Homemade Router Plane - Scrapwood Challenge ep25

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scrapwood challenge scrapwood challenge its scrap its crap its firewood but some of the wood is good I'll put that aside and while the glue setting I'll start making the cutter for the cutter you need nothing more than a chisel a 10 or 12 mil will probably be what you'd want the handle will make the router a little bit unbalanced so if you've got an old chisel you could cut it off and use that as a dedicated cutter for the router I'm going to make my own cutter and I've got these scrap pieces of 1075 steel from knives that I've made another option is to make one out of an old file and I'll plane blade or any other type of high-carbon steel that you can think of some of you may remember Fergus the forge pig he hasn't been used for a while and I thought it'd be perfect for this project just to show that you don't need fancy equipment or an expensive forge to be able to heat treat a small blade like this and it's very cheap and very easy to make it gives you a chance to try this sort of thing out and if you like it you can always build a better forge later on I'm heating it til the end is cherry red I only need to hard in the last inch or so and then I'll check with the magnet and when it loses its magnetism that means it's at there our temperature and I'll quench it in vegetable oil the blade now could be sharpened but it would be very brittle and it would more than likely chip so what we do now is to temper it and that adds some strength back into the blade and to temper it it just needs to go in the oven for a couple of hours at 210 degrees centigrade that was easy enough but as I said earlier if you prefer you could just use a chisel now we'll get on to the scrap wood part of the video and start making the router body before I pull this apart and discard the top base I'm going to make use of it because I need to put it in the vise and what I need to do that for is I'm going to carve out a depression in the back and that's to put your thumbs you don't need to do that but it will be more comfortable that way the marking for it is actually on the template here even though that's on the top I need to transfer that for the bottom you could print another template but I'm just gonna carry on round and I'm just gonna eyeball it and do what I think looks about right that's pretty tough to get apart and it just goes to show that hot glue is really actually pretty good cuz there isn't even much glue left there I don't think but I should be able to work a knife around that was only a few dabs and there was no way I was going to do it without a bit of leverage keep testing it and make sure that it feels comfortable in your hands I need to make this depression on the back a bit wider and I'm going to round these corners off but apart from that it's feeling pretty good now I need to secure the blade and I'm going to do that with this stainless steel bolt but first of all I'm going to round it off and then I'm going to have a go at knurling it by hand it's a very crude method you probably saw it in my marking gauge video it's not perfect but it sort of works and the idea is, is we'll clamp a file against the head of the bolt and we'll put a bit of pressure on there then we'll hit the file and the file will slide through the vise and as it does it'll rotate the head of the bolt and leave an imprint of the file on there and it doesn't look too bad it sort of works so you need a couple of pieces of tin one for the file to slide against and the other one to protect the knurling that we've just made on the head so I'll just clamp that up put a fair bit of pressure on there but not too much and use an old file because there's every chance it may break just eyeballing the center and somewhere around the center there we'll drill a hole and tap it a router plane is used to clean up and level any type of recess that requires a uniform depth like a dado or a shallow mortise or even a recess for a hinge I like the design and I'm happy with it but there's one improvement needs doing the blade here needs a little bit more support and I could have done that by drilling this hole smaller I'll change the template and I'll remake it what's happening is the blade is sticking out a bit too far and it's chattering it does work but it would work better and I'm confident that will fix it hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did please like and subscribe thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Pask Makes
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Keywords: paskmakes, pask, pask makes
Id: 6XhXf4uKX0g
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Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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