Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On (feat. MØ) (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Major Lazer Official
Views: 3,010,565,644
Rating: 4.8405728 out of 5
Keywords: major lazer, DJ Snake, Lean on, Major lazer lean on, lean on major lazer, dj snake lean on, lean on dj snake, major lazer dj snake, lean on music video, major lazer music video, MØ, music video, diplo, jillionaire, walshy fire, Peace is the mission, majorlazer, Major Laser, major laser songs, major lazer musique, chanson de major lazer, chanson major lazer, tube de l'été 2015, son de l'été 2015, leon on, india, bollywood, indie dance, fortnite, major lazer fortnite
Id: YqeW9_5kURI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2015
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