I will link to this also to the hand tool alternative and the other item you will need is a four inch zipper so you can get a finished zipper which is four inches from the zip end-to-end not the entire tape I will a link where I get these exact ones at and this exact model from a place on Etsy if you want to use them otherwise you can use your own zipper and I you know then I have a marble slab I'll be using I'll bring over when it's time for stitching to punch the holes and also just this cutting mat here okay so let me clear this off and we will look at the templates alright let's take a look at the template and also the leather I'll be using so as I mentioned in the introduction this is a free template download so go ahead and find the link to the printout on our website which is linked below it'll come out in a PDF that will look something like this I'm probably gonna add some extra words to this before I put it up for good please make sure to print at a hundred percent scale always check your scale before printing out you don't want to start making it when it's not the correct proportions okay so this one will come out in two pages a little glarry here but the first page will be the zipper compartment and the second page will be the inside and outside panels these are as you can as you notice the same exact size except for one you will be cutting out this middle and attaching some parts to it okay this is also available in a couple other formats so it is available as a leather sorry hey laser ready download where you can go to the website if you have a laser cutter or if you want to send this file to a dye manufacturer or any or if you want to make modifications to the source of this design that is available in three different formats I'll send you as a adobe illustrator file an SVG file and a EPS file so that's good you know if you want to run your own templates you can and you have a laser cutter you can just pop them in there and get those going and we also have it as a acrylic template set there will be a two piece template set all the stitching holes are marked all the attachment areas are marked and the acrylic template set will also come with two four inch zippers to get you started okay so the leather I'll be using is some three to four outs wicked and Craig buck brown a harness leather this projects pretty flexible with the thickness leather I wouldn't do much more than five ounce for all-around but if you have maybe a lighter leather for the interior zipper and a heavier leather for the outside that would be fine but I always find that you know three to four ounce is a good all-around weight and it's usually what I use to base all of my projects on so that's what we've been using it for this project okay so let's get started by cutting out our PDF okay so we're going to go ahead and cut out our templates here I'm going to start with the first page was it's a zipper panel you're going to want to cut out the zipper section where it says cut out and then cut all the way around the outside all right first piece down second one technically you don't have to cut this one out but if you're just going to be using a cardstock paper like this I would suggest it just because when you cut this section out it's going to weaken the edges a little bit and when you're tracing it's just good to have a nice solid piece so just take the extra minute and cut out both of these even though they are the same piece so I'm gonna start with cutting out the section it says cut out all right cut the middle up and now cut around the outside just make sure to keep some good pressure on these edges it's paper it'll Bend number two and just for good measure I'll cut out the last piece all right all three pieces cut out alright next I'm going to grab the leather and we will start tracing okay so I just cut down a little piece of that leather to work on here just to save some space see our three pieces fitting on there okay so now you're going to want to go ahead and mark your holes mark you're inside sections that are need to be cut out for the zipper here and for this storage area here and also if you're gonna be marking the stitching holes do that now if it helps you can tape you know use some low tack tape and tape the template down and it's easier to poke your holes so it doesn't slide around as much but I'm not going to be using the holes the stitching holes for this I will be using the snap holes and the the attach pad was what I call it here so this is how the zipper compartment is going to attach to the inside panel it'll make more sense once we start doing it but you're going to want to go ahead and at least mark the four corners on each of these because those are gonna need to line up alright so in typical myself fashion I'm going to use the acrylic just to go faster and if you're using the acrylic you'll notice obviously there's only two two templates you're going to chase the outside this is a template for both okay so I'm stitching hole arming sorry snap hole snap hole marking the four corners of the attach pad and then tracing the cut out section in the middle and around the outside all right there's our first piece second so now I'm just going to be tracing this for the outside so I don't want to mark anything on the attached pad and I don't want to mark the cut out section in the middle just around the outside and the snap holes okay just like that two down one to go now zipper compartment same thing do the in the zipper cutout to snap holes four corners of the attach pad and all the way around [Music] okay so that is all three and you're going to go ahead and start cutting it out zipper compartment outside [Applause] get a little tricky down in that corner there just do your best I might even take my pliers here and or my pliers my rotary punch and just punch a little circle just that dissipates the tension in that corner all right finish cutting out all of our pieces so now I'm just going to give a quick overview of how these things go together so this project isn't tough it's just you have to follow the order of operations otherwise it's not going to work so the first thing we're going to do is put our zipper after we burnish some of this is put our zipper into the into the zipper section just like that and stitch that down so then our zipper section ours if will be attached to our zipper pouch so one that's attached next we have to attach our zipper pouch upside down to our inside panel so then this folds get the idea like that and then these two pieces are attached and then from there we will be attaching to the outside panel and then we're good to go okay so first step will be messing with this thing I'm going to lightly sand it's kind of hard to get into here with a regular piece of sandpaper but try our best the inside it's um pretty clean cut so it's not too bad if you want to go over that with the edge bevel or you can and then you can take your gum track and put a little bit on the edge there and give it a little burnish okay like I do with most videos I'm not going to get into all the nooks and crannies like burnishing just want to show that's what you should be doing at that point okay so now I'm going to take my winged divider and Mark a stitching line about an eighth of an inch around the inside or around the outside of the zipper pouch cut out I think it's easier to do it now than when you put this upper in okay and just like that and so now we want to make sure that we're lining up how you want it so this the to snap holes that section will be the front so if you want your zipper on the right hand side you're gonna put it in like this just make sure it's how you want it and now when I grab my barge cement and put a little bit of cement around the inside of that zipper section you don't want to use too much because then it starts doing stuff like that and then it squeezes out when you put the zipper in it doesn't look good so I'm not gonna put extra on you're supposed to put it on both surfaces but I'm really just using this to get to stick down for stitching so I'm just going to put a little bit extra on the leather and then just pop it onto the zipper okay make sure your zipper is nice and straight and pop that in there definitely adjust it make sure it's directly you know dead center on the zipper tape or as close as you can get it really and I'm just gonna push down okay and you can see our zipper is nice and centered just how we want I'm gonna let it dry for a minute and then we're gonna you know trim off these edges here you don't need this and then we will attach to our panel alright so I'll let that dry for a minute now I'm gonna get whatever you're using for stitching and use these diamond chisels and we're gonna mark our holes with hand pressure all the way around the zipper I like to start from kind of like the back metal here or the bottom metal okay so that marked my holes I'm gonna go ahead and punch this off-camera it's I'll move the slab over here when we do the more complicated parts but this is pretty straightforward just punch all your holes through I'm gonna stitch it up and then we will come back and block okay so I went ahead and stitched the zipper into the zipper slot so I'm gonna go ahead and trim my thread and here's where you can cut off your extra zipper tape alright so the next part we're gonna do is add our bottom parts of our snaps here in here so I'm gonna go ahead and grab snap setter like I said you can use the hand tool for snaps whatever you have it doesn't matter and we find my rotary and go ahead and punch the hole [Applause] and on the other side where is the other one okay now we have our snapped bottoms set okay so now it is time to attach this to the panel first thing I'm gonna do though is mark my stitching line on the zipper pouch at this point because it's way easier than once it's attached here okay so go ahead and I'm not going to be stitching all the way around so I'm just gonna select somewhere around right here again I'm marking about an eighth inch and same on the other side although the others this side won't matter because you won't see it but for a good measure okay just like that so as you can see when we fold it over it'll look like this alright so remember when we mark those four marks the attached pad so now this is where this is going to come into play you can we're gonna stitch it but you can just rivet this if you want if anybody watched my money clip video there was a similar step where I just literally put I would put two rivets here and you'd be done and then it's it's gonna be firmly attached to the panel it's not gonna go anywhere but we'll stitch it but first I'm gonna glue it so I'm gonna go inside of these four hole marks that I made and just rough up the leather just like this with my scratch awl it's a little pad like that same thing on the other one just like that okay so if you really want you can push through just so it shows up on the other side of the zipper pouch because that's the side you're gonna be stitching through we're gonna be attaching it like this we're gonna glue it and then we're gonna stitch right here okay you know what I'm actually going to mark my stitching line on the inside panel here before this is on here again you don't need to do this but I just find it easier to deal with something like that okay so now let's get back to those let's yeah I am going to grab my glue and smear on that pad area just like that same thing on this side okay so let that sit for a minute now I'm just gonna carefully flip it over and line it up so the good thing about this is this is the exact same design as this one so just flip it over actually we'll do it this way it makes more sense actually this way is easier sorry it's kind of thinking out loud so I'm just gonna flip this over like this and just line up the edges nice and straight and then push down on the pad you want to you can turn it over like this and you can see how this is going to form okay so just keep some pressure on that pad for a moment so the glue stays down okay so what I'm gonna do is let this dry for a minute then we're gonna come back and Mark a line of stitching holes on that alright let that dry for a little bit there grab my granite slab and now you have a couple options here basically just need to attach these two items together you can do it either way you want here so you can like I said you can put a rivet or two in here that's fine you could stitch around this entire box you can do two short lines I suggest if you're going to do just two short lines to do them horizontally parallel to the width of the wallet what I'm gonna do is just do like a little X pattern from corner to corner so just like this it's kind of free handing see that I don't know if you can see that but it's a little X all right now I'm just gonna punch the holes through ow to smash my knuckle pay attention don't look at cameras while you're punching ouch okay anyone to go ahead and grab some thread so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna stitch a little X pattern there and then we'll come back okay so I went ahead and stitched my little xpadder in there and now I'm gonna cut this off and you can see that our zipper panel and our inside panel are now connected just like that okay so as you can imagine the next part will be to close the zipper pouch with the glue and then stitch it okay so what I'm gonna do is mark my stitching holes now I think it's just easier to do as opposed to when everything is glued down so I'm just gonna anchor the piece like that and I'm just gonna find some where this is just the front just the the front flap and just start walking down walking down the line here [Applause] all right that looks good that just gives me a target when everything's put together see you there so now I'm gonna go ahead and grab my cement should clean this off a little bit here okay and you're just gluing the zipper pouch closed don't glue the back of the zipper pouch to the panel just the zipper pouch at the inside all right let that dry for a second once you've let it drive for a minute now it's time to fold it down and line up the edges nice and clean if you have some binder clips to hold this down that's a good idea so no you there is some movement in here so you can just walk around the edge with your fingers and make sure everything's nice and straight okay so now we have this glued down I'm going to let it drive for a minute and then we'll come back and punch our holes okay so that dried for a minute now we are ready to punch our holes so as you can imagine you don't want to punch punch through this and then punch through the panel on the back here that's no good so you're going to have to maneuver the best thing to do is to hang off like say you have a marble slab like I do here hang off the edge and then just place I know it's hard to see on the camera but I'm just I'm moving the this thing out of the way and I'm just placing the zipper pouch edge on the edge of the slab like this and then I'm just gonna walk around the edge like that that way I know we're close to this if you can't do that just stack up a bunch of scrap leather in between just like that and then just lightly go through just make sure you drop you're not pounding hard and then damaging the back okay either of those options works just take your time and be careful with it just like that sorry about my hand being in the way I can't figure out a way to do this from this angle the best part about using all instead of chisels like this as this is no problem when you're just using a standard all okay let's check it out so there's all of our stitching holes and coming up the back and as you can see you did not mark up this part excellent so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and stitch this and then we will come back okay finish stitching up the zipper pouch part cut off this thread here and that part is complete so now we are going to connect the inner panel to the outer panel just like that and add our snaps so if you are going to if you would like to burnish the inside track here now is the time to do it same with this piece and if you want you can sand and burnish and bevel the zipper pouch I'm gonna wait to the very end to do that part when I do everything together I'm not gonna do this part right now I'm kind of racing against daylight again I don't know why I wait to so long to start these videos so what I'm gonna do now is glue this piece onto the back piece like that and want to make sure you know where you marked your your snap holes line up to the top just like this this should be an easy glue because everything is the same dimension the front in the back okay all right it's part one okay let's line these guys up here all right that's the top I'm gonna lay the outside panel down it's just the easier way to do it and then plop this guy on here and work your way around the perimeter lining it up no I did not do a good job there okay went ahead and attached the outer shell now I'm going to let it dry for a second and then come back alright give it a minute to do its thing now I'm just gonna take some sandpaper and lightly go over the edge just to straighten it up make sure everything's nice and even for stitching you have a dremel tool it's way better for this right now okay that's good enough so we're gonna wait to do the snaps last so now we have to put down our stitching line [Applause] and now time to punch your stitching holes so as you can imagine this is gonna get in the way you got to do the same thing you did when you did the zipper pouch you just got a maneuver around and it's a little bit hard to bend this so what I'm probably gonna do is grab some extra leather here and what I'm gonna do is sandwich this between the pouch and the bottom and the zipper path yeah the zipper pouch on the top that way it's just it's just easier to maneuver it's hard to bend this part to hang off the edge okay so I'm going to start I'll start down in the corner here down in the bottom corner and just go with hand pressure first okay some hand pressure now let's punch a little pain going over the zipper part but once you get past the zipper it's not too big of a deal obviously that's the top part here anywhere outside of the bottom of the zipper is where you really want to make it count keeping your stitching nice and straight I kind of messed up here but that was my fault because I wasn't paying attention so now I'm just gonna try to keep this nice and even all right so that was fun I suppose it messed up over here and a little bit over here so whenever you're when you're when you're moving around this section here this this folded just take your time it's actually easier to use the two-prong because you just need less pressure and just walk yourself through that section and don't try to force it otherwise you'll go off track like I did okay so I've got all of our holes I'm gonna go ahead and Stitch this and then we will come back and look at it okay just finish stitching all the way around cut this thread off all right so now the last step will be to put the snaps on bring my trusty snap setter got a swap out the pieces here go ahead and grab my rotary tool and punch through [Applause] okay got my top pieces my caps and then whatever these things are called just dropping them on the ground oops I was not a stable surface all right and that just about wraps it up we always got to do our edges and then we're done so let me just cut test out the closing here yeah that's good okay so now all we have to do is finish our edges so like I mentioned before we have to do the zipper pouch and the outside just going to stand first and kind of sand at the same time since they're at the same level [Applause] it's good enough now now we have to find our edge beveler okay so I'm gonna go all the way around on both sides find the gum track I'll start with a zipper pouch and now the outside hey sorry about that the video cut off there my battery is about to die on this camera so I just all I did was finished going around burnishing the edges there and at this point we are done and now you can check out your new mini trucker wallet grab some change or the change pooch and then you can put some folded cash in the inside panel there and as you can see it's designed so you can actually fold this out a lot easier than if it was attached here this gives you a little bit of room to move around and get some stuff out alright and that will conclude the build along tutorial for this mini trucker wallet if you have any questions feel free to email me thanks for watching
Channel: makesupply
Views: 28,743
Rating: 4.9581151 out of 5
Keywords: leathercraft, leather templates, free leather templates, leather trucker wallet template, leather patterns
Id: XobGfTVrtqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 41sec (4841 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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