Major Scale Part 1: where everyone should start

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hi aussie pax long time no see maui senor in this episode important theorist music the major scale this is the foundation of all western music and probably now once you understand this you will have a new perspective guitar solos and improvisation ready two parts you can think of a key as a library of notes that work together in harmony makes sense we will use a scale path one we will talk about the major key the major scale and the patterns you need to memorize to get everything under your sleeve so part tournament we will talk about chords and how it should influence your note choices game let's start with the key there are 12 distinct notes to european or western music namely c c sharp d e flat e f f sharp g g sharp a b flat b now these are just 12 notes but as you can see it's a guitar or piano there are more than 12 things you can press so panion now that's because your notes are you ulitlan i'll arrange it in a circle for you to better visualize this so for example if we start from a c and start playing one fret after the other [Music] you will hear now after the 12th note which is a b your next note is [Music] e but higher now that is what we call an octave [Music] and the same thing happens if we move backwards so all in italian notes the fretboard is on guitar and in standard tuning now it's hard to make music using all of these notes well some can pero parma pada natin we can pick specific notes that make sense with each other a library of notes in harmony and this library is what we call a key and it can be a major or a minor key but for now we will just focus on major keys del etto foundation and western music theory now a key will always have a center note or what we call a tonic based atomic nato so for example c major it will have a tonic c [Music] same goes for d major d or say g sharp g sharp so we have 12 major keys sound wise dalmarentine 12 distinct notes so back at important is because songs are written following a specific key or note library and it will as much as possible keep using the same notes harmony jiggle jiggle is in key of c major and c-sharp major has the notes c-sharp d-sharp e sharp f-sharp g-sharp a sharp b sharp and back to c-sharp so this means a jiggle jiggle the notes of the song will only revolve around this notes so if you know the notes of c sharp you can write your own lines and it will sound okay pakta muktuka with jiggle jiggle [Music] which is sort of an instruction for us to find the notes of a key and since we are talking about the major keys ang scale nailang i you guess it right major scale so the major scale has the formula tone tone semitone tone tone tone semitone but what is a tone in the semitone okay it's a space between notes or what we call intervals a tone is two notes away from a reference note say g atone from g is a and the semitone is half of that so one note away this is g sharp so tone semitone [Music] so let's apply that formula to the key of c major let's have our chromatic circle here para masma visualizing what is happening the notes so since this is the key of c major so c is our origin note or tonic now according to our formula the next note is atone from c so a tone from c will give us d at another tone we will have e at a semitone we will have f g another tone a another tone b and finally a semitone taking us back to our tonic c which is now an octave higher and you can repeat the pattern and you will get the same notes namaste [Music] [Applause] to summarize your notes none key of c major i c d e f g a t and back to our tonic c now let's translate the notes of the key of c majors a guitar kanina we plotted all of the twelve notes of fretboard which is basically every note possible pero ion and a highlight long native of c major and it will look like this now if i play this notes on top of a c major song random sequence i will sound like as if i know what i'm doing [Music] so we will divide this to five unique shapes and if you remember the notes just repeat after 12 frets so we just have to memorize a few shapes to cover the entirety of the fretboard by octave so there are five shapes that you need to memorize by heart and this is position one [Music] now i know it's weird that it started in the middle tapas antagonite in a position one pero an important casidito ayung ship and this is position one dial this shape starts with the tonic c your key [Music] later this will be very important for now proceed is a position two three four and five so position two [Music] [Applause] position 3 [Music] [Applause] position 4 [Music] well you can play that here [Music] and lastly position five [Music] for total beginners it's okay to prioritize positions one three and five dial positions and typically nega appear yuma guitar lines so now that you have the notes of the key of c major what you can do is just play the positions over a c major progression feel the harmony and you can also start creating your own melodies [Music] do it may sound unstable foreign is you let your fingers be familiar with the shape and the stretches so c major scale done vero parana mansai monkeys now let's go back to our chromatic circle let's try the key of b major so now the tonic is b let's apply the formula from our tonic b tone is c sharp tone d sharp semitone e tone f sharp tone g sharp tone a sharp and finally a semitone b resolving to our tonic octave now we highlight that in your notes in key of b major is a fretboard do you notice something young general pattern b major c major since b is one semitone lower than c so if we do them at atraslang lahatna is a position [Music] now what can we conclude from that shifting on scale this means young distance long target tonic net and from c will be the same amount of shifts notes on c major scale but target scale so for example you want the major d is to have steps above c so i don't see one two d so d major scale is just c major scale plus two frets [Music] so for example let me know you want the key of a major so a is three half steps below c so c [Music] they buy so angosa ballistic work around this utilizing position 1. [Music] important position this position has the tonic as its first note so what we can do is simply memorize all of the notes a low e string which is very easy the helmet on a 12 notes and 12 fret so from the open string e f f g so from here we sort of have a map of notes and think of position one and its tonic as the angkor ira patna target na scale nathan so for example gagametron on g major scale is a low e string and then position one [Music] g major scale now to find the other positions we just need to remember the distances no other positions relative to the tonic so balik monetizes c major roulette to analyze so again this is position one [Music] and position three is just four frets above the tonic so if this is your tonic one two three four that's your position three and position five is three frets below the tonic so one two three nano position five so if we're gonna use a different key since everything will move diba the relative distances will remain the same so let's go back to g major to test this out so again position one attend [Music] so from our tonic plus four frets one two three four that's your position three so supposition five numbers atomic tap was minus three frets one two three open string and then apply your position five [Music] green play so as i mentioned along to know the distances num positions two and four kahenyon so okay let's hear g major scale in context [Music] okay so to wrap things up a key is a library or group of notes that work together resolving to a tonic or a central note a scale is an instruction or a sequence of notes dividing an octave and for this instance we use the major scale to find the notes of the major keys pero ang scales indiana tapos dito you will find a lot of different scales that don't necessarily produce the sound of major keys some sound exotic jazzy the skills are meant to help you track down another library major scale mania minor scale pentatonic etc [Music] the scale shapes are not guitar lines think of them as pieces of a whole map note maps and you are free to roam around and craft your own sounds too long at all but yes okay for now since the muscle and visual memory pio okay anyway what i'm just trying to say theory-wise it does not end here once you get over this learning curve and next step now is how to choose notes from the scale [Music] you see the more we become intentionals and no choices nothing mustn't gigging interesting human alliance okay as a part 2 we will talk about navigating the scale in the context of chords in a key and we will talk about chord theory and target notes so see you soon part 2 aussie pax sangasemoli glam [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PAX
Views: 354,930
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Keywords: pax is back, pax major scale, pax scale, major scale, major keys, scale patterns, scale exercise, tagalog scales, filipino scales, pinoy guitar, guitar solo, how to solo using scales, IONIAN MODE, chord tones, chord theory, music theory, majer scale, music theory pax, pax music theory part 1, pax major scale part 1
Id: wp-DFJrrPXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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