Make 400v 18 Amps 3-Phase Bridge Rectifier from 1-Phase Rectifier for 12V Generator

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hi guys you are watching channel  mr electron and this what you see   is a vanco kbbc 3510 bridge rectifier single phase  with a maximum current rating of up to 35 amperes   so today in this video i'm going to modify it  into a three-phase rectifier for wind turbine   generators so these what you see are diodes  okay and each diode has a rating of around a six   amperes so i'm going to use these to convert  this single phase into a three-phase rectifier   and with a current rating of up to 18 ampere so  guys the first step is to make two sets of three   diodes okay three on this side and three  on this side let's keep these on one side   now this gray side that you see this indicates  the negative so what i'm going to do is connect   all the negative sides of these three  diodes together okay so let's do that so guys the soldering part of the first set  has been completed all the negatives on one   side and all the positives one on one side  okay same for this set all the negatives and   all the positives now guys both the diode sets  have been completed okay this is the negative   side for all the three diodes and same for this  one so let's talk about this set okay so the   negative side of this set will be connected to the  positive stated terminal of this rectifier okay okay let's move on to the next one now guys in  a rectifier if this side is positive then its   diagonal opposite is the negative okay so this one  is the negative terminal of this bridge rectifier   so to the negative terminal the positive  side of the diode will be connected which is   this side okay gray one is always negative  so the other side automatically becomes   positive okay so let's do that yeah positive terminal of the bridge  rectifier has also been connected   now this one and the diagonal opposite this  one these two are the ac terminals so we   will connect the wires afterwards but this  one to which the diode has been connected   and this one to which the other set of the diodes  has been connected these two are the plus and   minus output terminals for the three phase dc  rectifier and since the output current is high   so i'm going to connect the wire of similar rating  okay to this one and this one so let's do that so guys here as you can see that  i've connected the two wires   to the positive and the negative respectively  and now comes the time for the three-phase ac   terminal connection the first one is going  to be this one at which the diodes meet okay   this point this will be connected first and to  this terminal i'm going to connect the red wire so guys now comes the final connection  okay let's turn this wire like this like   uh this side is going to be the three-phase  side and this side is going to be the dc   high current output side so uh two more wires are  needed which i'm going to use these so let's take   blue one doesn't matter which color wire  you take all of them are ac so you see this   terminal okay here as i showed you it's showing  the ac sign so this will be connected over here   like this done and this terminal black this  will be connected to the last terminal that   is left out and move it like this same for this  one and we have our 400 volts and up to 18 amps   three phase full bridge rectifier so guys the part  one was about the construction of this three-phase   rectifier and this part the second part is going  to be about its testing with the help of this   three-phase brushless generator which actually  is a motor but i'm going to use it as a generator   so guys for the connection of the rectifier  to the generator is simple this this and this   these three wires are the three phase wires which  will be connected to the three terminals of the   three phase generator okay so let's do that done  second also done and yeah so all the three wires   from the bridge rectifier have been connected to  the alternator after which comes your multimeter   now to the final dc output terminals from the  rectifier the multimeter pins will be connected   and first what we are doing is the voltage  measurement so giving it the simple hand rotation   you see two volts and no locking at all because  there is no load it's only voltage measurement   let's see the maximum i can do with hand  rotation five volts i think there are 5.1   so 5.1 was the max i could do let's move on to the  root testing keep watching the display screen okay go so as you saw it was 24 volts  dc maximum no short circuit perfect   moving on to the load testing let's  remove the terminals now here what we   have is a 55 watts car headlamp bulb that i am  connecting to the rectifier output terminals okay so you saw that it was glowing but obviously it  was a little hard for me to rotate the shaft when   it was under load okay that was pretty bright  let's turn off the lights and give it one more   chance i have turned off the lab lights completely  and now only the camera lights are on okay that was pretty awesome now guys i have another  better replacement for this generator okay this is   not actually a generator it is a bldc motor that  acts like a generator when rotated which is this   one a real wind turbine alternator 400 watts so  let's do the connections and obviously it is going   to generate more power at the same input load  because the difference between a wind turbine   generator and a bldc motor is the matching  between the number of stator and rotor pools   guys have done a little change i have placed the  alternator now twice and the three wires have been   connected to the three phase bridge rectifier  with output connected to the 12 volts bulb   okay so let's get on with the test okay first i'm going to start easy  you see it is going pretty good   now i'm going to put more power to the  shaft and i've also turned off the lights   and yes increased the length of the rope  because the pulley is bigger okay go wow   you see that at the same power i would say that  it was a little bit easier than before once again see you
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 94,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr electron, mr. electron, make, 12v, rectifier, 3 phase, 1 phase, 3-phase, 1-phase, generator, 12v generator, 1-Phase Rectifier, single phase, three phase, mr electron youtube
Id: Zm9svIlPXGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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