Major vs Minor Blues Scale

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what is up guys it's Simon from piano Pig con and recently I've been getting quite a few questions on what is the difference between the minor and major blue scales and there always seems to be a little bit of confusion when people just say the blues scale so you know doesn't mean major or minor so that's what this video is all about and if you enjoy what you see head over to piano pig calm and have a think about signing up to my membership I've got loads of courses and resources and all sorts of useful stuff but for now let's learn about the blue scales [Music] we're going to start this off by having a recap of the pentatonic scales we're going to do this around G so we're gonna have a look at the G minor pentatonic scale and then the G major pentatonic scale this is how the G minor pentatonic scale looks [Music] minor pentatonic scales are constructed using the 1 flat 3 4 5 & 7 and they produce a really nice sound a great scale for beginner improvisers and if we have a look at the G major pentatonic scale that looks like this [Music] major pentatonic scales are constructed using the one two three five and six and again they create a really nice clean sound so we've got our minor pentatonic and our major pentatonic now to construct the minor blues scale all we do is take the minor pentatonic and add the flat five and that's what gives it that bluesy sound so that's the minor blues and that's probably the one that you're already familiar with when people just say the blues scale almost all of the time they are talking about the minor blues scale it's just so much more common and more used than the major blues scale so how do we play the major blues scale well if we go back to our G major pentatonic all we need to do in order to transform this into the major blues scale is add the flat three and again this scale provides a very nice clean easy to listen to bluesy kind of sound so here's our minor blues scale and here's our major blues scale [Music] now something that's quite important to keep in mind is that the major blue scale contains exactly the same notes as the relative minor blues scale and vice versa so what do I mean by this well if we look at our G major blues scale the relative minor key of G major is a minor and if we play the e minor blues scale we can see that it contains exactly the same notes is our G major blues scale so I'm sure some of you might use that little trick of soloing over a major key using the relative minor blues scale so if you had something in G major you might solo over it using the e minor blues scale but really you're just soloing using the G major blues scale so hopefully that clears up some of the confusion there is between the major and minor blues scale and what people mean when they just say the blues scale I hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful if you did make sure to smash that like button subscribe to the channel and I will see you next time
Channel: PianoPig
Views: 176,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: major vs minor blues scale, difference between blues scales, major blues scale, minor blues scale, blues scale, difference, pentatonic scale, theory, improvisation, blues, jazz, pianopig, piano pig
Id: WWEchKvZwdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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