Make A Simple DIY Leather Map Case Satchel - FREE PDF PATTERN DOWNLOAD!

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hey what's up everyone Justin from make supply here and today's video is a build along tutorial making a simple map case style satchel this also comes with a shoulder strap so this is a free pdf download so follow the link in the video description below to go to our website where you can download this PDF as an a4 sized printout or a letter sized printout to follow at home it has all the stitching holes and rivet holes and everything marked for you just the heads up this project for me this time was absolutely cursed from the beginning starting the video until the end I ran into just problems with my template problems with the video my microphone cuts in and out at some points I tried to edit everything out to make it as seamless as possible but there are some weird sections here and there I apologize I'll get it all sorted out for the next project I wanted to get this one done and out to everyone so with that being said let's get started okay let's start with inventory if you've never seen any of my videos before I go through I go through all the tools and hardware that I'll be using for this project and I will link to a place where you can buy all of this stuff on the blog post for this project which is linked in the description below I'm going to go over the tools and the hardware now then I will show out the leather that we'll be using and then I will go over the template and how to put the template together okay so let's go over the tools I'll start just right the left here number-two exacto knife CS osborne scratch awl for punching holes I have this new berry King 24 ounce I believe it's 24 ounce mallet Dremel just for sanding edges a 18 inch ruler as well as a 48 inch roller some random clips for holding the glued pieces together some barge cement for gluing stitching chisels I'll be using our 5 millimeter saya kayo Chanel diamond stitching chisels if you any five millimeter distance from end the end stitching chisel will match up exactly with the stitching holes for this project so if you want to punch the stitching holes through the template using chisel you can buy any 5 millimeter stitching chisels set doesn't have to be this and it'll work perfectly with design for this template I'm going to be using this tiger thread what color is this I'm not sure exactly what color this just dark brown 0.8 millimeter a winged divider just some thread nippers for cutting thread 2 John James needles a one-inch CS osborne slot punch for the strap some masking tape that I'll be using to hold down parts of the paper template when we're tracing it and I'll talk about this in a second then some black buckle guy black matte edge paint I'm going to be using an oil tan leather to do this satchel so I cannot effectively burnish it as you would have edged 10 so I'm gonna paint the edges black and then the hardware we'll be using is two one and a quarter inch trigger snaps for our straps one one and a quarter inch center bar buckle for our strap two three-quarter-inch antique brass d-rings kind of wish this was all the same color but didn't end up that way and then for the rivets I'll be using these double cap rivets the 9.2 millimeter size cap from buckle guy antique brass so you can obviously mix and match whatever you have if you have copper rivets you can use copper rivets and whatever hardware you have for the straps and whatnot and to set the rivets I'll be using the buckle guy snap press I think I covered all the tools so let me clear this off and we'll look at the leather okay so let's look at the leather I'm going to be using so I've had this hide of Crazy Horse Oil tan leather from Acadia leather for a while now and I feel like this is a perfect project to make a little map case out of so this is an oil tan leather which basically just means it's a chrome tan leather it has a nice very distinct pull up look to it here's another here's an exact version of the satchel I made this is another oil tan it's not Crazy Horse but it's similar see it gives a really nice rustic look to the map case which really is gets offset by the nice antique brass hardware okay so I'll link below to where you can buy a leather like this if you'd like and this is four and a half to five ounces this project is pretty good with almost any size you have because there's not a whole lot of layers to it I would suggest somewhere in the four and a half to five up light I mean eight ounce would be pushing it anything higher than that it's a little much but you can pretty much use whatever you have for this okay so now I'm going to do a quick run-through on how to put the template together first step print out the entire PDF template pack grab a ruler and x-acto knife some tape and a glue stick which is optional please make sure that you've printed everything out at actual size by measuring these two squares to make sure that the dimensions are accurate if they are not what reads on the paper please repeat the first step okay we'll start with the front panel we need to connect these two pieces to make v1 panel so what you're gonna do is cut along the dotted lines on both of these pieces you when you line up the pieces the scissor icon in the middle will complete a full pair of scissors you next we're gonna put some glue on a piece of scrap paper here and glue down the two pieces to keep them connected you can also just tape them to each other you now I'm just putting a couple pieces of tape on the top just to make sure that those pieces don't move now you will cut the template out as you would normally you same process for the back panel it's hatched together at the middle and then cut out you repeat the same process again for the lid you now on to the gusset the gusset is printed out on two different pages in four different pieces you along the dashed lines you first we will connect G 1 2 G 2 you next we will connect g3 to g4 you we will connect g5 to g6 you now at this point trim off any excess paper that is a rounded template you your gusset is now complete and ready to be used cut out and connect the closure strap the shoulder strap your strap keeper all you have to do is cut it out be handle you have to cut out and connect and this little piece here all you have to do is cut it out and here is all of our templates cut out and ready to be used okay so I hope that you have all of your cardstock templates print it out and attached and cut out and ready to go and now it's time to place it down on our leather and cut them out so I am going to do something a little bit different than I normally do and I'm going to actually use the paper template which I never do and I'm also going to use the stitching holes as they're marked here and I'm going to punch them through I'm going to mark all of them through the template and then I will go through and then punch them with my stitching chisels as I mentioned in inventory any set of stitching chisels that have five millimeter distance between the prongs centre of the centre will work perfectly for this distance if you want to get otherwise if you just have a scratch awl or just a hole punch you can just punch each one individually and they all line up so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to lightly tape this piece down so it doesn't move I'm gonna use some masking tape and just put it in a couple different spots here I don't want to put too much I know some people like to tape everything the whole edges down and everything and then from there punch all the holes and cut it out you can do it that way I just don't like to cut blindly into the leather so I like to remove the template and then cut it out so I'm just going to take a couple pieces here you know when you're when you're taping over make sure that it's somewhat transparent tape they're using so you can see the holes below just a couple of different places they'll be one on the bottom here just like that so now I know that this isn't going to move and then I'm gonna go ahead and mark your three spots for your rivets through the template into the leather let's rip it one rivet to rivet three and now I'm gonna go ahead and mark all of these holes through very lightly and don't forget the line across the top okay so I went ahead and marked all these holes through like I said before if you just want to tape it down and punch through with your chisel right now or your hole punch feel free I just I don't like to mark permanent marks like that when I can't see the leather directly so now I'm just going to go ahead and trace the outside okay so I went ahead and trace everything out now I'm just gonna take my tape off and now we have our piece ready to be cut out okay that's the first panel that's the back panel and now I have small markings for all of my holes that I will then punch through and then once we finish that everything get me stitched up very easily okay now we're going to move on to the front panel let done okay now it's time to do the gusset since this piece is long you know obviously make sure you have enough space on your leather here I'm going a couple inches down just to make sure I have this nice clean edge I already made here ready for straps later on and so I just moved it a couple inches down and yeah there's a lot of holes on this one but once you get it done and all punched through I think it makes it worth it in the end so don't forget to mark your rivet and your cut line on the ends here and down here as well as all your holes so I'm going to tape this down and get it going here and make sure it's flat that was a long one now we will cut this out so I did say I was gonna use the long ruler to cut this but I don't think I'm going to I'm just gonna use this and just take my time all right that was fun so now we have our gusset piece let's move on okay so go ahead and take the shoulder strap pieces these two and move them off to the side for now we're going to do these at the end and next you just have to do these three pieces so those handle strap mark your rivets and then just trace around there's no stitching on this one handle strap and now the closure strap take note that there are a couple stitching holes on the top there that are mandatory [Applause] [Music] and there's also two rivets close your strap done and since I have an extra little scrap piece here I will do the closure strap keeper on this I don't think I'll need to tape this one down okay this is my first big error on this template set you need to cut three of these out so this little piece right here you need three of these strep closure keeper done okay so for now we have cut out everything like I said we're going to do the strap the shoulder strap stuff later once we're done the body for the satchel okay here's all of our pieces so next we are going to punch all of our stitching holes and all of our rivet holes okay so even though we've already marked our holes technically I'm still going to scribe a light stitching groove line all the way around just to keep myself a lines when I'm mark punching all the holes through you don't have to do it I just like to make sure that since I'm hand stitching and it's going to be a feature of the product that it's as nice as I can make it so on the lid you do across the top make sure you only go as far as the stitching holes down the sides though we're just like an inch or so just like that and the last piece well technically second-to-last now I'm gonna set up my punching apparatus and we're gonna punch all of our holes alright so however you are punching these holes either using a standard just hole punch set or a set of stitching chisels that are 5 millimeter I have the six prong and a two prong here I go ahead and just put the chisel over top of the holes and just punch break through since we're working on the back panel here make sure to punch the line across the top do the exact same process on the front panel and now we have both our front and back panel with all of our holes punched next move on to the lid the lid only has stitching holes across the top and a couple down each side now punch the holes then on top of the closure strap and then move on to the gusset and you have to punch all of these holes through okay so I went ahead and punched all the holes out of the gusset and also on the lid top and also on the back panel and also on the front panel and a couple of holes that are on the straps so that is all of our stitching holes for this project done and they all line up so we can stitch quickly now we have to punch out the holes for the rivets so I might as well just start over here on the lid because this is what's here of course I missed a crucial part in inventory so you got to have some something to punch your holes I have this like super cheap set of hole punches from Amazon so I mean they're not bad but you know they're not great either you're cheap so I'm just going to use that it's a little hole punch here to punch all these rivet holes through so starting on the lid find those three holes that you marked for your rivets okay and those are the three holes for a little bit next the gusset there's only one rivet hole and you side for this but if you want to scratch your cut line just to make it a little darker it's okay you can cut that out now or later actually will cut it out now so go ahead and punch your hole your rivet hole and then I'm gonna grab my exacto and just cut a slit right through there that's where the the the little attachments gonna feed through for our straps just like that okay same thing on the other side and our gusset is done we got the little keeper closure or peace handle now on to the back panel this one has three across the top ei that and our front panel has two down in the middle or towards the bottom actually just like that and last our closure strap has two one at the top and one towards the middle just like that okay now we have all of our holes punched let's continue on okay so now it is I'm gonna be painting the edges that I won't be able to access once this is put together if you are burnishing edges like we would normally do just swap burnishing in for painting okay so I'm gonna grab my edge paint let me find something to put under this okay so we are going to have to paint the edges or burnish of these three strap pieces okay so I went ahead and painted all four sides of this closure strap and now I'm just gonna go put it somewhere let's let it dry and there's a couple pieces on the main panels that need to get painted so this the top of the lid the lid piece you need to paint the top actually with the lid you need to paint everything all the way around okay full perimeter of the lid painted next we will paint just the top of the back and front panels to well we can do this later we'll just do the top of each of the gusset so not the long part just the two short parts okay so our first round of painting and/or burnishing is done so I'm gonna let these dry and then we'll come back okay so now we have to attach some straps and doodads to couple pieces before we continue so go ahead and get your rivet setters either your hand press or whatever you're using and your three little pieces here again I'm sorry about that I totally forgot that we needed two more of these and grab your front panel and then one of your attachments here so we're gonna set we're going to set the rivet of this piece onto here don't look like that over on the other side here put the cap on put the cap on I'm gonna use my rivet setter and just pop that guy in there and there is our little strap closure so you can take this move off to the side now go ahead and grab your gusset you see the ends here like that and what we're going to be doing here is taking one of the little pieces here and we're gonna be feeding it through one side is gonna feed through the - so you might have to widen this a little bit depending on how thick your leather is and how stiff the leather is like this leather is really firm so it's kind of hard to work with here so what you're gonna do is stick this through here take your time so it's like that right and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna put the d-ring in here like this fold it over like that and then rivet that down okay might need the little extra it into the holes here so they line up you can use your scratch awl it's kind of like line up all the holes just like that I'm gonna grab my rivets so just like this make sure it's nice and straight make sure your d-rings in there you don't want to handset the rivet without a d-ring that's what looks like on the back and go ahead and put your cap on bring this forward and there is our first time you can see it's very very strong because it's attaching all three layers like that and do the same exact thing on the other side okay it looks good straighten it out a little bit and now we have the second one on so now our Gossett has both of our D rings attached and our front panel has the strap closure done but it's time to do our first line of stitching go ahead and grab your back panel and your lid and have what we're gonna be doing here is stitching the line from the lid on top of the back panel to make the full back panel okay and you also have to grab your closure strap see how that goes on just like that so I am NOT going to glue this down to the back panel I think it's since there's not an edge that's going to be finished together it's okay if it's just stitched down because it's also going to be riveted but I will put a little bit of glue on the end of the strap closure just to keep it in the right position there just like that then a little bit right there you can use some some needles or anything really you just want to make sure that the stitching holes line up as they're supposed to you can use your scratch awl to mark you know where your rivets are supposed to go that looks good okay so just like that I'm going to leave those two needles in there just let that set for a minute and then we'll come back and we can stitch up everything okay so I'll let that dry for a minute now you're ready to place your lid on top of the stitching line for your back panel line that up nice again you can glue it down if you want so now I'm going to stitch from the second hole into the second hole and I'm not going to go edge to edge just because we're gonna be using this line to stitch up the whole body and it's just more thread in the way so I'm gonna stitch from the second hole in to the second hole in it's a little bit of a pain in the butt at first but once this thing gets attached it's not too bad okay so I'm going to finish the rest of this line here and then we'll come back and look at it okay so when I head in stitched across the top there see now we have our closure strap on and now we are going to set some more rivets okay so as you see we have a rivet here and a rivet here to do the strap so we'll just do that one now looking at the manoeuvre this okay someone okay South away for a second and there is our strat now we're gonna do the handle so just like this okay so with this one you have a little bit of leeway on your angle here so you want to kind of make sure that the angle that the handle goes off on here is a little it's nice and even you don't want it to be like this or like this just something like that just so it's nice and even you can see it on the example here and then go ahead and pop that bad boy on there that is our eyelid with our handle and our clothes were strapped and now we have shaping up here you can see how this folds over it was in like that okay so now it is time to stitch the gosset the gusset sorry everyone yells at me for the way I say I'm sorry I'm from Philadelphia this is how we talked that gusset okay so now it is time to stitch the front panel to the first side of the gusset so just make sure that you're lining it up correctly and that the d-ring is facing the top and you have a couple options here so you can go ahead and not glue it and just stitch it down if you want what I'm going or you can glue the whole thing together and then stitch what I'm going to do is do it in sections I'm going to put a little bit of glue along the first side here glue it down stitch it and then do the bottom around the corners in the bottom glue and stitch and then I'm going to go up the final side here glue and stitch just do it in sections so I will start that just measure out let's get a rough idea doesn't have to be perfect that looks about good and now you're gonna want to go ahead and put it together and match up the holes so the easiest way to do this is to get some spare needles and then your clips and then just line up the holes using the needles and if you did a good job punching your holes all these should line up pretty easily once you get the first few holes here so I'm just gonna like skip two or three put a needle through and then skip another two or three and put the needle through my gosh it all line up pretty nice so now I'm just gonna squeeze it down and if there were some clips on here we want to be extra sure you can move the needles down and keep doing it just like that so now all my holes are lined up on the gussets side and on the front panel here and I'm just gonna let that tack for a minute and then I'll start stitching okay so I let that dry for a minute I can take these needles out put them back and most of these clips I don't need anymore I'll take the top couple off I'll leave the ones towards the bottom for now and now you're gonna want to start stitching if you need help on saddle stitching I did a video a couple years ago you can find in my video feed otherwise there's definitely other good saddle stitching videos out there but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start I'm gonna wrap around the top edge here and then stitch all the way down to somewhere around here and then I'll come back to do the glueing for the bottom just that's a little bit harder around the curve so we'll make sure we get that part good and then we'll continue going so what I'm gonna do here is just start on the second hole out thread it so long and then I'm gonna back stitch once and I'm going to wrap around the edge okay I don't know how easy that is to see on the camera there but I wrapped around the edge and now I'm gonna stitch down to the end of the curb here and then come back okay so I just went ahead and stitched up to the corner here let me um untangle this looking good so far you can see the best part of pre punching all your holes is the front and the back look like the front dude there's no bad looking backside to pre punching so that's why I love to do that on especially on projects like this so now we have to glue down the corner so the corner is a little tougher you have to manhandle this piece a little bit to make sure everything stays together nice but then once it's once you get this one done it's not so bad all right so now we are going to do the same thing we did in the beginning I'm gonna grab some needles and then mark the holes through around this corner okay so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna stitch from where we ended here all the way around our corner to this corner and then we'll come back and do this corner and finish it up when you're marking your needles through here this doesn't have to be like precisely clamped down like like this is like this is so flush if this is up a little bit that's okay because when you stitch it it'll it'll really clamp it down so just make sure that your edges meet up as nicely as possible because you know you're gonna have to paint this or burnish this later and it's bad when like One X inks below the other like one edge so really pay attention to the amount of holes you know make sure your holes are even going through the corner and out of the corner and then make sure that your edges are as even as possible on the top surface level here okay so let's do this and come back okay we are approaching the last second corner here so what I'm gonna do is same thing I did last time I'm just gonna glue glue and then actually I'll start from the top here and then work my way down a little bit easier but this corner is much easier to deal with than the first one now that now that this shape has been made it's not as difficult to glue down okay so now I'm going to fit this fellow right on here okay so that's looking pretty decent I'm gonna let it dry for a second and then I'm going to complete stitching the entire side up here and then we will come back and look at it okay just went ahead and finished up stitching the last side all the way to the end trim off my thread and now you have a nice even stitch line all the way around your gusset and your front panel so next you're gonna do the same exact thing but for the back panel okay so you this one go this one's stitching up into the lid area here has these so these are the top holes and then that just goes on like that so again you can do this however you want you can just stitch it without glue or you can glue it in portions like we did the first time or you can just glue the whole thing down and just do it all in one shot so I think I'm going to do it the same way I did the beginning so there's some glue down and also pay attention to the way you're stitching so I want I want the the front to be what the back is here so I'm gonna start on this side so back top left corner and then stitch around that way the back of the stitching for both sides is in the gusset it's just more even that way again don't be afraid to you know manhandle this gusset piece a little bit if you bend it out like this and makes the stitching easier if you're using a softer leather this doesn't matter as much it's a little tougher at the first part here because now you have three layers okay so I'm gonna let that dry for a minute and then I'm just gonna stitch the whole thing this time I'm gonna do the same thing I did last time off-camera I just kind of stitched it here you know once I get to the end kind of make sure I get the corner set down nice include add some more glue and stitch all the way around so same exact process as the last time except there's no end for you to loop over like the top here so go ahead and do that and then we'll come back and look at it okay just went ahead and finish stitching the back panel on and now you can trim our thread and we're officially done stitching for this project thank God okay so now you're just about done so if you burnished or painted your edges in the beginning you have to do that now for the outside edges here see they're a little scruffy I'm going to take the Dremel sander and sand off and I try to make it nice and even and get the excess glue off and then I'm gonna paint it with my black edge paint [Music] all right so nice and sanded now we will paint okay so I just finished painting all the edges all the way around I'm gonna go let it dry for a second and then we will take a look alright so I let it dry for a couple minutes here and you can see our completed satchel nice a large area for books or like an iPad stuff like that journal when you close it up a little bit here especially with this farmer like Crazy Horse leather I find once you put some stuff in it it actually takes a better shape but see we have the back on top show you the other one for reference here's the one I made previously it's a nice little design so if you already have a strap and you don't need to make one for this then this will be the end of your video thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the template if you are looking to make a shoulder strap we will continue on it'll be the last step so go ahead and move your pieces away and bring out your shoulder strap templates that we cut out in the beginning okay so now let's talk about these for a second on the paper I suggest I'll probably write it on this template actually for the one you're going to download I suggest at least around a 48 inch strap so this is about an inch and a quarter thick or are wide and you're gonna need a 40 at least a 48 inch strap of leather for this piece and then for this one is the exact same size as this template so you just need to cut this template so you're going to want to go ahead and cut out a either using a strap cutter or your ruler a nice strap of whatever leather you're going to use so I'm using the same leather as the satchel since it's not a big satchel I am okay with using a slightly lighter weight strap if that was a bigger size like if that was like a full-size messenger bag I would probably double this up I'd have to double the layers stitch it and then you know that's a nice strong strap or use something heavier but this is fine for this project okay so how this is gonna work is on one end you're going to place your template and see if I can get this on the camera better here over top and trace out the english point here at the tip and then mark these holes okay don't do this part don't do the back end just the front end so you're gonna mark these holes and if you want more holes which a lot of you probably will just slide down the template and then mark more holes accordingly however many you want okay and then on the back end once we have our strap cut to 48 inches here you're just gonna do the rounded edges and then the four marks for rivets okay I have this I have a really long ruler here I'm just going to mark out 48 inches and then cut it okay so this piece is now 48 inches and then I will be using this cutoff piece for the other template the shoulder strap keeper which we'll do later okay so like we talked about on the front side the front end go ahead and line up your template right on top trace out the English point and then Mark through these holes and if you want more holes you just got a lineup line up your template on top of a hole you already punched or marked and then just keep marking down just like that okay so now we are going to cut this cut the English point off and then you're gonna want to go ahead and punch those holes through okay and the size hole-punch you'll use is determined on how how wide the end is on your buckle so this one has a pretty thick end so I kind of had a punch of reasonably sized hole I might even have to make it wider actually okay so that's one side and you can make as many holes as you need and on the other side we're just going to be marking rivets and cutting off those corners there okay and those are four holes for our rivets okay now we are going to set our first trigger snap on the end of this strap so go ahead and grab your trigger snap put it on the end fold it over and pop your rivets on okay and our first part of the shoulder strap is done it's time for the second part so go ahead and put you can put it anywhere on here because we're going to cut it down and you're gonna want to go ahead and mark all your rivet holes and then trace around the edges and the slot punch I'm just gonna mark the barriers here so I know where the centre line is if you really want to just hold this here and punch this through you can do that too as well yeah I might make a little indent if I can't so I have this design for a one inch slot punch but you can use whatever you want and you can also just cut this out with a knife if you don't have a slot punch okay so I am going to now cut this out and now you're going to punch your holes there's all of our rivet holes and I'll do your slot punch okay now we have all of our holes popped out time to do our rivets and attach all right thing here alright first we'll do the trigger snap so go to the side without the slot punch and same thing as we did last time wrap it around line up your holes and set your rivets all right one down and this one make sure you do this right otherwise you're gonna have to take it apart and get a new one or make a new one so the tongue goes to the left wrap it through oops even I didn't do it right come under put it through put the center part through the slot wrap it around the center bar just like that and then the same thing pop your rivets on and that is the second part so let's clear all this off and look at our strap and then look at our completed satchel okay so here's our finished strap here's the bottom piece and the shoulder strap piece looking good if you want to add a shoulder pad something that looks like this that you can just pop onto your piece like this I have a free template set for a bunch of different designs and a bunch of different sizes it'll be linked in the description below it's another part of the bag series so you can go ahead and download that pattern pack and you can create a nice shoulder pad for your satchel all right so let's attach everything up here I want to go ahead and throw your side piece on there and then obviously you put this over your shoulder and adjust it to whatever size fits you best like that fold that on there if you wanted to make an extra little keeper I don't have one part of the template but you can just make a nice little loop and it'll hold the rest of the strap here that will complete the basic map case template set if you have any questions feel free to post them in the comment section below or you can email me directly I'll help out as best as I can and thanks for watching
Views: 146,923
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Keywords: leather pdf pattern, free leather patterns, free leather pdf templates, free satchel template, satchel pattern pdf, corter leather, free bag pattern, free leather bag pattern, bag template
Id: xgpoZGSGN0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 9sec (4869 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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